I want Raven Black Locks!

by Lesley

Black Raven - Photo added by site admin

Black Raven - Photo added by site admin

Ok So I can't determine if my skin is "cool" or warm" Because it seems like I'm mixed. I have gray-green eyes, they are very light in color.

I have fair skin, and if I wear vibrant red colors I look too pink or red in the skin, I have naturally dark hair, I think it was described as medium brown, and in the sunlight it looks like it has a red tint, I am not sure if I actually have peaches and cream complexion or no undertones or pink undertones, I get freckles in the summer whenever I burn first. I have no idea.

I know they are many shades of black. Maybe it doesn't have to be black maybe it can be brown black and just look black at first glance?
But I want black or something close to it lol. I want a different look and not many people choose black hair for a different look.

Can anyone help me? Please? Thanks!

Go for it
by: N.F.

There is nothing wrong with choosing a hair color you like and certainly nothing wrong with black.
Black is a neutral hair color and it means with very few exceptions, almost anyone can wear black hair color. Its a matter of personal choice. If you like it, then go for it.

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Nov 09, 2011
Dark ash brown!
by: Anonymous

I'm a natural dirty blonde, who has dyed my hair every color under the rainbow, including black. I recently went back to platinum blonde, but for whatever reason, wasn't feeling it this time. I wanted the drama of dark hair again! So I used L'Oreal's Dark Ash Brown, which is as you said "black at first glance". It has all of the drama of black but it's richer and warmer, so it doesn't have the harshness that black can have on pale skin. In fact, my skin somehow looks clearer and my complexion looks less red than it has with any other color! I love it! Highly recommended!

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