Picking an un-natural under color, any ideas?

by Chelsey Caswell
(New York, New York)

Hair Style

Hair Style

Hi, I have blue-green eyes, and light olive hued skin (the only way you can see the olive is if it is against white) I look good with red hair, brown and Black. (I look very strange with blonde hair.) And it looks the best with a short bob-like, style.

I am not sure if that gives you an idea of what I am working with.

I have had a variety of hair colors but all of them natural (red, black and brown). I want to do a natural black, but want to do a non-natural color for tips/underside. So Black on the top, with a non-natural color (blue, red, green, purple etc) poking through.

I am stuck as to what non-natural color would look the best. Any ideas? I like my hair black because it makes my eyes pop. I want the under color to do the same. Any ideas?

The picture provided is what the cut looks like. Imagine it black with some wild under color poking through.

Any ideas?


Trendy colors

By: Stylist
Earthly in Nature colors are very much in trend these days and it goes for creative colors (un-natural if you wish!) as well. If you like to stay with latest trend in high-tech colors, then I recommend deep amethyst purple or port wine red colors. Just another thought!

Have fun!

Similar Colour

By: -
As you've got similar coloured skin and darker colours suit you. I've got to recommend trying the Magenta (it's a dark strong pink, which I never expected to suit me). 'Stargazer' have the best un-natural colours and when it washes out you just use a new one. I did like purple, but everyone told me the pink one suited me best (I did dark purple, violet, dark blue, peacock blue and a strong red aswell).

Try that one I think you'll be surprised how much you like it...or the 'royal blue' it would maybe suit your eyes.

Blue or Red

By: N.F.
The best match is hot red or vibrant blue. Black look great with those colors and the overall look also suit your skin tone. For a true vibrant and good looking blue color, the hair must be bleached in those areas. Another alternative is hair extension.

Answers and Comments for Picking an un-natural under color, any ideas?

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by: emi(:

I suggest dyeing your top layer of hair black now. Then use unnatural wash-out colors (i.e. blue, red, pink, green) to see what you think is best. Even take a pic of you in each color to decide. At the moment I, myself, have medium length hair (just above my bust) my hair layered and is a dark auburn(natural color) with brown lowlights with one blue streak on my middle layer of hair, so I know what its like to try out a bunch of different colors !
But on your description of yourself a dark purple might look good.

Some good sources
by: Randy in N. Wisconsin

Hop on the Internet and look through Flickr under hair color, wild hair color, etc. Also try Model Mayhem and look through some of the galleries there. Both these sources have thousands of different hair styles and colors.
Enjoy your hair adventure and don't forget to post it once you've chosen a color!


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