Donating Hair to Wigs for Kids
Every year, many of the 12,000* children who are diagnosed with cancer will lose their hair as a result of medical treatments. Other children are diagnosed with alopecia areata, a hereditary condition that results in total hair loss over the entire body. Some children lose their hair as a result of burns. And some children develop a psychological condition that drives them to pull out their own hair uncontrollably. Are you planning to cut your hair? There are ways to help.

Making a Difference
Whatever the cause, the results are the same: At a time when children find themselves struggling with painful and difficult medical conditions, they must also deal with the potentially crippling blow to their self-esteem that results from the loss of their hair.
Wigs for Kids was created to help these children feel like themselves again. Established in 1993 in Rocky River, Ohio by Jeffrey and Zina Paul, internationally acclaimed hair designers who made their first wig for their own young niece when she was undergoing chemotherapy treatments for leukemia, Wigs for Kids now creates at least 60 full hairpieces a year for children whose parents cannot afford to pay. The charity never turns down a request for assistance.
United Kingdom and Ireland
The Little Princess Trust is a children’s cancer charity that supply real-hair wigs to children suffering with cancer, for the duration of their treatment - free of charge, across the UK and Ireland. The charity so far has helped over 1,200 boys and girls.
So, if you're a longhair who's ready to cut loose and change your image, give it up for a worthy cause and help change the life of a child.
Hair massacure is a local head shaving event in Alberta, Canada. Inspired by a four year-old leukemia patient, this fantastic event is supported by volunteers to help raise funds for sick children in need. You can show your support by donating your hair for wigs or by shaving your head bald. Alternatively you can go with short pink hair in Mohawk style or any other funky style. Experience what a cancer patient feels to be bald....and beautiful.
For more detail visit