Extremely dry hair under the sun

I used to have a nice silky hair but from the time dandruff started spreading in my hair it has changed completely. After eight years of suffering i succeeded to monitor that problem and get rid of dandruff but i found out that my prolonged sun exposure has caused a huge damage to my hair leaving it inflexible and completely unmanageable.

It doesn't maintain its softness more than two to three days if i avoid sun exposure but it's worse when i go under the sun and it becomes extremely dry and rough to touch. I really don't know what to do. i've tried my best but no tangible results.
Thank you for helping me out.

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Jun 22, 2009
Damage treatment

Its most likely the hair been exposed to sun in too long and has nothing to do with dandruff. Obviously hair has lost its natural moisture and must be conditioned. Deep salon conditioning treatment is always recommended but you can also purchase home kit conditioning treatment for dry hair and do it in comfort of your own home. If you already tried conditioning and still experience dry hair, then your hair cuticle been damaged and lost its ability to retain the moisture. Ask for damage treatment products like protein or keratin treatments. These products will help to lock the moisture inside the hair shaft.

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