Could I go with a bright red colour?

by Brooke

I want to get bright red hair like Ariana Grande. I have light skin, not very tan or anything but not super pale either. I have dark brown eyes that get lighter for some reason and i have darkish to lightish brown hair (it get lighter from the sun).

Some pictures of me right now:

Please tell me if that would look good on me. thanks:) (yes my skin looks dark in the picture but its lighter than it looks) (I also have natural red highlights, my mom has natural bright red hair)

Answers and Comments for Could I go with a bright red colour?

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Bright red is fun
by: Nancy

It will suit you just fine. Ariana’s hair color is bright red violet. Fortunately this kind of color can suit both skin with cool and warm tones. With the right mixture you can pull this off nicely. The trick is in the mixture of red and violet. If you think you are fair but slightly cool (blue/green undertones) then add more violet and if you are fair and warm (yellow/red undertones) then add more bright red and less violet. I have applied this color to many clients even some with olive skin and they turned out perfect.

Ariana is naturally brown and she looks gorgeous with this color. Going from brown to a striking contrast bright red like this will have a big impact on your wardrobe though! On short hair it is "less" noticeable but on longer hair the result could be overwhelming – and beautiful!

This is a very high maintenance hair color. First time application could be stressful because moving from brown to bright red is not easy. Bleach is not necessarily unless hair is too dark or black (each hair is different). But once the hair is successfully dyed then it can be maintained with "non-harsh" semi permanent colors (6% or 9% volume) every 3 weeks. Yes a touch-up and color application to rest of hair is highly recommended every three weeks! Ask your stylist about maintenance cost before you make any decision. Good luck!

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