Brazilian Blowout nightmare

by Jodie
(Florida )

I have had the Brazilian blowout done several times, but this time- a month ago, I developed a horrible rash. I am terrified. I thought it was ringworm or staph infection. My hair is falling out, I have a rash all over my face and body, including my scalp. I have been using ringworm treatment and was put on both an antibiotic for possible staph and an anitifingal med in case it was a fungus (online doctor) and nothing is helping! All of a sudden I see these posts about the product that I put on my hair and realizing it must be the formaldehyde- which Coppola’s Brazilian Blowout claims is formaldehyde free???? I can not believe this. I have an auto immune disease and I catch everything- but I never thought about the hair treatment! Does anyone here have an itchy rash like this? Please tell me how to get this formaldehyde out of my hair- accepting all advice, please help!

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