For: NJ hairdresser who LOVES his staff
by Boston SE
I'm very concerned about your post here on this website. I am excited about offering the procedure to clients as its really the most remarkable hair straightener available. I haven't had any issues with the product yet, only that a few clients do say it stings their head for a few minutes during the beginning of the process. But, so does your average haircolor and perm solutions... So far, everybody has been very happy with the results.
I'm curious if your post is just hyperbole. Could you give us the data with regards to what your staff experienced? Did anybody on the staff have a pre-existing respiratory illness? Unusual sensitivity to vapors, hairspray, etc... How many members of your staff were effected? Clients? How did you go about seeking help and what did the doctors tell you? Were you speaking to a credible physician? This information would be much more helpful to us all vs posting things as alarming as using the Keratin Complex will result in certain death.
I'm hoping this isn't another case of hysterical reporting. The data sincerely would be better received.