Layered Hair Styles
Layered hair styles and cutting hair into different length will create contrasting looks and provide internal texture. Layering can be used to increase body and volume or it can be used to decrease weight.
Layering adds a new and interesting dynamic to short or medium-length hair. To create modern finish look it's best to use a flat iron to straight the ends and prevent them from flicking out. Reference to samples on this page

Bangs or Not
Sweeping side or heavy and fragile looking fringes (bangs) makes a big difference and are ideal for fashionable and "timeless" hair styles like Dido's hair.

There are different types of layering, and you can either have subtle or extreme layers. The above haircuts are more toward the extreme side of this technique.

Adding Interest
Colors surely add interest to a layered hairstyle. There are several techniques that could be used by stylist. One way is to place a block of colors halfway down the hair length and let it enhance the shape of existing layering and turn it into something new and fabulous! If you like transitional color works like natural-looking ombres then you would love this!
More Layered Hairstyles for You
Layers can be incorporated into all sorts of styles and different cutting angles produce different result. Which one is suitable for you? That would depend on your taste of style, hair length and type.

All following styles have some sort of layering. Some intense and some slightly layered. Just let your fingers do the job and look into those that mostly appeal to you.