Medium Brown Hair to Auburn Or Jet-Black ?
My hair color and skin tone...
I have a naturally medium brown hair with very brownish auburn highlights and super pale skin. I'd like to go either Auburn or jet-black but I'm not quite sure... Any ideas?
Medium Brown to Black?
By Flo Briggs
I think that either color black or auburn will be fine. If you go with black, remember that going back lighter will be difficult So another idea will be doing both, meaning doing low lites in black on the color that you have now and after cover the whole hair with auburn color , to brighten up the color that is left over , use this mixture with 30 volume developer.
Avoid jet black
By zoothair
Warm up your look to an auburn.
The jet black thing is:
1. Severe
2. Hard to un-do
3. More a social statement than a fashion choice
You have options with a nice warm auburn, you can let it fade. From jet black there is really nowhere to go next.
Except very short :)