Reaction to Keratin Hair Treatment

My hair is frizz free after paying two hundred dollars to my hair stylist. I did have to sit through the harsh smell while I wore the mask while the hairstylist was wearing his mask and straightening my hair.

However,I have a big dilemma. My hair has been shedding, almost falling out, from the follicle. I'll run my fingers through it and 7 or 8 strands of hair will be removed at a time.

This is heart breaking to me,and I'm thinking maybe at some point it will stop, however, it has been almost 3 weeks and it's still happening.
I almost wish my hair was frizzy again and that it wasn't shedding like this.

Can someone please advise if there is a way to reverse the process?

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Aug 27, 2021
keratin perm
by: sabrina

Hi, my name is Sabrina. I am writing to you from Italy to report the same problem. At the beginning of June I had a Keratin perm. There was no formaldehyde but Cysteamine. Obviously the hairdresser assured me that it was an organic, natural product. Now I'm also the one to count hair ..... total desperation. I wanted to ask you how long the hair loss has subsided, ask if you have had a scalp biopsy, if you have noticed any improvement using minoxidil or cortisone. I thank everyone who can help me.

Aug 17, 2020
please help! hair loss after keratin treatment
by: I Am Groot

i had make keratin treatment 3 months ago and i was suffering from itching and like red patches but i was taking medication and these red patches disappear and i'm not feeling itchy anymore but i still losing hair! PLEASE if someone can help me what to do , btw i start taking minoxidil 5% (i'm male) 2 weeks ago. so if someone had the same problem can you help me please and i'm frightening if the hair will grow back or not. please help!

Jul 12, 2020
Keratin treatment
by: I Am Groot

Hey everyone. It makes me feel so much better after reading others experience what i did.
Had a keratin treatment about 3 years ago. Repenting ever since. Hairfall started within a week with dandruff. Had to wash my hair every other day for the oilyness. At tge two year mark the dandruff vanished and hair tends to be less oily..can pass 3 days without washing. However still like 80 strands lost per wash!!!!
The top has a bald patch and overall thinning of hair.
I started using Rogaine out of desperation 3 months ago, i don't know if it's working.
No hormonal imbalance at all.
27 year old female.
I dunno what will help.

May 12, 2020
by: Catlover

Haven't posted in awhile, it will be 4 years in July since B.B. Hair is coming in shiny and in much better condition and I have been coloring it. It is just past my shoulders. Now that the dried frizzies are mostly gone, I can see and feel that it's thinner especially sides. It's like a band of thinness from the sides to the back. My hair before was exceptionally thick. It probably looks normal to most people but I know what my hair was like before and there's a big difference. I'm grateful that it has filled in and no scalp is showing, but I do miss how thick it was. I was supposed to see Dr. Tosti for my yearly check up. Due to COVID19 the appointment was cancelled. I'm still on Finesteride and I was going to ask her if I should stop. I'll reschedule when she's seeing patients again. Hope everyone is doing well during this crazy time.

Dec 16, 2019
by: Anonymous

7 years update
I posted a couple of years ago with positive feedback and came back again. Hair is completely normal. No irritation, no scalp pain and no hair loss. Hair is thicker and the shine is back.
Hang in there.. don’t waste your money on doctors and products. Whatever entered our scalps will eventually leave. This monster messed up my hormones as well. Had bv for years because of it but everything subdued. Took about 5 years which is crazy.

Oct 02, 2019
It’s been 5 years of hair loss after Brazilian HS
by: Sandra

I’ve been commenting on this forum for five years now. I have been consumed by the pain of my daughter’s hair loss after a Brazilian Hair straightening treatment in North West London - England . I have read the comments on this forum almost daily and I have cried at my story and at the story of others many, many times. I’ve made the decision, after 5 years, that I will try to stop letting it consume my life in the way that it has been and to attempt to move on. I thought I would tell my story one last time on here and then try very, very hard to check in to read comments, perhaps once a month instead of almost daily...very few people seem to comment on here these days anyway..
So 5 years ago, I paid for my then 16 year old daughter to have her hair straightened . The treatment used was laden with formaldehyde and she was given a towel to cover her face during the treatment. Her hair stayed straight for two years before it began to curl again which tells you how strong this hair straightening product was, compared to others. It made her hair poker straight , too straight , it hung lifelessly and seemed constantly greasy after she had had it done . Within a few days I notice a bald patch on top of her head and this got progressively bigger and bigger . A top London specialist diagnosed it as female hair baldness as the follicles on her scalp were miniaturised. Hair loss continued for a whole year with hairs all over her pillow every morning. So there were now two issues : a bald patch on the top of her head and all over thinning . All this began within days of the hair straightening. I asked the specialist if her hair would grow back and was told that female hair baldness was permanent. I said that it wasn’t female hair baldness as it had been a sudden loss ( within days not weeks or months ) and straight after the Brazilian and she wouldn’t listen to me . 5 years later, her hair is way thinner than it used to be but she has all over coverage , the bald patch on top of her head has filled in and hair looks ok although thinner than before . When she puts her hair in a ponytail the sides are balder than they used to be - she used to have thick thick hair.. but it’s acceptable . If you didn’t know what her hair was like before you wouldn’t think there was anything wrong . I will always hate the man that straightened her hair and the equally awful man that imports the products from Brazil to sell to him. I will always blame myself for not thinking it through before allowing her to have the treatment. I won’t post again unless somebody writes something that needs answering or commenting on or if I have any further information to help anyone else . I will try not to check in here too often although I will keep an occasional eye on the comments. To those of you that have suffered from straightening your hair in this way, I send you good wishes and send a heartfelt thank you to those of you that have taken the time to comment on here. You have given me more support than you’ll ever know .. xxxxxxx

Jun 22, 2019
Update Hi Everyone
by: Missy

I was just looking at some posts and the part about chemicals is the bras is very interesting. Thank you for that. I have some Soma bras that I have a reaction to since they were changed from how they were originally made years ago and I wonder if there’s something to it. So sorry to read of folks still battling this awful hair thing.

I wanted to come on to say that due to my shampoos and conditioners not really moisturizing, etc anymore (I have been using only the all natural Just Nutritive for years now), I chose one at the regular store that seemed more natural relatively than other regular shampoos, Maui. I chose one for frizzy hair and I loved the smell and how my hair turned out soft and smoother. I then bought the conditioner. Usually, I was avoiding my scalp on any conditioners since this Keratin reaction, not sure if some got on my scalp or not. Well, after a few months of this, my hair is shedding a lot again. I’m sure it’s a great shampoo for others, but for me, it’s started this up again.

When I went to Dr. tostiyears ago, she said she wanted to do allergy testing because there are other ingredients that mimic Keratin that could cause a reaction. I never did that testing because the situation had improved with Just Nutritive and they wanted me there at 7:30, which required being up really early in downtown Miami traffic. But clearly, there are ingredients that are causing me to shed again. After years of stopping the shedding. Maybe propylene glycol and other things in here which may cause it. So I’m scrambling to go back to only Just Nutritive again and praying the shedding will stop.

Good luck to everyone. Fingers crossed for us all. So glad some have seen improvements. My situation is I can’t use any of those solutions like Rogaine or PRP with the accelerator, etc.

Jun 17, 2019
Asya and everyone
by: Catlover

Hello, I don't know where in the USA you are going. But you may want to vacation in Florida if possible. I, and many on this site have been to dozens of Dermatoligists that were clueless. If you can go to Dr. Tosti in Miami who specializes in hair loss, it would be worth a chance. A month before I saw Dr. Tosti I had the PRP with extra cellular matrix. Dr. Tosti examined my scalp and my biopsy and prescribed 1/2 tab of 5mg Finesteride and a half capful of Rogaine daily and told be to continue with the PRP/ ECM. Initially I had a lot of shedding with PRP/ECM but soon after there was no shedding. I'm talking like 5 strands a day for weeks. It thickened up quickly and I never went back for another PRP/ECM. I just saw her for my yearly appointment and I'm being weaned off the Rogaine. I am to use it every other day and in 2 months discontinue. She told me to continue with the Finesteride. We were both pleased at how thick my hair is. It is close to pre BB. It will be 3 years next month since the BB. I see her again in another year. The condition of my hair is terrible, but I see it looks better from the scalp to 5 inches down the shaft. The new growth now appears to be recovering to normal hair. Initially it was growing out kinky but as the strands got longer they straightened out. Some parts of my hair are really dry. I use a lot of conditioner with a steamer. I'm hoping the condition of my hair will look better as time goes on. Good Luck to you and everyone. God Bless.

Jun 16, 2019
Hello everyone
by: Asya

Hi, my name is Asya and I am from Minsk, Belarus. I speak Russian, my English is very poor, but I hope that you will understand me. 3 years I have been losing my hair after BB. I checked my health many times and fortunately it is fine. I am terribly tired of all this, from the endless search for a magical remedy for hair loss. in our country there are not so many opportunities and means for treating hair loss and it seems to me that I tried them all. I almost accepted the fact that I would be bald soon. but recently I learned that my husband is going on a business trip to the USA and I will have the opportunity to try some treatments of hair loss from there. Can someone recommend me something that has reduced hair loss even a little? I will be very grateful! I wish you all great health and beautiful hair!

May 23, 2019
androgenetic/androgenic alopecia
by: gh

If your issue is androgenetic/androgenic alopecia, you should consider your birth control pill as a problem or a treatment.

Birth control pills can have a combination of
1. Progestin activity
2. Estrogen activity
3. Androgen activity

Pills with Androgen activity will worsen androgenic alopecia. As androgen relates to male hormones.

Birth control pills with higher levels of Progestin and Estrogen with low or no Androgen activity are more likely to help androgenic alopecia.

Here is a chart that lists several of the common birth control pills. The far right columns shows the level of hormone activities.

Although there is literature and research on pills like Yaz, Yasmin, and Desogen promoting hair growth, your doctor will not prescribe these pills for this reason alone. So if you are post menopausal the pills may not be an option because they are not FDA approved specifically for androgenic alopecia.

Mar 27, 2019
To g hair
by: Sam

Thanks g hair, i was just real down the other day i posted , i haven't cut my hair in a while and its not long like a girls long to the ears but a guys look to the ears its short with lots of thins spots on the top, i just wished i could comb it, with out it looking a total mess, im going to try that cocoa oil and see if it helps at least to make the dryness and hay effect look normal like it use to look so depressing!!! Well i do appreciate you getting back to me, and i agree with you about the lupas ,i was diagnosed with a yes, then a no then a yes but that was when i first got the Brazilian blow out and that chemical was just fresh in my body playing with my system fast forward 3 years later. And im still being effect, especially in my arms and legs were i have tons of missing hair patches, well im gouing to see about getting my blood tested again for lupas, ill get back with you soon again many blessing to you, and all the best . Sam from houston take care g hair.

Mar 25, 2019
by: gh

My hair is still kinda frizzy. I use a dab of coconut oil on my wet hair to help control frizz and moisturize.

As I have mentioned before you and I have had similar complicated symptoms beyond hair loss, and I think it is important to get to the main cause of the problem. Rogaine, Finasteride, pigments, etc. may help some people, but like me, you experienced other symptoms following the initial reaction, and Rogaine is not going to treat fatigue, brain fog, aches, etc.

I was actually advised to avoid Rogaine until the underlying inflammatory condition was under control.

Finasteride & Dutasteride may help but can also cause a woman's clitoris to shrink, so I can only guess what it will do to males.

Until you truly figure out what is going wrong with your body, I would try to avoid harsh products including dyes, pigments, and powders. Actually I wouldn't apply any unnatural chemicals to my scalp, because you don't want to do more damage.

You want to avoid anything that my cause more irritation and result in scarring, because hair can not grow back from scarring. If you are scratching or using harsh chemicals including Rogaine, you may be doing more harm than good long term.

Besides, committing to a lifetime of Rogaine may solve one problem, but you have stated that you had several other symptoms. So I hope you can get a treatment that addresses the bigger issue.

After going on and off Azathioprine several times, I am 100% positive that it has a profound effect on my hair fall and my overall health. My rheumatologist says I need to take it for a year to see hair regrowth and improvement. I hope she is right, but only time will tell. She has also added a drug called Benlysta that I take once per week. Benlysta has helped with a lot of the other crazy symptoms.

I hope you will find the answers and treatment that you need to improve your hair, health, and quality of life.

Also, I have been diagnosed with cutaneous lupus (skin lupus). It wasn't identified on biopsy. In fact several dermatologists swear I only have female pattern baldness. However, they can not explain why my hair loss gets better with Azathioprine.

Cutaneous lupus is a tricky diagnosis. There are dermatologist that specialize in identifying this type of autoimmune disease of the skin.

Mar 21, 2019
No luck
by: Sam

Im getting very desperate, i don't no what is happening to my hair its just getting worse and worse, i dont no what to do any more , what i mean is the hair texture its horrible just horrible its so ugly!!!!!! It has grown out some what but very thin and the fall out it still so real!!!!! But its like everything i try to make it smooth so i can run a comb or brush it just keeps getting stuck towards the bottom, i might as well let the horses eat my hair since its very comparable to hay!!!!! Its just pass my ears now i have not cut it but again very thin and scalp is starying to show so much, just wondering if any one has a suggestion to use to help smooth the hair out, this is sam going on 3 years and so far this is the most horrible year for me i can just imagine the next years, on the raod to complete bald ness!!!! All just because of a Brazilian blowout!!!!! Now i might be the only one still going through this, and i hope all yall ladies got your hair back and on the way to a full recovery but me being a guy no such luck. And my hair line oh myyy!!!!! Let's not go there , well just wanted to post a little update on my hair i just wish i new what to use so i can i at least comb my hair what little hair i have left, oh how i miss the days were my hair was shiny i use to love to run my hands through my thick long hair now its dry dull dead looking with no color of shine, and very tangled to death, well have to go take care all and again all the best to everyone that use to post here that i have gotten to no.

Feb 16, 2019
Hi Kit Kat
by: CatLover

Yea! I'm happy for you that your journey is over. Never heard of the micropigmentation but I can see how that would help a lot of people. Your positive result with Acell got me motivated for the PRP. No Acell in Fla but they use the extra cellular matrix that I was told is better. I only did one treatment and it jumpstarted my hair growth. Still do the Finesteride and Rogaine. My hair is very thick and bushy. I'm grateful it grew back. It is so dry and straw like texture. I haven't colored in almost a year and you would think it would be shiny and in good condition. My hair was always on the dry side but not this bad. Has your texture changed? I'd like to wean off the Rogaine and Finesteride as I don't need it now. Even though my biopsy showed female hair loss that wasnt true. I think everyone that's over a certain age has a little of that but that was not the reason for the profound hair loss. I see Dr. Tosti in May and maybe she can advise me if I can stop Rogaine and Finesteride. She's not readily available to see or talk to since she's only part time and is in Italy for 1/2 a year. Again congratulations, now you can get out there and feel good about yourself and hair and have fun. Make up for all the lost time of misery spent over the hair!

Feb 15, 2019
Scalp micro pigmentation
by: KitKat

Hello everyone,
I haven’t post in well over a year because my hair situation definitely improved. I have been getting the A Cell PRP treatments regularly and today I got the scalp micropigemntation to cover the remainding diffused areas in my scalp. I am so happy with the results. I know that scalp micropigmentation is not a cure but i know it’s going to help. It Creates an illusion of density. I feel so much better. For those of you still dealing with this nightmare, please consider PRN and micripigmentation. It helped me!!!!

Jan 30, 2019
Formaldehyde - Victoria’s Secret
by: Anonymous

If you still believe formaldehyde is the cause of all your problems, you should know that Victoria’s Secret bras seemed to be soaked in it. I recently got several VS bras. I know I’m more sensitive so I washed them several times, and each time they emitted this awful chlorine-like chemical smell. My breast’s felt hot when I wore them. Of course I looked online and found that I wasn’t the only one noticing this smell or having a reaction. VS has been sued for skin damage caused by toxic chemicals in their bras. Some attributed the toxic chemicals to the fact that the bras are now made in China where these poisons are frequently used in manufacturing. I don’t know. I do know that I can no longer tolerate BB hair products or VS bras.

Jan 01, 2019
Andrea & everyone
by: Gh

Andrea, have you experienced any unexplained mouth sores, do your cheeks look extra rosey/pink/puffy, has your skin texture changed on other parts of your body?

I experienced these symptoms plus many more in the weeks and months after my reaction. The mouth sores were unexplained. My cheeks were considered rosacea. For skin texture changes and dryness, I was given more moisturizer.

I also appeared to be going into early menopause, but this improved after taking prednisone and birth control pills. I seemed to suddenly have vitamin deficiencies which is common with lupus. And of course I have what my rheumatologist calls "lupus hair," which is thin an frizzy.

If you want to discuss this more, you can give a call at 707-564-3312.

Dec 27, 2018
by: Andrea

Sorry for the late reply, and hello everyone it’s been awhile but as well as Sam nothing much has changed, I am a little bit more positive but still having hairloss, And still living with hope that some day I will see some regrowth in my scalp.....Gh thank you for all the information you provide for us as a matter of fact about a month ago I had a hormone test done and my doctor said it was abnormal for my age, he asked me if I was experiencing menopausal symptoms and I said yes, So he then referred me to an obgyn I’m not sure if they can help much but I guess I’ll give it a try. I initially wanted the hormone test done just to see if there was anything that might be causing my hairloss my thyroid test looked normal and so were my ANA labs still defiency in vitamin D and B12...... I am not too familiar with magic jack but I am willing to give it a try. I agree with you, I don’t want to overwhelm people with my long messages.. thank you again for your concern and I am looking forward to hearing from you, and to everyone else I hope you guys are doing well.

Dec 22, 2018
Hanging in there
by: Sam

Hello Gh and to all , happy holidays every one well gh just a quick post to say thank you always for your kindness and working hard to get answers on why we are experiencing hair loss after a Brazilian blow out, i wont ramble on what everyone knows, ill just say at least the itching scalp has stop most days but no regrowth and still very scared to death about whats going to become of my hair , but i am positive and make the best of the little amount of hair i have. Well again all the best to you and everyone , oh i would like to no more about what you intend to do to post more. Well again many blessing to all and happy new year. Sam from Houston

Dec 19, 2018
Sam & Andrea
by: gh

How is everyone doing? I'm okay and pretty hopeful. My final diagnosis is cutaneous lupus (or lupus of the skin), which may or may not cause rashes, hair loss, skin/hair texture changes, fatigue, mouth sores, hormone changes and all the other symptoms of lupus. My blood tests (ANA) is normal now, but normal ANA is not unusual with cutaneous lupus.

Even though it is cutaneous lupus the overall effects can be identical to systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). FYI, SLE is known to cause a vast array of symptoms which can be permanent including premature menopause. That is why I feel it is so important to get it identified, diagnosed, and treated. You may recall, I had a scalp biopsy, and I got FOUR DIFFERENT opinions from different pathologists on one biopsy slide. So it can be extremely difficult to diagnose.

I know not everyone has had the vast array of symptoms like me and a few others, and I know many don't believe their BB triggered an autoimmune reaction, and that may be true for some. However, for those who do have this concern, I was thinking about setting up a magicJack account or something similar so we can talk offline. I just don't want to bore the masses with unwanted information.

Oct 21, 2018
Cat Lover
by: Sandra

Thank you for responding to me , Cat Lover.. means a lot to me. This has been a wonderful supportive group and I’m so grateful. Social media has always scared me : I don’t do Facebook or anything like that . I’m quite private and I always thought to myself how can strangers , people that don’t know me, offer any support .. and what if they’re not genuine etc etc However, I reached out because I was desperate and in considerable pain over encouraging my daughter to have her hair straightened. People have been so kind.. I’m so glad that I reached out for support. Love to all !

Oct 20, 2018
by: CatLover

I'm sorry to hear that it's been 4 1/2 years for your daughter with no improvement. Everyone is so unique and what works on some doesn't necessarily mean it will work for others. People have come back to say after 4 years their hair started to thicken without taking any medications or Rogaine. Thanks for sharing your daughters texture. The Finesteride, Rogaine and PRP/CRP has really brought most of my thickness back again. This is working for me. Is my hair beautiful again? No. It's dry, frizzy and damaged especially where I highlighted it the most. I think over washing didn't help. Every other day was just too much and it zapped all the Moisture out. I think it will take another 2 years to get my hair in good condition. I trim an inch every 3 months to get rid of the thinner fried ends. I really wasn't thrilled to start Rogaine since you can't stop it once you start or you'll lose the hair you gained and also more chemicals. For me a couple minutes a day for life is worth it if it brings back my hair. I never went for another PRP because it's still thick. I did go to probably the best dermatologist in the world specializing in hair loss. I don't know if what I did will help anyone else. I'm just saying what is working for me.

Oct 20, 2018
by: Sandra

I hope this, ‘ hair loss after Brazilian’ forum is still going - it has offered me so much support over the years. It’s just I noticed that some more recent posts have been deleted so I hope it hasn’t been closed. Not sure how these things work. I can see why people stop posting comments : after a while, there are no more answers and you just get on with it. Nearly 4 1/2 years later it makes me sad that my daughter’s hair at 20 years old is thinner than it was when she was 10 years old. There are no visible bald patches like before ( although the sides are pretty bare when she pulls her hair into a ponytail) but it’s overall less dense, just less hair on her head and new hair is finer, more flyaway. Anyway, that’s my update. Wishing you all recovery from this dreadful product and maybe if it stops people from using it, then it will have been worthwhile. I’d love to hear some updates from anyone that has a moment to write.. it helps to know I’m not the only one, although obviously I wouldn’t wish this upon anyone!

Sep 22, 2018
To Everyone
by: Missy

Such great posts from everyone. I haven't checked in for a little while, but always helpful and a great community to try to lift each other. Sam, I feel so bad. Keep up the quest and I pray you'll see improvement. CatLover, so glad you like the Cura blow dryer. Did you use the baobab oil? I'm still using it. Also, because of the scalp sensitivity that continues, I don't put conditioner on my scalp. It burns or bothers me in a day. This leaves me with very dry scalp. When I know I will wash my hair later that day or the night before, I'll rub some Argan oil or one of these other natural oils from Shea Moisture or Josie Maran or whatever in my scalp. Apparently, dry scalp makes our hair situation worse, but then all we use shampoo to combat dandruff/itchy scalp we have from the Keratin. Hard. So, hopefully this kind of balances it. GH, I think you make some great points. I take D3 for years now because my levels are super low otherwise. But, like anything, have to watch dosages and also, anything has side effects. One supp might be good for something, but then adversely affect something else. I hadn't seen about the contrast for MRIs being an issue, but doesn't surprise me. I've had 2 of them, but years ago. And the whole idea of trying to surround ourselves with natural things as much as possible and stick to natural food is a great idea for anyone. I've said a million times, I have no doubt cancer is so common now because of all the chemicals we are surrounded by, preservatives and chemicals in food, cell phones, microwaves, steroid & hormones in food, and read about Roundup. Horrifying, and it's like in everything even if you think you're buying organic whole wheat, etc, it might be near exposure to that from a field/farm elsewhere. And so much in our environment, especially now with polluters being made less accountable. But we can only control what we can control, which is our food intake, personal care products like soap/shampoo, etc, and what we have in our homes as best possible. I try to make some improvements, but it's so pervasive. Far from perfect.

On hair texture, mine definitely changed and I think partly due to the chemical from BB. I would imagine the alcohol to male products more viscous can be drying, but I'm unable to use the Rogaines, etc, so I don't know.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Sep 21, 2018
Hair texture
by: Cat Lover

GH and everyone, you all mentioned your texture has changed. Can you describe how it changed? My new hair is growing short kinky and very frizzy mostly in the front.. I'm wondering if it's the Rogaine. Before the Rogaine I hadn't noticed it. But I did have all different lengths. Long single hairs just hanging there by themselves. A lot of strands had bent and a slight kink to it. Very dry and no shine. I'm wondering if I should stop the Rogaine. I went from foam to liquid because it was hard to get through my hair to my scalp. I've been reading on line that Rogaine can cause texture changes especially the liquid so I went back to the foam. Before I stop the Rogaine, I thought I'd reach out to everyone to see if their texture changed due to BB' damage and if anyone else is getting short frizzy hairs. I didn't want to stop the Rogaine because my hair has thickened up. It may not even be from that. I'm also taking 2.5mg of Finesteride and never went back for 2nd PRP CRP. I stopped washing my hair every other day as Dr. Tosti instructed because it was getting so dry and full of breakage I went back to every 5 days. The pubic like hairs that are sticking up iare very unattractive and embarrassing. Dr Tosti only works part time so I can't even ask her a question. She spends a lot of time in Europe and on research. I have an appointment with her colleague the latter part of October. Hopefully I can get some insight on here about texture changes that you all have experienced. Missy, the T3 hairdryer was worth the investment, it does make my hair feel softer. Thank you! Would love to hear back from everyone. Have a good weekend. God Bless.

Sep 11, 2018
Dr. Tosti's research
by: gh

The idea that things like antioxidants (such as glutathione) and fatty acids (Omega 3&6) may help improve your hair is not junk more

Sep 10, 2018
Good information
by: Gh

I have found this webpage that I believe to be very informative and helpful. It sums a lot of the bits and pieces that I have found, some of which I have mentioned previously.

On this page, they also talk about the role of glutathione.

"When DHT is present, it interacts with the hair follicles and disrupts the process of hair growth. This process is called androgen alopecia and is caused by excessive androgenic hormones coupled with high levels of oxidative stress."

If you want relief from the oxidative stress on your hair follicle, ANTI-oxidants make sense.

The author also states:

"The second step is to enhance intracellular anti-oxidant stores with glutathione boosting sources. Boosting glutathione within the cell protects the scalp and follicle mitochondria from oxidative stress. Low glutathione increases a molecule called Protein Kinase C which accelerates the loss of hair follicles."

This further supports the explains why Janus kinase inhibitors like Xeljanz (Tofacitinib) are affective in treating AA & AGA. Janus kinase inhibitors or JAKs inhibit protein kinase C therefore preventing hair loss.

Clinical trials in major cities are still taking participants to try Xeljanz, but you have to be at about 50% hair loss or more. I’m not there yet. I hope I don’t have to get to that point.

If you are interested in trying a JAK in the UK the medication is called Olumiant (baricitinib). I don’t know if the UK researchers are doing clinical, but would guess that they are.

Anyway, take a look at the webpage. I found it to be very useful.

Sep 09, 2018
Hi every one Sandra, Sam
by: Parsley girl here

Well my baby is a year old now I Posted here like 9 month back saying that my hair was falling off I have better news today I started taking colostrum powder and putting on my hair follicure and my hair got thicker is not falling out like it use to and taking omega 3 it seems to help me I’m suprised of how my hair seems to got better I remember how may bald spots I had they were 9 all different size I look like a Dalmatian but with white spots instead we’ll i just wanted to let you guys know my hair is doing better thankyou for all your support and don’t give up take care every one ....

Sep 07, 2018
Lab tests
by: gh

If you are seeing a decent doctor, they may have already ordered a bunch of blood tests for you to figure out why you are losing your hair...More

I hope we get a break through soon.

Sep 03, 2018
by: Andrea

Thank you so much for all the info it means a lot, I’m glad your hair is stable I am taking vitamin D and prenatal pills but I don’t see any difference in me. At the moment I am going through some serious anxiety and although, I am trying to calm myself down, my mind I am thinking of consulting a doctor to try to get some anxiety pills to calm my nerves. My mind just Keeps going and I can’t seem to get sleep. My hair is falling like crazy. I’m thinking of doing a big chop to my shoulders. I don’t use heat or put anything on my hair and it is so dry and damaged. I’m hating my life and my sadness revolves around my hair the damn bb took so much from me and it doesn’t seem stop.

Aug 30, 2018
by: gh

I just wanted to let you know that I am going to discontinue the DHEA supplement, because I don't think it is helping. Mostly, I don't like the side effects, and it may be making things worse.

Most naturopathic doctors will recommend 25-50 mg daily as a safe amount for a woman. I was only taking 10 mg daily for a brief period of time, and I still developed acne on my face an upper torso. I tried to manage this naturally, but it hasn't worked, and I have had enough.

I questioned whether I was seeing an increase in hair fall. I didn't expect this since my dose was so small. Maybe it was bit of denial.

My naturopathic doctor now says I can go down to 5 mg daily, but I am no longer interested in raising my DHEA level. I am more interested in figuring out why it is so low to begin with.

DHEA is produced by the adrenal glands. Adrenal glands also make cortisol. If the adrenal glands are not functioning properly it can lead to adrenal insufficiency. There are several tests to determine if this is the case, but most doctors will only do the simplest test and not look any further.

Doctors will usually check for cortisol. If cortisol is low but still normal, most docs will be okay with the result and not investigate any further. What many of them forget is that you can have normal cortisol in the presence of adrenal antibodies. Adrenal antibodies are the things that will facilitate an attack on your adrenal glands.

Basically, adrenal antibodies can be slowly attacking and destroying your adrenal glands, but for a period of time your adrenal glands will still be able to produce enough cortisol to make the lab results appear normal. This is why it is worth investigating further.

There are various lab studies to test cortisol levels, adrenal function, and to check for adrenal antibodies. The hard part is convincing the doctor to keep digging for answers when you continue to have symptoms and even though the test may appear normal.

The adrenal glands are very important glands in the body. Auto-immune adrenal insufficiency in young women is sometimes linked premature ovarian failure (early menopause), as the two conditions often coexist. I just want to explore all options before I have permanent damage. While I am happy that I get normal periods now. I am not out of the woods yet.

I know I am not the only one on this website with low DHEA or other hormonal changes. I wasn't sure if you had reported low DHEA too. It is worth getting checked in addition to your other hormone levels.

Aug 29, 2018
by: gh

Hi Sam,

Have you had your basic hormones levels checked? I know you and I both seem to experience hormonal changes and problems with yeast, but I wasn't sure if you ever got a baseline level for your hormones.

If your doctor hasn't ordered these tests already, you should request them. If you are not comfortable or don't have the time to deal with the doctors, you can order these tests online to be collected at your nearest Quest Diagnostic or LabCorp. allows you to order lab tests without seeing a doctor. Ideally your doctor should order the tests, but I feel like some doctors aren't really invested in solving our medical mystery. I feel like we have to dig for the evidence and then present it to them to take action. My mystery isn't solved. I am still looking for answers, but I feel like I am getting close to figuring this out. offers all kinds of blood tests. They don't use insurance, but the prices are reasonable in my opinion. They have a large list of tests available such as vitamin levels, hormones, endocrine studies, viral diseases, autoimmune diseases, etc.

You select the test, they generate an order, and you take that order to one to one of the laboratories mentioned above. The following test may be helpful to you:

Hormone #3 Extreme Blood Test Panel, Men:
Includes Testosterone Total & Free, Insulin, Estradiol, Follicle-stimulating Hormone (FHS) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH), Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate (DHEA,s), Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), Free T4, Insulin Growth Factor IGF-1, Prostate Specific-Antigen (PSA) plus Cortisol, Prolactin, Vitamin D-Hydroxy, Hemoglobin A1c, Growth Hormone Serum, Progesterone

This is just an example of one of the tests offered.

The test result may all be normal. They may be within normal range, but on the very low end of that normal range, which I think is still concerning. Of course they may be abnormal which will give you a better idea of what is going on internally. Also, if your primary care doctor has not referred you to an endocrinologist, abnormal results on these tests should prompt that referral.

I totally believe there is something wrong with my endocrine system which has resulted in hormonal changes. I am still investigating this for myself. The endocrine system is composed of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thyroid, parathyroids, adrenal glands, pineal body, reproductive glands (which include the ovaries and testes), and the pancreas.

Many of these gland have feedback systems between each other. If one gland is not working right, it may impact the other. It may be hard to hunt down the source of the problem, but it may helpful to get a comprehensive assessment and baseline.

When the endocrine glands malfunction, you start to see a lot of things that have been reported on this website. Hair loss, dry skin, fatigue, weakness, changes in menstrual periods, changes in sex drive.

Low parathyroid hormone alone can cause:
•Tingling or burning in your fingertips, toes
•Muscle aches or cramps in your legs, feet, abdomen or face
•Twitching or spasms of your muscles
•Painful menstruation
•Patchy hair loss
•Dry, coarse skin
•Brittle nails
•Depression or anxiety

I hope this is helpful.

Aug 23, 2018
by: gh

I feel like my hair is still stable. My hair line has also receded. Like Katy Perry, I have embraced it, and I wear my hair in a curly pixie style cut. And while I know my hair has drastically changed, I now accept other people’s perception when they complement me on my hair and haircut.

I am currently taking Vitamin D, vitamin B-12, Omega-3, Thyrocsin (by Thorne Research), and prenatal multivitamin. Decades of research show that vitamin D and iron can be linked to hair loss. Thyrocsin contains zinc and selenium to support my thyroid health. My iron has been on the low end since I started getting my period again, but I do not take an iron supplement. I think the prenatal vitamin is enough.

I also take DHEA 10 mg and Finasteride 1mg. My endocrinologist thinks this is counterproductive, but a pharmacist thought it was worth trying. I have low DHEA. DHEA helps produce other hormones, including testosterone and estrogen. DHEA may increase energy and decrease depression. So we decided to see if I could benefit from the positives of DHEA while blocking DHT. The jury is still out on this one.

I know biotin is promoted as the hair vitamin, but it doesn’t have decades of evidence behind it. I don’t know if it is as good as people claim. I have used it on/off, and I didn’t notice any significant improvement.

Another note on preservatives: The preservatives, formaldehyde and methylchloroisothiazolinone (MCI) or methylisothiazolinone (MIT) are often present together in hair products and many other cosmetics. Both were my keratin treatment along with formaldehyde, fragrance, and other crap. MCI & MIT are used as substitute for parabens, but it is just as toxic as formaldehyde and parabens. And yes, people are having allergic reactions to this and they are suffering hair loss and various other symptoms.

MCI or MIT is often used in shampoos to prevent fungal and bacterial growth while the product is sitting on store/salon shelves for months or years. I don’t know what happens to your immune system on a cellular level when an irritating anti-fungal/anti-bacterial like MCI/MIT is applied to the skin along with other toxic substances. Ideally, we should all have a nice variety of microorganisms living on us and in us which makes up our flora. What is the impact of MCI/MIT on our natural skin/body flora? I don’t know, but I feel like my flora was screwed for a while after the keratin treatment. That is why I avoid all chemicals and spend less time focusing solely on formaldehyde. I think it would suck to know that you spend your whole life trying to avoid formaldehyde while constantly exposing yourself to MCI/MIT or other chemicals that can be just as toxic if not more toxic when combined.

I was once prescribed a Ketoconazole shampoo. It contained lye, dye, fragrance, and other crap. You’d think that if it is prescribed by a doctor who knows you are already losing your hair, then it must by a safe product choice. Wrong! I got my prescription, read the label, and threw it in the trash. I am not messing with the chemicals. No makeup, nail polish, styling products, tampons, or fake metal jewelry.

I am about to throw out my dryer sheets and try wool dryer balls. Many dryer sheets contain chemicals that react with the air to create formaldehyde. Other common dryer sheet pollutants include acetaldehyde and benzene, things also found in vehicle exhaust that are not considered safe at any level.

Did you know Rogaine foam and cooking sprays usually contains, propane, butane, and/or isobutaine? This is the kind of stuff you find in lighter fluid. Rogaine also contains butylhydroxytoluene or BHT. BHT can penetrate the skin. Research shows that BHT is bad for rats, but in an essay in an American toxicology journal researchers stated, "Recognizing the low concentration at which this ingredient is currently used in cosmetic formulations, it was concluded that BHT is safe as used in cosmetic formulations." But is every manufacturer keeping it at a low concentration? Also, I’m sure they said the same thing about formaldehyde and methylchloroisothiazolinone (MCI), as these are still used in cosmetics today, and we are still getting sick.

I was listening to NPR today, and a woman in China was talking about the trade tariffs. All of her cosmetics were from other countries in Europe and elsewhere, and she said she would continue to buy these things from Europe and US. She was basically acknowledging that a lot of the stuff made in China, which we buy in the US is toxic. She wasn’t using cosmetics or children’s paint made in her own country, and would rather pay they higher price.

Ditch the chemicals.

Aug 23, 2018
by: Andrea

GH if you don’t mind me asking what kind of vitamins or supplements are you taking? Also do you see any improvement with your hair growth, it is so upsetting, as hopeful as i am, I don’t seem to see any hair growth Instead my hairline just keeps on receding.

Aug 20, 2018
by: Gh

The natural deodorant is called NATIVE, and it is made in California. It’s aluminum-free and paraben-free. Available as fragrance-free.

Also, I agree with another writer that lab tests are important. Many have had hormonal/sexual issues that may be related to the keratin treatment. Like another writer, I also have to take DHEA supplements for my low levels.

DHEA is a precursor to androgen and estrogen hormones. Low levels of this hormone is common in autoimmune disease. Replacement therapy can help with mood, sexual function, etc. Low DHEA and high cortisol can also cause hair loss.

I think it is helpful to see a medical doctor (MD) who specializes in holistic health. In California we have Naturopathic doctors (ND), and while they are helpful, they may not be able to order some of the traditional lab tests. A holistic MD combines traditional medicine with complementary/alternative medicine.

Aug 20, 2018
by: gh

While formaldehyde is a toxic chemical, industrial formaldehyde-based cleaners will have a higher concentration of the chemical than hair products. I can't say 100% that formaldehyde is the one and only culprit of the illness that some people suffer after a keratin treatment, but it may definitely play a part.

If you believe your reaction is solely related to formaldehyde, you should consider all of the potential exposures to formaldehyde.

I probably encounter small amounts of formaldehyde every day. Of course with keratin treatments, the product is heated and has the potential of being inhaled so that would not be a typical encounter, but if you have ever sat in a nail salon you have probably inhaled some form of formaldehyde.

Formaldehyde is often in nail polish, remover, and other substances used in nail salons. And just like the hair salon, the nail tech is often wearing a mask, because they know the chemical are harsh and toxic. Smoking is another way to continuously poison yourself with formaldehyde.

You may actually be making yourself sicker every day with normal household and cosmetic products. For example, the following item contain some form of formaldehyde.

1. air fresheners and plug-in fragrance
2. essential oils and cleaning products containing terpenes
3. paper towels (Most paper towels emit formaldehyde, which is added to improve the strength of paper products.)
4. cigarettes and e-cigarettes
5. combustion byproducts (from furnaces, water heaters, stoves, and fireplaces)
6. clothes treated with formaldehyde
(wrinkle resistance, water-proof, etc.)
7. polyester, cotton blend, or permanent press bedsheets
8. pillows containing formaldehyde (particularly foam)
9. upholstered furniture or curtains treated with formaldehyde
10. skin care with formaldehyde-donor preservatives (diazolidinyl urea, imidazolidinyl urea, DMDM hydantoin, quaternium-15, 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol (most commonly known as bronopol), and sodium hydroxylmethylglycinate.
11. conventional nail polish and nail polish remover
12. chemical hair straighteners and smoothers
13. toothpastes and dental care products with formaldehyde
14. perfume made with synthetic fragrance (can be found in everything from garbage bags, hand soap, Swiffer products, etc.)
15. baby wipes
16. furniture made of manufactured wood
New furniture releases the highest emissions of formaldehyde (you may recognize that new furniture smell!).
17. beds and cribs with manufactured wood

However, if you are actually allergic to something like paraben mix, you can avoid all of the formaldehyde in the world and still be making yourself sick. For example, paraben is another preservative that can be present in cosmetic/hair products and may have been present in addition to formaldehyde.

I believe the best approach is to do an allergy test and/or avoid as many chemicals as possible.

Some products that I use are:
Thrive -deodorant
Organic coconut oil -moisturizer
Dr. Bronner or Earthpaste -toothpaste
Ambre Blends -fragrance
Avocado -mattress & pillows
Free & Clear -shampoo/conditioner
Baking soda & vinegar -laundry
hypoallergenic detergent -laundry
L. -sanitary napkins (period pads)
Pure Encapsulations -vitamins
Preservative-free & organic food

Aug 20, 2018
by: Sam

So sad today when am i not right, well today im extremely sad the one hope i had left , meaning my hair the very small thin amount i had on top the hair line is so see thur now and it just keep going back what the heck!!!! all i see is scalp im so scared ok scared is not the word to use lets use a word that tops being scared mortified!!!!! Traumatized!!!!! In a state of shock that
I think , know i no i need to be hospitalized my hair is almost gone, and the back looks so squash in and im like i cant keep going on like this and if its true about the whole 7yr mark well jeezz how did the hair keep up i guess with me being a male i guess that make me s.o.l
and im at my ends on this one ladies, this brazilian f@@@ up my life sorry for that but its the truth and i rather be honest with everyone and i no it waa this treatment no one goung to convince me other wise, sorry i just had to vent today no one understands me but yall here on the group ☹ sam

Aug 20, 2018
by: Sandra

I didn’t mean to use the word utensils ( that’s for kitchen use !) .. I meant to say, whatever it is that doctors might use in their surgery , medical equipment.. no idea what the term is but I’m sure you all know what I mean ! Whatever it is, the formaldehyde bottle has warning signs all over it. My medical friend was absolutely shocked that it could be used in large quantities in a hair product ( and probably that I could have been so stupid !)

Aug 19, 2018
My opinion
by: Sandra

I am so sorry this is happening to you. If I had my time again, I would wash the B.B. out Immediately (if this is possible - not sure it is - took 2 years for my daughters hair to become curly again so whatever it was that was coating her hair was on there for two years despite being washed several times a week) or I would cut every last bit of it out of my hair straight away. .. A friend of mine who is a doctor uses formaldehyde to clean utensils and says the bottle has warning signs all over it.

Aug 18, 2018
Brazilian blpwou
by: Anonymous

Ughhh! I’m so disappointed! I was Wondering why the hell am i loosing My hair and going thin.. i got The B.B. in April first and then i got My hair done in June and it washed out so I decide to do the B.B. again at the end of June. I did Notice in April after getting it done my hair was coming out a lot when i combed It but then after the second Time around i notice my hair around my face is getting this and you can see right thru.. you can see my scalp! Should i just wash the B.B. out and start using shampoo to grow my hair out? I’m so disappointed, spent so much money on my hair 😖

Aug 12, 2018
Cat Lover, everyone
by: Missy

Hi Cat L, hope you like the oil as much as I do. I use some on the middle to ends when it's wet, then a little more once dried to take away how dry my hair is. With that Cura dryer and the conditioner from just nutritive for extremely dry hair, it actually has a softer appearance and stands up the heat and humidity I live in, which is like 90% every day. Good luck :)

Aug 12, 2018
Missy, everyone
by: Cat Lover

Thanks Missy for the hair products and tips. I ordered the Shea Moisture Baobob oil. Shea Moisture masques do seem to quench my Moisture starved hay looking hair. I only put it on the ends too since the patch test showed I'm allergic to fragrance. Try finding anything decent without won't. If you come across any more products and tips please keep sharing. I'm grateful I got about 25% of my hair back. But it still looks like crap. I have a lot of these short kinky hairs that stick up all over (it's so embarrassing) and it's new virgin hair at the roots. It doesn't look like they are growing. Has anyone else had/have this??? Please tell me it goes away.

Aug 08, 2018
And bloodwork
by: Missy

Since I'm saying stuff I wrote a long time ago, bloodwork is an important aspect. To make sure it's not thyroid or something else, and perhaps a scalp biopsy if you've been diagnosed by someone for something else and the recommended treatment isn't working. Also, I used that steroid that sounds like clobestol or something like that when I initially started treating to calm down my burning scalp. But you can't use that more than once I think. And my insurance only paid for some liquid that had a lot of alcohol so I didn't like that or find it all that helpful. I bought a shampoo or something I think. For any of you starting this journey from the beginning. Good luck to everyone!

Aug 08, 2018
3 1/2 Yrs Out-Thoughts
by: Missy

Touching base as I had earlier this year. Interesting posts regarding research. Whatever chemicals these products use to permanently straighten hair this way vs the straighteners folks have used for decades is causing this tragedy for all of us. And formaldehyde is a known carcinogen to boot. It is used to embalm the dead, folks- hello! Lady at my old salon said the woman who used to train folks to do the BB & who became really wealthy from it died from cancer in her 40s. Pretty obvious, but she exposed herself to that all day, every day, rather than us as the consumer. But still. We breathed that formaldehyde gas when they used the iron in the final part of our BB. My stupidity to do this still doesn't cease to amaze me. I'm 3 1/2 years later.

I've posted this 3 years ago, but I'll reiterate. It's a waste of time to go to a dermatologist who doesn't know about chemical related hair loss. I spent a ton of $ and time going to people who didn't know anything. I found Dr. Tostit at UM about 3 years ago and at least her office knows this process. While I have contributing factors, like menopause due to total hysterectomy at the same time for which I do not take hormone therapy for lots of reasons, undoubtedly the burning scalp and scalp shedding and ongoing sensitivity as a result is all because of the chemicals. It's an interesting question as to whether miniaturization, which I have since BB, is due to the chemicals or perhaps hair loss from AA. i definitely have genetic factors for the AA due to hormones, but hair turned into a bale of hay that's like doll hair. I attribute that mostly to the BB. As others have said, you come home with that chemical on you and don't wash your hair for a day or two with that on your head all that time. You sleep and it's pressing it into your scalp and surrounding your face, etc while you sleep. Ugh. Again, my stupidity astounds me. But the burning scalp lasted a while for me. I still have a hypersensitivity as others have said, and I have no doubt that chemical exposure kicked off a sensitivity that I still have. I am more sensitive to chemicals and smells now all this time later, as other have said.

I posted years ago but will say again, that free and clear shampoo, etc, none of that worked for me. Still burned and dried out my hair. Shea Moisture products are great in theory, but they have so much fragrance to them, I can't use them. I do use their masque that's manuka honey on the bottom half of my hair after I shampoo when I want to blow it straight. My holy grail that I hope never goes out of business is the Just Nutritive products. I use the Clear Scalp most shampoos because otherwise my scalp acts up, and their extreme conditioner. Once in a while I use their shampoo for dry hair. When I want to blow dry, since my hair is like hay, the godsend I found is their oil for extremely dry hair and as baobab oil, which is actually from Shea moisture. I use a nice amount on the middle to ends before I blow dry and some after as well. Makes my hair straighter and makes it less like straw. I got a Cura blow dryer, the white one because the luxe black one doesn't work as well, and it makes my hair softer. A better dryer than what I had. I have been using the regular goldwell to color, but I do have sensitivity on scalp that I don't think I had with the nectaya goldwell. Will try to see if the sweet n low helps again like it used to help. 4 packets. And I found a woman who does some highlights with a product that's oil-based rather than bleach.

It's all so heartbreaking for all our lives before BB and after. I tell everyone I ever talk to who does it, don't EVER again. There's the straw that breaks the camel's back. You can be fine and then one time you're not. That's all it takes. I've spoken with several hair dressers who have told me that, one who had it happen to her. Her hair started falling out. Eck. Best wishes to everyone and prayers it all gets better. It does improve eventually :)

Jul 27, 2018
Sandra, Sam, All
by: gh

Hi Sandra,

After doing more research, I don’t think that formaldehyde is necessarily the culprit. Many researchers believe there are several factors that contribute to autoimmune allergic reactions/responses. It includes genetics, viruses (active or dormant) and/or chemical exposure like formaldehyde, lye, dye, fragrance, etc. Scientist don’t have a clear answer as to why and neither do I. I now realize that a lot of products that I had used in the past also contained various forms of formaldehyde, but I never had a reaction. So I don’t know, but to be on the safe side, I try to avoid all unnecessary chemicals. There is definitely no benefit to formaldehyde exposure, so I avoid it.

If you get a chance, check out a documentary on Netflix call the "The C Word." It’s about cancer, but the ways they discuss preventing and managing cancer can also be applied to autoimmune conditions and improving overall health. In fact they actually discuss Brazilian blowouts in the latter part of the documentary.

As for the disease progression of alopecia areata, it varies. What I have gathered from my readings is that one of a few things may happen:
1. Spontaneous remission/regrowth in months or years after reaction
2. Remission/regrowth with pregnancy
3. Remission/regrowth with medication (creams/ointments, injections, pills, foam)
4. Progression to more complicated autoimmune disease

Sam & all,
I know you’ve had issues with your fingernails. Nail dystrophy is often associated with AA. I was wondering if your nails looked anything like the pictures in the article below. This was another case study where Tofacitinib was used to treat AA and nail dystrophy. Check out the results.

Note that the Author of the article is Dr. Brett King of Yale University Medical Center. He has led several clinical trials using Tofacitinib or other JAKs to treat AA and other autoimmune hair/nail/skin conditions. I’ve heard that he is actually prescribing the pills to treat AA, and he is also prescribing a reformulated cream that can be applied directly to the scalp. Google: Dr. Brett King, alopecia areata.

A lot of other doctors have taken notice. Dr. Tosti published the following article back in 2014. In the article she lists one of the JAKS as a possible treatment for AA. This was published before all of the clinical trials had results. She writes: "I believe that in the next few years we will possibly have new effective treatment options for one of the most common and distressing type of alopecia, AA. The genetic studies on AA, published in 2010, provided the clue that led to rationally selecting the JAK pathways as a target for treatment. JAK
inhibitors can block TH1 cytokines that drive AA and represent a new promising treatment for the disease. JAK inhibitors look very promising for two main reasons: i) JAK inhibitors were highly effective in animal models and although numbers are small, all patients with severe AA who received this treatment had hair regrowth. ii) These drugs can be delivered as topical agents, which if proven effective in humans might represent optimal way of treatment of the disease."

Of course all medications come with some kind of risk. You have to weigh the risk vs benefit in determining how to address your condition. I know it may sound like I am promoting this drug, but there is no conflict of interest here. Big pharma isn’t paying me. I just know that in my previous profession, information and resources are not always disbursed evenly across populations. I just like people to know what’s out there especially when nothing else has worked. I should also mention that there are clinical trials using the same medication to treat androgenic alopecia. I do not know of the results for these.

I realize my posts can be a bit to wordy, worrisome, and complicated. Sorry if I am boring or annoying other participants.

Jul 27, 2018
Response to gh
by: Sandra

Thank you so much for taking the time to post this. I’m so grateful. Do you think that it is the formaldehyde in the Brazilian hair straightening treatment that triggers an auto immune condition and that some people are able to recover from it more quickly than others? I’m still so confused about what happened on that day. It was definitely related to the straightening as hair fell rapidly and immediately after.. I know it’s just your opinion but I’m interested to know..
Thank you again for always posting on here. It means a lot to me to have this support .. sending love from the UK ! X

Jul 26, 2018
by: gh

I forgot one critical piece of information from the very last article link. In the paragraph just above the pictures showing the hair regrowth, the researcher states:

"Her AA began on her scalp 5 years prior to enrollment and resolved completely within 1 year in the setting of pregnancy. A few months after delivery, her AA recurred as patchy disease."

Again the link is:

Jul 26, 2018
by: gh

I am including the links to articles in this post, and hopefully you are able to go to them. I accessed them through PubMed from a medical center library, but they may not be available online for free. If you have access to a medical center library or college/university library, you might find them for free.

Basically the literature suggests that Alopecia Areata is mediated by the presence of Th1 & Th17 lymphocytes. If you are able to view the first article, it explains and shows how these lymphocytes crowd the hair follicle in three different phases of alopecia areata eventually resulting significant shrinking of the hair follicle.

The second article is a bit more complicated, but it also emphasizes on Th17 lymphocytes as being the culprit of AA. The conclusion states: "The insidious destruction of bulge stem cells and hair bulb matrix stem cells results in more severe hair loss in patients with chronic AA, which is mediated by Th17 lymphocyte and cytotoxic T lymphocyte infiltration. Furthermore, Th17 lymphocytes may play an even more important role than cytotoxic T cells in the development of AA."

The third article does not focus on AA specifically, but does focus on Th1/Th17 autoimmune diseases. "Rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and psoriasis are both considered to be Th1‐ and Th17‐dominant diseases; however, there is no data identifying which one is more critical. According to prior discussions, a decline in Th1 and possibly Th17 during pregnancy is expected to lead to the improvement of these diseases and other Th1/Th17‐dominant diseases. In line with this expectation, there are several lines of evidence that show improved outcomes in patients with RA 8, MS 9 and psoriasis 10. Surprisingly, a relapse after delivery has been reported in some studies. This could be explained by the reconstitution of Th1/Th17 immunity post‐partum, which could occur because of the reduced levels of Tregs 4."

"However, the author has hypothesized that CD8 + T cells are possibly responsible for (AA), and Th1/Th17 may not be main players 15."

(I had read another article that further broke down the micro/molecular biology, but I was not able to bring it up.)

The fourth article is a study of several women of which half went into remission from the autoimmune disease while pregnant.

Ultimately, outcomes of pregnancy depends on which immune cells are causing the problem. Pregnancy may override a misbehaving immune system to save the baby. Unfortunately for some this doesn't always work, and the immune does not behave normally for the sake of pregnancy, and in these cases, it can result in miscarriage. It is hard to say if everyone who gets pregnant will have hair regrowth, but it might explain the case that was previously mentioned on this page if that person is suspected of having AA.

I also want to mention that there are several clinical trials currently enrolling to treat AA with Tofacitinib (Xeljanz). Some early trials have been very successful. Tofacitinib, a janus kinase inhibitor or JAK, is supposed to work by inhibiting the biological activity of both cytokines and the Th1 and Th17 pathways, resulting in hair growth. Hopefully, you can view the article for that below and see the results. This article shows a woman with the more diffuse form of AA that some of us may be experiencing even though many doctors may not recognize/diagnose it. They may only diagnose the easiest and most common condition: androgenic alopecia.

Sorry for the super long post.

Jul 26, 2018
RE: pregnancy
by: Anonymous

Hi gh, That is some fascinating research found. I think its worth to note it in relation to hairloss problems on this forum thread. Please do share the name of researcher and link to article if you had the time. Thanks

Jul 24, 2018
by: gh

Hi all,

I stumbled across some information that I found interesting. A while back one of the commenters stated that she regrew her hair while pregnant. After the pregnancy her hair fell out again. I found several articles that explains this.

The articles were written by doctors/researchers, and it is a really difficult read. I will try to summarize it a bit.

Basically there are on/off switches in the immune system, and if you believe you have alopecia areata or another autoimmune disorder (such as lupus) part of your immune system is on and in overdrive.

When someone becomes pregnant, certain parts of their immune system has be to shutdown or regulated so that the mom doesn't destroy the fetus. The fetus is somewhat foreign to the mom, but the mommy-immune switches take over to keep the baby safe for 40 weeks. Therefore, the autoimmune disease goes into remission for 40 weeks.

After having the baby, the immune system returns to its previous status. This may mean that it is once again attacking the hair follicles. Hair loss and other symptoms return. And because the autoimmune hair loss may be combined with the natural hair loss after pregnancy, the total hair loss may be more drastic.

Jul 06, 2018
by: gh

Thanks for the inspiring update. Sounds like it was a long and difficult road to healing, but you made it through. Congratulations on your recovery.

Jul 06, 2018
It has been 6.5 years
by: Anonymous

Hi everyone, it has been 6.5 years since my keratin disaster and I wanted to come back to give you an update. It was a long, hard, depressing journey, but I conquered it and recovered. My hair started thickening up at about the 4 year mark and today, is almost back to normal. It is still thinner than before but that is okay since I had way too much hair to begin with. I actually like my hair now. Have not put a chemical on it since and it is wavy and long. Please do not give up hope. I was in hysterics while this was happening. It was a very dark time in my life. If I got through it, you can too. Your hair WILL come back. It does take a long time, but be patient. That is what everyone told me and I didn't believe them. If I knew my hair would grow back, I would not have been so anxious. I feel like I lost years of my life worrying. Please do not do the same. You WILL recover. Good luck to you all.

Jul 05, 2018
by: Gh

Have the doctors considered alopecia areata incognita? This is a more diffuse alopecia areata that is difficult to distinguish from androgenetic alopecia. Not all doctors acknowledge or recognize it.

Jul 04, 2018
4 years now
by: Sandra

It’s been four years since my daughter’s first and only Brazilian hair straightening .. what makes me so angry is that it mimics female hair baldness and that’s why it’s so difficult to prove that it was as a result of the B.B.. My daughter who was 16 at the time and is now 20 has the typical look of someone with androgenetic alopecia. However, the way that it happened is not how AA presents itself.

I know it was the hair straightening for the following reasons :
1) Within two days of the B.B. a bald patch appeared at top of head and parting got wider and wider
2) This grew bigger and bigger until there were was a bald patch and few hairs visible on top within months
3) Hair fell from her head at an alarming rate: hundred of hairs at a time - pillow covered in the morning
4)Hair density got progressively less and less so it looked as though she was someone with thin hair when it was actually thick hair prior to B.B.
5) Hair loss reduced to a normal rate after about a year
6) Hair started growing back on top after about a year so that the bald patch completely filled in
7) Four years later after initial hair growth there are no new hairs coming through on top so it’s looking thinner on top again and scalp is visible
8) Hair not growing at a normal rate with few new hairs coming through
9) New hair is finer and more flyaway

Something terrible happened on that day and her hair has never been the same again since ..
Has anyone else noticed that their scalp looks really white ? I noticed the other day as the hair dresser was drying her hair that her scalp is very white. The hairdresser said that some people’s scalps are very white but I’d never noticed it before .. just wondering if it’s significant..

Thank you for all your posts , the pain never goes away for me .. I’m just devastated

Jul 03, 2018
Checking in
by: Deb

Haven’t written in here in a while but I come back and check this post from time to time . Next month it will be 3 years since my first and only Keratin treatment. I have never been the same. I am still losing hair but not as much as in the beginning . I have lost most on top of my head. Very thin there and can see scalp. I still use powder to try and fill in . I dye my hair every 6-8 weeks so I’m sure that doesn’t help. But I have to say the sides of my hair and back have some volume. More than when I first went through the massive hair loss. I try to trim every three months. I keep it long , past my shoulders .Overall I would be okay if it were not for the top hair loss that never grew back. It still itches and pony tails do hurt- I have to leave it as loose as possible. A cute little messy bun is how I wear it on non washing days but it can hurt after a few hours - feels like it pulling on top. I’m happy to hear about these trials . I must say I am tempted but scared of side effects . My period has already stopped for the last year I would say since the treatment and I have some other weird effects so I’m nervous about starting with something new. I will look into this and see if it may be worth it . Thank so much to all of you that keep us in the loop and continue to update - much love to you all !!

Jul 03, 2018
New opportunities
by: gh

Hi All,

I just want to let everyone know that a lot of clinical trials are getting started all across the nation for androgenetic alopecia and alopecia areata.

Aclaris pharmaceuticals is conducting several clinical trials in many cities to test their Janus Kinase Inhibitors or JAKs. Some of the trials are new, and some are in phase two.

If you are not familiar with the preliminary findings, I suggest you google "Janus kinase inhibitor hair growth." There are articles and images. The pictures are amazing, and if they weren't published in medical journal, it would be hard to believe.

JAKs are currently prescribed as pills for some inflammatory autoimmune diseases. Somewhere along the way, doctors realized that people were re-growing their hair.

Of course taking a pill can come with some side effects. So researchers/pharmacists are compounding the pills into a topical cream to avoid those systemic side effects. Current clinical trials are using the pill or the cream.

Check out "centerwatch .com" or "clinicaltrials .gov"

You can also google: ATI-50002 Topical Solution clinical trial. If you are near a major city, there is a good chance there is a clinical trial being conducted near you.

On another note, I believe these drugs can be pretty expensive, but I would guess the company covers the cost. Additionally, some clinical trials will pay a you a small stipend for your time which might help with getting to your appointment.

I hope this info helps someone. Happy Independence Day.

Jun 28, 2018
Thank you for responding
by: Andrea

Thank you G-hair for the advice I ended up canceling my appointment and decided to not color my hair! You are right I don’t need any more chemicals soaking my scalp, the nasty B.B. did enough damaged. Also I must of spoke to soon about my hair not falling so much, because from one day to another my hair is back to falling out😞 I also feel like my scalp is so tender and sore especially when I have my hair up in a ponytail does any one else have this problem?? For some reason I feel like I am obsessing over this again and I know stress just makes it worst....

Jun 20, 2018
Andrea & all
by: Gh

If I were you I would not get my hair colored. Again, I think my immune system was sent into overdrive from the BB, and I am concerned that a lot of products may worsen my symptoms or cause a reaction, inflammation, and/or increased hair loss.

I remember some people commenting that they’d had several BBs without any complications. At some point their body and immune system said "enough." Now they can no longer tolerate it. Something changed with me and others after the last application of a BB product. I will never get it again.

People are having similar reactions to dyes and other hair products like Toppik. The chemicals in these products are similar. BB and dyes contain fragrance to mask the strong odor, preservatives like formaldehyde to increase the shelf life, and a bunch of other crap.

I believe once you have a reaction to one, you should avoid them all.

Jun 19, 2018
by: gh

Hello. I would say, I am stable. I keep my hair short. The texture has changed, so it looks better short. Overall, I am feeling better. My labs are normal. I am grateful.

While the lupus tests are normal, I still have a HYPERSENSITIVITY TYPE condition. This may have been activated with the BB. Regardless, I am more sensitive to things I used to tolerate. This new hypersensitivity may be why I developed drug induced lupus after taking an antibiotic.

So I avoid as many chemicals as possible. I try to stay healthy so that I never have to take medication that I may react to or that cause me to develop drug induced lupus. And if my doctor wants to start me on new medication, they would have to test me at regular intervals to make sure it is not causing reaction.

As for products. I still use Free & Clear shampoo. Native deodorant (no aluminum or parabens). Organic coconut oil or olive oil for moisturizer. "L." sanitary napkins for periods (no dye, fragrance, pesticides). No tampons. Dr. Bronner's toothpaste. Dye/fragrance free detergent and/or white vinegar and baking soda for laundry. Dye/fragrance free fabric softener and dryer sheets as needed.

I don't use make-up, perfume, body spray, nail polish, lotion, mosquito sprays. I avoid sun screen on most days by jogging before sunrise or just before sunset. I may also wear clothing that helps protect from too much sun.

I avoid household cleaners. I have hired someone to help with that. I still eat a paleo diet. No processed foods. I avoid preservatives. Try to buy organic. I try to avoid meats with nitrates or charred meat, but occasionally I cheat.

I avoid grains and gluten. I never had issues with bread before, but again, my immune system was changed after the BB reaction. It is believed that gluten does not go well with any autoimmune diseases or hypersensitivity types, and it is best to be avoided. The Wallington food allergy test confirmed this for me.

I am glad PRP is working out for some. I was a bit afraid of it. A lot of the people who provide it in my area are not dermatologists. They are doctors who went to some short training to be certified to administer the injections, but they are not able to diagnose and treat other skin/scalp issues.

I asked one dermatologist about PRP, and she said most of the info on it was good, but there is some concern that repeated needle injections may cause more inflammation in some people and actually inhibit hair growth. She says it may depend on what is causing the hair loss. And since, no one is 100% certain about my condition. I am a little bit skeptical.

Also, I don't have any implants of any kind, but if I did, I would get them removed. Again, I am more sensitive to things that I used to be able to tolerate. So if your immune system was thrown out of whack with a BB reaction, it could be building antibodies against implants and other foreign devices and causing inflammation.

Being as natural as possible was a major lifestyle change, but I think it was worth it. I try to look at the bright side of things. Having the reaction to BB has made me a healthier consumer.

Jun 19, 2018
by: Sam

Hi, Andrea its good to hear from you, im so glad to here your hair stop falling out, wish i could the same mine continues to fall out and in chunks ive been in hidding becauses im so embarrassed on the way i look no eyebrow well i just have the front the middle to the end are gone and i dont wear shorts or short sleeve shirts in fear of my no hair arms and legs, i mean all my hair all over just dispeard im so scared, at this point, im just living becauses i kind of have to i guess, going on my third year and i no this is the year the rest of my hair will fall out i no becauses of how thin and see thur the top is well thats my update. Sorry i couldn't give good news like cat lover. And your self but keep doing what your doing, especially if your hair loss is under 100 strands, i would pray for that verses my 800 strands a day 😦 well it was nice to see you posted oh on the positive side my itchy scalp has decreased but that's all the good news i have and i can still say to this day i hate hate , Brazilian blowouts with all the hate i can give to a product i mean it made me lose my thick hair and body hair, and possibly made me sick for the rest of my life. So theres that well all the best andrea, sam

Jun 12, 2018
by: Andrea

Hello everyone it’s been awhile since the last time I was here. I was hoping that maybe time will help and have great news for you guys but, unfortunately that’s not the case for me, things have not got better if anything my hair seems thinner some days are better than others though,I guess hormones play a big role as a women too......G hair and Sam how are you guys doing?? I hope to hear from you guys soon and wishing everything is well!! I was wondering if anyone here has dyed their hair after the B.B. I was thinking of dying mine a darker color, yet I don’t know if it’s a good idea since my scalp is still so sensitive. I am going on my third year this year and I have not had a hair cut or done anything to it, I am to afraid of anyone touching it. I think I am ready to take the next step to cut it this weekend my ends are fried not to mention that my hair also looks stringy. Cat lover I am happy your hair is getting thicker reading positive things always make me feel as though there is still hope! Thank you for sharing! I also forgot to mention my hair does not fall as much as it did in the beginning I say less than 100 hairs a day, I don’t see new hair growth and all the small hairs around my hairline are gone.

Jun 07, 2018
To Anonymous
by: Cat Lover

It's been 1 year 10 months and 7 days to be exact

Jun 07, 2018
To cat lover
by: Anonymous

Cat lover, how many years are u in since your hair loss started or since you did your hair treatment that was the causes of the hair loss, im tyying to make sense of the situation example if this is your first year in and all thoses things you mention are working then it might be worth looking in to, but if your 3 to 4 years in and its working well i just dont no what to think becauses im reading that the hair tends to thicken up around year 4 to 5 on its own and even even 7 years , thats all i meant. Well any information helps you might have already mention the answer to my question on a previous post but sorry i dont have a lot of time to search, well again thank you.

Jun 06, 2018
Positive results
by: Cat Lover

My follow up appointment with Dr. Tosti was last week and there is definitely a lot of regrowth. She compared my scalp photos from January to present. I no longer have wide spaces where my partings are and the missing hair that I had on my crown is all filled in. My temples are hairy again. I asked her how do we know what medication or procedure is working. She said they all work together. From what I've read, Finesteride decreases DHT which can lead to increased hair growth and it slows down hair loss. Rogaine reactivates natural growth and reinvigorates hair follicles. PRP CRP uses your own stem cells to activate the proliferative phase. In my opinion I was getting hair growth before the Finesteride and Rogaine could take effect. Personally, I believe the PRP CRP did jump start the process and I'm sure the Rogaine and Finesteride is playing their roles as well. I was supposed to go back for my 6 months PRP CRP this week but I called Dr. Greco's office and I sent before and after pictures showing the increased thickness and I told them new hairs are still sprouting and it was agreed to wait until I see thinning or shedding to schedule the next PRP CRP. The PRP CRP that he uses is as follows, you get the 1st one and around 6 months later you get another one than once yearly after that. Dr. Greco's office assistant said it could be 9 months or more for the second one as everyone is different. After so many useless dermatologists I am so glad I found Dr. Tosti, she was well worth the long drive in traffic. I found Dr. Greco from all my on line research. Needless to say I am thrilled!!!

Jun 06, 2018
For : Hopeless
by: Sandra

My only experience of hair loss is related to the Brazilian hair straightening so if your hair loss isn’t caused by this I’m not really sure if this is the right forum for you to get support. However, if you feel your hair loss is as a direct result of having your hair straightened then share your story and I will try to help if I can. If it isn’t, there are lots of supportive forums online, relating to hair loss and if you google you will find them. I hope this helps you. I don’t have Facebook but I know that there are Facebook support groups too. Good luck ..

How is everyone ??? Anybody able to share some positive news about hair regrowth ? X

Jun 04, 2018
I'm desperate can someone please listen to my story
by: hopeless

hello, I'm new here. I'm really desperate and hopeless. My story is a bit different from you guys and i can't find a story to relate to. Can you please listen to me and provide some tips. I'm willing to share some pictures too just to make things clear. Please help.

May 14, 2018
Coming up on 4 years
by: Anonymous

Had one Brazilian Blowout 4 years ago - 6/5/2014. Tons of hair loss, anxiety, obsessed over it - horrible! Doctors visits, probably tried 50 different shampoos, vitamins, prescription steroids etc. My super thick hair thinned - worse at front hairline. I did not have any bald spots - but irritation lasted years. Has definitely improved - still lose more than normal when wash, but hair doesn’t rain all over me all day like it did before. Glad to say hair is thickening back up too. I’m hoping by 5 year mark it will be practically normal - fingers crossed! I have scoured the internet over the years for solutions, cure etc. I have found nothing that has really worked for anyone but time. I never tried Rogaine due to fear of being stuck using it forever (and further irritation). Good luck everyone - it does get better.

Apr 17, 2018
1 Year anniversary
by: Anonymous

Thank you both. I am planning on returning to PK at some point this year for them to see if any progression and or when I need to start minoxidol. Sandra interstingly enough the trichologist as well as one of the hair wash ladies mentioned that they have seen a few cases like us with hairloss after a Keratin treatment!
I too now find that I can see more hair fall when I am stressed (whereas before I kept my thick glossy hair even during periods of stress), and hair dye burn my scalp. So yes something changed but not for the better.
I am just too scared to start Rogaine as I have read some stories where it made hairloss areas worse.
Fingers crossed for improvement every passing year.

Apr 16, 2018
RP, Everyone
by: Cat Lover

RP I use the 5% Women's Rogaine foam. I have been improving and even noticed thickening especially at the top, front and temples. I think it's the PRP/ CRP because it was too soon for everything else that I'm doing. I'm on Finesteride 2.5 g also. My shedding has stopped for a month now. My hair is also very very dry. I found I was allergic to fragrance so just use the free and clear shampoo. I can't find a good hair masque without fragrance so I use one without artificial fragrance. I added bleached highlights. I know it's making the condition of my hair worse but I refuse to look like an Old Gray Lady and was leary about putting anything directly on scalp. My hair was always dry because I always used to use high lift color and peroxides but when I used to style it, it looked beautiful. Now it will look nice right after I blow dry but as soon as the humidity hits it, the breakage and frizz are overpoweringly noticeable. My scalp gets redder when I blow dry and I use lowest setting and away from the scalp. Clearly the BB made my scalp heat sensitive after almost 2 years. I think I'm going to get another PRP/CRP after I see Dr. Tosti because she's unable to evaluate the scalp soon after a PRP. A lot of people on here were unable to use Rogaine. If you use too much it feels like heart palpitations. Dr Tosti said to use 1/2 a capful only. Kind of impossible for the whole head but I'm getting better at spreading a little to go a long way. Even using it every other night is okay. I think what also really helped is daily meditation and prayer. I used to have so much stress and my hair never suffered. Now after the BB I have noticed after a stressful situation I would shed a lot. Scalp is extra sensitive to everything since BB. I wanted to update everyone on the improvement. Positive thoughts that it will continue. Best to all of you.

Apr 16, 2018
by: Sandra

I also went to Phillip Kingsley in London ! When I wrote initially that I went to a top London trichologist, that was it! I spent hundreds of pounds in there and they diagnosed alopecia. The treatments they gave me are still sitting in my drawer at home from four years ago. I didn’t want to risk more chemicals and by then, I had begun to research extensively. I knew this was just the beginning although nobody would listen to me! At that time, it was one bald patch on her crown but no overall hairloss. I’m quite sure if they saw her now they’d say telogen effluvium and female hair baldness because that’s what it looks like four years later. And it all started within days of her first ever Brazilian hair straightening. If you google: Daily Mail newspaper article, Brazilian blowout you’ll see that there have been two articles mentioning hairloss in relation to B.B. . In my opinion, it’s an excess of formaldehyde - pure and simple. I wonder where your mobile hairdresser bought the B.B. that was used on you. Do you know ?? The hairdresser I used had someone bring it straight from Brazil - it wasn’t bought from a regular hairdressing wholesaler. That’s all he told me. I have never been able to access the medical research that the newspaper article mentions. Please keep posting with progress especially if you find something that works!

Apr 16, 2018
1 Year anniversary`
by: RP

Hi Everyone

Though I have never posted on this site I started reading your posts nearly a year ago and kept checking in. Firstly, thank you all for continuing to post and thank you to everyone that post yearly updates.

I have reached my 1 year anniversary since my last Brazilian – where it all went wrong very quickly. A very emotional day. Unlike most of you, I did not just do 1 Brazilian treatment. But instead did one 2ice a year for the past 5years…and all the hair trauma only clicked into place after the last treatment when my hair literally fell out in clumps and the terrible itching started.

I had very very thick dark brown glossy hair. I had my first ever Brazilian treatment done in South Africa and was blown away at how glossy and silky straight my long hair looked. Looking back I remember losing tons of hair (it would cover my cream carpeted bedroom floor) but I never thought anything of it. Once I returned to the UK I continued my search for a salon and found a mobile hairdresser that did the treatment in the comfort of your own home! For me the BK gave me the convenience of not having to straighten my long thick hair to look professional in the office.
As I said I continued doing this every 6months or so. I noticed by the fourth treatment my hair looked flat and weird after the BK but I was oblivious and never even thought it would be ‘bad’ for your hair – I mean they sell it as something natural and a ‘treatment’ for your hair! I can literally kick myself for never putting two and two together until it was too late.

The last BK last year was after I bleached my brown hair blond. It was a disaster. Like with Sam she said I can walk around the 2/3 days without washing the treatment out as it will be good for my bleached hair! I could only make 2 days as the smell really got to me…but then it was too late. So much hair came out after the wash that I freaked out and called my husband to check for bold spots on my head! My hair kept ‘dripping out of my head like a leaky tap’ all throughout the day…at work all over my desk… all over my clothes, the carpet at home, while I was doing dishes…

I had a complete anxiety attack two weeks later and ended up being booked off work for a month as I could not cope. I did not want to wash hair or brush it or even move off the sofa as the hair trail following me made me go insane. I was in my GP surgery every day for a week straight before they referred me for counselling. They would not believe me when I said it was after this treatment… ‘hair does not fall out immediately only 3 months after an event or shock etc’. The hairdresser denied it was the product and said its all natural and must be because I bleached my hair! It was frustrating and shocking that no one wanted to help.
To top it off my head itched non stop! In those first two months after the last treatment I lost 40% of my hair…but the real panic set in when I could start seeing through my hair at the top front!!
The first dermatologist I saw, did not believe it could be the BK and said I have Telegon Effluvium and low Ferriten levels which I then corrected … the second dermatologist a few months later diagnosed Chronic Telegon Effluvium and onset of Female Pattern Hairloss!
The 3rd person I seeked out was a Phillip Kingsley Trichologist who also diagnosed Female Pattern Hairloss and even if the BK caused TE said the hair thinning in the front must have been happening for years! I know it did not as I did a grey root touch up before my last BK! And there was tons of hair and I could NOT see through my hair!!

So here I am 12 months later and having read all I could find about hair growth online. Thought I would share what I did in case it helps anyone else:
Followed Maurice’s suggestion and had a Protein shake every morning but I added 1apple, handful of baby spinach and 1 beetroot (read online this is good for hair). Also upped my protein intake for breakfast and lunch (as recommended by PK).
2 weeks after the BK I had a Olaplex treatment to try and stop my hair from breaking. I lost hair both from the roots and breakage due to the fact that she should not have done it on my bleached hair! I still use Olaplex from time to time.
Changed to PK Itchy Scalp shampoo and truly the itch stopped! I then added their Thricho 7 scalp drops and my scalp felt normal for the first time in months. After 3 months of using the drops my hair thickened up (even my husband commented) and the shedding FINALLY reduced!
I started hair vitamins almost as soon as my hair started shedding: Vitabiontics Hair Plus (as it contains amino acids), high quality omega 3 tablet and pumpkin seed oil, Viviscal (thought it was worth a shot although I am not sure it does much), turmeric and Lipotropic tablets.

I have started adding Gelatine daily and it certainly is helping my nails, so hopefully it will help my hair too.

I made an effort to stay calm and stop panicking about my hair. I could see an increased shed 3months after the BK and I think was due to me going into a panic at the hairloss initially. I still catch my hair when I wash it with a quality drain catcher…and count my hair after I brush my hair. My husband thinks I am mad, but I keep it dated in little bags. I compare them and it is good to see that it has gone down from the scary loss a year ago! Perhaps still a bigger loss than what is classed as normal but certainly less than a year ago.

I still have the hair thinning in the front though…and hate looking at my head in elevators as the bright lights shine through the top! My hair is still extremely dry and brittle no matter how much hair masks I use. I try not to do too much to it but it still breaks at the top (and that is new hair that should not break!). I let my grey hair grow out for about 6 months before I could stomach a hair colour …and I sat in fear throughout the entire process. I now only go every 3 months (whereas before I would be there every 6 weeks for roots). I don’t like my hair…I cant do much with the weird half straight , curly frizzy dried out hair that’s left.
I had sunburn on my scalp last year for the first time in my life. That is how I know I lost tons of hair no matter what they say.

Verdict: A year later and I am not bold… which I thought I would be! My hair seems a little bit thicker and longer…but is not like my old hair and I get very sad when I look back at my old photos. It is so thin and not a lot of it. When I make a pony it looks pathetically thin!
The thinning ‘bold’ spot at the front top is still there and I will have to start minoxidil at some point in the near future but I am afraid to. Lately my crown at the back of my head has itched and I think is thinning now too. No one knows why this happened and I hate myself for doing this to my hair. As for the health issues – I do suffer with my eyes. It is dry and my vison often blurry. The ophthalmologist said its Blepharitis…something I never had issues with and now I do! Is the BK to blame, who knows.

To everyone who is going through this I am so so sorry. I am sure we all wish we can turn back time and not do it. I do think these things should be banned and publicised so that nobody else have to go through this ordeal.

If anyone had success with using minoxidil please keep posting. I will post again in another year and maybe then it will be better?

Mar 31, 2018
Yeast-bacteria balance
by: gh

I believe some of you once mentioned dandruff and/or yeast issues. I have heard other people mention this on other forums. Of course, dandruff can be a symptom...more

I'm tired and rambling now, but I don't recommend using Monistat7 for off label reasons.

Mar 28, 2018
Response to your comments and questions
by: Sandra

My daughter didn’t use any cream as she didn’t have scaling or rash on her scalp. She had some itching at the beginning of this whole sorry saga that has stopped now. Just hair not growing back and looking thinner as the years go by.

GH, Thank you for information on Monat. A few posts back you might notice that I did actually say I was going to get some ! My sister, who lives in USA had used it and thought it was great but we can’t get it here in UK so she was going to send me some. I told my sister to stop using it and she was surprised as it has worked for her. I won’t take any risks though, with my daughter’s hair anymore. One negative review is enough for me not to use it,

Sam, I did find that lady on YouTube with hairloss after keratin. Although her hairloss is nothing like as bad as my daughter’s it was a similar pattern. She said she would post another YouTube video to update but she never did ! So annoying !

I want to be one of those people that posts on here , " don’t give up folks , hair started growing back again !" .. my daughter is approaching 4 years post B.B. .. I’m praying it will be me that posts that. Trust me, I won’t let you down.. I’ll be on here giving you all hope !

Mar 27, 2018
by: Gh

Has anyone been diagnosed with rosacea (or seborrheic dermatitis) and been treated with METROCREAM?

Metrocream (metronidazole cream) is often the prescribed treatment. Has anyone tried Metrocream? If you have tried it how long did you use it, and how well did it work? If you used it were there any side effects?

Hair loss, scaling, rash, and itching due to rosacea and seborrheic dermatitis is supposedly temporary and reversible with treatment. I don't really have scaling, rash, or itching, but I know some do have these symptoms, and I am still curious to know if this has worked for anyone.

Mar 25, 2018
by: Gh

I have never had any rashes, but my dermatologists and rheumatologists always ask me about rashes. I think they believe certain type of rashes will help guide their diagnosis. With that being said, I would suggest your PCP and/or Derm or rheumatology.

Mar 23, 2018
Just a question
by: Sam

Hey evey one, so I checked on that monat hair products concerning hair loss and there are many reviews from consumers telling there side of the effects this product had on there hair and each individual talks about how much hair they lost, and I said to my self well heck there is nothing or not much hair loss talk about the Brazilian blowout only like one lady on there talking about her keratin hair loss and that's it, oh I'm referring to you tube, which got me to think that we all including my self , are we really that embarrassed to share our stories with the you tube world for all to see and I'll admit it I sure as heck am embarrassed but my point is how will anyone no we exist with out showing our faces , well after I woke up today and saw my hair in the mirrow, I now no why we dont share publicly !!!!! Pretty scary!!!!!! So that ends that , my other reason today is to ask the group if anyone is getting red spots on there body not like chicken pox I mean like a rash all over and I'm starting to itch on my body now especially around the underarms and I'm like oh noo!!!! I can't take itchy no more , well I was just wondering well everyone have a bless day and weekend. Sam

Mar 15, 2018
Monat Hair products
by: gh

I don't know if hair products and cosmetic are becoming more toxic or some other kind of other phenomenon is occurring, but this stuff is definitely making people sick.

Monat hair product line just made the news. People are having reactions similar to BB. I had never heard of the product, but you can google it and see the familiar damage that it is causing.

The company markets their products as: "MONAT features powerful active botanicals and bio-functional catalase that serve as UV protectors and prevent thinning, free radical neutralizers that keep hair looking and feeling naturally healthy, and an exclusive blend of vitamins and minerals to combat oxidative stress along with proactive amino acids that repair and replace essential nutrients. You’ll see and feel the difference in an instant, and with regular use, you’ll discover a brilliant, youthful glow to your hair, along with long-lasting conditioning results."

Consumers are reporting hair loss, thinning, loss of curl/texture, sores, and irritation. One poor lady used it on her two year old, and the baby's crown is now inflamed and nearly bald. It's so sad what is happening.

I don't know if everyone would have the same outcome, but I think it is worth sharing this info. If you have already had a reaction to BB, this product is probably not one that you would want to try.

Mar 11, 2018
Cat Lover
by: gh

Cat Lover,

I never confirmed any allergies to formaldehyde or fragrance, but I have tried my best to eliminate both from my life.

Fragrance is in all kinds of soaps (laundry, dish, bath, body wash, shampoo). It's in deodorant, hair conditioner, fabric softener, and dryer sheets. Fragrance is probably most commonly found in female cosmetics from lip balm to moisturizers. Even some sanitary products have fragrance added to them.

If you can live without these products, you may be better off. Unfortunately, unless you go totally natural, it will be hard to avoid all of the things that may be contributing to inflammation or a reaction.

And even though it may be hard, I still think it is worth the try if it is feasible for you.

Mar 11, 2018
by: Sandra

You’re absolutely right KO, AGA does not progress so rapidly and like you, hers did .. She did have a little itching to begin with but nothing like the redness and soreness that I’ve heard other people complain about . The truth is that she didn’t tell me about the itching. I only found out when we went to see the trichologist who asked her if the bald patch was itching her and she admitted to it. She hasn’t ever complained since so it must have stopped ! We saw a trichologist first ( a top London trichologist) followed by a dermatologist . After that she refused to go anywhere and I don’t blame her. Neither of them listened to us .. the trichologist said it was alopecia ( it was just a small
round patch to begin with then it spread wider ) and the dermatologist said it was AGA because by the time we saw her a few weeks later it had spread considerably Both said there wasn’t overall hair loss / diffuse thinning, just the patch on top . It was after that first year that the overall hair loss became apparent .

Her parting did get wider as she began to lose hair, that first year but the largest area of loss was on the crown right at the end of the parting. That area started to fill in once the hair loss reduced after the first year. So now she has normal hair loss but not much hair growing back so it’s just looks thinner and thinner all over as the years go by. I hope that helps. It sounds similar to you but I am so so grateful that she didn’t have the itchiness and soreness .. I hope that helps ..

Mar 11, 2018
by: KO

Thanks for sharing Sandra!

Did your daughters part thin or was it just the bald patch?

My part is widening but it’s at the end, the crown that I see a patch forming... I also have the most redness and irritation there (though I have that pretty much all over too).

I definitely think it’s either hormones or B.B. or both that has caused this in me.... I know AGA doesn’t progress this rapidly! I can only hope that pregnancy puts a stop to the loss and the most irritating nonstop burn and itch. Thankful your daughter didn’t have that.

Cat Lover - do you still have burn and itch?

Mar 11, 2018
by: Sandra


Yes, the B.B. caused miniaturisation on my daughter’s scalp and I’m sure that’s part of the reason that the manufacturers have gotten away with this for so long ! How many poor people are thinking to themselves that they have female hair baldness (AGA) and not relating it to the B.B.?

The only reason I know my daughter’s hair loss was related to B.B. is because it happened so quickly after B.B and progressed so rapidly. And because AGA doesn’t grow back and hers has grown back! . A few days after B.B. my daughter who was 16 at the time , had a bald patch appear at the top of her head. The patch got bigger and bigger all Summer and by the time we saw the derm there was a substantial amount of scalp showing. The dermatologist diagnosed AGA as a result of seeing miniaturisation , despite me begging her to consider thati it might be as a result of B.B. She refused to consider it and said the hair loss would now be permanent.

So the hair on that initial bald patch was not permanent and has continued to fill in although I suspect still miniaturised as it’s fine compared to rest of hair, despite being long now. It sits on top, fine and flyaway. I suspect if we saw a dermatologist now , almost four years later, they would diagnose TE. To look at her hair you would not see anything wrong with it ( no bald patches at all and believe me, that Summer, she was so bald that the top of her head got burnt in the sun) but it’s way way thinner all over (top and sides more than back) than it used to be. You can see scalp when it’s wet and my hairdresser puts rollers in it to give it body, This is a result not only of substantial hair loss (the first year it just came out in clumps) but also simply not growing back . My hairdresser confirms that she gets little patches of regrowth here and there but not all over like a ‘normal’ head of hair. At the moment she sees no new short hairs coming through on her head. I don’t need to tell you what that means, if there are no new hairs growing soon. And so the nightmare continues ... my daughter is very laid back, doesn’t complain and doesn’t ask about regrowth, she just accepts it but refuses to go see any dermatologist again. She just said, "What’s the point when the last one wouldn’t listen to us?"

Is there nobody out there, who is 6,7,8 years post B.B. and has had a similar pattern of hair loss and can tell us what happened later on , as the years passed ?

Mar 10, 2018
by: KO

Well, apparently my hair loss has just been slow and steady. When viewing images of my part with my derm, it’s clear it has widened over the past few months and is exhibiting signs of either AGA or TE... my biopsy did show miniaturization so I’m not sure if the B.B. can cause AGa to come early?


Still itchy and red ....

Mar 09, 2018
Cat Lover
by: KO

So are they saying all of this is a reaction to fragrance?

Or the mix of formaldehyde and heat?

How are your symptoms these days?

My friend that works for B.B. just says she sees it all the time so that’s more honest than most salon people.

I have definitely washed my hair a ton to get out the B.B. and it was only after I started doing that that my itchiness and Red flaring started... I thought perhaps I was too harsh with my scalp.

I feel like I can never win. At the derm now ...

Mar 08, 2018
by: Cat Lover

Great news Sam! The right products sure make a difference. I finally found 2 masques by Shea Moisture that makes my dry dead frizzy hair look and feel more alive and more presentable. I did have that North American Standard Patch Test done. A total of 66 patches. They test for metals, formaldehyde etc. etc. and all I was allergic to was fragrance. For the next 6 weeks they told me to use only Free and Clear shampoo and conditioner to see if there is any improvement. The BB Acai was the one that was used on me and that had a pungent fruity fragrance. I remembered Dr. Tosti and her colleagues saying in their report that those patients with skin and scalp problems after BB were not allergic to formaldehyde either. They believed it was the heat and formaldehyde combination. KO, my friend never went to any Derm. She knew it had to be an allergic reaction to the BB. She washed her hair a lot with her cheap Suave shampoo and she made sure she always washed her brushes and combs too. She said washing her hair helped a lot from itchiness. She didn't stress about it and she had a really itchy scalp for almost 6 months. She still has itchy spot once in awhile. I wouldn't put too much faith in what lady says that works at BB salon. She probably told you that BB is good for your hair too. GH, I don't know why just temple area showed regrowth. Dr. Greco uses his own propriety extra cellular matrix with the PRP. His plan is to come back in 4-6 months and after that once a year. Supposedly his PRP is much more potent than other PRP's. I don't think it's worth the $ for me to go back and I also had a lot of swelling and was ill with sinus issues after PRP. Well that's the latest from me.

Mar 07, 2018
by: Sam

Hey evey one hope you are y'all doing good , just checking in with the group I wonder if anyone tried what I mention about the itchy scalp for me still doing good, and I did add another leave in spray that I got from Sally and I put it on my scalp and hair on top I only have hair on top and it's very thin still but it was like straw and couldn't even run a comb or my hands well yesterday I use the spay again and wash my hair with but it felt gross and looked more thin and I was like I give up, but thin I could still feel all that grease from the spray so then like before bed I washed it again with that shampoo I recommended a couple of messages ago lol, and oh wow!!!!!! My hair on top was amazing it was soft very manageable and today at work it got or was noticed by my new co workers friends , and I had a really good day today I just wanted to share a happy day with the group and also for the first in 2 years since I did the Brazilian blowout the comb went right threw like it use to I'm going yo continued to use the spray and my shampoo so far so good I hope I get my hair back in a couple of years😁 I'm a very patient boy if I no off will return oh and I can now work 8 hours once in a while a itch here and there. But not as bad , and I'm going to try to go 3 days with out a wash, I'll keep everyone posted on my hair progress, well thanks everyone and good luck any body who's any one with that horrible itchy scalp should use that or at least try that shampoo and not give up the itch will go away it was not the first try for me it was like 2 weeks in but do not give up , well again hope evey one doing good, I'll message back soon bye San

Mar 07, 2018
Cat Lover
by: KO

Cat Lover- I know you mentioned your friend who hd. Pink itchy scalp for months but didn’t lose hair...

Did she see a derm or doctor?

I have heard this reaction (minus hair loss) is common from someone I know who works at brazilian blowout, however I can’t find anything online. She basically said it’s like a bad chemical peel. I’m trying her approach to soothe my scalp to no avail....

I have gone all natural with all products as well. Like SUPER natural!

More waiting...

Mar 03, 2018
by: gh

My derm checked the male/female hormones, iron, and vitamin D. My DHEA has been below normal, but we are just keeping an eye on it. I had been taking iron, but I am in the normal range, and I don't want too much of it. I am taking Vitamin D every day.

Today, I was researching what celebrities are using to recover from hair loss. It seems like most of them just cover it up with wigs and extensions. Then the press/media will talk about how beautiful their hair looks, probably knowing damn well it's extension.

I think the weight of the extensions and the adhesives can be just as harmful as the BB when you are trying to preserve your hair. The extensions are weaved, taped, micro-link, or bonded with keratin or latex glue. Aniston admits that she uses extension. At the same time, she promotes her hair product line "Living Proof."

You can find pictures of many celebrities who get their extensions exposed when the wind blows. They are losing their hair just like us, but it doesn't get talked about enough.

Beyonce and Kim Kardashian are the exceptions. Recently, they have both been showing of their hairlines as if they just got them. This is the oddest thing. There are rumors swirling that the change/improvement in Kim's hairline is due to a hair transplant. I am not sure what type of treatment Beyonce used.

Here are a few other celebs who are mostly losing their hair due to hair products. A few claim to have postpartum loss.

Gwen Stefani; Katy Perry has lost hair due to bleaching; Coleen Rooney; Ariana Grande admits dye did her in, and wears fake ponytails to hide her real hair which she describes as "ratchet"; Nicole Richie; Brittany Spears hair never really grew back so she wears extension; Keira Knightly admits she wears wigs; Selma Blair doesn't seem to cover up her loss; Tyra Banks admits that she has lost her hair due to processing and now wears wigs/weaves; Victoria Beckham; Fergie, Rihanna; Christina Hendricks; Renee Zellweger; Helen Flanagan; Christina Aguilera; Megan Fox; Jessica Chastain; Kristen Stewart.

You can google any one of these lady's names with "hair loss" and you will see they are all losing it. It doesn't seem like they ever truly recover, which is pretty scary.

It is just amazing to me that all the people in those celebrity circles know these hair products are becoming more toxic, but they don't call enough attention to it. Why don't they start a "Metoo" movement for hair loss due to toxic products.

Sorry, I am just venting cause I keep seeing commercials for the Oscars. I bet half of the women on the red carpet have some kind of extension, wig, or other hair piece. And many women and girls will seek out products to get that hair color or that sleek ponytail like Ariana Grande not knowing that it is all fake, and the pursuit of these hair colors and textures may ruin their lives.

Mar 03, 2018
by: KO

So my fertility doctor actually wants me on dhea. It’s a common supplement for egg and ovarian health. But yes there are definitely controversial side effects and opinions about its usage.

My derm hasn’t run any tests. I have a functional doctor who ran a bunch as well as an adrenal saliva test. Hope to get those answers this week.

I am still using topical steroids - I have inflammation and itch that is so freaking bothersome though it is not so intense it just irks me. I want answers! On top of my fertility issues I’m not doing well.

What blood tests did your derm ever run?

Mar 02, 2018
by: gh

DHEA is tricky. Dermatologists seem to be more concerned if it is high. They don't really seem to care if it is low.

There is literature out there that suggests that low DHEA can also contribute to hair loss. Low DHEA is very common with lupus patients, and many of them say the supplement helps them to feel better.

If your DHEA is low, your doctor will probably investigate what is causing it to be low.

Of course, some doctors will say taking DHEA supplements are pointless if you are taking Dutasteride or Finasteride.

And then there are the side effects. No woman wants whiskers on her chin, but I don't know how bad the side effects will be if you are taking a low dose just to bring you up to the normal range. Besides your doctor will be monitoring you levels regularly.

Best wishes, and keep us posted on how it goes.

Mar 02, 2018
by: KO

I forgot to add that I plan to get a dhea test soon.

My fertility doctor wants me to start dhea supps for egg health but I have not yet bc I know they can have side effects.

Mar 02, 2018
GH and Sandra
by: KO

GH - I definitely agree this reaction is some type of autoimmune reaction. I am just using topical steroids now to no avail. But I promised my derm I would try for two weeks. Ugh.

I had fertility problems before but they’ve become worse since the B.B. I don’t think I have lupus but you never know. I was thinking LPP but it hasn’t been proven - also autoimmune. I’m in some LPP groups where dyes and extension glue have caused all of these same symptoms. Then again there are children with the disease so who knows.

Sandra- I wanted to follow up again and say my curls are pretty much back to normal now and it’s only been three months. I’ve been going all natural and wearing it curly. Less frizzy still and probably looser but nonetheless it’s not "straight."

Mar 01, 2018
by: gh

I forgot to mention. I know we all experienced reactions from BB. Well before you pick up your next beauty product you should know that some people are getting sick from other products that you may still be using.

For example, some people are saying that hair extension glue made them sick. These glues are used for eyelashes, weaves, and lace front wigs. These products are often made in China and other countries with little regulation. The labels don't labels always tell the truth.

Also, some women are having bad reactions to botox, fillers, various implants, hair dyes, etc. These women are also questioning whether these products/treatments are the cause of their autoimmune disease.

It's just a theory, but I believe that we are all more sensitive and being as natural as possible is the best way to go. If you smoke, you need to quit.

Mar 01, 2018
KO & Cat Lover
by: gh

KO, I believe the patch is a way of determining what allergies you have. It may be helpful in telling you what you should avoid in the future and confirming if you have formaldehyde allergy.

I hear you on the depression. That was the hardest part to overcome. Even now, I still have bad days. But I encourage you to fight the depression as hard as you can. Be active; interact with friends/family; explore new hobbies; nourish your body (vegan if possible); keep reaching out to all of us.

I think the depression made me less active. I lost muscle, I got weaker. I started focusing more on my pain instead of creating positive energy. With every ache and pain, my anxiety increased. It became a vicious cycle. It nearly destroyed me.

Now, I am not messing with antidepressants. I realized that was causing an adverse reaction and making my physical symptoms worse. I manage the depression through all the ways that I mentioned above, and especially grateful for all who check in on here.

I'm curious. Did have you had your DHEA level checked

Cat Lover, I would say my physical health has been okay. I think a turning point for me was when I started getting regular periods again. I know lupus can cause premature menopause, and that was one of my biggest worries. Getting a period every month, as horrible as they are, was actually welcomed. Of course with my fears of triggering reactions, I refuse to use tampons; only pads now.

Like I mentioned, there was a time why I stayed home and dwelled on my illness; stressed about my hair loss; and envied everyone else's long hair. I think the lack of activity made things worse or the lack of activity gave me more time to focus on the bad stuff. At this point, I wouldn't say I am cured, but I am doing okay.

I think it is interesting that PRP gave you growth at the temples. I wonder what a dermatologist would say about that. It makes me wonder why weren't the other areas receptive. Also, I was told that PRP requires 3 treatments about a month apart to cover hair follicles that are in different states of growth and rest. Is that not the case; did you only have one treatment?

I still suspect that I have lupus. It may not be fully developed yet, but I think it's there. For now it only seemed evident on blood tests when it was triggered by a medication that my body didn't like. It makes me wonder how many people have drug induced lupus and don't know that their medication is causing it.

Some doctors doubt the lupus diagnosis, but the fact remains that I had a localized autoimmune reaction on my scalp, and many localized autoimmune reactions on the skin may later develop into systemic conditions. So the potential is there, and I'd had a lot of the symptoms, so I take the medication. The way I see it, you wouldn't want someone with HIV to wait until the develop AIDS to treat it.

Some doctors will say, "this sounds like autoimmune disease, but the blood tests were negative." They want to wait for the disease to fully develop, which could be years, all the while people are suffering from the symptoms. I get their way of thinking, but it still sucks for the patient.

Lastly, it's not just Lady Gaga and Nicole Kidman. Jennifer Aniston, J.Lo, and yes, BEYONCE all chopped their hair off and went vegan at one point. Beyoncé was busted by hair professionals who saw the flaws in a couple of her lace front wigs. Interestingly, Beyoncé was recently on twitter showing off her new hairline and natural hair. Her own mom commented, "I'm so glad my baby got her hair back." These celebrities are going through it too. They just have more resources to get the best treatments, weaves, extension, transplants, PRP, etc. If they are truly healed, I wish they would share their secrets. It seems that many of them initially start with cutting off their hair and going vegan.

Lindsay Lohan just gave up and decided to embrace other cultures by wearing a headscarf.

Feb 28, 2018
Cat lover and gh
by: KO

What is the patch test? Could it help w a cure?

I am having a very hard time dealing with the inflamed and itchy scalp... also had an AGA biopsy so idk what that's all about...

I will also add that my hormone levels have changed since getting the BB. My fsh has skyrocketed and my amh has plummeted. Basically I'm perimnopausual at age 33. Though the doctors would never connect the two I can't help but wonder. I did have fertility issues before my last bb but it seems things got much worse right after which shocked the doctors. Not to mention the physical pain I am in has put me into a depression and really messed up my life.

Anyways just having a sad day.

Feb 27, 2018
by: Cat Lover

I didn't notice her hands. So sad, they have so much pressure on them to look perfect. That's their livelihood. You mentioned Lady Gaga's hair and I searched and saw all her hair loss in the front. You would think with all their money they would have professionals looking out for their hair and scalp health. We go to these discounted Hair Salons but it seems they get the same reactions and heartaches as we do.Interesting that you talked about getting rid of the toxins before we can heal our scalps. I have an appointment Monday for that North American Standard Patch test. You probably know what that is. Supposedly it's pretty thorough. It even tests for formaldehyde. I've been reading about the Paleo Autoimmune Diet and am waiting for the cookbook. It is so restrictive. I already eat clean but that's going to be a real challenge. I've been taking the Finesteride and applying Rogaine for a month now. AGA diagnosis still makes me shake my head. The PRP gave me noticeable growth in my temple areas but not the important parts that I was hoping for. He said to give it 3 months and that's right around the corner. It was a lot of money that I don't have and I don't know if it's worth another round. I stopped the clobestol liquid for now. How's your health been? Do you still feel that your Lupus diagnosis was accurate?

Feb 27, 2018
Cat Lover
by: gh

I looked up the pictures of Nicole Kidman. I had forgotten how thick and curly her hair used to be.

While I was looking at her hair pictures, I noticed pictures of her hands that seem to be a sign of a bigger issue. There are pictures of her hands appearing red and purple. Some pictures show enlarged/swollen joints in her hands.

It looks like she may be showing signs of Raynaud's syndrome. Some people have speculated that she has lupus, scleroderma, or rheumatoid arthritis.

The other sad thing, in a recent interview, she tearfully talked about wanting to be here for her kids to grow up. It was almost as if she feared a shorter life expectancy. It seems like she is battling more than just hair loss. It's so sad.

Feb 27, 2018
All - let’s connect
by: KO

Who’s on FB?

Please add me- Kelsey ONeill hogan!

Also Sam did you ever consider LPP as a diagnosis?

Feb 27, 2018
Cat Lover etc
by: KO

So my derm also suggested LPP based on what my scalp looks like and my clinical symptoms. However I do not have any patches of scarring yet or scale on my follicles. I know that’s not necessary for LPP but they think it could be early LPP.

I also spoke to a friend who sells Brazilian blowout and she said my reaction is quite common and it usually goes away in a few months once the skin barrier is repaired.

I don’t know who to believe anymore! I don’t have the major shed but LPP doesn’t necessarily mean that for everyone. Some people are just more symptomatic and less shed. It’s such a weird disease.

I’m in a few LPP groups on fb and several women blame either keratin or dye for their LPP initiating. My doctor said he thinks it could’ve brought it out of me as well. Still no relief with steroids or natural remedies. It has really taken a toll on me. I wish I had more answers.

Feb 27, 2018
by: gh

Hi Anonymous,

I think my hair sheds at a normal rate right now. I have used Rogaine on and off. It never really thickened my hair up significantly. I think it may have helped preserve the hair that I have.

One school of thought is that nothing is going to thicken your hair or regrow your hair until the toxins are removed. So as long as the irritant is still present, you can throw everything at it, but the results will be limited.

I think most agree that the BB came in contact with the scalp and possibly penetrated through the skin. Some people have mentioned that their scalp doesn't sweat anymore. This may be due to inflammation.

Sweating is one of the ways to get rid of toxins. My CAM doctor actually encouraged me to run through my depression to improve my mood and to sweat as much as I could. Of course, she also recommended detoxing diets and intravenous chelation therapy.

The intravenous chelation therapy is an interesting approach. It is supposed to remove heavy metals such as lead, mercury, thallium, arsenic, high iron, and so on. It seems to work well for some lupus patients.

Heavy metals are known causes of diffuse hair loss. You may encounter heavy metals every day depending on your lifestyle, and some your body will eliminate, but maybe something has changed. Maybe there was a turning point, and now your body is less resilient to these exposures.

Many of us can say that in the past our thick hair and healthy scalp tolerated dyes, straightening, heat, and all kinds of products without a problem. Some people have had multiple BB treatments before one made them sick. Maybe that particular BB was a turning point stripping us of our resiliency; a body altering reaction that should make us rethink what kind of chemicals we use and encounter.

At this point, I am skeptical about a lot of products. I am currently using locally sourced olive oil as a moisturizer. I don't wear make-up anymore. I try to be as natural as possible.

Again, I feel like I have crossed the line from being resilient to chemicals to being sensitive/vulnerable. I feel like I have to protect myself and decrease the toxin burden on my body.

I'm going to keep exploring my options and treatments. If I can identify a sure path to recovery, I will let everyone know.

Feb 26, 2018
by: Anonymous

Thank you for responding. I wish I could say my hair wasn't that big of a part of me. But sadly it is. If I only had a cute hairstyle and color to get me through this period that would really help but I don't have that and I tried. Im glad your hair loss stopped. I don't know what normal hair fall is anymore. Do you still lose about 50 a wash? There have been comments about LPP below and I'm scared to think I have it. I have all the symptoms. I dread going for another biopsy. I'm another one that was told I had AGA from biopsy report. NOT. Have you tried Rogaine to thicken up your hair? I just started that. Anyway thanks for responding i just wanted to find out what treatment will thicken up my hair. Yeah we are all going through things a little differently but one thing is for sure, we all share the same massive hair loss story after the BKT. When I get the courage to go to another Derm I'll ask him/her if your medications could help me. You sound like a lovely person. I hope you have a good week and recover from this soon.

Feb 26, 2018
by: gh


It is hard to say what has helped, because I have tried different things. I believe these treatments stopped the loss, but did not improve the thickness.

As far as length, I keep cutting my hair. I keep it short now. I have a cute short style. I realized my hair had been too much of my identity, and the initial loss of it almost killed me. I don't want to get to attached to it again. There is so much more to my life than hair. I just want to feel good.

I should mention, my labs had improved and for a few weeks I went off the medication. With stopping the medication, I saw an increase in hair fall. However, there were other things going on that time, so I am not sure if it's a reliable correlation.

I feel like my situation is unique, and like many have mentioned, we may all react differently to the BB. Some of us may have had a less severe reaction and may recover without significant medical intervention. Others may be more severe. It's hard to say if what has worked for me will work for the next person.

On another note, I have tried Doxy, and others have tried it as well. You all should know that this medication and others in its family can actually cause drug-induced-lupus-erythematosus (DILE). Meaning you may have a positive ANA while you are taking the drug. Once you stop the drug, your ANA returns to normal.

It is important to know that there are several drugs/chemicals out there that are known to cause drug induced lupus. And I am sure there are some that are not known. So if you do become positive for lupus, you might want to consider what drugs/chemicals you recently encountered.

Drug induced lupus or similar conditions may also be the case for chemicals absorbed through the skin such as toxic BBs. Drug-induced subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (DISCLE) is a DILE variant with predominant skin involvement, temporally related to drug exposure, and resolving after drug discontinuation. But after the BB has been absorbed through your scalp, how do you get it out? Does your body rid itself of the toxins with time? Is this why some people gradually get better over 3 years? Is there a way to speed up this detox/elimination process? What chemical in our daily lives are making it worse and slowing the recovery?

I wish I had all of the answer, but I am still searching.

Feb 25, 2018
by: Anonymous

Has the Azathioprine medication and tacromilis cream helped you with regrowth?

Feb 24, 2018
by: Cat Lover

Why are you so convinced you have LPP? LPP is very uncommon. Do you have circular scales around each follicle? If you're determined to get another biopsy go to the best dermatologist in your area that specializes in hair loss and make sure he or she takes it from an active area. Perhaps that will ease your mind and you can move on and not worry. I know how you feel, I wish I had made Dr. Tosti look at other areas. She only looked in the one spot on my second visit and changed her mind about LPP. Maybe it's too soon to tell but I believe my redness is getting better. Daily meditation, prayer and yoga helps me with stress and it just makes me feel better in general. Sorry Kelsey. but I prefer not to do any Facebook or social media. Keep us posted on how you're doing. Good luck to you.

Feb 23, 2018
Sandra and Cat Lover
by: KO

My hair went back to normal by about 2 years I think I had to grow out my full curls. This was before my most recent treatment.

My hair isn’t stick straight but I think the keratin sticks with you for a while...and yes I do think formaldehyde releases when you apply heat after the fact. Less and less but still.

Cat Lover - are you on Facebook?

I am contemplating a thiRd derm consult. I am convinced I haveLPP without the major hair loss due to the keratin and hormones and stress. I can’t keep adding steroids and dangerous medicated shampoos with no relief!

Feb 22, 2018
Thank you
by: Sandra

I cannot begin to tell you how heart warming it is when I look at this forum and you have responded to my messages and questions. I have felt so alone at times. struggling with the impact of encouraging my daughter to have her hair straightened and her subsequent hair loss. At times I’ve felt that I’m screaming alone in a dark room and nobody cares. When I look on here and see that there is someone there, someone that cares enough to respond to me , it really makes such a difference. Sorry to get all sentimental but it’s the truth ! You might think you didn’t do much by writing a few words but you did - we all lead such busy lives and you took time out of yours to help me and I’m very grateful .. xxx

Feb 22, 2018
by: Cat Lover

I read an article about Nicole Kidman and her regret from killing her curls with straightening treatments. She's unable to have the hair she once had. I used to love her natural thick red ringlets. If you google Nicole Kidman lost her curly hair you will see a dozen articles about that. I have heard other woman say that their hair was changed and not as curly. Hairdressers all say that it stays on your hair from 4 to 6 months. I still have my wavy hair but unfortunately a lot less of it. Texture is different too.

Feb 22, 2018
To Sandra
by: Maria

Hi Sandra,
Sorry, I cannot give you any more info on how long it lasted cause I cut my hair short after couple of month.Just couldn't look at those fried lengths :(
So I got rid of affected hair bit by bit until my hair was like 2cm short :(

Feb 21, 2018
Question for you
by: Sandra

Can I just ask people how king their hair remained straight for? It always concermed me that my daughter’s hair remained straight for two years before the B.B. began to wear off and it began to go curly again. I read that this means her treatment has more formaldehyde that usual. Anyone else’s stay straight for this long? Also, does anyone know if the formaldehyde remains in the hair after straightening or if it’s just during the hair straightening procedure that formaldehyde is released ? Many thanks in anticipation of your answers! I hope for lots of har regrowth soon for all of you ! My daughter has some regrowth, thinner than it used to be but no bald patches like she used to have on top of her head. Her parting is wider than it used to be though. This year will be four years in June and I also can’t believe that I still check this forum every day ! Four years of anxiety and guilt.

Feb 20, 2018
K O, Maria
by: Cat Lover

Great news Maria! I always appreciate updates. To answer your question K O ...after BB my scalp was sore but I wasn't concerned and didn't pay much attention to it. A few weeks after I had intense itching and burning and noticed so much hair on my bathroom carpet and while vacuuming. I had to empty the canister after one vacuum session and there was enough hair in there for more than 2 people. Then I started checking my scalp and saw how red and irritated it was and I was missing hair between partings everywhere, diffused all over. It's been about 18 months now. Scalp is still red(not as red) and doesn't burn anymore. Itches, but bearable and not constant, comes and goes. I take a benedryl at night because the back of my head where I sleep on it feels irritated and itches a little, only when lying down on it. Shedding comes and goes. There have been times where I would shed 400+ hairs after washing and was in panic mode. I have all different length strands. I think there is some regrowth but nowhere near what I had. A trichologist told me that the hair loss in the back is the worst. I think I've lost about 50% volume. Thank God I had such thick hair. Hope you get the answers you are looking for.

Feb 20, 2018
by: Maria

Hi all,
I post updates here and there... It will be 3 years this March! God, I could not imagine 3 years later this will be still my every day worry.
Anyhow, shedding has stopped in September.I have experienced shedding for few washes in December when I had plastic surgery and area around my scars on sides of my head just decided, hair is useless... But top of my head didn't lose much and I keep going.So lots of 5cm length, lots of very short length, rest of my hair thin but it's all growing.Could this be end of this nightmare at last? I can now stand under overhead light and be ok.Shiny scalp isn't showing much any more.Don't take me wrong, it's still way thinner than it was but it's growing and not shedding.Really nearly nothing at all.
So fingers crossed.
Will update you in couple of month again.
Lots of strength to you all! M

Feb 20, 2018
GH and Cat Lover
by: KO

GH - as far as my hormones, they have been tested and they are normal and same as before the Bb...ovulation and periods are the same.

Cat Lover - how is your redness and itchiness today? Did it happen immediately after your last B.B.? Mine was about a month after. I did steroid shots and also topical and neither had helped. I am not sure an allergic thing would last this long (now two months...)

My irritation isn’t EXTREME but it is quite annoying itch and burn sensation and I have a mildly inflamed scalp. I seem to be losing hair more difusely.

I am wondering if my hormones NOT due to the B.B. are the cause but hormones from pregnancy and miscarriage and hormonal therapy with estrogen have caused this...

Feb 19, 2018
by: Gh


Other people have reported what appeared to be hormone issues, guys and girls. If you look back in the feed, you will find a lot of females commented about changes in their periods. I believe Sam, a male, also noticed some symptoms that could have been related to hormones.

Changes in your period may or may not be related to hormones. BB seems to disrupt homeostasis in many ways. It put excessive stress on the body; allergy/immune response go into overdrive. Naturally the human body will work to restore homeostasis, and in doing so priorities are changed. Ovulation may not be priority as your body works on recovering from the toxic shock caused by the B.B.

It’s hard to say, but you can always have your hormone levels checked if you want to get to the bottom of it.

Also, has anyone seen the Lady Gaga documentary on Netflix? She says she had a reaction to hair dye. Now she has lupus and hormone disorders. The documentary shows her dead, thin, short hair and receding hairline. Of course, when you see her in other footage she is wearing weaves and lace-front wigs. Anyway, it’s another example of how a toxic product can turn your life upside down.

Feb 18, 2018
by: Cat Lover

I think most everyone here has had the hair loss but that's not to say that you don't have some sort of contact dermatitis from the BB. I had quite a few BB's done as you did too, but the last one caused the red itchy scalp and hair loss. I did tell you about my friend that had your symptoms for many months and now she is fine. I wouldn't get another BB and In my opinion wouldn't mess with hormones either.

Feb 18, 2018
by: KO

Did anyone’s symptoms involve more scalp irritation / inflammation and not so much hair loss?

Also, did anyone not have any bad reactions (hair loss or scalp issues) until a month or so after the treatment?

What’s your story? I’m really trying to figure out if my scalp issues are keratin related or otherwise hormone related... or both.

Feb 14, 2018
by: Gh

Lichen planus was considered as a diagnosis, but it didn't stick. Regardless, I knew that the BB caused an allergic reaction and pushed me into some sort of autoimmune disease. The Azathioprine and tacralimus cream covers all the bases whether it be LP, LPP, or lupus. So I just continue with my treatment plan and avoid as many chemicals as possible in every part of my life. My diet is mostly plant-based but sometimes paleo; no processed foods. Occasionally, I eat out. I call that my cheat day.

I avoid cleaners, soaps, and detergents that are loaded with extra chemicals like dyes and fragrance. I avoid unnecessary medication especially stuff like intravenous CT or MRI contrast. That stuff is especially toxic to people who have been sensitized already.

Now I only use Free & Clear shampoo and conditioner. It is free of dyes, fragrance, masking fragrance, lanolin, protein, parabens, formaldehyde, and other preservatives. Also sulfate-free, betaine-free, and gluten-free. It was recommended by my derm. It is not all that luxurious, but it gets the job done.

My body seems to be permanently sensitized, so I have made some lifestyle adjustments to avoid triggers. Things are going well.

Feb 08, 2018
I agree with you Anonymous
by: Sandra

I do agree with you, Anonymous, it’s the formaldehyde that caused this and yes , my daughter’s hair loss is just like you say.. and dermatologists do give it a label like female hair baldness simply because there isn’t a name for hair loss on top of your head caused by B.B. ! Remember, female hair baldness is gradual not sudden..

I do appreciate your research Kelsey, especially showing us the photos. I do believe, that maybe as you haven’t had huge hair loss like so many of us , that yours may be LP. Please keep us posted ! And good luck to both of you and everyone ..

Feb 07, 2018
by: Anonymous

To everyone no body is going to convince me that I suffer from any thing other than hair loss related to the Brazilian blow out do i believe that it made me sick yes do I believe it made my thick hair fall out yes I do . I really hope we stop blaming this on a possibility that it could be any thing else we are y'all suffering right and we all have one thing in common hair loss and it seems to happen in the same form hair line crown , right side is gone or thinner then the left ,and the shedding happen with in weeks right after so I'm just not convince that we just all happen to get a Brazilian blow out or keratin treatment and then we all get a disease and our hair falls nope it's the treatment now evey one let's don't forget the number one chemical here to blame, formaldehyde!!!!! And if you look back years on here you will read that a lady lost her hair after many Brazilian blowouts so there is a answer , sooner or later theses treatments do have there consequences our hair and scalps and bodies were never intended to have formaldehyde based chemicals poured straight into our hair you just can't do that it's for the dead , a chemical designed for the dead and that's why I strongly believe that we have been poisoned inside and out and it's going to be a long road to recovery.

Feb 07, 2018
GH and all
by: KO

Anyone explore this reaction as LPP (lichen planopilaris)??

I am awaiting biopsy results but in being in groups online it seems likely this could be what many of us are suffering.

Many in the group believe dyes or chemicals like keratin cause the symptoms and hairloss. It can be immediate or slow. The disease- which is said to be autoimmune in nature - affects everyone differently. Much like our similar yet different responses to the keratin chemicals.

Please look into LPP (it’s a form of Lichen Planus) and let me know your thoughts!


Feb 02, 2018
by: kO

My name is Kelsey Hogan in the group. Search my post you will see pics.

Feb 01, 2018
by: Anonymous 2

KO ? went to FB..but member "KO" not listed that way..please advise..
in any event applied to join.

BTW everyone dont ever buy any product until you check it out here:

I threw out half my bathroom products..

Feb 01, 2018
by: Anonymous

Sorry I wasn't clear, she's treating me for AGA from my previous biopsy.

Feb 01, 2018
Cat lover
by: KO

Cat Lover -

So what did tosti say your diagnosis was?


I will keep you posted on the biopsy.

Feb 01, 2018
by: KO

Hi Sandra-

I’m glad you found my pics.

You are right- I don’t really have hair loss... maybe more diffuse thinning, especially in the areas where it’s Red and the top of my crown.

But I think the keratin can affect us all in different ways.

My scalp itches and burns - I am on steroids and antibiotics now to help calm it. Works well but not 100%.

I know Cat lover at one point had a diagnosis of lichen planopilaris, which is what I suspect I have. I am definitely not certain this is from the keratin treatment or a cruel coincidence as I also had a lot of stress and hormonal things going on too. All can be triggers.

However I know Cat Lover mentioned that dr tosti said she did NOT have LPP, which is a relief! Or maybe I do have it and it’s just from life. Which would be better I guess I wouldn’t blame myself.

Thanks for responding and caring.

Jan 31, 2018
For Kelsey
by: Sandra

Hi Kelsey
I’m not on Facebook and I wouldn’t know how to be, so I asked my younger sister who lives in USA (I live in UK) to join the group for me. She found you and screenshot the photos of your hair to send me so that I could see if it looked like my daughter’s hair. I’ve been desperate for ages to see if anyone else’s looks like hers so I was pleased to see photos - thank you ! I’m so sorry not to put her photos on so that you can see. If it was me I promise I would but I just can’t betray her trust like that - there is no way she would let me, even if it was just the top of her head so her face isn’t visible as you have done. My daughter did have itchiness initially but this stopped quite quickly . Her scalp had no red areas like yours but she has way more hair loss , and it happened very quickly , within days of the Brazilian hair straightening . I don’t know if yours is linked to your BB or not and it’s hard to tell from photos but there didn’t seem to be much hair loss at all .. with my daughter , there was a large area of scalp showing very quickly . My sister has had hair loss due to iron deficiency ( nothing like my daughters and easily remedied). She is using something called Monat and she thinks it’s great. We don’t have it in UK so she said that she will bring me some next time she visits .. has anyone else tried it ? Thank you again Kelsey ! Keep posting!

Jan 30, 2018
by: Cat Lover

She was waiting for the redness from the PRP to go down before she did the biopsy because it would have affected the result. When I came back she saw the redness subsided a lot and her assistant put the camera on one spot and she didn't see any of the suspicious follicular scaling like last time so she didn't want me to go through having another biopsy. I was relieved but after thinking about it, I wish I had her look at some different areas on my scalp. I saw the follicular scaling yesterday and it is still red. Not as red as before. So now it's in the back of my mind again. So far, my temples have some fine hair growing in. Could be from the PRP, I don't see any real regrowth yet. I'll give it until March. I shed so much after the PRP. If I don't see anymore improvement I don't think it would be worth my time and money to do the PRP again. We shall see. I have a follow up with Dr. Tosti in May. We have a tendency to self diagnose ourselves on the internet and 9 times out of 10 we get frantic over nothing. I hope the biopsy gives you piece of mind. I heard it's good to get at least 2 biopsies in different areas. If it's any consolation, my friend had the same symptoms as you with no hairfall. She didnt wait the 3 days after the BB. She washed her hair and kept on washing it, and she also kept washing her brushes and combs. She was trying to get that product out as best as she could. She had the itchy pink scalp for many months and she still has all her beautiful hair. To this day she has two spots that still itch. It's over 2 years for her and her hair and scalp is fine. Please let me know your biopsy results. Good luck to you.

Jan 30, 2018
Cat Lover and ALL
by: KO

Hi Cat Lover-

So is your diagnosis of LPP not valid anymore? Did she change her mind after the results of your PRP?

I am so glad to hear this if I am understanding correctly.

I also am quite convinced I have LPP. If anyone is on FB and joins a group called healing LP, LLP and OLP naturally, search my name Kelsey and you will see my pics. Most people say it looks like LPP.

However, I have a biopsy on Friday though I'm not putting all my eggs in that basket.

I did have STRESS and hormone therapies and pregnancy and loss and such ALL around the time of my keratin treatment, so it's possible I do have LPP from a different source and this is all just a horrible coincidence. Not knowing is killing me though! I keep blaming myself due to the keratin. Im sure they all play a role.

I am so happy to hear Dr. Tosti said people get their hair back. How is your inflammation and scalp pain and symptoms now? Would your hair have come back naturally or is it bc of the PRP?


I also encourage everyone to join the FB group Women Fighting Hair Loss. Please find me on there and friend me!

Jan 30, 2018
by: Anonymous

Is anyone having any luck with Rogaine?

Jan 28, 2018
by: KO

Did you ever get a scalp biopsy?

Based on what my scalp looks like I believe I have lichen planopilaris however I need a biopsy to confirm.

I am sure I have diffuse shedding but it’s not extremely noticeable or bald spots yet.

Jan 28, 2018
by: Anonymous

I posted yesterday - 3 yrs 8 mos... Yes scalp irritation results from B.B. The top back of my head STILL hurts if I wear ponytail too long (almost 4 years later!). Also my temple areas still look pink - my scalp used to be white. I know scalp very damaged - I believe hair loss due to inflammation. I also believe the hair loss starts within few weeks of the treatment for most.

Jan 28, 2018
by: KO

Anyone have irritation - scalp inflammation and burning w some itching too... but not really Hair fall?

Could this be a precursor to hair fall?

I have had over 10 keratin treatments but this last one is the only one that has caused irritation which started about a month after and Ebs and flows.

Steroids do nothing. Medicated shampoo morning. Trying antibiotics now and just natural products like Jason and Alon labs. My scalp is pink in parts but not blazing red.

Perhaps it’s unrelated to the keratin but it just seems like it could be. I also have had anxiety and depression and hormonal issues due to IVF and miscarriage.

All happening around the same time.

Any insight? Biggest worry is this inflammation is an early stage of hair loss.

Jan 27, 2018
3 years 8 months
by: Anonymous

Had one B.B. ever - June 2014. Biggest mistake ever. Within 2 weeks tons of hairfall. Worst when washed hair, but fell all day. I estimate I lost 1/3-1/2 of my hair. However - not so bad anyone else ever noticed (so try not to freak out and obsess! I wasted so much time doing that). My hair is definitely getting better - not nearly as much falls although not totally back to normal. Hair not as thick but my front hairline (which was worst for me) seems to be improving. I’m hoping next year or so hair fall is back to normal. I tried so many things to make the hair loss stop - nothing worked, but time. I think scalp is damaged and must recover. Don’t think of your recovery from this in terms of months - think years (sorry - but true).

Jan 27, 2018
Cat Lover
by: Sandra

Cat lover, thank you for recognising my pain. You’re right, my heart is aching so badly.. the fact that you have acknowledged that brought tears to my eyes. I always hate to say this, as I don’t want to make light of everyone’s suffering but I wish it had been me instead of her, a million times over. Thank you for telling us about your experience with Dr Tosti and explaining to me about AGA - that makes sense and is reassuring to me . Many people do return to this site after years to say that they have recovered from this and it gives me hope. I will keep posting and I hope others will too . Some people like MG used to post until about a year ago and have stopped. I am desperate to know how they are and what happens 6 or 7 years after BB.

Jan 27, 2018
Anonymous 2, Sandra
by: Cat Lover

Sorry for all the acronyms the medical terms are so long.
AGA = Androgenetic Alopecia
LPP = Lichen Planopaliris
PRP = Platelet Rich Plasma
Lol, I didn't know any of this until my BB hair loss journey.

Meditation and prayer are powerful. When I'm stressed and anxious my hair loss is worse. I have been doing this a lot lately too.

Sandra, my Dermatologist that referred me to Dr. Tosti once told me that just because the diagnosis is AGA doesn't mean I have it. The findings are consistent with AGA so that's how they categorize it. So that's how they treat it. There isn't any alopecia called BB alopecia or chemical alopecia. I'm much older than most here and I'm devastated about my hair. As a Mother to a 16 year old that has this, your heart must be aching so badly. Quite a few people have come back just saying it takes a very long time to heal and it will get better. I'm so glad they come back here to update us. I am going back for the 2nd PRP in April and I hope to bring back better news. God Bless

Jan 26, 2018
by: Anonymous 2

Hello Everyone,

I am sorry but i just do not know what all these abbreviations are..
what is aba or llp or prp..
i may have misspelled these..

can someone write a key? I read all posts from this site and there are just some things that I know are ultra important but have no idea what they are..

meditation seems to help these days more than anything else.

Jan 26, 2018
Cat Lover & all
by: Missy

CAt L- So glad to hear you didn't need a biopsy and the PRP is working. I have miniaturization so I think it was correctly diagnosed unfortunately. And my hair now feels like doll hair.. and it's not changed in 2-3 years so doubt it will. I tell anyone don't do keratin ever.

Jan 26, 2018
Thank you
by: Sandra

Thank you for everyone’s comments - so helpful - so appreciated .. I agree with you , not AGA .. they said my daughter had AGA .. she had bald patches on top of her head ,’follicles were miniaturised .. it grew back .. AGA doesn’t grow back .. it gets worse .. it’s permanent ..

I won’t deny her hair is thin on top , thinner all over BUT those bald patches on top have filled in with hair . This reaction to B.B. doesn’t fit a profile that dermatologists know , it doesn’t fit with what they have learnt about so they try and make it fit .. I wish they would listen to us , acknowledge that we know it was a reaction to the B.B.. we don’t all coincidentally develop AGA at the same time as having our hair straightened ! My daughter was 16 years old - not many 16 years olds have AGA , certainly not a rapid development days after B.B. .. I wish they’d listen ...

Jan 26, 2018
Missy, Everyone
by: Cat Lover

Thank you Missy for sharing your experience. Today was my follow up with Dr. Tosti. I was dreading another biopsy and I was teary eyed all week about the LPP diagnosis. She wanted to confirm the diagnosis with a biopsy. She came in looked at the top of my scalp and had an assistant put the camera around where she looked 2 weeks ago. She said a lot of the redness from the PRP was gone and the scaling no longer looked suspicious. She decided I didn't need the biopsy. I have new hair growing on both temples and it's only been 7 weeks post PRP. She went back to the AGA diagnosis with possible contact dermatitis from BB. Nonetheless, I was relieved. I'm still denying the AGA as both of my parents went to their graves with a full head of hair. She prescribed 1/2 tab of Finasteride, Clobetasol Solution, Rogaine 5% foam. Neutrogena no residue shampoo. She wanted me to have the allergy testing done and I asked her if I can have it done closer to home and she said yes. She said to see her in 4 months. If any of you want to do the allergy testing it's called North American Standard Series Patch Tests. I asked her whatever happened to the patients in her report with the skin and scalp problems from BB. She said their hair grew back and so will mine. She wants me to go back for more PRP. That's my update. I hope it helps someone.

Jan 25, 2018
To Cat Lover, etc
by: Missy

Cat Lover, I am also a cat lover:). I saw Dr Miteva I think twice and Dr Tosti once. Yes, given her schedule, it isn't easy and another thing that isn't easy is getting to speak to anyone in that office. Dr. Miteva had written a prescription for some shampoo or steroid something I can't remember, and my insurance would not cover it so they were trying to see what other recommendation would suffice. They could not reach anyone in that office, and neither could I. And I am talking about over a period of weeks I managed to also get a fax number for the dermatology department and also faxed with no response. Once you leave that office, I don't know of any way to reach them which is a problem. Check but that allergy test I think was over 3 days. Anyway, I have been diagnosed by them with female pattern baldness, which my mother also got after having a total hysterectomy like me as well. And neither of us do any hormones, minoxidil, PRP, or any of it. Unfortunately none of those things are options for me for various reasons. Plus dr also diagnosed me with the reaction to the Keratin. The thinning of the hair was having an effect I guess over sometime when I think about it, although I pull my hair blowing it for the bangs all the time repetitively for all these years so that's part of it I was told, but absolutely the burning scalp and flaky scalp and that whole thing is from the Keratin and the chemicals. I lost half my hair and it's very thin on top in the front. I'm blessed I had a ton to start.

Jan 24, 2018
Missy, Everyone
by: Cat Lover

Missy, did Dr. Tosti help you at all with any treatment? If you don't mind me asking what was her diagnosis? She mentioned the allergy testing and I am going to do it. I didn't realize it was over a few days. I don't like the long haul to Miami either especially in the morning. It's a nightmare. I will report back with my allergy test results. It just takes so long to get an appointment and she is only in the office 6 months out of the year. It's been 18 months now and I just want to save my hair. Sandra, that explains why I have such irritation on the back of my head every night when I lay down. I sleep on my back. I actually have a little bald spot there. I have a lot of thinning over ears too especially right side. I take benedryl for relief and to sleep. Anonymous 2, I did read your article and had heard about that environmental group suing FDA. Formeldyde is in everything. Cotton blends, toilet paper, paper towels, mattresses, especially temperpedic. Etc. etc. It is hard to avoid. I will report back and read all your posts. Good Night Everyone.

Jan 24, 2018
Please read
by: Anonymous 2

Thank you Cat Power for posting article-
everyone please read this one too:

Please tell me your thoughts on it all. I am listening (and going to be bald by June 2018)

Anonymous 2

Jan 24, 2018
Dr Tosti etc
by: Missy

I haven't been on in a while but saw these posts. I saw Dr Tosti and Dr Miteva of her office a couple years ago. You are doing and saying exactly what I learned from all of my visits to various dermatologists & trichologists etc. Get blood work done to get to the root of any other issues that could be causing the hair loss such as thyroid or hormones, and go to someone who knows about formaldehyde related hair loss. The last thing I did not do with Dr. Tosti that she recommended was to have the allergy testing. Basically I think you're supposed to come back over like three or four days as they apply different products to see what exactly you are allergic to. There could be ingredients and products we use that we don't realize are affecting us the same way as keratin. Because of the fact that I live an hour away from her office and it required me to be there at 7:30 in the morning, even staying with a relative, I did not want to do that over the course of several days so I never followed up with that. I probably should. Just as a reminder, I had the reaction that we are all too familiar with. Sandra said a very good point that I had not thought of which is that when you have to keep the product on your hair after you have a done and wait to shampoo a day or two or whatever, it is surrounding you when you press your head in the pillow, etc. An excellent point that I had not thought of. What an idiot I was to do this. I have the burning peeling scalp and sensitivity to my scalp for a long time after I had it done. The telltale sign that we all know. Good luck all

Jan 23, 2018
2018:FDA still doesn't protect consumers
by: Anonymous 2

Hello everyone,

My hair is falling out like many of you. It has been 4 months since I had a "gk keratin treatment" that was supposed to be "formaldahyde free" and oh so great for my hair. Yeah right.
Look it is truly hard to believe but I know that GK treatment is causing my hair loss. The FDA should have removed these guys from the market (formaldehyde straightening systems that use heat and have fumes) many years ago. They must be getting paid off dunno. But please..I have read everyone's posts..please
Everyone listen- please stop self diagnosing.
Supplements don't always help. In fact you can have toxicity of vitamins- and toxicity of vitamins B3 (niacin), D, A, magnesium..cause major itching! I am not a specialist so is a quote from internet search:

"Many different types of drugs are thought to cause hair loss, including:
Acne medications containing vitamin A (retinoids)
Antibiotics and antifungal drugs.
Birth control pills.
Anticlotting drugs.
Cholesterol-lowering drugs.
Drugs that suppress the immune system."

So what am I doing :
Getting a total blood work up-
My hair is getting checked for metal toxicity
All vitamins-all levels of vitamins must be checked..
and get this:
Thyroid too..
not just T4 but also T3..
No product can tell you what blood test will and get an integrative doctor if possible, or at least a primary that actually cares about you!
Sorry I just am so sad and angry about all this -
we were ultimately lied to. We were told it was safe.
It wasn't.
Don't trust anything but your true blood test results and go from there..don't follow what anyone else says..
listen to a doctor..stay away from companies that just want your $.
My attitude has changed to how I perceive "the beauty of hair", hair is important it is true..but it is not what makes you beautiful. Your mind spirit and soul make you beautiful.
Just sorry all this had to happen for me to realize this.
Thank you everyone for posting, I truly stand behind you and want only to support you. Take good care of yourself,
meditate, yoga, a brisk walk, eat healthy..
listen to music..(I play harmonica), and know that it is going to all work out will be ok..we are alive and have a lot to live for..our hair will catch up..we must practice also patience..

Jan 23, 2018
by: Sandra

Yes, my daughter’s hair loss has always been worse at the sides above her ears. I’ve always thought that this is because as she lay asleep with the chemicals on her hair these are the areas where the chemicals were rubbing into her scalp.

It’s 3 and a half years since the Brazilian hair straightening. She has had no visible extreme hair loss since the first year when hairs poured out of her head leaving her pillow covered in hairs every morning. Her hair is looking thinner and I think of the research I read about that said if the formaldehyde gets into the follicles then when the hair reaches the end of its life cycle (3-5 years I think ) it is not replaced with another one. I presume this has happened- I never did manage to access the research paper : just read about it in newspaper. I don’t know anymore- I’m just sad, scared and angry. Anyone else out there with some news after several years?

Jan 22, 2018
Question Anyone
by: Anonymous

Anyone else missing a lot of hair above ears and near base of neck? Does it come back? Overall thinning more & more but practically no hair there especially over ear.

Jan 11, 2018
by: Cat Lover

Here is one of her reports on BB

In my opinion if you don't have the massive hair fall, I think you'll be spared. I lost over 50% of my hair over a 2 month period after the BB. My scalp was sore immediately after I had it done and was red and burning. A week later it became unbearably itchy. Scaling wasn't visable until I looked at my scalp with my magnifying make up mirror and saw circles of scale around alot of my follicles. Get a good dermatologist that really looks through all of your scalp with a dermascope. I wasted so much time with doctors that didn't want to take the time to do this. I was told I had Psoriasis by one and TE by 3. The worst part was the biopsy result of AGA which I knew was incorrect. I wasted so much time and money. I even tried acupuncture. Good Luck to you.

Jan 11, 2018
Cat lover
by: KO

Cat lover,

I am eager to learn more about what Dr. Tosti said in regards to how keratins can affect the skin and scalp?

Can you share more detail?

I am currently experiencing itchiness, irritation and sensitivity. Some red inflammation. No flakes.

Doctors are not sure what to diagnose. They don’t really see a problem visually. Just some inflammation. I do not have massive hair loss but am much more concerned about the constant irritation as it’s affecting my day to day life and quickly sending me into a depression.

Thank you for your help!

Jan 11, 2018
by: Cat Lover

My visit with Dr. Antonella Tosti was this morning at the University of Miami. I provided my biopsy stating Androgenetic Alopecia and all my blood work, including ANA, Iron, thyroid, vitamin D, cortisol. I was post menopausal pre BB, so it's not estrogen related. My testosterone was in the same range as pre BB. Dr. Tosti did research on the effects of BB and skin and scalp. She was the first Doctor that spent a lot of time studying my scalp under magnifying cameras. She said she doesn't believe it's from androgenetic alopecia. She showed me the scaling around the follicles and she mentioned Lichen Planaris but did not want to do the biopsy today because I just had PRP with ECM last month. She said it would affect the result of the biopsy if we did it today. I have to go back to Miami 1/26. I'm pretty distraught thinking that it may be LPP. I initially thought I may have it because of all my symptoms but I stopped worrying about it when my biopsy last year showed AGA. Getting back to the PRP with ECM. Kit Kat had such positive news with hair growth from PRP A cell and my dermatologist encouraged me to try it. There are PRP clinics popping up everywhere, some used just straight PRP, some with A cell and some use extra cellular matrix. I wanted to go to the guru of PRP. If it was going to work it would be from Dr. Greco in Sarasota. He said the ECM was the best and that's all he does now. He was great. We talked for an hour in length before the treatment. I drove 4 hours home with a bloody head. My eyes felt funny immediately. The next day I returned the rental car and did some food shopping and noticed two lumps on my forehead. Dr. Greco got back with me right away. He said 20% of his patients get the down swelling and it will go away in 24 hours which it did. I wish I was given written post treatment instructions so that I could have prepared myself. You're not supposed to look down. I live alone with pets and did the best I could. My hair shedding increased significantly after the PRP. He said I need to give it at least 3 months. It's 1 month today and I have less hair so far than last month. I will keep everyone posted on my progress. I read everyone's posts and progress and I thank everyone of you for sharing your stories.

Jan 11, 2018
by: KO

If your diagnosis is only TE, I’m not sure if hormone modification would help at all. Hormone modification is more suitable for women who have an additional diagnosis of female pattern balding or androgenetic alopecia. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Jan 10, 2018
6 years
by: Anonymous

6 year follow up! Recap- massive hair fall, pouring from head. If I touched my hair or moved alone, at least 20 strands. Washing hair about 100-200 strands. Mostly around hairline and then diffused everywhere. Massive scalp pain which ice cubes helped for relief. Dermatologists, doctors, 5k in products. Hair fall after the first 6 months went in cycles. I would have good weeks and very bad weeks. This went on for the next 3 years and eventually slowed down. After 4 years is when I noticed my hair strands thickening up and not straw like anymore. The shine that was totally gone has come back in the past year. My hair that was dry and translucent is now thicker, shinier and normal hair loss (5 to 10) strands when washing. My hair is now back to normal. I would have never thought it would have taken this long but sadly it did. Just wanted to come back and update. -Alli

Jan 10, 2018
by: KO

So I actually see an RE for fertility.

I don’t really think the keratin has affected me as severely.

My labs are all the same as they were before and I struggled with infertility before the treatment. Though I did have some several years ago so who knows if that was somehow related. No way of knowing.

I used a Malibu wellness scalp treatment and my scalp is doing better. I stopped estrogen yesterday and already noticing I am not having hairfall. Perhaps it was a symptom of being on the supplement? Weird I would think it would have he reverse affect.

I have not been diagnosed with anything besides potentially TE by my derm but as it’s only been less than a month, hard to say.

Going to a new derm tomorrow for a thorough scalp inspection. Maybe I just have dry scalp or these are hormonal issues.

I have a feeling the keratin could just be a coincidence that I’m experiencing all of this, but do want to know for sure. Maybe I’ll try to get a biopsy? My anxiety is very crippling though I definitely have cyberchondria.

Thanks for the help!! I’ll report back. Let me know if you have any other advice.


Jan 10, 2018
by: Gh

Because some of my hair loss is believed to be hormonal, an endocrinologist gave a prescription for a Dht-blocker and birth control pill. Dht-blocker blocks testosterone while birth control increases female hormones. Also, you don’t want to get pregnant while taking a dhtblocker. It can cause birth defects.

If you can find a reproductive endocrinologist, they may be the best specialist to sort it out. If your primary care doctor is telling you that you rapid onset androgenetic alopecia, I would ask for a referral to see an endocrinologist who actually specializes in sex hormones that are causing the androgenetic alopecia. Also if you have changes in menstruation, ovarian, cysts, etc., you make a better argument for seeing a reproductive endocrinologist.

Too many doctors told me that my main problem was androgenetic, but they weren’t digging much deeper. They only recommended rogaine. It wasn’t enough.

One thing I forgot to mention about DHT-blockers is make sure you are taking the right one. Some docs prescribe one without giving it much thought, but my endocrinologist explained that she couldn’t prescribe one until she saw my lab results. Hormone levels will help your doctor determine the best treatment.

Jan 09, 2018
by: gh

I know biotin has been marketed as the "hair vitamin," but I have come to realize that biotin may have done little for me. The evidence of high doses of biotin having a significant impact for hair recovery seems to be hyped up a bit too much. However, iron/ferritin and vitamin D deficiencies are known to cause hair loss.

Through my ordeal, I had blood tests for vitamin D and iron. With time and without intervention, the amounts of both nutrients declined in my body. Eventually, they were at a critically low level. I think the range for iron is 20-300. I was at 18. I don' t know why this happen, but I do know that those low numbers weren't helping my case.

Initially, started taking supplements, but like many of you, my gut has changed since the BB. I wasn’t absorbing the iron tablets well. I had to switch to the liquid. The liquid has helped me get my numbers up. I am not as cold nor as tired as I once was.

Vitamins like iron/ferritin, vitamin D, potassium, and magnesium can be checked with simple blood test, but seem to be overlooked by some practitioners. Has anyone else had these vitamins routinely checked? If so, what were the results? Do you find yourself deficient in many nutrients?

I don’t think just one thing went wrong when the BB was applied. It caused multiple problems, attacked my hair/body in multiple ways, therefore multiple treatments may be necessary. Vitamins, DHT-blockers, anti-inflammatories, immunosuppressants, good shampoo, etc. may all be possible treatments whether used alone or in combinations. If you are like me, you will probably need a multipronged combination treatment. Now, the only biotin I get is through my multivitamin,

Jan 07, 2018
My story.
by: Sam

Hello everyone, let me start off by saying I commented on a post trying to give some what of advice , and it was meant for everyone who suffers from that scalp itch caused by the Brazilian blow out , I thought that itch would never go away and I can litterly promise to you y'all that my scalp is itch free now , I was trying every thing from organic, natural, home made lol, and even the doctors stuff including that shampoo I recommended to you all a while back from that doctor I think it was tar black shampoo or something but the itch always return the next day , now the one thing I never had tried was the head and shoulders one but not the regular one the I one I mention on my last post now here how it happen , and i do have some hair on the top left it's kind of growing there only, but I was itching like crazy ok one night while shopping at Kroger I saw this shampoo i said oh what the heck nothing works so I wash my hair and left this on my scalp put a bag over my head and was supposed to leave it on for 20 min that was the plan just to do that well lol I fell asleep and 2 hours passed I panic and I immediately ran to was my hair and, it was like wow!!!!! My scalp was so calm and all this white stuff was just peeling off like real bad dandruff after I was drying it, and my hair was so soft on the top now I repeated this for like the next few weeks and now I'm dandruff free itch free and I now can go two days with out washing it and I'm praying my hair will return from the back and sides I have faith now , well I'm only giving my story I no not everyone will have the same result but like I said you never no but you can not give up yes you will see your fall out like usual it's no different the Brazilian damage us but it has it good days and bad days oh and after that itch is under control I only do my hair and scalp like once a week and the other days i use my regular shampoo of choice well that's my story on the head and shoulders I did this for a month and a half experiment I didn't give up , now the only thing I have that bothers me is that small bumps on the back that's it if I can get rid of that I'll be one happy boy again or until my hair return but now that I'm bouncing back to life because my scalp feels good I think just maybe my story might have a positive ending I no it's to early to judge but I just had to share my story with you all lots of you read my comments on my worst and the lowest I have ever been and now some thing positive to share with the group well, I also hope to report more positive things. Well good luck to you all and best wishes, Sam.

Jan 06, 2018
by: KO

So I do believe that what I am experiencing as far as the itching and tingling pain on my now tender scalp is microinflammation...this is under the skin (at first) so it's no wonder any doctor can't see anything, especially for those of us with clear scalps and no flakes or redness.

There is some very interesting research done by the company that owns Eucerin on the topic and I've ordered some of their products to try. Essentially the inflammation could be caused by the keratin treatment, stress, weather, all of the sulfates I've been scrubbing my head with (over washing with harsh shampoos) to try to get the keratin out (long story as to why).

Anyways for me I don't think any anti-fungal or dandruff shampoo will help. However I am hoping this irritation is not chronic and I can slowly relieve it trying different products. I am usually all natural but I will try these and see. Also going to tr Davines tonic for sensitive scalp and their energizing shampoo which contains caffeine.

As a bit of background, I got the keratin treatment November 28, noticed increased hair fall (which could be due to other factors such as a recent miscarriage) around two weeks after the treatment. Scalp issues came on about a week after that so possibly stress from hair fall and all the harsh chemicals, including but not limited to the formaldehyde. Ugh.

Anyways I would really like to hear any theories on the above or if anyone has tried these methods? Hoping to nip this JJ the bud. I do think my hair shedding could be TE and keratin treatment combined. I don't see any bald spots yet and it's definitely diffuse though it's only been less than a month...

Also GH I know you mentioned estrogen. I am actually on estrogen supplements (part of my IVF protocol) so I can report I still have hair loss and scalp symptoms with estrogen supplementation which is kind of surprising and annoying all in one.

I know I'm new but I've read back in the forum and hope to connect!

Cheers Again,

Jan 05, 2018
Hi all
by: Missy

It's been crazy hectic moving and a bunch but I keep fingers crossed for all of us. Hi to all of you from 2016. Same. My hair is straw, but relatively I'm praying it just stays status quo. I use my Just Naturals still but would like some other moisturizing products to try to switch off to get more benefit but there's nothing that doesn't have some type of protein, silicone, fragrance, etc that's rich and moisturizing. Any suggestions would be great. I just colored with regular color for the first time because I'm so gray and blow drying has dried out my hair more. It's all just more of the same. Hormones and the Keratin just completely changed my hair. It is miniaturized, and dry like hay and completely thinning in the front and at the nape of the neck. And my situation is that I cannot use minoxidil because it gives me palpitations, and because i run with a high ANA, I cannot do the PRP acell. Or take any of the supplements that have Estrogen etc. it is what it is. I think I see more shedding with the color I'm using. Good luck to all of you.

Jan 05, 2018
To ko
by: Sam

Hello try this I hope it helps go buy head & shoulders clinical strength for seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff it's blue with a orange strip on it, ok now I don't have any hair on the sides or back it all fell out from the Brazilian blow out but believe me it itches super crazy and I don't no if you have to shave it off for this to help but me I leave that shampoo on my head for hours the longer I can take it the better the itch relief is and I put a plastic bag over my head with small towel you do not want to get it on your eye ouch!!!! I'm guessing the first-time leave it for 2 hours then a hour after the next and I wash my scalp everyday and do this almost everyday now all I feel are those bumps I'm guessing was caused by the chemicals in the Brazilian that touch my scalp because that stylist pack on that chemical on me it touch my whole scalp I'm guessing that's why I'm extremely bald well I hope that will help believe me I no all about that itchy dvslo but remember it will take time so don't give up keep doing it till you find your relief good luck . Hello to every one and g hair I have been really down lately but I'm trying my best to bounce back to reality well take care everyone. Happy New Year Sam.

Jan 05, 2018
The itch
by: KO

Anyone have advice on the itch factor?

Does it ever go away?

My first dermatologist prescribed a steroid foam which I'm not too keen on as I don't believe this is a fungus...

Looking for some positive stories from you guys.


Dec 20, 2017
by: gh

Hello all,

If you haven't heard already, the FDA recently released a warning about how biotin use can distort lab tests. You can read about his on the FDA's website and find additional articles through an internet search.

You should make sure your doctor is aware of you taking biotin when they are ordering tests. You might have to go a few days or weeks without the supplement before getting blood tests.

I know a large percentage of the people on this forum use biotin supplements. I hope this information is useful.

Dec 10, 2017
One last thing

I just wanted to point out heavy metals. Heavy metals are often included in hair and make up products in very small amounts. The amount maybe so small that the manufacturer doesn’t have to disclose it. However, if you are allergic to heavy metals it may contributing to your symptoms. Unfortunately unless you do a chemical analysis you may never know nor understand every ingredient in the B.B., but you can find out if you were exposed and absorbed some metals.

Heavy metal toxicity can cause all the symptoms that many have reported in here, especially hair loss. Many doctors don’t think to check it, because the don’t expect exposure in most people. Heck, many of them doubt the toxicity of formaldehyde. Of course they don’t know, and we don’t know all of the poisonous toxins that are being sold to us, and Cosmetics and hair products seem to be the least regulated.

Of course your landlord has to tell you about lead paint, and your employer has to protect you from asbestos, but the cosmetic companies don’t have to tell you much at all. And what they do tell you is often written in a language only a chemist would understand.

Anyway for heavy metal testing, any doc can order it. Few labs do it. If you pcp won’t order it, a complementary medicine doc or naturopathic physician might.

Dec 09, 2017
Androgenetic alopecia
by: Gh

I think most of us who have had biopsies were informed that androgenetic alopecia is a factor in addition to a second condition. Even if you didn’t have a biopsy, androgenetic alopecia can be easy to diagnose. Regardless of whatever the second condition is, you should make sure your doctor is treating the androgenetic alopecia appropriately.

Rogaine is one option, but if you are not pleased with the results after six months, consider another option. In the article "Hormonal therapy in female pattern hair loss" by Kevin R. Brough and Rochelle R. Torgerson, they discuss the use of DHT blockers, oral contraceptives, and other medications that have shown good results. It’s worth discussing with your doctor.

I think the hardest part with some of the various treatments is sticking to it. Like Rogaine, many of them are likely to cause an increase in hair loss before you see improvement. That period of loss can be more worrisome and frustrating, but these things take time.

Dec 09, 2017
Thank you Maria
by: Parsle girl

Yes I'm hopeful things will get normal for my hair I will keep posting too my best wishes for every one here take care and never give up...

Dec 09, 2017
checking in
by: Maria

Hi everyone,
I hope all of you are coping as well as you can. Parsley girl, congrats on your baby. Enjoy this precious time. I am hopeful once your hormones find balance again, your hair will stop shedding.
I don't have much to say, just that it's been 3 month now since my last shedding stopped (was it 3rd or 4th already?). Anyhow, all going well. I stick to the same shampoo as I mentioned before. Still use handful of conditioner and my hair is slowly recovering from straw-like look. Top had filled in quite well and majority of my hair is now anything between 1 to 5 cm long.Length are thin but as long as my hair keeps growing, I don't care. Will keep cutting the lengths chin level until it starts to look decent.Still use Minoxidil twice a day, always have. Still using panthenol spray on my scalp every night. I will keep you posted but so far, so good. Before it always flared up again after 3-4 month so we shall see...
Best of luck to you all.M

Dec 05, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi All I have been looking at this forum for years. I did the brazilian blowout one time about 8-9 years ago. My hair was shedding like crazy. I would run my fingers through my hair and clumps would come out. I lost about 50% of my hair. I went to so many doctors all of them said use rogaine. I didn't want to put more chemicals on my hair. I went the hollistic route. I am happy to say my shedding has dramatically gone down now 9 years later. I think we all have chronic tellogen effluvium and it takes alot of time to heal. My sides were affected the most.

Here is what I did and I hope it helps everyone. I wish I had done this earlier! First thing is heal your gut. I cut gluten and dairy out of my diet. My body is less inflamed and I have more energy. Drink a tablespoon of flax seed oil. Next I went for acupunture to help with stress and the loss. Finally I used a chinese plant hair loss shampoo. You can google and it will come up. Is my hair the same as pre-brazilian no.. but I will get there!

You will all recover don't worry! Takes time.

Dec 04, 2017
Thank you GH
by: Parsley girl

Yes I have to do something because it is Caind of excessive I see my hairline receding and since I had that bb is coming back with vengeance this is my 3rd child and I had hair loss before with my other pregnancies but nothing like this and I really don't want to shave it all off so back to the drawing board to see what or who can help my hair thank you so much for the advice and will keep posting God bless....

Dec 04, 2017
Parsley Girl
by: gh

Hi Parsley Girl. Congrats on the new baby.

Sorry to hear about your hair loss, but I think this is still good news for you. The pregnancy hair growth proves that your loss is not permanent. It shows that under the right circumstances your hair will thicken and thrive.

Considering that the growth and subsequent loss was related to pregnancy/hormones, identifying hormonal irregularities and getting hormonal therapy can probably correct your current hair loss.

An endocrinologist or reproductive endocrinologist, who specializes in sex hormones, may be able to help you with this if it doesn't get better with time.

Dec 04, 2017
Thank you Sandra
by: Parsley girl

I will try not to stress but is coming down a lot wen I wash my hair is a lot well hope it slows down thank you so much for your wishes I hope we can find something that will make our hair grow and stay on our head and no fall as much is tru what you say we can't give up we have to keep trying best wishes for your douther and you Sam hang in there be strong take care every one God bless....

Dec 04, 2017
by: Sandra

Sam and Parsley girl ..
Just wanted to say how sorry I am to hear of your continued hair loss. For me, that’s the worst thing about this hair loss after Brazilian hair straightening . It just goes on and on .. when this first happened to my daughter and I was saying to people ,"It’s going to get worse.. " they all told me to stop being melodramatic and that she was young and it would get better . Well I knew, I knew because I’d researched and I knew that if the formaldehyde had got into the follicles, then new hairs would not replace the existing hairs as time went on. I was right , her hair has got more sparse , she never ever had to add volume to her hair and now she is constantly adding products to add volume. I have so many other concerns in addition to this and I don’t know which to attribute to formaldehyde poisoning (which essentially it was ) and which to just accept. It’s impossible to know . The only thing I know for sure .. is that this began a few days after she had her hair straightened and until that moment she had no health concerns and no hair loss at all. Her hair remained straight for two years with those awful chemicals sitting on her hair. Sorry, I do use this forum to vent as sometimes my pain is so overwhelming! I’m grateful that she still does have hair and that hair does grow back although sporadically and in patches and much finer. Sam, I don’t know why yours seems to be so much worse than so many others. I don’t subscribe to the fact that there might be other factors at play .. if this begins soon after Brazilian hair straightening I feel it has to be related . I do feel that you shouldn’t give up hope whatever the dermatologists say .. my daughter was told she had female hair baldness ( dermatologist would not listen to me when I told her it was the hair straightening ) and it has grown back. She also told me that there was no overall hair loss and it has got thinner and thinner as the years have gone past ..many of them simply don’t get this ! Parsley girl, in your case I do feel that hair loss three months after having a baby might be a different issue to the original hair loss after Brazilian .. it’s actually not uncommon .. so I’m very hopeful ! I know that as a mother but I’m sure there are health care professionals on here that will agree with me .. don’t stress too much and enjoy your baby! Many congratulations to you ! GH .. delighted to hear your news .. keep posting with updates everyone .. so reassuring to feel that I’m not alone .. and M that is from UK like me .. I’ve found some lovely natural shampoo and hair conditioner that makes my daughter’s hair a little more manageable and that I love as they’re natural so I’m recommending them to you ..Noughty Wave hello for curly and wavy hair available in Superdrug and from Ocado ..

Dec 01, 2017
Hi everyone
by: Parsley girl here

Well updating and my news are sad, it's been 3 months today since I had my baby and my hair is falling out by chunks before it was beautiful and now it looks like brillow is too frizzy and crazy hope I don't get bald well I'll let you guys know if the shedding slows down sorry I don't say nothing else but I'm really tired I'm going to bed before the baby wakes up God bless everyone and take care...

Dec 01, 2017
by: Gh

Hi Sam. This is just another update. While I still question the amount and quality of the hair on my head, I can confirm that my unibrow is growing new hairs.

The space between my eyebrows became bald in the months following the BB. I can now confirm that there are about a half dozen baby hairs growing in that space. I think this is the best indicator of improvement.

And again, the only treatment that I have taken consistently is azathioprine. I should point out that there are other similar drugs out there that may be just as good. I am not trying to promote azathioprine as a brand. It just happens to be the drug that I have seen pop up often and one that I have taken. Methotrexate and others may be just as good. It’s worth discussing with your doc.

One last thing. I had some tummy issues too, plus nausea, loss of appetite, and weight loss. Appetite has improved, and weight is stable and slowly creeping up, but I’m trying to control this.

Nov 26, 2017
by: gh

Hi Sam. Sorry to hear about all that you are going through. I am hoping that things take a turn for the better.

As for me, I would say that my hair is stable. I still question the amount of improvement, but I definitely don't think it is getting worse.

I look at my hairline, and I see tiny hairs sprouting, but I still question my hair growth pattern in the past and what to expect in the future. I wish I had taken a photo of my hairline every day since I got the BB. If I had had photo journal, I would be able to definitively say how things have changed, but I don't.

Other people have commented to me, "I see you are growing your hair back," or "Your hair is thick," but I still think it is pretty thin. However, my scalp is not visible, and my hair is growing out in a way that covers my hairline. So I am somewhat satisfied and extremely grateful for what I have.

I don't want to make this sound too medical, but I will tell you that my treatment plan has been modified a bit.

I am still taking Azathioprine as a immunosuppressant for lymphocyte driven alopecia. I am taking Dutasteride as a DHT-blocker. I use Rogaine intermittently.

Additionally, my naturopath had done a thorough assessment of my vitamin/mineral and hormone levels. She has started me on several specific vitamins of which she found to be deficient or low. She has also started me on a DHEA hormone supplement.

I am still doing the (mostly) paleo diet. I am getting more exercise, and I eliminated the stress of working. Overall, I feel like my mood, physical wellbeing, and overall life has improved.

I know my treatment plan doesn't work for everybody, but I hope the info helps for someone.

Take care.

Nov 25, 2017
To gh
by: Sam

Gh, how is that medicine your on doing is it helping your hair loss and your hair growth back im getting so desperate I don't no what to do hide my hair the one style I had I can't even do it with the couple of strands of hair left really that's it I can almost count the hair I have left and i can't use powders or paint because I have nothing left nothing I look 83 years old the last doctor I saw told me that I no longer have active growing follicles and no signed of new hair growth and told me to expect the hair loss remember I only had hair left on the top but now its going to I still can't believe how I went from having long black thick hair to my shoulders what I had everyone loved my hair always got compliments and people really couldn't believe that was all my real hair , now its oh my god Sam we didn't no you have cancer were so sorry or oh my god!!!! Sam what happen to you ,were you set on fire and all your hair burn off or this one my favorite Sam you did the Britney spears look ,but Britney was lucky hers grew back as for me it will never grow back because I had formaldehyde mixed with the Brazilian blowout chemicals for 3 days on my scalp so im just sol on my hair regrowibg but what is funny is how my scalp looks with no hair it really looks like I have cancer because there is no sign of black dots for a active live follicle its just bald and its turning very smooth like I no its permanent now its healing to be bald I think I lost the whole back finally about 3 weeks ago and well the right side I lost a long tine ago but the left caught up and was left with just a few strands of hair on top trust me its sad very sad and i can't wear wigs because they itch bad and my eyebrows and arm hair are still gone and now my right leg hair is disappearing wthell did that Brazilian Blowout do to me im so scared for my drear life im just hanging on by a tread and fear the worse is on its way ,well I just meant to find out about you and how your doing but as you can tell im getting worse be the day and not to mention my new stomach pains oh there bad I no its all related some how to the Brazilian blowout, but please let me no how your doing and i will find a way to get the medicine your taking by all means necessary im desperate for help , take care gh Sam in Houston I hope you really did get your back 😉 and hope you read this

Nov 14, 2017
by: Anonymous

I really wish the trolls, witch doctors, and scammers would just stop it.

I get it. Scammers read stories on this website from people who are looking for answers, a cure, and hope, and the scammers see it as an opportunity to make money. Please stop it.

To all, be careful about who you email or call. It may seem harmless enough, but you might open yourself up to frequent emails from Nigerians or others who are running scams.

I don't mean to pick on Nigerians, but one of the other recent scam posts was linked to a Nigerian email address and phone number. With the internet, the scam can originate from anywhere.

Nov 09, 2017
Thank you Anonymous
by: Sandra

Ah , thank you for responding to me, Anonymous. Good luck with litigation - I would like nothing better than for the people that use,import and manafacture this product to be held accountable !

Nov 09, 2017
by: Anonymous

Attorneys often advise clients to refrain from using social media while their case is being litigated.

Nov 08, 2017
3 + years for me too
by: Lisa

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who posts on this site to talk about their experiences with the Brazilian Blowout. It is really a source of strength for me to know I am not going through this alone. It’s been over three years for me since I had the Brazillian Blowout and soon after my hair started coming out in massive amounts with the white bulb still attached. I haven’ noticed any other major symptoms besides the scalp pain (which I don’t think is as bad now as it used to be -unless I wear my hair up all day) and the itchy scalp – which is still pretty annoying. Right now I’m washing every other day. I think that more hair comes out when I wash, so I try not to do it every day even though my scalp is less itchy on the days I wash. I don’t think that my eyebrows are as thick as they used to be, so maybe there are other side affects and I’ve just been so focused on my hair that I haven’t noticed. I’ve posted on the site many times with everything I’ve tried to get it to stop (and you name it I’ve tried it – from lasers to Steroids, to PRP…literally I think I have tried everything- and I’ve spent a ton of money to no avail.) I have tried Rogaine several times throughout this 3 year nightmare and each time I stop. The first time I stopped because my shedding seemed to pick up and it was scaring me too much. I tried again about 6 months later thinking that I didn’t give it enough time but then I got really bad headaches. At first I didn’t think it was related to the Roagaine, but when I stopped using it when I went away for a business trip (because I for got it) the headaches went away. My hair is so thin and it’s fried. I see so much of my scalp when I get out of the shower. I don’t even think I look like the same person. I definitely don’t feel like the same person. Ultimately this horrible treatment has cost me so much besides just my hair. Literally years of my life worrying that I just can’t get back and depression that I believe ultimately caused my fiancé to break off our engagement (3 months ago). He just couldn’t stand for me to be sad anymore. My hair still comes out in handfuls when I get out of the shower. I honestly don’t know how I have any left. I really don’t see any regrowth. Occasionally I see some fly aways that I think might be regrowth but I’m not sure if it’s just breakage. I have seen a few people post on here that they’ve gotten better after the 4 year mark and their hair starts to thicken up. If that happens for me I promise to come back and post and let you guys know. In addition to all the treatments, I’ve also tried a whole bunch of supplements that promise hair growth (none have worked for me). I just came across a new one called Nutrafol. Has anyone used this? It says that it targets inflammation and resets the hair growth cycle (sounds like exactly what we need ). It’s $88 a bottle so I wanted to see if anyone had had success before I throw more money away.

Nov 08, 2017
by: Sandra

You’ve changed from writing your name to using Anonymous for legal reasons ?? You’ve scared me ! I felt quite safe writing on this forum, offering my opinions and advice to others .. surely there is nothing wrong with that ?!

Anyway, I’m going to give you an update on my daughter’s hair. It’s been 3 and a half years since she had her formaldehyde laden Brazilian hair straightening treatment and encountered massive hair loss within days of it .. my hairdresser (obviously not the one that did the Brazilian !) did her hair last week and had a good look. She reports that there is re growth but it’s not like regrowth she usually sees on her clients ‘ heads .. it’s not uniform , it kind of grows in patches . One time she does my daughter’s hair, there will be lots of regrowth at back of her head, at other times it will be on top or at the sides. The regrowth is very fine and fly away , not like her hair used to be at all. She estimates that over the last three and a half years she has lost about a third of her hair. Her hair loss doesn’t fit the pattern of any of the things that sometimes get mentioned on here. It started at the top and resembled female hair baldness, then all over resembling Telogen Effluvium. It doesn’t really fit any particular diagnosis I don’t think .. Please post updates - especially people that have been suffering with this for a while - they give me hope and I am so grateful .. thinking of you all ! X

Nov 07, 2017
Scarring Alopécia treatment options
by: Anonymous

If you think you may have any form of scarring alopecia such as frontal fibrosing (FFA), lichen planopilaris, or Cicatricial alopecia, you might want to consider Dutasteride and Elidel. Dutasteride is the most effective prescription strength DHT blocker, and Elidel is a prescription cream used to treat psoriasis and other skin conditions. If you research the medications, together by name, you will find successful case studies and a few larger studies.

Check out the study below. The results weren’t over the top, but they were satisfactory in my opinion.

PS: I have posted on here before, but I will be anonymous going forward for legal reasons.

Nov 02, 2017
by: Maria

Well, I think the only reason my hair is still growing it's minoxidil.
But to answer your questions. Shampoo is from Hristina cosmetics and as said, it's some unknows rather cheap stuff but great ingredients and no chemicals, no anti dandruff stuff, just oils and saponaria plant.Here you go (there is list of ingredients in English at the bottom of the page):

Probably every country has some shampoos and shower gels made out of saponaria. Worth exploring.
As for the stuff they mixed in pharmacy for me:
Ac.salicylici 10,0
Ol.olivae ad 100
D.t.dos No I (unam)

It's in Latin so any pharmacist should be able to read it.
She prescibed to use 1x per week for 12 hours.
My pharmacist said it's 10% salicylic acid which is rather strong and something she would put on rough skin on her feet. It stang a little first few times I used it. Now I don't feel it really.

Good luck.M

Nov 01, 2017
by: Anonymous

Maria first off thanks for your input and for coming back, I am truly happy your hair is growing back. Loosing so much hair can be devastating. I was wondering and hoping you'd tell me the name of the shampoo you are currently using, and also what exactly did you say your applying on your scalp? Olive oil and what other two ingredients?

Oct 30, 2017
by: Maria

Hi everyone,
It's been a while since I updated here and I feel very guilty about that but the truth is, it got here so medical lately, that it was messing with my head, making me feel things which weren't there. I do believe I am lucky in the sense that only my scalp got affected. I don't have any other symptoms and as for the ones I do, I know they are not related to this. Or so I chose to believe that!
But back to my hair. So back in March as you may remember, I got shampoo from trichologist to reduce sebum. It stopped the shedding within first few washes. Cat lover, I think you were asking how I used it. I washed with it, leving it on for 3 min or so, than rinsed and followed with another wash with collagen shampoo. I also had liquid to put in my hair after wash. 6 ampules. It worked like a dream. New hair growing all over my head. I stopped worrying, I was styling again, I looked nearly normal...ok, that is an overstatement. 4 month into this, my hair turned very dry, literally within one week they became like straw and start to shead at very rapid rate. this was early July. Since it was dry, sebum controlling shampoo was just hurting my scalp more. Familiar scalp pain returned and on my birthday, I counted 476 hairs falling out just during washing. My hair became see through at the top very fast and lengths of my hair were so thin I could cry. I couldn't brush my hair, touch my hair and I got terrified once again. 2 month into this nightmare, I saw yet another trichologist. Same result as with all these doctors. Alopecia which is inherrited and bla..bla..bla.. She would not hear me out. She gave me tester to try anti dandruff shampoo from Ducray and Vichy, both with sulfates and both stang on my scalp like hell. The only good thing which came of that visit was, that she gave me prescription for pharmacy to mix for me salicilic acid 10% with olive oil and some other 2 ingredients. She said to put that on my head overnight for 12 hours once a week. It desolves dead skin, dandruff and softens the scalp. I do that since early September. I ordered ridiculously expensive shampoo again from glycosan especially for dermatitis and psoriasis but my scalp was hurting from it. I searched with my pharmacist for shampoo to use. Finally we found shampoo which as a soaping ingredient used a flower called saponaria. This was finally in agreement with my scalp and shedding stopped pretty fast. It was the key for me as sulphates were burning on my scalp and natural shampoos wouldn't wash thoroughly so my scalp was hurting again. This soaps up just like regular shampoo and cleans very well but must be gentle to the scalp. Very price friendly too. About 10$ for 400ml. I have to use handfull of heavy conditioner and my hair won't get greasy at all.I wash every day otherwise I feel build up on my scalp. I have to put conditioner or scalp mask on my scalp which is someting I never did in my life but my scalp feels so dehydrated and this helps. I also use every night panthenol spray on my scalp. Yes, the one meant for skin burns.The brand I use is certified as medicament and contains a bit of parafin so perhaps that is something my skin likes cause oils are really drying and I can't use them. It's been month and the half now since shedding stopped. I had to cut about 7 cm off my hair as it was so thin. You can see new hair again all over my head. They are stubborn, standing right up, spiky like a porcupine but I love and cherish every single one of them. I can tell you, that after this last flair up, all my hair on the top are anything between 1 cm to 5 cm. All the long hair had fallen out and shoulder length of my hair is made only by bottom half of my hair. I look like I came from 80's. So good luck to you all and I hope for more positive posts from everyone. This is my third year and it's been full of ups and downs. I'll never give up! Take care. M

Oct 30, 2017
by: Andrea

Thank you so much Gh for your research, i did look it up and everything does make sense. It really sucks that instead of trying to mask a problem I made it worst for myself. Im staying away from anything that is sold in stores I guess going natural is the way to go. I am looking into seeing another dermatologist. I think I just need to start getting treatment as soon as possible.

Oct 30, 2017
Unfortunate reality
by: Gh

After suffering the painful and torturous poisoning of the BB, it angers me to know that the manufacturers are still preying on us.

Andrea, I looked up Toppik on, and it does contain DMDM Hydantoin. I also found similar hair fiber/powder products that also contain this chemical. "Rempli Keratin Hair Fibers" and "Boldify" are just a couple. There are many more products listed like this, but not all of them will show their ingredients online.

Some of the powders/fibers are marketed toward those of us who have suffered from hair loss when in reality, they are just going to make us suffer more.

It really upsets me that there is so much crap out there to poison us. We just want to get our hair and lives back to normal, and they keep trying to sell us more poison.

Unfortunately, formaldehyde is released from DMDMH, and DMDMH is estimated to be in 20% of beauty products as a preservative. So you have to be really careful.

Maybe at some point we could have tolerated the harsh preservatives such as formaldehyde, but now our body is saying, no more, and we have become more sensitive to these chemicals.

Andrea, I don't think it is going to do you any good, and it may be harming you. Just google "DMDM Hydantoin & formaldehyde" or "DMDM Hydantoin allergy." It's bad for you.

Maybe this would be a good time to revisit your dermatologist or get another opinion. If nothing else, maybe they can slow down the new hair loss that you are experiencing.

Sorry, Andrea. Hang in there.

Oct 30, 2017
by: Gh

Andrea and all, if you believe you are allergic or had a reaction to formaldehyde, you might be triggering another reaction with Toppik.

I don’t know for sure, but I read that it may contain some harsh chemicals as well. One websites states that it containds DMDM hydantoin. Andrea, can you confirm this is an ingredient?

It also says "DMDM Hydantoin: An antimicrobial preservative that is made up of formaldehyde. It is likely that in the amounts found it’s unlikely to produce side effects."

I know some people don’t experience side effects from B.B., but we did, and knowing that we have already had a reaction, I would recommend not using Toppik.


Oct 30, 2017
Toppik keratin fibers
by: Andrea

So has anyone tried using the toppik keratin fibers? if you have please let me know your experience. I used it 3 days ago and now I have a bald spot and I'm seeing more hair fall out. Idk if it's me being paranoid but I'm almost sure I don't remember having a bald spot.

Oct 26, 2017
by: CatLover

Hi Deb, I remember reading your posts. You had your highlights done right before B.B. I'm convinced the color and BB is what did me in. I had a total of about 6 BB's in a course of about six years. The last 3 BB's were done by the same stylist and the very last one that ruined my scalp and hair was when she colored on same day. It even burned a little bit that time and I have a little bald spot where it was burning. It was just too many chemicals for my poor scalp. My scalp is still red going on 16 months later. Hair is frizzy and lifeless. Most people can't tell that I lost 60% of my hair because of my texture. it frizzes out so full and covers the few bald spots in the back. They do notice the frizzy dry condition of it. But I know and feel the difference and see it when it's wet. Just curious...if you don't mind me asking...did you get a scalp biopsy? Have you tried the PRP Acell? KitKat is having good results with that. I had a consultation locally but the Doctor seemed inexperienced so I have a few more consults. May have to drive 4 hours to go to a popular one that has good reviews. Is your hair thinner now than it was last year or the same? I'm glad you keep reading the posts. I always do, to see what works for others. Thanks to GH I had a script done by rheumatologist to check ANA, etc. to rule out Lupus. Now I have to make it to a lab to get it done. Have you had your blood checked? What I've read is at the 4 year mark supposedly the nightmare stops. Hang in there Deb.

Oct 25, 2017
Just a thought
by: GH

I know many of us have been tested for SOME hormone levels, but that doesn't mean we have been tested for all of them. Has anyone had their dehydroepiandrosterone or DHEA levels checked. Does anyone have low DHEA?

Low DHEA symptoms: Symptoms of DHEA deficiency may include persisting fatigue, depression, anxiety, hypersensitivity to noise, loss of libido, dry eyes, skin, and hair, loss of head hair, axial (armpit) hair, and pubic hair.

This can affect men and women. I think it is worth getting checked if you haven't already.

This is a simple blood test which can be ordered by your primary care doctor or any specialist.

Oct 24, 2017
Been a while
by: Deb

Hey guys it been a while since I’ve written in here . I come by and read your comments still but unfortunately I’m still the same so realy have nothing to contribute. It was 2 years since I had Keratin treatment in August . It will be 2 years around Thanksgiving that my thick hair started pouring out. During the first year it was unbearable dripping all over - I guess now since I have a lot less hair it doesn’t seem like it falls as much - but I am still losing hair . My hairline has receded and my top crown is thin showing lots of scalp. I guess little by little I will continue to lose but hopefully there will always be enough so I don’t go bald. I use a hair powder for scalp. Makes me feel a little less conscious but I dread overhead lighting and massive winds. I guess I have just come to accept this. It’s hard at times bc I want so bad to put my hair in a ponytail but it’s just so thin it looks funny. I know my treatment was put on wrong - they didn’t mix it right or used bad stuff but that triggered al the side effects I am experiencing. I guess it seeped into my immune system somehow and now I’m suffering from it. Less body hair on arm legs and eyebrows. Still itchy but if I don’t mess with it can be tolerable. Thin nails, no period . I gained some weight bc I thought maybe I would eat more nutritious etc but now I’m just 15 pounds heavier wirh thin hair . Gonna try to diet. But that’s not for my hair just to feel better . I’m tired all the time but I’m sure it’s from extra weight. My hair is still so dry and same condition as everyone else’s. Hope everyone is hanging in there - you never know maybe we can somehow in the future find a cure for what this Keratin treatment let in our bodies .

Oct 04, 2017
Andrea & All
by: Gh

There are few other tests/conditions you might want to research and discuss with you doctor.

* IgG-4 Related Disease
* Sarcoidosis

IgG4 is an autoimmune or allergic disorder. You will find that IgG4 can cause symptoms of the skin/hair, oral/mouth issues, eye issues, etc. So many of these autoimmune conditions overlap, and you will find that Azathioprine (Aza) and/or steroids are used to treat many of them including lupus, Sjogrens, IgG4, alopecia areata and many other autoimmune and connective tissue disorders.

I really sucks that dermatologists don't like to prescribed Aza.

I had been unsure about my hair recovery. I didn't want to count my chickens before they hatched. I am quite sure now that my hair is returning. My dermatologist confirmed this today. I believe I have been on the Aza for a few months now.

Of course, not all hair loss is autoimmune disease. If you have been diagnosed with androgenetic alopecia or traction alopecia, Aza would not be an appropriate treatment, but I believe sometimes these conditions just hide the autoimmune part of it. Cicatricial (scarring)Alopecia and alopecia areata are autoimmune alopecias, and you should fight for medication to regulate your immune system.

I will caution all about testing. If I were you, I would avoid things that involve contrast. Things like intravenous MRI contrast and CT contrast might actually make you feel crappier.

Sep 29, 2017
by: Sandra

Thank you GH .. don't you go anywhere ! I need to know there's someone there .. and you always respond .. I do think everyone has been affected differently by this .. for some people it has been a simple allergic reaction or sebhorric dermatitis which is a known side effect. For others the strong chemicals have simply caused the follicles to go into shock and caused telogen effluvium. Many of these side effects resolve themselves. I really hadn't taken on board the possibility of an auto immune reaction, seriously thinking symptoms might be stress related. However, whilst I am stressed beyond words, my daughter who is just a teenager and oblivious to any possibilities other than hair that looks a bit thinner ( but can still be managed using dry shampoo and hair rollers ) is the one having the symptoms so they can't be stress related ! I suspect that those people that had repeated BB or ones with very high levels of formaldehyde (as she has - straight for two years!) are most at risk .. thank you again for your response , kind and reassuring with lots of facts and practical support. Just what I need and I am so so grateful xxxxxx

Sep 28, 2017
by: Gh

Sandra, hang in there. I know this is difficult for you and your daughter. I'm sorry if sharing my story has added to your stress, but I also think it is good that you be aware of what your daughter may be dealing with.

Autoimmune disease affects women more often than men. Yet we have to fight to get a diagnosis and treatment. Along the way, we are called crazy, histrionic and told that we need therapy.

We are not crazy. This stuff is making us sick. It is causing a reaction that is changing our body chemistry and destroying us.

And yes, you will find articles that say that there is no link between hair products and autoimmune disease, and you will find articles that state that there is a connection. I think we all truly know THERE IS A CONNECTION!

Find your daughter a good rheumatologist. You may have to see a few before you get a good one. Hopefully you will find someone who will see that she is clearly suffering and will make it their mission to solve the mystery and get her some treatment.

Sep 28, 2017
by: Gh

Hi Andrea, the main test that she went off of was the histone antibody. That one was positive. Also the C3 and C4 complement tests were slightly abnormal. My lactase dehydrogenase was also elevated which is a sign of tissue damage, but it is not specific in identifying muscle, skin, etc.

Like I mentioned previously, there are so many tests out there. The doctor should order tests related to your history of symptoms and exam. It is good to keep a journal of your symptoms and make sure that your doctor addresses each one.

Below is a list of some of the tests for autoimmune disease, but many of these tests can be broken down into more specific tests. I never learned about these tests in school, and your PCP probably won't be familiar with many of them. You need to see a rheumatologist, because these tests come under their specialty.

The list below includes the conditions associated with the test. Now you can look up the symptoms for lupus, Sjogren's, dermatomyositis, etc. and you will find that you have a lot of symptoms for each condition. There is a lot of overlap with autoimmune diseases. That is why it is hard to narrow it down. A good doctor will keep digging.

By the way, the list below does not include all of the tests that may be a sign of autoimmune disease. For example, I am not sure where lactase hydrogenase would fit on this list, but my doctor knew to order it as she tried to tie it all together.

Autoimmune Tests:
>Anti-centromere antibodies: Limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis ( CREST syndrome), primary biliary cirrhosis, proximal scleroderma
>Anti-dsDNA: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
>Anti-gp210: Primary biliary cirrhosis
*>Anti-histone antibodies: SLE and drug-induced lupus erythematosus (LE)
>Anti-Jo1: Polymyositis, dermatomyositis
>Anti-La/SS-B autoantibodies: Primary Sjögren syndrome
>Anti-p62: Primary biliary cirrhosis
>Anti-PM-Scl: Polymyositis/systemic sclerosis (PM/SSc) overlap syndrome
>Anti-RNP: Mixed connective-tissue disease, SLE
>Anti-Ro/SS-A autoantibodies: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), primary Sjögren syndrome, neonatal heart block
>Anti-Sm (Smith): SLE
>Anti-sp100: Primary biliary cirrhosis
>Anti-topoisomerase antibodies: Scleroderma
>Anti-CCP: Rheumatoid arthritis
>Anti-ganglioside antibodies: Miller-Fisher syndrome, acute motor axonal neuropathy, multifocal motor neuropathy with conduction block
>Anti-mitochondrial antibody: Primary biliary cirrhosis
>Antiphospholipid antibodies: Antiphospholipid syndrome
>Anti-smooth muscle antibody: Chronic autoimmune hepatitis
>Anti-SRP: Polymyositis
>Anti-thyroid autoantibodies: Hashimoto thyroiditis, Graves disease
>Anti-transglutaminase antibodies: Celiac disease, dermatitis herpetiformis
>c-ANCA: Wegener granulomatosis
>Liver kidney microsomal type 1 antibody: Autoimmune hepatitis
>Lupus anticoagulant: SLE
p-ANCA: Wegener granulomatosis, microscopic polyangiitis, Churg-Strauss syndrome, systemic vasculitides
>Rheumatoid factor: Rheumatoid arthritis

The list may be hard to read. Here is the link.

Sep 28, 2017
Use of chemicals in Brazilian hair straightening must be stopped
by: Sandra

Omg I've just researched the symptoms of lupus , which I haven't done until now and I'm freaking out : one is joint pain which she has, one is headaches (she gets a headache once every two weeks ) and another is tiredness (which she has).. I put that down to being a teenager .. needless to mention the hair loss .. I don't know what to think anymore .. I actually just want to scream from the rooftops - And the article said that there were some concerns that lupus was linked to hair straightening products (although, Subsequent research had proved otherwise) .. that doesn't mean that it isn't linked as research is sometimes disproved .. I had no idea .. I feel sick ..

Sep 28, 2017
by: Sandra

I'm so sorry to hear that you have lupus but relieved in a way that finally you have a diagnosis .. you knew all along that the BB had affected your immune system in this way and your persistence in getting a diagnosis has paid off. You are so kind and I have felt so supported by you. I beg you from the bottom of my heart to stay on this forum, reading and contributing. I need to know what the future might hold, I need to know what treatments have worked for you, should I need them. There is nowhere else to turn. It's just one big struggle to get doctors to believe that a hair treatment could cause all this. Quite frankly, I struggle to believe that a hair treatment with such toxic chemicals can be used by hairdressers without government intervention to protect us. I KNOW that my daughter's thick hair started to fall out within days of this treatment, I KNOW that it isn't female hair baldness as diagnosed because it has grown back on top, I KNOW that it has been 3 years since BB and her hair has got progressively thinner all over her head since the day she had this treatment. I am terrified that the glandular fever she contracted within months of this treatment was caused by BB and terrified that the Raynauds syndrome that she had for the first time within months of the BB was caused by it . GH please please keep posting ... I need your support.. I wish you well and well done for looking after yourself .. I must just ask you why you said 'no more hot yoga'.. it's just that my daughter has just been to a few sessions of hot yoga and really enjoyed them .. she said it helped her joint pain which she keeps getting recently ( and I am too scared to think what that might be ) .. I know some people reading this might be thinking all this is 'over the top' or we are suffering from 'health anxiety '.. I can assure you I am not ! I find it hard to believe myself but all of these symptoms post BB are absolutely true.. i keep praying that it is just the hair loss and the other things are coincidental .. only time will tell

Sep 28, 2017
by: Andrea

Hello Gh, I'm sorry to hear that you have lupus I guess in a way you feel relief because now you know what is causing your hairloss and many of the other symptoms that go along with this autoimmune disease. You have been so much help to every single person in this forum. You have a beautiful heart, you were always willing to go out of your way to share all your research to us to help us find a solution.I really hope everything starts settling down for you I can't wait till you give us your good news regarding your recovery. That will bring hope to my life and that is something I need because just like you said I am sure many of us are suffering from some type of autoimmune disease. I have a big feeling that is my case as well. I was doing some research and I feel like I have every single symptom, except the butterfly rash. You are so lucky to find doctors that care, unfortunately I have medical insurance and many of these doctors just go for what they think you have and don't take the time to do further lab tests, the news about you having lupus makes me more eager to find out if I have it too. I have a question what were the exact tests that were done to you? Every time I get blood test they say my blood count is normal I'm not sure exactly what tests to ask for.

Sep 27, 2017
Sam & Cat Lover
by: Gh

Cat Lover, thank you for the kind words.

Sam, I actually got my test results a few weeks ago, and Monday I got a second opinion. Of course, the second opinion had their own preference for tests, and didn't necessarily agree with the lupus diagnosis from my other rheumatologist. That's fine.

I talked this over with my husband, and we both think that it might be better to take the lupus diagnosis and roll with it.

The fact is we already confirmed alopecia areata, which can be successfully treated with Azathioprine. Of course, most dermatologist would not prescribe this medication just for alopecia areata. Sadly, even they know that AA is likely to evolve into some more complicated autoimmune disease, but by that time, it's not their problem.

So we are accepting the lupus diagnosis even if it is only to get more aggressive treatment for alopecia areata or preventative treatment for lupus.

My basic lupus panel was and has been normal. It was the additional tests that led to my diagnosis.

There are so many blood tests to check for autoimmune activity. Honestly, I had no idea that there were so many unique and specific antibody tests. Unfortunately, not every rheumatologist is going to care enough, be diligent enough, or committed enough to figure it out and order those tests.

So your diagnosis and treatment is only going to be as good as the doctor who cares for you.

My Azathioprine has been increased, and I am using the Restasis drops. I think the diagnosis and treatment has actually given me hope and a better perspective on life.

My rheumatologist says that she may decrease or stop the Azathioprine altogether once my symptoms are under control. I am looking forward to getting to that point.

For now I am going to take a year to chillax, de-stress, live, and appreciate every day.

Sep 27, 2017
To gh
by: Sam

Gh I don't have much time to post but ill be back but one quick question , how many times or testing have you done for lupus example for me i tested positive for lupus I had lupus then it was the e-bar virus than negative for lupus than positive again then it was a bad liver but then 2 weeks it was fine then back positive with lupus then my doctor said she gives up and at seems the chemicals in the Brazilian like to play or move around in the system so I was convince I had lupus but then my numbers were never high enough just one time it was but then never again I go back in 4 months jeez now I have to Waite but I was just wondering I've had about 8 test done with positive and negative results and i even lost voice for a month so I just don't no what to think I am confused about the whole Brazilian blowout and all I no is I was a healthy man and 3 days later after I received my Brazilian blowout my hair starts shedding and now im sick and and a huge bald circle in the back of my head so that's all I have to go on i wish I stayed lupus positive and started treatment but she didn't want to guess on me and start something that showed lupus than in 4 weeks later went away I no it makes no sense what so ever , well just meant a simple question and look how long this has gotten lol well have to go and real quick hi Andrea 😀 hang in . Sam from Houston .

Sep 27, 2017
by: Cat Lover

I wish you well on your journey to combat Lupus and reclaim your hair and health. We all have an autoimmune disease. Alopecia is one. I have no doubt that the BB has done this to you and to all of us. I will have to push a rheumatologist to do all the testing for Lupus to rule that out. Thank you for all your valuable information. You are taking the right steps with your resignation and to focus entirely on your health and healing. What tests did you have to diagnose it? May I ask which type Lupus you have? Please stay with this forum and let us know how you are doing . Sending prayers your way.

Sep 27, 2017
by: Gh

My biggest fear has been that my immune system would destroy vital organs if I did not get treatment. I worried that the lymphocytes that have turned against my hair follicles would eventually find some other area to cause permanent damage.

I wonder if this was the case with Selena Gomez. She too had received keratin treatments before getting sick with lupus. Of course, I don't know if her immune system destroyed her kidneys or if the chemotherapy she received to wipe out her overactive immune system played a part. Regardless, it just shows how important it is to get this under control as soon as possible.

Lady Gaga says she thinks her hair loss and eventual diagnosis of lupus was related to too much hair bleaching, but I would suspect that she may have also been victim of the BB. I can image that one of her stylist saw BB work great on one client and thought Gaga could use it too.

And now my diagnosis of lupus has been confirmed. It's bittersweet. I have a chronic disease, but it is getting treated. My rheumatologist believes my hair will grow back. She believes most things will get back to normal once I get to a therapeutic dose of Azathioprine. She also said that if that doesn't do the trick, she has other medications she would try. She seems to be pretty confident about my prognosis with the Azathioprine.

Yes, there is a tiny risk of kidney or liver damage from Azathioprine, but there is also the risk that my immune will be just as harmful to my kidneys and liver. So I choose to go with the medication and regular testing as directed by my physician. So far I am doing good.

Today, I have submitted my letter or resignation to my boss. I plan to be a stay-at-home wife for at least a year then see how I feel. I plan on taking a year to take better care of myself, and fine-tune my routine for a lupus lifestyle. I'll be applying lots of sunscreen; NO hot yoga; and all of the other recommended changes.

I'm not sure if it is worth me commenting on this page. I have gone from questioning my hair loss to knowing why I am losing my hair. I have lupus.

I will say that I suspect many of you may also have autoimmune disease. Maybe your doctor is not doing the right test to find it; as I have found there are a lot of blood tests out there that I had not heard of until I saw a very thorough rheumatologist. Maybe your body is compensating enough for now so that the diagnosis is not clear. I just hope that you all get answers and treatment sooner than later. Don't lose a kidney over the poisonous BB.

Something in that BB has changed our lives forever, but you should not let it destroy you.

Sep 24, 2017
To cat lover
by: KitKat

Hope you are doing well with all that is happening in this world. Yes, it's been about 6 weeks since my last treatment of Acell PRP. M hair looks thick and it's curly again. I'm so happy. Not all grew back but I'll take this. Hope you can reschedule ur appointment. Stay safe.

Sep 23, 2017
Cat Lover
by: Gh

I know it may be hard to believe, depending on you background, but there are extreme health disparities in the U. S. healthcare system. Money talks. Of course, if we all had millions to spend, and one doctor refused to listen and treat us, we could just go to another doctor. However, I doubt doctors would be telling J.Lo or Aniston to go fly a kite. Even getting PRP, which can give short term results, can be administered several times a year when money is not the issue, and you hair is a big part of your image.

Seriously, Michael Jackson was able to have Profofol administered at home. There are some perks to being a celebrity. And I am not asking them to share the wealth. I just wish they would raise awareness.

Aniston and J.Lo already admitted to losing hair because of BB like we all did, but I don't think they tell the whole story. If they admitted that they lost their hair, experienced a bunch of crazy symptoms, and are now taking medication to control their messed up immune systems, I think it would shine a little light on the subject and hopefully prevent the next tween from joining the BB hell.

Aniston instead makes a profit off of selling the product that so many of us with irritated eyes need and have to beg for. RESTASIS is used to treat autoimmune disease in the eye such as with Sjogren's and lupus. Aniston may not be disclosing the larger diagnoses which includes her previous hair loss and eye symptoms, but clearly she has a more significant autoimmune disease. She is donating lots of money to lupus organizations. And don't be surprised when you see photos of her wearing trench coat and scarf on a hot summer day while her beau wears a tank top and t-shirt. Anyone with lupus would try to prevent flares by limiting sun exposure.

We will never see J.Lo or Aniston bald. You will always see them long, beautiful, flowing locks but that doesn't mean that everything is normal for them after their initial hair loss. It could just be that they are rich, and they get treated better than many of us.

Sep 23, 2017
by: Cat Lover

I seriously doubt J-Lo or Anniston had hair loss like we do. They lost hair from breakage. They still have beautiful manes with no extensions. 2 BB's ago I had a lot of breakage and had to do a lot of trimming. That should have been a big red flag for me! I had steroid shots on Monday. I only had her do one quadrant to see how my scalp reacts to it. So far still red, itchy and hair shedding. I thought I was recovering taking the antibiotics but for the last 3 weeks the symptoms flared up again. I thought back on what happened prior to the shedding and I was doing scalp massages and I was stressing out about hurricane then I had a melt down with no power for a week. I was also using honey because further down in the posts MG said honey helped her. Also I went off the candida diet when I lost power. So I'm getting back on track and hopefully the shedding/itching will stop. I know it's easier said than done but the stress of losing ones hair is not helping any of us. I hear you Sam and Andrea but if you are so distraught and hate your image that makes hair loss worse and prevents us from healing. Our follicles have been traumatized and it is sensitive to everything even stress. People lose hair from stress. So BB and stress is a double whammy. I've read the posts on here all from the beginning and so far there is no overnight cure or medicine. People recovering here have stated it's all a matter of time. I have tried the natural approach and the medical approach. I did the steroid shots so that I can rest assured that I tried everything. I'd like to do rogaine but my scalp is too red and irritated. I can now say that I was proactive in trying everything I could so far to get my hair back. I'm still going to see Dr. Tosti at UM in January. I'm going to try Cassia to cover grays in a couple of weeks. The Holistic hairdresser is going to do a patch test first. She claims it's only tea and apple cider vinegar with a small amount of henna. Has anyone heard of this? Anyway, my new approach and probably the most difficult is to be calm and try and be at peace during this period. Eat well, treat my scalp gently and stop looking in mirrors everyday and counting hairs and most importantly love myself and think positive thoughts about my scalp. I will check in frequently to see if anyone has a promising solution. I haven't given up hope. I'm praying for regrowth for all of us.

Sep 21, 2017
by: Gh

Interesting. I was just prescribed Restasis for chronic dry eye, then I see a commercial of Jennifer Aniston promoting it. It's just a coincidence, but it made me think.

Why aren't these celebrities telling the truth and speaking out against the BB. Jennifer Aniston went through the same thing we went through, but she doesn't say enough about it. Of course, she did not have to settle for the crap that healthcare systems are putting us through.

Jennifer Aniston lost her hair after a Brazilian blowout/ keratin treatment, and now she has autoimmune disease.

She uses Restasis (Cyclosporine) eye drops for her chronic dry eye. We know that cyclosporine eye drops and pills are immunosuppressants. This medication will decrease the inflammation and discomfort in your eye and likely regrow your eyelashes.

Why is Restasis so hard to get? Healthcare disparities. We are not treated fairly in this healthcare system.

After J.Lo had a BB, she cut her hair and became a vegan. Why? Why can't she say that not only did she lose her hair, but she developed autoimmune disease?

I really feel that if people like J.Lo and J. A. were telling the whole story about their BB experience and used their platform to take a stand, we would all have a better chance at fighting this. It makes me angry.

By the way, Cyclosporine pills are a well known treatment for alopecia areata and other autoimmune disease. It will regrow your hair in many cases for as long as you are taking it, but good luck finding a doctor to prescribe it. You really need to shop around for a good rheumatologist.

From my experience, I would recommend a female rheumatologist. They seem to have a better response to the hair loss warning sirens. Check the online reviews for your local rheumatologists, that might give you a better idea.

Sep 20, 2017
by: An

Shedding 10-20 strands per day is better than normal shedding. If you are only shedding 10-20 strands you are doing better than most people with healthy hair and scalp. I really don't see the point of your post. Why are trying to fix something that does not appear to be broken? Commenters on here have had massive amounts hair. Complaining about 10-20 strands is insulting. Maybe this is not the right forum for you.

Sep 20, 2017
by: Desparado

I recently had a BB and noticed that my hair is shedding , anywhere between 10 - 20 strands a day. Ive done some research on it and it seems the general consensus is that regrowth should start happening from year 4 onwards.
Most case studies involving side effects of BB yield little to no results. More people tend to head the route of natural remedies , i myself have started utilizing onion juice to see if there is any improvement.

Will repost the results in a few weeks ....

Sep 18, 2017
by: Cat Lover

This is the firm I contacted a few months ago. They told me that they were only interested in BB victims that acquired Myeloid Leukemia and she suggested that everyone put a complaint into the FDA phone number or on line. If the FDA gets enough complaints they may be able to help. I posted that here a couple of months ago. I don't know if anyone contacted FDA, I never got any feedback. If this firm is now accepting claims for major hair loss from BB I will call them again.

Sep 18, 2017
Class Action Law Suit
by: Lari

This is a post from Arlena, who posts on another message board:
"I posted a comment about my experience however forgot to give you guys the attorney info I contacted. Let's try doing a class action! Make sure to contact this attorney ASAP. Turn notifications on to keep in touch. COMTSCTED THIS LAW FIRM 9/15/2017

The Schmidt Firm, PLLC
Located in Dallas TX

The link to the message board is

Sep 16, 2017
Your replies & Facebook
by: Lari

Thank you for responding to my original post. In response to your responses:
I never saw the packaging of the product so I cannot say what ingredients were listed. I only know what my stylist told me. She said that it was the "reformulated formaldehyde-free Brazilian Blowout".

I do remember a strong smell but neither I nor the stylist wore a mask.

I am a Caucasian female. My hair damages very easily. In the summer of 2015 the mountain sun and wind were very rough on it. In preparation for summer 2016 my stylist recommended the BB to protect my hair from the elements. Prior to the BB my hair was thick, wavy with ringlets. I loved my waves and ringlets and was worried about the BB straightening them. I was told that the BB would only "soften them". After the BB it was straight. The waves started coming back after about 6 months, the ringlets at about 10 months. However, the texture was different. It is now very thin strands and frizzy, fly-aways. Not to mention there is only about 50% of the original volume.

I have been looking for organized support groups for victims of BB. I have not found any except message boards like this one. Would anyone be interested if I created a Facebook group for the victims of BB side affects? I think that there are more of us out there. Some do not realize that the rest of us exist. We are somewhat hidden in various message boards. I also strongly believe that many don't yet realize that they are even a victim. I know that that was me. I noticed the shedding right away but dismissed it as "seasonal". I mentioned it to my stylist but was assured it was unrelated to the BB. Then I think that I got used to the shedding until it started coming out in clumps and I noticed the thinning when comparing pre- & post-photos of myself. My thoughts immediately went to medical conditions like thyroid. It wasn't until all the medical tests were a dead-end did I start actively searching the Internet for a BB connection. That was over a year post-BB. If we had more exposure, victims could start scalp treatments sooner. But even better, maybe someone considering a BB would see our Facebook group and decide not to get the BB.

If you would like to form a Facebook group, let me know.

Please don't let your hope die,

Sep 16, 2017
by: Cat Lover

GH, I too want to thank you. You have been on this site for a long time doing your research and sharing valuable info and encouraging us to not give up. I hope you never stop posting. I had full blood work done but of course no histone or ANA. I will get that done. My cortisol was normal. My diet has always been clean. Paleo style. I'm in Florida so it's not feasible for me to travel to California. You can show your dermatologist this forum so she understands what health issues all of us are going through from the BB. I will keep my appointment for the steroid shots tomorrow maybe it will at least clear up my red scalp. No one on this site said that the steroid shots really helped. Aargh! But I don't want to regret later not having tried it. I'll continue to pray for everyone.

Sep 16, 2017
by: Lari

Dear GH,
I would like to thank you for your very clinical approach and for all the research you have done. I am going to print out several of the posts on this sight and bring them to my doctors. I will ask about the specific Histone antibody test.

You might be interested in knowing that in November 2015 I had an extensive blood analysis done due to blood clots following a knee surgery. My ANA level was normal. I received my one and only BB in May 2016, the shedding started immediately and has not stopped. I started seeking medical help in May 2017 and more blood analysis was done. My ANA level on the May 2017 and all subsequent tests have been abnormal. I have my second appointment on 09/19/17 with the rheumatologist. RA, Lupus, and mixed-connective tissue disease are being looked into. I only recently found this site so I have not discussed a possible formaldehyde exposure component with my doctors. However, on Tuesday they will be informed.
2015 November ANA normal
2016 May BB
2017 May ANA abnormal

I am located in the Midwest so Northern California is not financially feasible to see Dr. Fu. However, I would be willing to be involved in any kind of cooperative effort. I have also decided that I want to be a part of any legal efforts whether they be a class action lawsuit, etc.

Although the Internet has been a positive thing because it led me to this group, it is also a source of constant frustration.
1. The posts from BB victims are all about the negative side affects and I have yet to find posts from people "post"-side affects. It's as though once they have gotten through the worst of it, they never post the final outcome. Did they end up bald? Shedding stopped but no regrowth so they are left forever looking like a chemo-patient? Shedding stopped and full regrowth? Partial-regrowth? Finally, my hair is normal again? What are we facing?
2. The lack of support from the cosmetology and medical fields. If I read or am told "cannot find anything wrong with you" or "it is absolutely not the fault of the BB" one more time I will lose it. Bottom line, no one believes us. It is so defeating. Where is Erin Brokavich when you need her!
3. The lack of empathy and sympathy from friends and family. How vain of you. It's just your hair, at least your not dying of cancer. Or the every popular, It's your own fault. If it sounds to good to be true, it is. You put a dangerous product on your body because you wanted a miracle treatment. What did you expect.
4. The BB victims are suffering. The depression is real. No support. No answers. No hope. We have each other on this site, but some days reading yet another post filled with pain and fear, adds to one's own suffering.

I want answers and I want justice. It seems to me that this is your approach also. I am new to all of this whereas you have been fighting the fight a long time. I am looking forward to future communications.


Sep 16, 2017
Don't give up
by: Gh


We have to keep fighting, and there is power in numbers. For anyone who is near or willing to travel to Northern California, I would recommend you see Dr. Fu at Solano Dermatology. She is affiliated with UCSF Medical Center.

Just like Andrea's situation, Dr. Fu said my scalp looked healthy, and she didn't see the point of doing the biopsy. I persisted, and she did the biopsy out of reluctance. Still, she now knows that people with BB exposure and a healthy-looking scalp can have severe damage underneath.

I remember meeting Dr. Fu and making the case for a biopsy. She seemed annoyed with me, but she finally asked me where did I want her to take the biopsy from, and I pointed her to the temple where it all started, and I let her chose a location at the nape of my neck.

The scarring and non-scarring part is still up for debate, but I am currently getting treatment for both. I believe my condition has stabilized, but so far, I am not seeing improvement. Stabilization is good for now.

And even though I think the biopsy was helpful, I think it is even better if you can get someone to treat you for scarring alopecia and non-scarring alopecia without cutting or injecting local anesthetic. Tacrolimus and Pimecrolimus are topical treatments that can be used long-term to treat scarring alopecia along with Doxycycline.

I truly believe that there is power in numbers, and it would be great if we could all see the same specialists. Dr. Fu's eyes are open to the idea that BB is doing a lot of harm. If more of us could feed into her office, telling the same horrific story, and exploring treatment options collectively we would probably get better results for all of us.

I know this is easier said than done, and it may not be feasible for all. Maybe asking your own dermatologist to reach out to Dr. Fu, on a peer-to-peer level, would be an option.

Also, I would like to warn everyone about testing and medication. I now limit myself to medication that I know will regulate my immune system and/or decrease inflammation, because I have found that I am sensitive to side effects of some drugs.

MORE IMPORTANTLY, I have learned that intravenous (IV) contrasts for MRIs and CT scans can be retained in people who have cell-mediated conditions like lymphocyte-mediated alopecia areata. I won't go into great detail now, but if you find yourself in a situation where you have to get IV contrast, you should make sure it is absolutely necessary. Additionally, you should watch for worsening of your symptoms in the days and weeks that follow.

Andrea, sorry for all that you are going through. Your symptoms are very concerning. Do you have a PCP to investigate your symptoms? Have you had a thorough workup for autoimmune disease and other endocrine disorders?

The sad thing that I have learned is that a thorough workup is only going to be as good as the doctor makes it. That is why I have seen dozens of doctors this year.

I truly believe that I am suffering from a double-whammy. I believe that not only is my immune system attacking my hair follicles, but it is also attacking my endocrine system which can cause more hair loss.

Hair loss, changes in periods, fatigue, headaches, and so many symptoms can be related to a failing endocrine system.

Andrea, I have had similar symptoms, and I now have an endocrinologist who is investigating how this crap has affected my endocrine (hormone) system. It's sad that I had to do a lot of my own research to convince the doctor to dig deeper, but I think that I am getting closer to an answer.

Don't give up!

Sep 16, 2017
by: Cat Lover

Reading your posts Sam and Andrea made me well up.i thought the antibiotics were helping with the hair fall but it's not working anymore. Head is itching again and hair fall is back. Maria, I bought Glycosan but didn't get the treatment for oily scalp. But the shampoo is the same and I've been using it has no suds and feels like it's not getting on my entire scalp. Directions are in Italian so I'm clueless. How are you using it? Kit Kat I had to cancel PRP appointment because of hurricane. Is it still working for you? I have a lump in my throat now because I'm starting to feel hopeless. Sam and Andrea I'm glad you posted but I wish it was better news so I can have my hope back. But I have to be realistic and not cling on false hope. There's been quite a few people that have posted to tell us that after 4 to 4.5 years the hair fall stopped and they were beginning to see regrowth. It's been almost 14 months now and I can't imagine going through this for 3 more years! I contacted an attorney but he wasn't interested in taking this case. Keep posting everyone even if it's just venting!! No one else seems to understand and they just fluff it off saying it will grow back and "it's not that bad". Funny before I read Sam and Andreas post I was looking at past photos to compare and clearly it's noticeable. My friends are just saying that because they don't know what else to say. When they make light of it, I feel worse they don't realize my pain and my private moments in tears.

Sep 16, 2017
One more thing
by: Andrea

I forgot to mention my symptoms still continue to be the following:

Extreme hairloss more noticeable around the perimeter
Scalp pain
Eyebrow loss
Dry eyes
Period lasting 2 days
Body feels hot like a permanent fever
Feet and leg numbness
Memory loss
Swollen lymph nodes
Body bruising

I have been to the hospital about 10 times this year because these symptoms seem to get worst some days more than other days ...yet looking for answers for me is like looking for a needle in a hay stack. According to these doctors, there is nothing wrong with me ever.

Sep 16, 2017
To Sam and all
by: Andrea

It's been awhile since I posted anything, maybe because I have nothing positive to say or maybe because I was trying to escape reality. Sam as I am reading your message tears run down my cheeks I feel your pain. I hate my life with a passion I am so miserable if I had the chance to disappear right now I would. I just can't take it any longer I am loosing all my hair in the back and around my ears my hair line has receded as well. I can't help but to think about how my life used to be before all this mess I wish I can go back in time. I am back to not sleeping. I pray to God each day and he doesn't seem to listen. I'm going crazy I am not myself and I'm loosing it like literally not kidding. there's nothing or no one that can help me. This pain is way to deep to even describe my hair was so thick and so long I can't help but envy everyone else's hair. Why huh? Why me! What did I ever do to deserve this? I hate myself and I hate the person I am now I feel disgusted with my image. The lady that did this to me took all my peace and my whole entire life she's responsible for every tear I shed for my depression I hope that B**** burns in hell. Im alive but I feel dead inside. i always thought I would get through this and eventually my hair will get better but as time goes by it gets worst and worst till everything is gone. I lost faith. I feel your pain Sam every last bit. This past July I was scheduled to get a biopsy in San Francisco but the dermatologist I saw told me she honestly didn't see anything alarming that and that she didn't recommend me getting it unless that's something i really wanted to do and spend 800 dollars she rambled about some more bs the point is that I fell for all her talk and didn't get the biopsy during that time my hair was not as thin as it is now. I also felt somewhat positive at the time I regret it so much because now I don't have a clue if I have scarring alopecia but to the looks of it I'm pretty sure I do the damage is done and there's no going back.To everyone that's reading this sorry I have no good news things just get worst with time trust me I'm living it too.

Sep 15, 2017
So sad today
by: Sam

Sam here and today I have never been so sad in my life its to the point I don't want to live , I mean im 35 years old I thought this was supposed to be the best years in and turns out its the saddest all because of a Brazilian blow out and to lauri I hope you show your hair stylist this and i hope she's now your x stylists I say this because in my opinion only of course if your hair is shedding right after the Brazilian blow out its because the hair bond has been broken and once its broken there is no turning back and I don't no if me being a guy made me the worse case I say this because im totally bald in the back I lost all my back and neck hair just gone gone!!!!!! I look like a buffoon you no what everybody makes fun of me and laughs behind my back one girl said what happen to you you were so handsome with all this long hair it looks like you got a hold of scissors and just kept cutting it to a mullet , mullet !!!!! I ran to a mirror and a mullet was actually what I was hoping I had but then realized she was kind, what I miss most about this is brushing my long thick hair and the way it would feel as I pull my fingers down through my hair now with the little bite of hair left my fingers get caught and stuck in my hair like if I were touching hay straw yes that's what I have now hay hair very thin hair of hay on top and sides no hair in the back and very little near the neck line , I just want to confirm something with myself you can go complety bald im now living proof of this horrible tragic thing called Brazilian blow out , yes im just rumbling on things every one knows but I have to write how I feel im angry , i feel so ugly with out my hair and i no there is worse things to be sad about but for me its this I just can't understand how I once had good hair and after a Brazilian blowout after about a week I start losing my hair and 18 months later im completely bald from the back I can't. Deal I really wish I had the strength to end my life but with my luck ill probably survive the fall and be a bald human vegetable, eating out of a tube with a rest room bag on the side of me so no thank you to ending my life ill just stay alive and be missarble and alone for the rest of my pathetic bald life rembering my regret called Brazilian blow out and mine I think was formaldehyde free so tell your hairstylists that Sam from Houston said there is no such thing as formaldehyde free and to stop doing those deadly treatments to people you will go bald!!!!!!! Balddddd!!!!!!! Im so sad I better stop for today I can't get a control on my tears there just pouring out . a very very sad Sam 😢

Sep 09, 2017
by: Gh

I know we have all had a lot of testing done for cancer and autoimmune disease. I was wondering if anyone has had a Histone Antibody test.

Histone antibody is present in 80-95% of patients with chemical/drug-induced Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). While all of the other tests are negative for lupus, this test may still be positive.

It is not a test most doctors would even think to do. It makes sense to me that it is a test worth getting considering the history of chemical exposure and the symptoms of autoimmune disease.

It's a simple blood test.

Sep 09, 2017
by: GH

Hi Lari,

Unfortunately, your hairstylist may be misinformed, and it may not be her fault. Unless she is a chemist, she may not know that formaldehyde may go by several different names to include: Formalin, Formic aldehyde, Methanediol, methanol, Methyl aldehyde, Methylene glycol, Methylene oxide.

Additionally, some chemicals that are used as preservatives can release formaldehyde, such as:
Diazolidinyl urea
1,3-dimethylol-5,5-dimethylhydantoin (or DMDM hydantoin)
Imidazolidinyl urea
Sodium hydroxymethylglycinate

So for all she know it is "formaldehyde-free" in that "formaldehyde" is not listed as an ingredient on the label. Also, the FDA is not really regulating this stuff. If the product was imported from some place like China, it's hard to know what is really in it unless it is tested.

I do agree with Sandra about the fumes. If you and/or your stylist had to wear a mask to protect against harsh fumes, then it is very likely that your product contained some form of formaldehyde.

Sep 09, 2017
Response to Lari
by: Sandra

Hi Lari

The product used on my daughter's hair had lots of formaldehyde. The fumes, the smell were awful. Her hair stayed straight for a couple of years .. they say the longer it lasts, the more formaldehyde is in the product. Are you sure yours was formaldehyde free? If there were fumes or it had a strong smell , if it stayed straight for a while, perhaps it did indeed have formaldehyde.. hairdressers don't always know what's in their product.. I'm convinced it was the formaldehyde that caused this damage rather than anything else ... I hope this helps you and that other people respond to you too!

Sep 09, 2017
Formaldehyde-free Brazilian Blowout
by: Lari

I had the Brazilian Blowout in May 2016. I was going to be hiking in the mountains all summer and to protect my hair from the elements, my stylist suggested the BB. My hair started shedding immediately and has not stopped. When I returned in the fall, I went straight to my stylist and complained, blaming the BB. She said that it was not the fault of the BB. I did my own research on the Internet and found all the stories about hair-loss with the older formaldehyde formula. My stylist insists that the newly formulated formaldehyde-free Brazilian Blowout did not cause my hair loss. I'm not convinced. In the past 16 months I have lost half of my hair. I have been to doctor after doctor. Every gland, vitamin-level, hormone-level, protein-level, etc. has been checked. Nothing! There is no medical explanation for my excessive hair shedding. I am convinced that it was the BB.

My question for this group is whether or not any of you have hair loss after treatment with the formaldehyde-free Brazilian Blowout?

Thank you,

Sep 05, 2017
3 years this month
by: MH

Hi all,

I haven't posted in a very long time, but have been reading every so often and thought it was worth posting on my 3 year anniversary - especially as I always searched for stories about what happened in the long term. Hello to Sandra, MG et al.

Quick overview of my story: I had my Brazilian Blowdry 3 years ago this month and it instantly ruined not just my hair, but my scalp too. I lost 70% of my hair in a year, had no regrow and had appalling dandruff, parting was bright red and had pain.

Today: My hair is still irreparably damaged, it is very, very thin. However, I maintained my curl and it has got much more ringletty. I should say it is the shortest it has been since I was 12 (now 26). It now just curls above my shoulders. The longer it gets the more ratty it gets.

My scalp is still recovering; I have dandruff everyday and I end up washing my hair not because it's greasy but because the Dandruff is so visible. I have used Nizoral one week a month - this is very drying but I see instantaneous improvement on my scalp - then used Alphosyl shampoo which is a more foamy dandruff shampoo. I've recently started to use Plantur-B after reading rave reviews but we'll see.

I have some regrowth (but we'll see how long it takes to fall out) it is exceptionally thin and curly (like scissors when run down curling ribbon) which I think is an indication my follicles are damaged. I still lose more than a normal amount of hair. It is VERY noticeable that I have hair loss on my parting, and I do use hair fibres to cover it. My nape is still entirely without hair.

I have been very strict with my hair - which has meant it's looked pretty sh*t for 3 years. I have not blow dried or straightened my hair in 3 years, nor have ever died it. Lucky for me, I have no grey hair. It is SO FRIZZY, especially where my long fringe used to be. It is Grandma hair, though. Not sleek and sexy.

I hope this helps. And for all those who are pulling hairs of their clothes; unplugging their showers after only 2 washes; dreading washing your hair so walking round with disgusting hair; being thrilled that you have the flu so you don't need to wash your hair for 2 weeks; looking at your hairbrush and crying; counting hairs in your brush; standing under white lights and seeing only scalp; and being a young(ish) woman putting on hair fibres - I've been there. It's awful and so so so frustrating that no one can help or understand. Dermatologists are useless. I've decided the natural option is the best - I couldn't find any deem who would give me steroid shots, which was the only thing I thought could work.

To all of you, keep posting. I read them and am with you. I promise to update in another year, if not before.

May x

Sep 05, 2017
Sam & All
by: GH

Hi Sam! Glad you are okay.

I wanted reach out to you about a comment that you posted sometime back. I believe you had asked me about fine white hairs growing where you had previously lost hair.

I think I am also starting to see some fine white hairs at the front of my hairline. I haven't seen the dermatologist about this, so I was trying to find info on the internet. I have found several similar explanations to the following as it relates to alopecia areata:

"Hair growth may resume as spontaneously as it ceased in some cases without need for treatment. When hairshafts resume growth, they’re likely to be fine depigmented vellus hair, white terminal hair or the victims own natural hair colour. Vellus hair is often scanty at first and grows only a few millimetres, it may slowly become terminal hair growth or it may fall out again. White hair growth may remain white or gradually become pigmented. A mixture of white and pigmented hair may also grow simultaneously. If hair growth resumes as normal colour terminal hair, it will sometimes be a shade darker than originally and frequently curly, even if it were previously straight. Unfortunately it is impossible to anticipate the type of initial hair growth until it begins to happen!"

This was from the Cotswold Trichology Centre, UK, but I have found similar info from several sources in the states.

So to answer your questions, those white little hairs may be the start of some new growth, but only time will tell.

Aug 31, 2017
Special thanks
by: Sam

First off , a special thank you to g hair and Sandra how very thought full of you both to remember im from Houston , hurricane Harvey sure caused my beautiful city lots of damage and surrounding areas underwater im very fortunate were i stay and how my home was built it was spared , with all this about hair loss Brazilian blow out if I lost my home I know I wouldn't be able to handle life anymore one loss is enough for me . so again thanks so much for expressing your concern for me what great ladies you are. Now to Lisa im so sorry the shampoo didn't work now remember I had done some heat therpary treatments my hair well head went in this machine like a hair dryer and it steamed my hair and it was unclogging a lot of stuck debris from the follicles and that helped a lot as well to clear up a lot of my itching and with that shampoo used did help me alot now I use a whole another method and im itch free just the top seems to come and go but I agreed with you sandra because my back hair is exactly how you describe it I almost have no hair in the Back bald really but ill ramp about that in a later post well again Lisa im so sorry it did not help you but 60 bucks is high it was only 23 bucks for me and when I use it it stings and tickles my scalp that indicates that it's working did you feel that , well I hope you find something that works I no how miserable the itchiness can be I wish I could make everones itching go away I really do , well I just wanted to check in and im ok thanks again. Bye Sam from Houston Texas

Aug 30, 2017
At 3 years too
by: Lisa

Hi Sandra,
I've seen a few posts that state that the shedding slows down at 4 years. I'm at just over three years (still shedding a lot and my hair is extremely thin). I used to have very thick and healthy hair before the Brazilian Blowout. I just did the Brazilian Blowout to tame the frizz for the summer - what a mistake :(.. When I get out of the shower, I cringe everyday at how much of my scalp you can see. You'd think I'd be used to it by now. I ordered the charcoal shampoo, conditioner and Hair growth serum that Sam's doctor recommended, but it hasn't helped the itching or the hair loss. I'll keep using it because it was $60 but I don't think I'll buy it again. I had been using the Aveda line for hair loss (just because I like the smell) but it didn't seem to help with the hair loss or with regrowing new hair either. I'm really hoping that the situation improves with time. I have tried a lot of very costly treatments to stop the hair loss but none of them have worked for me (Steroid injections, Lasers, PRP, dermatology and doctor visits, all kinds of shampoos and hair growth lotions and vitamins). None of them have helped.

Aug 29, 2017
Sam and GH
by: Sandra

You're right GH.. Sam is from Houston , I remember him writing this. Sam, hope you're ok and thinking of you too.

GH , thank you for doing so much research on this and trying to help us find answers. The worst thing about it is that it's not just a short lived problem - the difficulties go on and on for years without end in sight. it causes so many different issues (patchy hair loss, all over hair loss, hair loss on top of head at one point then the sides of head get worse and back of head has hair parting all over the place, miniaturisation of follicles causing the small amount of new hair that is growing to be fine,fluffy and fly away). The pain just goes on and on .. we are at three years now and there was someone on here that had lots of new hairs suddenly appearing after four years so I'm praying ...

Is there anyone with some good news as it always gives me some hope to hear something positive ?!

Aug 28, 2017
Sam from Houston
by: Gh

Hi Sam,

If my brain serves me correctly, you are in or around the Houston area. So I just wanted to wish you well.

Aug 26, 2017
by: GH

What about the pituitary gland? The pituitary gland is in the brain, so obviously it is very close to BB-ground zero. The pituitary gland can be the target of inflammatory response or autoimmune reactions.The pituitary gland is very important to your overall health and body function.

A problem with the pituitary gland can affect the entire endocrine system, because the pituitary sends out the stimulating hormones that direct the organs (thyroid, adrenals, ovaries, testes, etc.) to produce their respective hormones. If the pituitary is not healthy and functioning, your hormone levels will likely below.

If the pituitary gland is not healthy or is under attack, like our hair follicles, the results are devastating. Basically the results are all the symptoms that we have been experiencing.

To be clear an impaired pituitary gland has a whole list of symptoms, but an impaired pituitary gland can also result in the impaired function of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland. And impaired adrenal glands and impaired thyroid gland will add additional symptoms, while the standard lab tests may remain normal. Ultimately, you end up with a compounded list of troubling and sometimes nonsensical symptoms, and doctors seem to be clueless.

*****Symptoms of autoimmune disease of the PITUITARY GLAND are:
• visual field impairment
• double vision may be present
• hyperprolactinemia
• absence of menstruation
• production of breast milk in women
• sexual dysfunction in men
• significant hormone imbalance
• wasting/shrinking of the gonads, adrenals and thyroid gland resulting in more or worsening symptoms below

*****Symptoms of autoimmune disease of the ADRENAL GLANDS:
• chronic, or long lasting, fatigue
• muscle weakness
• loss of appetite
• weight loss
• abdominal pain
• nausea
• vomiting
• diarrhea
• low blood pressure that drops further when a person stands up, causing dizziness or fainting
• irritability and depression
• craving salty foods
• hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar
• headache
• sweating
• excessive urination
• irregular or absent menstrual periods
• in women, loss of interest in sex

*****Symptoms of autoimmune disease of the THYROID:
• skin dryness or roughness
• hair loss or dryness
• constipation
• depression
• enlarged thyroid (neck)
• fatigue
• joint stiffness
• muscle weakness
• puffy eyes
• sensitivity to cold
• slow heart rate
• swelling in extremities
• weight gain

If the problems starts with the pituitary gland, you will probably have multiple symptoms from all three lists.

FYI: I recently found out my blood tests for my thyroid were on the low side of normal.

My cortisol level, which I expected to be high due to stress, was also low. A low cortisol results tells me that there is an issue with my adrenals.

At this point, I need to determine if the issue is starting at the adrenals causing Addison's Disease or if the source is the pituitary gland resulting in autoimmune hypopituitarism.

I realize everyone's symptoms are not as bad as mine, so this information may not apply, but I hope it helps someone. Maybe someone else can shed light on their experience.

Aug 25, 2017
by: Gh

Hugs to Sandra and All,

Like me, I'm sure many of you saw a dermatologist when you started to lose your hair. The dermatologist probably did some routine tests, one of which was a TSH. The TSH checks your thyroid function, because many of our symptoms can be caused by thyroid dysfunctions. However, like me, your TSH was within the normal range. Well mine was normal but still low. I have had it rechecked since the symptoms started and it has gone lower while still in the normal range.

Could your thyroid be under attack?

If you have experienced, fatigue, weight gain, brain fog, muscle weakness, constipation, irregular menstrual cycles, frequent infections, dry skin, and hair loss, you MUST READ the article at the link below.

The author points out that the TSH can be normal even when you thyroid is under attack. She acknowledges that these autoimmune attacks on the thyroid can be triggered by leaky gut, TOXICITY EXPOSURE, and whole list of other triggers. Unfortunately our doctors are checking to see if our thyroid is still alive, when they should be looking for the attacker. They attacker would be the thyroid antibodies.

You will read this article, and you will relate. My hair loss at the scalp was considered to be lymphocyte mediated. My fear is that the lymphocytes would not stop at my scalp. Where else would they go and what else would they destroy? Did they make it to my thyroid? If it's up to the doctors, I'll just have wait and see after the damage is done. We shouldn't wait.

Here is an excerpt from the article:

"When you have one autoimmune disease, you are at high risk of developing other autoimmune diseases.

If nothing is done to calm down the autoimmune attack on your thyroid gland, the risks are high that your immune system will then begin attacking other parts of your body. In her guest post for Hypothyroid Mom Autoimmune Diseases Brew In Your Body FOR YEARS Before Diagnosis Functional Medicine nutritionist Tracy Konoske wrote, ""Dr. Gerald Mullin from Johns Hopkins says statistically somebody with an autoimmune disease is at risk of a total of 7 autoimmune diseases in his or her lifetime.""

◾Type 1 Diabetes
◾Multiple Sclerosis
◾Celiac Disease
◾Addison’s Disease
◾Cushing’s Disease
◾Alopecia Areata
◾Sjögren’s Syndrome
◾Autoimmune Urticaria
◾Ménière’s disease
◾Rheumatoid Arthritis
◾Pernicious Anemia
◾Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
◾Raynaud’s disease

Although Hashimoto’s disease is a leading cause of hypothyroidism around the world, it is a tragically overlooked disease in mainstream medicine. Hashimoto’s sufferers often find little help from their doctors living decades with debilitating symptoms. If nothing is done to slow down the attack on your thyroid, you become vulnerable to develop other potentially life-threatening autoimmune diseases. Your whole body becomes fair game for attack, all while your doctor insists you are fine."

The article also includes a link to order your own lab tests and have them drawn near your home.

Aug 24, 2017
Thank you
by: Sandra

Thank you for your kind words GH.. they meant so much to me. I felt like you completely understand how I'm feeling about this. It's so painful for me. I've always worked so hard at my parenting and always tried to take away any pain, supporting her through everything that life throws at you - until now, I've been able to make everything better with a hug and some kind words! I can't fix this one or make it better in any way and worse than that, I encouraged her to have this BB so I feel so so guilty ..... thank you also for the name of shampoo. I'm hoping I can find it in London but if not, I have friends and family is USA that can post it to me.. THE HAIRDRESSERS THAT USE THIS PRODUCT SHOULD HANG THEIR HEADS IN SHAME ! I'm so angry , so sad ..Thank you again GH.. so grateful to you ..

Aug 23, 2017
Sandra & Cat Lover
by: GH

Sandra, so sorry to hear about your daughter. So sorry you are going through this as well. As a mother, it must be extremely painful for you to see you daughter in this situation. We always want to protect our children and rescue them from suffering, so I know this must be terribly frustrating and distressing for you. My heart goes out to you and your daughter. I hope things get better for both of you.

As for the shampoo, I am currently using "Hair Chemist - Charcoal with Citrus Oil - Detoxifying Shampoo." "Nzuri Kra-Z Hair Gro - Scalp Detox Carbon Therapy - with Pure Activated Charcoal" is a similar product. I think the two products are quite similar, but the second lists that it contains a DHT blocker. However, I am not sure how effect the DHT blocker is. I use Hair Chemist purely out of convenience, as it is available at my local Sally’s Beauty Supply.

Cat Lover, I think the steroids helped, but I only got the injections at my hair line. The hairs at my hairline seem firm and are thinker than other parts of my hair. I am seeing coils of curls forming in the injected area, but there is still plenty of space between the hairs. While I believe the injections helped, it is unlikely that someone will inject your entire scalp so the overall problem still exists.

Also, I thought the shots were painful. Although the needle prick and pain is really brief, there is not much fatty tissue in that area so you really feel it. If your doctor will allow, I would ask for a script for topical anesthetic. Maybe you could apply it right before your appointment, like in the waiting room.

Honestly, it’s really hard to say what is working and what is not. Like Rogaine, any treatment that you use may take several months before it shows results depending on the hair cycle. Of course, there is often a possibility that you will see more hair loss with treatment before you see any real gains.

It sucks that you can’t get immediate results or solutions. This is the most frustrating part. You could literally go through six months of Rogaine, just to find that it has done nothing for your condition. On the other hand, one might be reluctant to go the distance with other medications due to side effects and never really know if six months down the line it would have made difference.

I would suspect that even the Doxy would take a few months to see improvement. I am curious to know if anyone on here has used Doxy for six months. My doctor started me off with a three month supply, she believes the course of treatment will be about six months. I am really trying hard to stick with the current treatment plan. I have to see a glimmer of sweat as a positive sign, but it may mean nothing.

Aug 22, 2017
by: Cat Lover

Hi GH, I'm glad you are able to sweat again. It's always a good sign when things are getting back to pre B.B. I initially went on Doxy 6/26. I was given topical steroids to use with it, But all the topical steroids never did a thing. The Doxy relieved the crawly feeling and itchiness and my scalp felt normal on it. My scalp is still red but not as red. I lowered dose from 100 mg to 50 and weaned myself off of Doxy after a month. A week after I stopped the Doxy, my scalp felt itchy and sensitive again and I had more hair fall. So I got back on Doxy 7/26 100mg and I'm still taking it. Scalp feels normal but still pink/red. Hair fall is back to normal but I'm still not noticing any new regrowth. I was supposed to get steroid injections yesterday but chickened out. I read where the injections may cause more hair loss and it's possible to get dents in your scalp from it. I had a bad reaction from oral steroids so I'm shying away from the steroid shots. I know that you had the shots and you think it helped. The shots may help with my redness but I'm scared to do. I rescheduled steroid shots for next month and I'll rethink it again. Do you have any positive feedback on getting the steroid shots? I have an appointment for a PRP consult next month. I know it's just over a year for both of us. Too long.

Aug 22, 2017
Charcoal shampoo
by: Sandra

Thank you GH.. fingers crossed for you ! Which charcoal shampoo are you using ? I'm going straight out to buy some !

My daughter's hair is back to its original curl after three years and there is some regrowth in patches but new hairs coming in are fine , flyaway and frizzy.. far more than they ever were pre BB.. they kinda sit on top of her hair. No more hair loss but hair gradually getting thinner as each month passes. So the new hair isn't replacing the natural hair loss cycle as it should .. it's all out of sync.. She's doing a lot of swimming at the moment as it's the Summer months and everytime she gets out of the pool I see more and more scalp. Heartbreaking for me although she is being very resilient .. she still stubbornly refuses to seek help. She says she feels let down by the trichologist and dermatologist that she saw when it first happened and she doesnt want to see anyone else. Her hair does get very greasy but I just put it down to her age .. if the charcoal shampoo can help to clear the grease and clean the follicles I'm willing to give it a try. As I buy her shampoo I can easily leave it in the bathroom and she will use it .. that's all I can do for now .. please keep posting everyone , if only as an act of kindness towards me.. it just offers me some comfort to hear from others even if the news is still the same and there is no miracle cure ..

Aug 22, 2017
Glimmer of hope
by: Gh

First of all, I just realized that if you click on the link "Post Your Story about Keratin Hair Treatment." it takes you to a page where you can comment and upload pictures. Not sure if that link was always there. I might explore it more later.

Anyway, I noticed something today that may be a positive sign. No, I don't see the hair yet, but I did see SWEAT.

Like some of you, I seemed to have a decreased ability to sweat since the hair loss started. My scalp was greasy, but I was not sweating like I used to. Not sweating or "anhidrosis" made me worry about my body's ability to cool itself; made me less likely to engage in activities that would have normally triggered sweating.

Well today I could see beads of sweat on my forehead and sweat glistening on scalp after showering with the charcoal shampoo and drying. This is something that, I hadn't seen in a long time. So I was pretty happy to see it.

I bring this up, because I realize that lack of sweat can be another symptom that may help you and your provider narrow down a diagnosis and treatment plan.

I'll admit that I don't know all of the science behind the hair loss, but I do know the basics. You have sweat glands and hair follicles who share a space with oil (sebaceous) glands all living together. For some of us, for whatever reason, our sebaceous glands seem to be enlarged/prominent leaving us with an oily scalp, tiny/thin hairs, and lack of sweat. That inflamed sebaceous gland may be working against us and needs to be addressed.

A lot of the science says that sebaceous gland and/or duct inflammation may play a role in initiating or accelerating follicular damage during the development of scarring alopecia.

Now I don't know if the inflamed glands always lead to scarring alopecia, but it surely can't be helpful in growing your hair. It's obviously making things uncomfortable for its neighbors. Additionally, it may be limiting the blood flow in the tiny vessels that are supplying blood to the scalp.

I don't believe Rogaine and vitamins will not stop that inflammation. I don't know a lot about PRP to comment. I do know that anti-inflammatories will help, and some may help more than others.

Remember anti-inflammatories come in many forms such as Prednisone. Doxycycline is an antibiotic with anti-inflammatory properties that is often used to treat acne which we know occurs when tiny hair follicles plug with oil and dirt. There are many other medications that may be helpful in calming those sebaceous glands.

For Cat Lover and anyone else who has tried Doxy, how long were you on it? Were you applying any other treatments while on Doxy? Just curious.

I've been on Doxy a few weeks; still using the charcoal shampoo daily to keep my scalp clean; still using Azathioprine. No side effects yet. Blood tests look good. Fingers crossed.

Aug 14, 2017
Acell PRP
by: KitKat

You're welcome, from one cat lover to another. Pls post your results if u proceed with Acell PRP

Aug 13, 2017
Thanks Kit Kat
by: Cat Lover

I think I'm going to make an appt for a PRP A-cell consult. Thank you for all your info

Aug 13, 2017
To Catlover
by: KitKat

It's been 18 months since my BB. I noticed the hair loss immediately, but the scalp itch didn't begin until a few months ago. I was going to ask my doctor for steroid scalp injections, but I seem to be responding well to over the counter cortisone. I've also been applying Bactitracin (non-prescription) to the areas that itch the most. So far, my scalp has been infected with the A cell PRP. First one was one year ago I didn't go back because it was so expensive at $3000. Then I noticed my hair thinning again in April. I found a doctor that only charged $600 per session. He recommended 3, one at one month intervals then return about every 4-6 months for maintenance. On Wednesday I'll have my third Acell PRP with this doctor. Acell comes from pigs bladder. I know this can be controversial, but it has worked for me. I read that it has a healing component and other doctors use it to help heal injuries on other parts of the body. I also read that Dr. Greco and another doctor that was mentioned on this forum do Acell PRP. Hope this helps.

Aug 13, 2017
Kit Kat questions PRP
by: Cat Lover

Kit Kat. I have an appointment for steroid shots this month. Have you done the steroid shots before doing the PRP. I'm not fond of getting any shots in my scalp. But would just like to get the one thats going to work. PRP sounds less harmful with less side effects than the steroid shots, since it's your own plasma. What is A cell? Is it painful? How long has it been since your BB?

Aug 11, 2017
New in the forum
by: Alfonso

Hi guys as many of you i've been victim of the brazilian keratin crap, since the first day i was having itching and tingling on my scalp i think the first the thing to adress is controlling the inflammation that's the key, im on betamethasone dipropionate 0.05% everyday, and castor oil on nights i am having regrowth when i take pictures of my scalp i can see new thick grow, that i expect it keeps growing, the white blood cells attacks our follicles to get rid out of the keratin crap, my best advice is corticosteroids creams, and expect for good news, in this cases is important to act quickly as possibles to avoid more hair loss, God bless you all and keep strong, i'll tell you my updates soon, I hope will be positive ones.

Aug 11, 2017
Sam & All
by: Gh

Based on my reading, FFA can be just as unpredictable as all of the other alopecias. The most obvious feature that sets FFA apart is that it seems to start at the hairline and people often have recognizable hair loss at the front of the hairline. Still, it can spread to/around the perimeter of the head, brows, lashes, arms, and so on.

I do have various obvious thinning around the perimeter of my scalp, but I also have less obvious thinning all over. There are some tiny spots of obvious scarring, but there are still a lot of healthy-looking follicles that just don't seem to be producing hair.

FFA is a scarring alopecia and it is a form of lichen planopilaris (LP). LP can also affect mucous membranes, possibly causing dryness, irritation, and/or inflammation in/on parts of the body that are normally moist.

It's so crazy how all of these autoimmune conditions overlap. It's hard to get a definitive diagnosis. My PCP is calling it undifferentiated connective tissue disease.

Regardless of whether it is scarring or non-scarring or if you just don't know, I don't think a single treatment option is the best line of defense. I would always suggest that it be treated like the worst case scenario as long as there is no issue with the medication such as allergies.

I think any new victims of the BB should pursue a multipronged treatment plan for non-scarring and scarring (worst case scenario) alopecia.

You just don't want to find out a year or two into this, after permanent hair loss, that there were low-moderate risk treatments available, and you missed the opportunity.

My most recent derm said that he would treat my condition with pimecrolimus (immunosuppressant) cream along with an oral medication.

I wonder how things would have turned out if I had started an oral medication, steroid injections, and pimecrolimus cream two months after the initial BB poisoning. Would I have all my hair back now? Would it have prevented the spread of the hair loss? Would it have prevented all of the other crazy symptoms that have popped up as the hair loss progressed.

To me, it was kind of like a cancer. I had a bunch of cells just below my scalp that weren't acting right. We didn't take corrective action soon enough, so they were allowed to migrate and cause problems in other places. I wish I would have had the opportunity to stop them at the scalp.

I guess I will never know, but I am going stick with my current treatment plan, a combo of immunosuppressant, anti-inflammatory, and possibly rogaine. I'll try not to pay attention to my hair, because it is hard to see changes when you are checking every day. I am hoping for some thick new-growth by the end of the year.

Honestly, at this point, I would be satisfied with the hair that I have. It's the fear of losing more and the permanent loss that kills me. It's like a torturous slow death.

Aug 10, 2017
G hair anyone ?
by: Sam

Ghair, does f f alopica effect the back of the head , is any one else only losing the hair, back of the head what in the hell kind of alopica or male patten baldness is this crap , and why is my hair slowly growing on the top enough not to see my scalp any more some what not like before but the back were it was the strongest is now slowly disappearing with each wash im so scared what in the hell is happenibg to me i can't just have hair on top I mean the whole back including the neck and sides are gone just gone oh im more sad than ever I can't take it!!!! Well just wanted to see if any one on here lost there back of the head hair under neath the crown at this point I still have and a huge bald spot right above my right ear line now the sides came back real thin but enough to hide but that back it looks like I have a deformed head now , well that's all I have back to my depression hole in go this part is new to me so my back of my hair was the strongest now its the top im so confused , I hate you Brazilian blow out hate you with a passion mixed with rage hurt betrayed and guilt for ever doing this treatment to by handsome hair , now all I can do is Waite patiently to see the owners of the Brazilian blowout and hairstylists pay for what they did to us. Well that's it for now.😞 Sam

Aug 10, 2017

by: Kitkat

Correction, this is the site

Aug 10, 2017
A cell and PRP update
by: KitKat

Hello all,

About three weeks ago I was suffering from a very bad itchy scalp. It hasn't completely resolved but I did find some relief by
applying cortisone extra strength every night and letting it penetrate through the morning. I applied it throughout my whole scalp. I was able to go to work and I only experienced some minor itching the following day. Also, I had my third PRP with A cell three weeks ago and I am very happy with the results. My wife part in the middle is filling in, I almost can't believe it. I believe that I didn't fully experience success the first time because I never went in for a second treatment (first treatment I paid $3000). I found a doctor who only charged $600 so I was able to return for the second treatment with him. He recommended a total of 3 treatments in one month intervals. I can honestly say that I am very pleased. I plan on getting my third treatment with him in two weeks. I will post my update. I really think this can help some of you on here. I also read a thread from Ladies on here talk about their success with this treatment. Hope this helps. Xoxo

Aug 08, 2017
GH, Anonymous
by: Cat Lover

I went back 2 years reading through everyone's posts. A lot have said that all the steroid creams, shots, PRP, medications didn't help them. Some said PRP helped at first then after it didn't. So there isn't any know solution so far. If you have scarring alopecia then you need to get aggressive to save as much hair as you can. Then you wonder if the biopsy is correct. Mine said AGA and it doesn't run in my family and with AGA you don't lose hair by excessive shedding! I don't know if anyone here lives in Florida, but I am going to see the best of the best, Dr. Antonella Tosti at the Univ of Miami, but I have to wait until January to see her and she's nowhere close to where I live and the appointment is at 8:15am. She is the only one familiar with how the BB can damage your scalp, skin and hair. My current Derm referred me. I asked my derm for Actos and she said they don't prescribe that anymore because too many side effects. I'm still on Doxycycline, not sure if it's still effective because I lowered dose in half and then I stopped for a couple of weeks and started again. I had really bad ringing in my ears from it, and since I previously lost all my hearing from antibiotics in the past (thank God it returned) my derm suggested cutting it in half. So I'm back on 100 mg doxycycline and I'm using expensive Italian line hair products from trichologist. My derm wants to give me steroid shots for my red scalp so that I can start using Rogaine. I'm very nervous to get this. I heard you can get dents in your scalp from it. If you recently got the BB, and if I could do it over, I would wash my scalp every day with a mild clarifying shampoo and see a derm that specializes in hair loss. I would ask him to look at your entire scalp with a dermascope to see if you have oily or dry scalp, flakes, excess sebum and any miniaturization. Don't let him/her brush you off. Or find another Derm. Ask him/her for a scalp biopsy if no improvement. I would see a Trichologist to get the correct shampoo line for your scalp. For almost a year I did nothing because I was fed up with the flippant Derms. But now that I went back to a decent Derm and a Trichologist, my scalp does better and now I'm just hoping and praying the hair will return and that I can color again. Good luck to you and I hope that your hair will come in very soon.

Aug 07, 2017
to anonymous
by: GH

Hi Anonymous,

Did you get a biopsy?

So many of us have gotten different yet slightly similar diagnoses. Even my pathology report said they could not rule out TE. Originally, I was told not to worry. It just takes a few cycles to grow back. Well that may be the case for some, but many of us were not that fortunate.

Regardless of what your doctor thinks or what the path report says, I would go hard/aggressive with treatment. Immunosuppressants and anti-inflammatories would have been my best option at the six-month mark, but unfortunately that didn't happen.

If I could do it over again, I would have gotten the steroid injections; used topical immunosuppressant (Tacrolimis) cream; used a good shampoo like the charcoal shampoo previously mentioned on here; and I would have taken the doxycycline to start, because it is an antibiotic with anti-inflammatory properties. It helps control the oils of the sebaceous glands. I would have used all of these treatments simultaneously to attack this from all angles. Of course, I would have avoided all other unnecessary chemicals and improved my diet.

These are low risk treatments. You doctor may think they are a waste of time and unnecessary, and they may be right, but they may be wrong. If they are wrong, I'm sorry to say, but you will suffer the consequences as the condition gets worse.

Unfortunately, it's pretty hard to convince most dermatologists that a BB reaction is a HAIR EMERGENCY. Many of them don't even know what a BB is, and many are reluctant to learn how to manage our condition.

So sad...

Aug 07, 2017
Thinning roots with bulb
by: Anonymous

Update: I saw a dermatologist here in the city, who diagnosed me with (you guessed it!) TE. I was relieved for a bit, and last week thought I saw some progress after about a month and a half of aggressive supplement taking and babying my hair. Then, this weekend, I noticed that I seem to be losing many of my "baby hairs", all with the bulb, and that the rest of my hairs have a definite tapering of the actual strand towards the bulb. They have about a centimeter or less where the strand itself thins out before it meets the bulb....and I have a feeling this is not a good sign. Has anyone else experienced this?

I'm really trying to stay positive and remember that the derm said this should resolve within 6 months, but the stories I read on here about permanent follicle miniaturization have got me worried - especially because it's quite obvious that the strands are thin only on the last bit of hair aka the growth I've had since the BB. I have no AGA in my family, and the only genetic hair issues we have is premature greying, but it sounds like the BB chemicals can cause this whether or not it runs in a family?

Any input is appreciated!! Really thought I was seeing some progress, but considering I'm not seeing any baby hairs come in over the areas that lost most of the hair, I'm thinking this was just spontaneous new growth caused by all the hair vitamins I'm taking (as in not replacement hairs for what's been lost, just new hair in new areas.)

Aug 05, 2017
New info
by: Gh

Just saw my new dermatologist, and he agreed with my original pathology report. Based on that report, my receding hairline, thinning eyebrows/eye lashes, he concluded that my condition should be treated as frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA). This of course is scarring alopecia and would eventually cause permanent hair loss. He commended me on seeking treatment early. I had to stop myself from going into my rant about how this healthcare system has failed so many of us. Anyway, he says the treatment protocol is Docycyline (1st line) then Actos (2nd). I'd have to try the doxy for a couple of months and see how that goes before advancing to Actos. He also said that I could continue taking the Azathioprine, as he thought the combination may be helpful even though it's a tiny dose.

A couple more people have complimented me on my hair. I really think it's just the style of the cut that is deceiving them. My new derm was able to see that I still had s bunch of empty follicles, and he determined that I would need an intervention to prevent additional loss.

Scarring or non-scarring? It seems to all come down to how well your pathologist is trained, and what your dermatologist wants to believe.

My new perspective is to treat for scarring and non-scarring. If steroid injections are the first line of defense for non-scarring, and doxy is the first line oral medication for scarring alopecia, do both at the same time. One drug goes just below the skin, and the other works from the inside out. I am not aware of any possible drug interactions so I think it's best to attack this in a couple different ways. Also, adding a short term topical steroid, topical immunosuppressant, or rogaine may help. These are all things to discuss with your doctor.

The way I see it is a lot of doctors have just provided one treatment at a time, and this has not been effective for many of us. Plus, it is not always clear if it is scarring or not, but it would be better to be safe than sorry. If there are no contraindications or potential drug interactions why not treat on top of the skin, just below the skin, and systemically? Why not treat for scarring & non-scarring? Much of the literature suggests that early and aggressive treatments will yield the best results.

Jul 31, 2017
Actos = Pioglitazone
by: Anonymous

Actos is the brand name for Pioglitazone

Jul 31, 2017
Cat Lover & all
by: Gh

I have read that Actos was also effective in frontal fibrosing alopecia. Frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA) is a form of lichen planopilaris that is characterized primarily by slowly progressive hair loss (alopecia) and scarring on the scalp near the forehead. In some cases, the eyebrows, eye lashes and/or other parts of the body may be involved, as well.

If I recall correctly, someone on here had been given that diagnosis. I hope this helps someone.

Jul 31, 2017
by: Cat Lover

Yes I read about that too. If my biopsy came back with scarring alopecia I would have demanded Pioglitazone. A NCBI study showed a man with LPP took it for 9 months and was rid of his itchy red scalp and the hair loss stopped. I only had one part of my scalp biopsied and it was non scarring consistent with AGA. However I'm also losing hair above the nape and that wouldn't be AGA. I'm going to ask for it and see what she says. I'm currently taking 100 mg of doxycycline and I think it lost its effectiveness because for a time I decreased it and then stopped it and got back on it. Still itches some and the redness never goes away, I read that topical melatonin helped some with AGA. I'm experimenting with that on my temples. I have been blow drying on low and flat ironing 350 degrees to try and make myself at least look somewhat presentable. Now I'm noticing that my hair is disintegrating and even more damaged and frizzy. Very thin curly hairs are sticking up and I look like I've had electric shock therapy. They don't grow, they just stay like that. I have no choice but just to let it hang in a frizzy dry mess, so now I'm really going to feel very ugly. My beautiful long thick bleached blond hair was stolen from me and not a day goes by that I'm not sick to my stomach over it. I was at work talking to a resident on the phone and she asked if I still had my beautiful long blond hair. It took everything I had not to burst into tears. I called that law firm that was taking claims from people that suffered with Myeloid Leukemia from BB. They said that they have to get enough complaints from the FDA before they could do a class action lawsuit for anything else. I hope everybody here has done that on the FDA website or called them. I'm calling now for the Pioglitazone. I have a feeling she'll say the same, that it's for scarring. Maria, I was able to order Glycogen after all from the website you sent. I hope I got the right one. All my money is going towards this hair!!!

Jul 31, 2017
by: GH

The jury is still out. After my haircut on Friday, I was still not sure, so I got a second haircut on Saturday. That made my hair a lot shorter, like a mini afro that is tapered at the neck.

I do see my natural curl, but I do not believe the number of hairs has increased. Individual strand thickness is up, but volume is still down. I still see plenty of empty follicles.

I'm just gonna try not to look at my scalp for while. That is so much easier said than done, but it's hard to notice change, stabilization, or worsening if you are checking every day.

Anyway, I know there has been a lot of talk about sebum and sebaceous glands, and I started doing a little more research. There are some forms of alopecia hair loss that are believed to be related to sebaceous gland. While they may go by different names, such as lichen planopilaris, they have been effectively treated with pioglitazone.

Pioglitazone is used to treat type 2 diabetes, but somewhere along the way it was discovered to be effective in treating some alopecias. Because Pioglitazone can affect signaling pathways involved in lipid homeostasis in sebocytes, regulation of the epidermal barrier, and inflammatory pathways, their use has been advocated in various inflammatory skin disorders, including atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and acne.

I believe I mentioned Pioglitazone to my dermatologist before, but she suggested that it was only effective with scarring alopecias. Of course, I had two different pathologists looking at my biopsy. One classified my loss as scarring while the other said it was non-scarring. Who do you believe?

I know I would be pissed to find out that I could have benefitted from Pioglitazone, which in my opinion is a less risky medication compared to Azathioprine.

It may not be an answer or cure, but it is something you can research and discuss with your doctor if they feel that the activity of your sebaceous glands are a factor in your hair loss.

I should also mention Pioglitazone is dirt cheap even without insurance. I think it's one of those things that is worth a 90 day trial.

Jul 28, 2017
by: Cat Lover

Great news GH. Sounds like you have a plan that's working for you. Hair coming in is a blessing. I was afraid of getting Kenalog shot in my scalp. I'm still thinking about it. I wish I could just let my hair dry naturally like you, but I just can't. I do blow dry on low. Thanks for sharing your promising news and what you are doing to get where you are. Keep posting your progress please.

Jul 28, 2017
Additional detail
by: GH

I forgot to mention that I did take a months worth of a high estrogen birth control pills in about May/June. The 28-day pack triggered what seemed to be a normal but heavy period in June. I have had one more normal/light period since then. I have since discontinued the birth control pill, but I am considering doing a 28-day pack every three months if the periods stop again.

Bleeding for week used to be a bummer. Now, I look forward to it. It's crazy how we learn to appreciate the things that used to annoy us.

Jul 28, 2017
Kinda good news
by: GH

So as I previously mentioned, I have been wearing my hair in wild afro. I was hardly combing my hair, and I never brushed it. I wash every 1-2 days and use a little leave-in condition. the thinness and frizziness was most obvious on the ends. It looked like a hot mess, but it was direct reflection of how I felt.

Anyway, I decided to at least get it shaped. So I went to the barber that I have seen a few times since the BB incident, and she was impressed with how thick my hair has gotten.

I'm like, "what are you talking about?" Anyway she made this comment several times, as she picked out the unkempt naps/frizz. She completed the hair cut, and then she showed me. Now that some of the uneven frizz was removed, I think I agree that my hair has thickened. I haven't washed it yet, and I am worried that the wet hair may tell a different story, not sure. I'll have to update this later.

Just to recap, I used the following methods to treat my alopecia areata:

1.Rogaine- used since 01/2017 on/off

2.Steroid injections- I believe I had 3 treatments over the past 4 months

3. Washing- every 1-2 days and using leave-in conditioning spray or light cream

4.Diet- started eating a Paleo (cleaning eating) diet for 1 month so far; over the past four months I gradually eliminated all questionable medications and supplements

5.Imuran (azathioprine)- been taking this medication for about one month. Also, I have had my kidney function checked, and they are completely fine.

It's hard for me to say what has had the most significant impact. My guess is that the steroid injection decreased the inflammation around my follicles allowing the Rogaine to be more effective. Additionally, I have given my hair and my entire body good nutrients through food. And of course, a low dose of Imuran may have helped by calming down my immune system just a tad bit. I really don't know, but I plan to continue with this regimen for now and see if it continues to improve or if it turns out to be fluke.

Jul 27, 2017
by: Cat Lover

Sam and GH, I feel the same pain. I too stay at home like a hermit because I feel so unattractive. I seriously have considered quitting my only part time job. I feel everyone is looking at my hair and thinking, "Oh that poor girl". My hair used to be my thick crowning glory that I would get so many compliments on. I felt on top of the world when I had a good hair day. For someone as vain as I, this is so very traumatizing and I am so depressed. I used to look many years younger than my age. Now I have half gray hair and blond thin straw like hair and I look so old. When I went to my Doctor, the girl that was checking me out said, "You're on Medicare right". I retorted, "No I'm not that old!" The only thing that keeps me going is my determination to stop this hair loss and get back my hair. Also Everyone's posting here keeps me going. Sam, when I heard that your head is not itching anymore, I was elated. it gives me hope. Maria when you said you have regrowth, that gave me even more hope. The venting is good because we are all going through the same nightmare and we all feel the same pain. We should forward this forum post to an attorney. We have all been traumatized and have had so much pain and suffering from this horrible product. And of course all the medical issues. I stated earlier that a firm in Dallas is suing BB for victims that acquired myeloid leukemia. I had to go back on the antibiotics, doxycycline 100 mg. It's the only thing that stops the itching and irritation and keeps it from getting so red. I hate being on antibiotics but so far its the only medication that gives me relief.

Jul 27, 2017
by: Gh

BB/keratin has changed so many lives, some worse than others. As I previously mentioned, I am avoiding taking unnecessary medications.

I recently met a lady who has a similar reaction to a BB treatment. She has been going through a lot of diagnostic testing and may have recently had a reaction to MRI contrast (Gadolinium). She is now thought to have gadolinium toxicity or gadolinium deposition disease, which has made her BB symptoms way worse.

I had been taking SSRI anti-depressant on/off over the years. I had never had issues with it, but since the BB, it has added to my dry mouth. In fact my mouth had been unbearably, dry until I stopped taking the anti-depressant.

I had a local anesthetic for my lip biopsy, which is the same as I would have had for a dental filling. Previously, I had never had a reaction, but now my lip retains the numbness.

I recall Andrea saying that she was mistakenly given Ketorolac in her buttocks. While she was given the wrong medication, ketorolac would not normally cause the prolonged leg numbness that she experienced if it was administered in the muscle.

Have others noticed that they don't tolerate medications well? Do others feel like their body retain medications/chemicals and/or cause abnormal or prolonged side effects?

I really feel like the changes in my body, have made it more difficult me eliminate medications and other toxins even though my kidneys seem to be working fine. For this reason, I am reluctant to take any medication except medication to regulate may immune system.

I don't mean to scare anyone, but if you can avoid the unnatural chemicals, I think you should. If I need an MRI I don't need a heavy metal like Gadolinium added to the mix of chaos in my body.

As far as the anti-depressant, it was no longer working to improve my mood. My mood is beyond repair. I am also hanging on by a thread. No anti-depressant can take away the physical symptoms or make me not worry every single day.

Keeping my fingers crossed with the Imuran (Azathioprine), paleo diet, and occasional steroid injection. My hair is definitely growing in length. Sometimes it seems like it is getting thicker at the roots, but I am not sure. The mirrors play tricks on me.

I can feel a small patch of hair missing in the back of my head, but I refuse to look. I rarely comb or brush my hair. I just wear in a wacky afro most days. It's so delicate and styling it makes the loss more obvious to me.

I feel you, Sam. I have had melt downs regularly at home and at work. Some days I don't leave my office. I don't want people to think I'm a nut who can't stop crying so I just hide out in my office. It really sucks. I think about quitting my job or taking a prolonged unpaid sick. I'm not sure.

Sam, keep venting. We hear you. I think you often express the sadness, regret, anger, and frustration that many of us feel.

Jul 26, 2017
Another vent story
by: Sam

Thank you all who respond Maria I can see what your saying I my trichologists also said the same thing not to give up hope and the weekly scrubs are nessary to help heal the scalp but im still like why , why does our hair fall out I will never understand I use to scrub my scalp before and hard I always like to have real clean hair and scalp and just because I did a Brazilian blowout I have to scrub softley and gentle no!!!!! I can't or won't expect it I won't !!!!!!!! I want my hair to be normal now I have to get on with my life now this Brazilian blow out that cost me 400.00 last year has cost me my life im in so much debt in the grands im living on credit cards selling off my family's furniture just to make ends , I sold two of my cars just to pay house taxes I refuse to sell my house because of a Brazilian blowout this nightmare please please makes it stop oh when will it stop, now every one reading this the next part is just part of me venting ok it helps me to let out my feeling to share with any one what a Brazilian blowout can really do to a person beside hair loss and please share with your hairstylist they may want to rethink about ever doing a Brazilian blowout again because they got lucky with us the next person might not be so kind to them ok , how is my mental health or status, lets just say the word crazy to describe me is to kind of a word, psycho psychopathic that's more like it I may even be beyond that , I used to worry about what I would wear for the next day now all I think about how am I going to look in a straight jacket and if I can get it in navy blue with gold buttons because if im going to the nut house im going to be the best dressed nut case the world as ever seen , I can picture it Houston Texas man lost his mind over losing his hair to a Brazilian blowout treatment can you imagine oh I can that's were im headed I can't function nor sleep and im not eating I just stare in the mirrow 24/7 I turn the lights on and off constantly hoping for a miracle or that this nightmare im in hell ill just wake up and be like oh my hair were have you been oh how I missed you see I even talk to my hair I am crazy , ladies I think im going nuts !!!!! My head hurts to much right now. I had more to say but to be completely honest I don't really no how to cope with this Devastation in my life and im trying so hard to keep my insanity and believe me im doing all that I can from actually wearing that navy blue straight jacket with gold buttons. Well with all that said lol I needed to let off steam my angry builds up and fast and im only angry at the Brazilian blowout company for making such a stupid product and i hope there company goes into bankruptcy and burns to the ground with no one in it ok, im not that harsh of a person though all those workers would be with out jobs but than again so am I so, ummm there you have it and for hair stylist lets see I would want the courts to decided your fate by allowing me to pour formaldehyde on to your scalp till it burns like you did me I will never rest again to I see that day. Ok now im ready for that jacket , Sam just one of my venting stories.

Jul 26, 2017
Sam, Maria, everyone
by: Cat Lover

Sam I find the more I scrub and rub the more hair comes out. We have to be gentle with it because it falls out easily due to the follicles being choked with built up sebum and irritated and itchy. Once all that is gone we can treat hair normal again. The main thing is removing the itch and irritation, when that's gone then we can concentrate on the regrowth. I thought of you Maria, when I went to a Trichologist. I wasn't really crazy about mine either. Her cell phone kept ringing and it appeared to me that she just wasn't into her job. She magnified my scalp and she said my scalp was real oily and dandruff and sebum was clogging my follicles and she too sold me a very expensive Italian line called CR Labs. She didnt give me any vitamins though. First is a gritty prewash that you rub in & leave in for 15 minutes and then wash out with anti greasy sebum shampoo and finish with a leave in minty ampoule. Lots of hair came out. I think I rubbed the gritty stuff in too hard. Maria is that kind of like what your products are? I was hopeful because you said you were getting a lot of new hair growth. You said you order yours on line. I didn't have luck with the website you gave me to save me $. I don't care if it's expensive as long as it works. What is the website you order from? Sam, I did buy that shampoo and I'm waiting to see Lisa's results. If she is pleased I'll switch to that. I feel like I'm racing against the clock trying all different things to stop the hair loss. I see another trichologist next week. Sam, I'll be in the 2 year mark too on 8/1. Yikes! I still wake up thinking it was all a nightmare until I feel my hair. GH and Kim I've been so good. No sugar, wheat or dairy. I had electodermal screening today and was given supplements for my organs that are stressed. I see an endocrinologist next week and I do have my hormone results from pre BB. I'll keep posting, and I'm so glad that all of you are too. I am really learning from everyone and I hope together we will find an answer to beat the hair loss and regrow our hair back!

Jul 26, 2017
To Sam
by: Maria

Hi Sam.
Don't panic. I might be wrong here but this is possibly what is happening to you as I was warned this might happen.
Some of your hair were dead but held in place by sebum.More your scalp is clear,dead hair is released and it looks like you are shedding.But unless dead hair and acess sebum is gone,there is no room for new healthy hair.
Again,I might be totally off here but I would remain calm, take care of my scalp and just wait it out.There is nothing such as second year symptoms.Everyone has it slightly different and we are also influenced by our mental state and enviroment,diet,etc.
Good luck Sam and go with what feels right without looking for more clues. M

Jul 26, 2017
That was me!
by: Kimberly

Oops! I am new to this, please forgive me. That last post was from me, Kimberly, not Anonymous. :) Forgot to add my name to post. Also, thank you so much Gh for your sweet welcome! I appreciate it so much. And thank you Sam, I am still researching and experimenting remedies for the leaky gut. I just put on the scalp treatment from blue beautifly . It is called organic fortifying scalp oil serum. It is light and smells like peppermint. But the hair fall was so depressing while applying it. :( I will get on the treadmill for an hour, let this stuff heat up and then wash it out with the new charcoal shampoo and see what happens. I think I will cut my hair today too. :(

Jul 26, 2017
Hello again! :)
by: Anonymous

Gh, I have been back on a strict vegan diet (except that I do eat honey) for about 2 weeks now. The biggest benefit that I felt almost right away is that my energy level is so much higher. I was feeling so tired and drained that I started wondering if I had some sort of cancer or something. I work such long days, 15-17 hours, and when I have a day off, I just crash. But not for the last couple of weeks. I can actually function on my day off and I dont feel so tired on the way home from work. I just turned 50 years old recently and I am thankful that I can still work such long hours, but even more thankful for the recent renewed energy. I just received some some other products that I am experimenting with, today. I have taken green drinks off and on, for several years, and I do notice a difference in my energy when I am consistent with them. But now I am making my own to see if I can heal. It is expensive, but if it works, it will be worth it. I have been studying about Ayurvedic medicine and I recently purchased (and received today) ashwagandha, amla, dulse, neem leaf, Irish moss, bacopa monnieri, and black currant (all of them are in powder form). I am going to put small amounts of them in smoothie for breakfast for the next few weeks, adding only one ingredient at a time to see what makes a difference (if it does at all). I do not have health insurance because it was way too expensive, but I do get free primary care at the office where I work as an ARNP. But that does nothing for healing autoimmune disorders. Like I mentioned before, I have had to do all of this before. I did do a strict raw vegan diet before, as that seems to promote the fastest healing, and I will try to be mostly raw for a while. It is just time consuming to get into the habit. I did get a charcoal scalp revival shampoo too and just received it today as well. Felt like Christmas, getting mail! It is from Briogeo. I hope it will help. My hair is very blonde and so thin that it looks funny in a ponytail. I do have some clip-in hair pieces that match my hair color that look great, but they can get uncomfortable, and I worry about them causing weakness to the hair shafts that they are clipped to. I will let you know what happens. I have also been using the supplements that are listed in the Prescription for Nutritional Wellness. Great deal you got on that book too Gh! The ones I am taking are a combination of the ones recommended for chronic fatigue, hair loss, and candida. But I dont take all of the supplements that are listed, I sort of mix them and take the main ones recommended. I also grind flax seeds and put this on fruit a few times each week, and take one teaspoon of flax seed oil every other day, or so. If I notice that I bruise easily, I stop the flax seed oil for a few days. I am still experimenting with all of this. I also got rid of commercial toothpaste, and I use the one from doterra now, with no fluoride, but there are many other brands at the health food stores. I just like this one because I like the taste, and I use their essential oils. I also love the essential oils that Melissa Mink sells at I love all of her natural products. She has a youtube channel and she is very knowledgable concerning natural healing. You can learn everything from making your own healthy soap, to poultices for upper respiratory infections. She teaches all of this for free too. And her products are reasonably priced. I also do not use ANY of the commercial antiperspirants. I dont like the doterra one, but I love the one from Native, and the ones from Schmidt's. All of these changes have taken me a while, but I think that getting away from all of the harmful chemicals will help. Just thought I would mention some of these as every step away from chemicals and toward more natural ingredients is a good step. Hope everyone has a great week. My head is still very itchy and my hair is paper thin. I wish we could add pictures here. One more thing, I tried PRP a couple of weeks ago too. They say you have to do it at least 3 times to see a difference. I am hopeful despite the things I read in this blog. Has anyone had success with it? I use to work with a doctor in the ER who was so far before his time, and he was doing PRP to himself. I did not need it then, nor did I understand what he was doing at the time (long time ago), but he still has a head full of hair and he is in his mid 50's. Anyone have information about PRP? Blessings

Jul 26, 2017
I just dont no.
by: Sam

Hi everyone well I wanted to apologize for not getting back with all sooner its that I've been really upset and at this point or moment I don't know what two do or blame and this is why im not giving my trichologists contact information unless after I explain y'all would still like it ill give the information ok first all im real happy with how my scalp feels but ladies I just don't no what the heck is happening to my hair I mean the back were it was growing in had a turn for the worst its almost gone it keeps shrinking all the back is soooo flat now that I have a alien shape head now its so embarrassing I don't no if the treatments are making the hair shed fall faster but my scalp feels better though, I don't no what to think is it the Brazilian because I herd the 2nd year in is bad you will lose lots and lots of hair I mean and also my neck line on both sides are complete gone it just keeps Rising up it never looked this bad until I came home yesterday after my trearmeant and looked at the mirror huge mistake my hair that was at 50% is now like 30% no kid I don't no what happens it had picked up i now look like I've been doing some kind of chemo trearmeants and i can't even shave the hair that grew in because I have no neck line or sideburns lines its gone just gone, what am i going to do i don't want to wear wigs😭😭 it itches so bad I don't get it its like one day my hair is doing kind of good then boom its gone like I have no hair at all , do all ladies experience this or anything like this with yalls hair two years in , now my sides are bald but some of the hair from the top grew in i have still pretty amount left on top but the back oh my!!!!!! Its almost gone now so really don't want to blame the trichologists treatments because My scalp is doing ok very little itching but I mean if the hair going to fall because I no this is not a cure for the loss but than maybe the treatments are accelerating the hair loss I don't no ladies im soooo scared now this Brazilian hair loss is making me go crazy this aint funny no more not that it ever was, well I hope some one can please help me to tell me and tell me what the 2nd year of hair loss is like it might put my mind at ease and stop blaming my trichologists for my almost bald back and alien shape head lol well and as for that shampoo I tried it as well and does feel pretty good but I guess no matter what shampoo we use or how gentle we are with our hair its going to fall out it has been damage by the Brazilian blow out forever 😳 well that's all I got for now 😞 Sam .thanks ladies god bless all and hi to Kimberly I like your advice on leaky gut.

Jul 25, 2017
Re: Kimberly
by: Gh


Thank you! So glad you joined the forum. How long have you been on a strict vegan diet, and what improvements have you noticed?

I don't think I can ever go vegan (plant-based), but I was able to eliminate the grains, white sugar, dairy, and all processed foods. I truly believe that eating this way helps with symptoms, and it's just a better way to eat. Unfortunately, when I cheat like I did on the Fourth of July, I end up feeling like crap.

I have also eliminated all pills except Imuran. I am realizing that some medications that I previously tolerated seem to make my symptoms worse. Some new medications have also caused significant side effects. I am a lot more sensitive than I used to be.

The BB and/or the cellular reaction to the BB has completely changed my body. I don't tolerate medications and foods the way I used to. Therefore, I have replaced the pills with more vegetables, teas, herbs, and spices. Spices used in Indian food seem to have the best effect. I try to sneak turmeric, ginger, garlic, etc. into everything that I eat and drink.

I don't think the biotin supplements were helping, so now I get my biotin from sweet potatoes, cauliflower, almonds, and spinach. Overall, I think the nutrient-rich foods are better than a concentrated capsule. So I am focused on diet now, but I may add back some supplements in the future.

By the way, I just bought "Prescription for Nutritional Healing" by Phyllis Balch and James Balch. I got a used copy on for less than $5!!!

"You aren't just what you eat. You are what your body can do with what you eat." -Andrea Nakayama. I am hoping for my body to heal.

Sam, I tried the charcoal shampoo. My hair has never felt so squeaky clean. I recently read some articles about activated charcoal being used to treat alopecia areata and regrow hair, however I don't know the concentration. Still, the shampoo was quite refreshing, and I am going to continue to use it intermittently. Thanks again.

Andrea, if you are out there, please check in.

Take care, everyone!

Jul 22, 2017
Wow! Gh and Sam
by: Kimberly

I am so thankful for everyone who comments to this page as my hair has been falling out more and more since I started getting Simply Smooth BKT treatments. I started getting the treatments about 4 years ago and my last treatment was March 2017. I cannot believe that I was getting these treatments approximately every 4 to 6 months for 4 years and never believed that they were the culprit of my hair fall. I asked my stylist about the formaldehyde content and she told me that this treatment was not like the Brazilian Blow out in that there is no formaldehyde, and I truly believe that she did not know at the time. My hair is only about 50% as thick as it was before I began treatments. I have some of the same symptoms as I read all of you have had, including pruritic scalp, hair loss, and even some autoimmune symptoms. I read this page for hours last night and finished reading most of the comments today. I am a Nurse Practitioner and I am currently taking a class on leaky gut so that I may better serve my own patients. Gh, I believe you posted that you are a nurse and may go back for your NP. Please look into Institute for Integrative Nutrition: Nutrition & Holistic Health School Online. I hope to enroll there soon and I hear great things about them. Also Andrea Nakayama Holistic Nutrition, she has online courses that are very good. Sam I have also had issues with leaky gut and my body has been able to heal in the past from this by incorporating strict healthy lifestyle changes. I read that you were healthy before this dreaded treatment, and so was I, but we all can do better, we all slip, or get busy and fall into the SAD (standard American diet) diet from time to time, and when we are healing any autoimmune disease, we have to be pretty strict with healthful diet. I have had to deal with autoimmune disorders before and now, thanks to this hair treatment, I am dealing with it all over again. I will post some of the things that I am doing to support healing if you want me to. I used several references such as Prescription for Nutritional Healing by Phyllis Balch and James Balch, The complete Medicinal Herbal by Penelope Ody, and advice from holistic practitioners. Functional medicine is the way to go for sure. I work in Urgent Care, but my passion is functional medicine. I spent most of this day reading your wonderful posts, so I must go now. I am back on a strict vegan diet with certain supplements as this is what has helped me to heal in the past. No sugar, no white flour, no white rice, nothing processed at all. God bless all of you and I hope I can help you as much as you have helped me with your posts.

Jul 21, 2017
I just ordered the treatment!!!!!
by: Lisa

Hi Sam,
Thanks again 😊 I just ordered the product recommended and will update everyone once it arrives and I have used it a few times. I'm so excited!!!! Thanks for sending us the info 😊

Jul 20, 2017
Hi g hair
by: Sam

Hey g hair its so funny I was just thinking about you today , you no I might have relief from my itchy scalp but don't think for a second that all my problems are solved im still fighting my tummy issues which I no deep from my heart the Brazilian blow out caused it because ill say it again I was healthy and just a regular dude with arm hair eyebrows and tummy hair now its all gone!!! 😪 well one thing at a time, right now that my scalp is calm now the search for my tummy issues begins again and ill let you no if I can find some one that helps in leaky gut well im so glad you found that shampoo at sally's that my trichologist recommended for Lisa with out seeing her scalp well for everybody really I just want to help now I can't guarantee it will make hair grow back but its supposed to help with discomfort itching from the scalp so it's worth the try and i really never order from amazon she my trichologist was trying to make sure it can be order just in case some of you live out of state or country she's really great I didn't even think of that lol well again im is glad to hear from you g hair , were on a mission and I promise to make it my life mission to get this formaldehyde or whatever the Brazilian blowout crap is in my system out I feel stronger than ever and i no sometimes I say I give up but the Brazilian blowout is going down ill make sure of it it may take me a couple of years but im not going to rest till that company is bankrupt!!!!!! And my stylist pays for burning off my hair my trichologist tells me she saved the screen shoot of my scalp and you can clearly see were my x hairstylist burn my scalp off that stupid hairstylist she hurt me so bad, well one thing I keep forgetting is to tell y'all how my hair is doing well the scalp is ok but my hair ummm???? I want to say its better but I still don't no, well the texture is doing a lot better I will say that and the shedding um??? I don't really no I guess its less its hard to tell my trichologists thinks it will recover and wants me to give it 2 months before I judge it I mean its only been really 2 treatments and im going for a year but I might only do half a year depending if I see progress on regrowth and the facts is over ten grand that's a big reason but so far im really happy with the program and my hair does feel healthy on top and huge when she's done with my hair in her machine she's calls it amazing hair lol im like this aint nothing compared to the hair I use to have but I don't no what's normal any more so I try not to look at the tub and floor any more lol well look at me go and go i just wanted to post a hello to you g hair and i get so wrap on my frustration for all of us there is no need for this for us to go through this crap Brazilian blow out **** bunch of BS crap Brazilian blowout I should have known better well enough about that again take care every one and ill post her contact info tomorrow if everthibg goes good bye Sam.

Jul 20, 2017
by: Gh

That's AWESOME news. I am going look for the product in stores. It looks like Sally's and Walmart may carry it. I'm so afraid of people selling cheap imposters/knock-offs on amazon. I'll try the old fashioned stores first.

I don't really having itching, but it seems to be a good cleanser, and the company makes some other products that look interesting to me.

Good luck to all. I hope we get some good results.

Jul 20, 2017
Lisa, everyone
by: Sam

Ok promised to Lisa and who ever would like to try this product please feel free to try ok you can order this from amazon, oh its long so bare with me. ( kra- z. Hair gro, scalp detox carbon therapy shampoo with pure activated charcoal, relieves itching and flaking contains dht blocker and its sulfate and paraben free that's great. I hope it helps you Lisa and everyone who would like to try it. I saw that a few are requesting her contact information which im so glad I will call you to get her email address for y'all which is a good or a great idea you might can send her pics of your scalp and hair and the hair loss its so worth a try, I only have her cell number which i got by accident lol so cool I will work on that im so happy that y'all or some want to contact her I no she might can help this is my 8th day of free itching scalp and im doing great , Maria all the best it was your advice that got me to see a trichologists and i will be ever so thank full to you and her and everyone im just soooo happy right now. Sam

Jul 20, 2017
Saltwater + Phyto
by: LC

Hi all,

Thanks so much for your responses to my comment below. This board has been a HUGE comfort in the past few weeks (I'm about a month post BB).

I definitely have a visible bald spot at the front of my part, and the part itself has thinned considerably, but I wanted to offer some tips that worked for me and that I believe had I tried sooner, would have staved off a lot more hair loss. If there is anyone new to this board, PLEASE read this and give it a shot, because I wholeheartedly think that the sooner we get this junk off our hair and scalp, the better chance there is for regrowth.

So, the week following my treatment, I went to my home town (on the beach) for a week. I basically attribute all kinds of health benefits to the ocean, as that and sunlight are the only things that will put a dent in my scalp/ear psoriasis. I decided to say screw it and get in the water as much as possible while home in the hopes of calming my massively flaking and REALLY sensitive scalp. It was almost like the nerve endings over the area that reacted to the treatment were raw and I could feel every light breeze or head movement and it made me feel like my hair was hanging on by a thread. Fast forward to my first dip in the ocean, and BOOM: flaking stopped, scalp soothed, and I saw a hint of curl return to my hair. I jumped in every day over the course of a week, and honestly think that's the only reason I still have hair clinging to life over the affected area. Once I returned to the city (NYC), I went to sephora to find a clarifying shampoo and stumbled upon a Christophe Robin seasalt clarifying shampoo scrub. It sounds weird, but it seemed perfect as the salt in the ocean seemed to help a TON. I've used it a few times, gently massaging into the scalp. It has sea salt chunks in it, and feels like a scrub, but dissolves as you massage it in. I leave it on for a few minutes and wash out, and immediately follow it with a Living Proof hair mask and my hair drinks. it. up. My scalp finally feels back to normal and I can touch the top of it without wincing. Only took a month!

I have also gotten aggressive with my vitamins, and was wondering if anyone has had success with any Phyto products? I saw good reviews online, so splurged on their Phytocyane shampoo, growth serum, and vitamins. I've also re-upped on my regular hair, skin, and nail vitamins (megafoods is the ONLY brand worth taking, they are miracle working as far as growth speed!!). I don't see any new growth over the balding areas, but I've only been taking them for a week, so no surprise there. I am a bit worried that I haven't seen any regrowth in the past month, but am hoping that there is just a lag period before new hairs come in...The vitamin and serum I DO think made a difference in the amount of hair fall, at least a little. Still losing hairs by the bulb, but am going to a dermatologist who specializes in hair loss Tuesday, and will update the board with any info I get!!

Thanks everyone, and congrats Sam!! So glad to hear someone with good news. :)

Jul 19, 2017
Hi everyone
by: Maria

First of all, congrats Sam, that's great news. I know you didn't really believe me at first when I said despite hair looking dry, it's sebum and yeast that's affecting your hair growth and itch :) So happy you found way to relieve itch and now all you need to do is be patient and keep busy to distract yourself from waiting for new hair ;) It's not miracle cure but isn't that the first step, to make your scalp itch free? So it's been for me 4 month now since I am de-greasing my scalp and still going well. I recently start to shed more but realized I haven't been taking my vitamins for 5 days and also haven't been leaving shampoo on for 5 min but rather rushed through the routine in the morning. So I start to make sure I do all properly and voila, 3 days later shedding has decreased again.I saw my hairdresser about month ago and she said there is new hair showing all over my head, a lot! Very happy to hear that. Now I am nearly through first treatment and cannot decide whether to buy another 3 month de-greasing treatment or move onto treatment for hair loss which trichologist said I'll need to start once scalp is sebum free. Decisions, decissions. Pretty expensive so better choose right.
Btw, I used 3x in past 3 month different products. Once was Alterna conditioner, second was Wella scalp mask and third was regular shampoo and conditioner at my friends. Each time it causer irritation, shedding and itching. So I am done experimenting with that.
Cat lover, I was searching for better price and found this Italian website/pharmacy which delivers DHL but not sure if worldwide or just Europe.This is the address:
I didn't order from them because shipping was 11 EUR and with price of the pack that added up to be the same as price in Czech. I use Glycosan range from them.
But I am pretty sure nearly every country has it's own trichologist products.
Also on another topic, be aware, not all trichologists are that good. I saw first one more than year ago and he was useless. He looked at my scalp with camera but said my scalp is totally fine...while I was loosing tons of hair :( Your scalp needs to be unwashed for 24 hours before they look at it with camera. Of course if you wash your hair in the morning and see trichologist (like first one I did) by noon, your scalp will look clear.
There are also trichologists in the hospitals and covered by insurance so that might be option worth researching.
I don't think my second trichologist was that great either which is why I don't want to go back there but sure products she sold me, did the trick. Now I just order them over internet and cheaper.
Good luck everyone and keep posting. M

Jul 19, 2017
To Sam - Hope
by: Cat Lover

Hey Sam, thanks for giving us your positive news. You sound so much happier and I'm happy for you. I feel there's light at the end of the tunnel now. I will ask trichologist what products they use before I go. I really can't afford to travel to Houston and live there for a year for treatments. But that won't be entirely out of the question at this point. I'm disappointed in Doctors. All the steroids, pills, creams were a waste of time and money and probably just made things worse. No Dermatologist ever gave me a scalp exam and looked at my scalp under magnification I went to 7. A trichologist goes to school for under 18 months and they examine the scalp, use a magnifying tool and treat the underlying cause. Go FIGURE. It sounds like a wonderful occupation and I'm looking into it. We need more of them. If you would be so kind as to let me know the name of your Trichologist. If I can't find anyone in my area that's as good. I will not rule out traveling to see her. Keep smiling😊

Jul 19, 2017
Thank you Sam!!!!!!!!!
by: Lisa

Thank you so much Sam. That explanation makes a ton of sense. Thank you so much for taking the time to write about your experience. I am so happy for you. I wish you the most beautiful thick hair in the world 😊 We have all suffered from the Brazillian Blowout way too much. I'm so glad to hear that some relief might be in site. Did she say that your hair will start to grow back once your scalp gets back to normal?

Jul 18, 2017
Response to Sam
by: KitKat

Hi Sam, I'm so happy to hear your good news. I thought I was recovering since my hair seemed to thicken up after two A Cell treatments, but now my hair is thinning at a rapid rate. The A cell treatment seemed to work on some areas of my scalp. My doctor said that I have different patterns of hair thinning and alopecia all over. Meaning different diagnosis on different parts of the scalp. Like everyone else I'm desperately trying to save my hair and have tried almost everything under the sun. I want to quit work too ana hide forever. I even feel that coworkers are throwing indirects about my hair which makes me even more sad. My scalp recently started to itch. This way a problem before. Any head movement or hair movement causes me pain. I read that hair hurts because we have nerve endings in every follicle. Sam, id like to see your trichologist. Pls tell me who you are seeing. I'm willing to travel and do whatever it takes to get rid of this itch. Hope to hear from you soon. KitKat

Jul 18, 2017
Tuesday update
by: Sam

Hello everyone, what can I say well the weekend past and everything went good no scalp itching just here and there but no burning pain overall I felt great, and today being Tuesday I went for another treatmean I feel even better and I go again Thursday twice a week until my scalp is strong. Sandra from what I understand from her she was telling me that our bonds from my hair are broken and i no longer have a protective barrier of the natural moist levels that our hair needs to survive for example I use to have oily hair now I don't I have dry dead lifeless hair because my natural defense system in my scalp have been compromised causing so much trouble, inflammation redness itchiness shedding DHT levels out of control hormonal imbalance, and over production of sebum it has no were to go bascily so it stays clogged choking the hair follicle. I hope that makes since when she explained it to me it made a lot of sense and i no you probably herd all this information before but the key or point is ladies get to a trichologists ditch the dermatologist, im telling you , you need to open your scalp pores !!!!! I wish I found her a year ago she knows her stuff she told me basically all I do is study the scalp I trust her from the bottom of my heart she is the only person who has help my scalp to a itch free scalp!!! It almost feels normal I no I still have a long way to recovery but overall my mood is different I feel good. Lisa Thursday when I go back to her she's going to give me a name of a shampoo for you that you can buy from Amazon and if you think its not helping you I will personally send you some of my shampoo that she made for me ok 😁 I really want to help your itching scalp hey look in to a trichologists in your area you need your scalp pores open to breath I no that sounds funny but it helps lol and cat lover, remember no Nixon products my trichologists does not believe in those ok !!!!! Make sure to ask what products they use if she or he makes his own the better but no Nixon products. Well I will post back Thursday sorry to everyone if im no help I wish I could do or say more I guess the next big step is to come to Houston lol you are all welcome at my home so you won't need to pay for hotel just to pay leloa that's her name my angel from a blessing well take care everyone two more days Lisa ok she said she needed to make sure what shampoo to recommend that you can buy on amazon that's why I don't have a answer for you yet bye Sam from Houston 😉

Jul 15, 2017
Jojoba oil
by: Anonymous

Can the person who posted on June 20th about ordering the Jojoba oil from Amazon, please post which brand you are currently using? Thank you.

Jul 15, 2017
So Happy for you Sam
by: Cat Lover

I have an appointment with a Trichologist 8/2. I hope she's as good as yours otherwise I may be flying to Houston. She doesn't have her own office, she's in a hair salon. There's not many here in the south Florida area. I just washed my hair today and another handful of hair came out and I cried again. I feel like quitting my job and hiding at home. When I do go out, I I hope I don't run into anyone I know. I dare not add to the problem and color my hair, so I'm walking around with half gray and half blonde. Grotesque. I don't have so much itching anymore just redness. Sam I pray that your journey to heal your scalp and regrow your hair is beginning. I pray and wish that for all of us. Please continue to post your progress as I think it will help many. Have a joyous weekend, it's about time!

Jul 15, 2017
Bless day 😁
by: Sam

Hi again everyone im anxiously waiting for midnight to scream of joy!!!! For another great great bless day I felt amazing like I could rule Houston I went shopping with no money lol I went and put in job applications even came home and open the pit and BBQ fajitas sat outside in my swimming trunks and just let that sun blaze on my skin I had almost forgot what that felt like than I realized my scalp!!!!!! Its still not healed I have a long ways for that lol but my point is all day I enjoyed another free itch scalp day now here and there a itch but nothing as before oh gosh nothing!!!!!! as im writing this post waiting for my laundry to finish I tear cry of joy for this blessed day I was given again to share with y'all another scalp free itch day. Ok now to business lol Sandra, cat lover, and Lisa im going to see my trichologists again on Tuesday Sandra she did tell me but I can't remember I was all over that place thinking she was making me more bald lol but I promise I will find out for you Tuesday when I see her cat lover try to find a trichologists that makes her own compounds and that uses all naturally products not ones that user like Nixon i herd of one who uses those products oh no!!!!! If they tell you that run !!!!!!! And to Lisa my heart goes out to you 3 years is too way too long to suffer you need a day of itch free scalp and i will see how I can help you with ill talk to her Tuesday and show her your post there has to be a way to help hang in there ok ill be back to post you something soon ok . Well again god bless everyone I will post soon let me see how my scalp does over the weekend with out jinxing my self ok bye stay strong everyone happy weekend. Sam from Houston TX

Jul 14, 2017
Great news Sam
by: Lisa

Hi Sam,
Please please please find out the name of the products she used on you and if they can be ordered. That sounds so promising and I am so happy for you!!! I am sitting here now with an itchy scalp and very thin hair. I have lost so much of my once very thick and auburn hair. I had the BB three years ago now. I almost cry every time I look in the mirror or touch my head. There's barely anything left on top it feels so thin. Take care everyone and have a nice weekend.


Jul 14, 2017
Promising news for Sam
by: Cat Lover

Formerly anonymous from 7/12. I gave myself a name due to the fact that I'll probably be sharing on this site a lot. I read Maria's post from awhile ago about the products that were helping her from her trichologist. I tried to purchase Vivapharma products on line. No luck', it's all in Italian. Maria is there a way I can order? It makes sense that we have to remove all that bad sebum. On my biopsy report it showed increased thickening of sebaceous glands. I will try and find a good trichologist near me. It sounds like both Sam and Maria found one. That's the key finding a "good" one. There were so many useless Dermatologists that I went to that never even heard of the BB and just dismissed my hair loss as TE and hair would come back in 3 months. Hopefully I'll have better luck with a Trichologist. Once that old sebum that is blocking our follicles is gone, we will have a better chance for regrowth. Thank you and keep the updates and valuable info coming.

Jul 14, 2017
Great news Sam
by: Sandra

Great news Sam ! So happy to hear it ! I'm looking forward to your updates .. and praying that they'll continue to be more and more positive each time! Did the trichologist say what had caused the hair loss and why the pores/follicles were blocked ? Do you know what treatment she uses to clear them ?

Jul 14, 2017
A good day
by: Sam

Hi everyone first off, g hair im going to look into leaky gut because of how my tummy feels its very diffent prior to my Brazilian Blowout and im convince it messed up my the digestive tract system some how. And thanks so much for your advice ok now to some what of goodness and i might be jinxing myself but any kind of happiness I just have to share with the group. Maria I bit the bullet here and saw a trichologists and remember every one my itchy scalp has been non stop for the last year and when I use head and shoulders my scalp would calm down for a couple of hours but than to return and i just lived that way ok so today at 12 noon I went to see the trichologists here in Stafford about 40 min from Houston and I walk in that place with a full itchy scalp and I promise no lies wow!!!!! Left there with a itch free scalp the treatment was unbelievable she makes all her ingredients I don't no what she did but its nice 12 midnight and i promise ladies I still feel great I took my nap when I got home and usually I wake up with scalp pain and running to get my pick comb to start scratching the hell out of my scalp and today no pick comb!!!!! I work up feeling like me my scalp and I no its still to early to see any kind of results but guys no lies !!!!!! I feel great today and even if its just for today ill take what I can get a itchy free scalp is all I want right now , and she's very confident that ill get my hair back and she showed me how clogged my scalp was with her camera and how open the scalp pores were when she finished and she was so amazed on how just after one treatment now im not going to lie I got on her year treatment and I have to go twice a week and its very pricey but you no if my scalp feels like this and continues to get stronger it will be so worth the money and remember I don't work lol so im thinking of selling all my furniture to fund my hair lol I no that sounds funny but ill do what ever I have to do to save what little hair I have left and hope to grow back what I can , so to Maria thanks and i hope you and your hair are doing great and like I said im probably going to jinx myself with this post but im going to enjoy my night and just take it for what its worth and Andrea if you read this see a trichologists it might help you if your scalp itches I no not all of them work the same but hey its so worth a try and ill leave my updates progress as it goes well thanks again for everyones advice on here and heres to a feel free itchy scalp even if its just for today I feel great god bless everyone. Sam from Houston 😀😀😀😀

Jul 12, 2017
Thanks GH
by: Anonymous

Please let us know how the Azathioprine works for you. I will continue to read the posts on this site and if there is anything that I find that can help stop the hair loss and re-grow hair I will definitely let everyone know. Presently on Anti-candida diet and will be seeing a naturopath 7/26 and a top derma-path specialist on 1/11/17.

Jul 12, 2017
by: GH

Thank you!!! You have provided a lot useful information

Coincidentally, I received my BB in July 2016 as well. By biopsy report is quite similar to yours as well. Hair loss pattern is similar. I've gone through all of the treatments you mentioned plus a few others, and I recently started Azathioprine. Keeping my fingers crossed with this medication.

You are so right. The BB hair loss does mimic Androgenetic alopecia, and I fear many have been incorrectly diagnosed with AGA. My dermatologist was baffled and surprised when she got my path report, because it went against everything she was taught and believed about alopecia areata and androgenetic alopecia. She had to get a second opinion.

I believe I have androgenetic alopecia as well, but even this is abnormal and accelerated. I truly believe the toxic BB is impacting female hormones and menstrual cycles which may be accelerating the normal course of AGA. Androgenetic alopecia should happen gradually over one or two decades. It is NOT drastic hair loss in one year.

The truth is a doctor can tell you anything when looking at you scalp with the naked eye or a magnifying glass, but the biopsy by an experienced derm-pathologist is the best way to go. This needs to be examined on the cellular level. It can't be diagnosed by plucking a few hairs. If anyone is having doubts, questions, concerns, etc., get a biopsy.

Jul 12, 2017
Another statistic
by: Anonymous

I have been reading everyone's post for almost a year now. I was hoping that one day I would read someone posting a solution for all the hair loss. I just got my biopsy back with the DX of subtle non scarring alopecia, focal miniaturization of terminal hairs and relative thickening of sebaceous glands consistent with a background of mild androgenetic alopecia and surface irritational changes. Like everyone else, it's not genetic in anyway shape or form and hair loss came right after the BB. The BB miniturized my follicles. I had my BB 7/31/16 and my once thick strands are now very thin and wispy. You can see scalp at the top and I cry a lot. My temples are receding and the hair loss is diffuse all over. I've been to seven dermatologists, I've been given a number of steroids and my scalp still is red. It hardly itches anymore. I took prednisone and antibiotics as well and when I stopped my scalp was even more red. No relief. I will be seeing a specialist at the University of Miami but I have to wait until January to get in. There was a BB class action suit that was settled in 2012 for mislabeling the product as safe. Case was settled. FDA still didn't pull it off the market. There is now a pending class action suit in Dallas for Myeloid Leukemia from BB. I guess we should be getting blood test for that too. Two environmental groups are suing the FDA for not pulling it off the market. BB is banned in 5 countries. I guess our FDA doesn't care about us. Please post a complaint with the FDA and keep a record of it. Below is the site to do this or call 888 463-6332. If the FDA gets enough complaints hopefully we can start a class action lawsuit for major hair loss from BB that mimicks AGA. Keep records, photos and biopsy reports. I've had 5 BBs in a course of 6 years. I've heard of respiratory problems associated with it but never once had I heard of hair loss. We always made sure that we had proper ventilation and the fans were on. Being that I had it before with no affects I didn't worry. But the last one proved otherwise. She colored and did BB on the same day. Maybe it was just too many chemicals for my scalp. My friend had hers done too and her head itched so much. She constantly washed it out and sterilized her brushes and combs and she was spared the hair loss. She says still to this day she has one spot that itches. File complaint with FDA, record photos, get biopsy report. I hope we can get some compensation. (I'd much rather have my hair, I had the thickest hair of anyone I knew and hairdressers told me that too)I spent a lot, I even tried acupuncture and I'm still searching for hope and answers. Thank everyone for keeping all the posts going.

Jul 09, 2017
by: Sandra

Firstly, can I say MG thank you for posting a message ! I don't know you but I was getting worried.. It means so much to me that people keep leaving updates and posting messages, especially people that have been around for a while as it gives me an indication of what the future might hold (although I know it's different for everyone). As it's been 5 years for you MG and hair growth cycle is about 5 years I imagine that all the hair you have now is new hair.. That is, none of it was around when you had the BB . Maybe it will at least stay as it is now that hair loss has reduced.. but please please do keep updating us..

LC, I'm also so sorry that this has happened to you, especially at your age. One of my daughters is the same age as you and I know how how you must be feeling. This happened to my youngest daughter who is now 19. The BB was a very strong one and kept her hair straight for over a year. Her hair fell out for almost a year. I do think, that if I had been able to convince her to cut all of it out of her hair at an early stage I would have done. I was so stressed and upset over it that she wouldn't listen to a word I said! The only think I did manage was to get her using silicone free, paraben free , sulphate free natural products. Her hair is much thinner at the sides than on top (three years post BB) even though the top has grown back (not as thick as it was but no longer bald). I wonder how much of this is as a result of sleeping on her side at night with that damn chemical rubbing into her scalp as she slept night after night. If it was me, I honestly think I'd shave my hair off and not risk having any chemical left on my hair for months rubbing off onto my scalp as I slept. Like MG, the hairs that have come through are much finer and unruly and fluffy indicating that the follicles have got smaller. My hairdresser estimates that my daughter has lost a quarter of her hair. I agree that you should see a dermatologist immediate and do not let them tell you Female hair baldness! If they see miniaturisation of follicles that's what they diagnose but the BB also causes this. All of us here are testament to that! Female hair baldness doesn't grow back and my daughter's hair has .. so it can't have been .. right ? Good luck and please post messages for us to see how you're doing. I have checked this forum every day for three years now.. and yes, I do have better things to do with my life! I am a working mother with plenty to do ! but I have been consumed with the pain of seeing my gorgeous daughter lose her hair over a product that I encouraged her to use to tame her fabulous curls. I will never forgive myself .. Please keep leaving messages even if you don't have too much to say.. it makes me feel better that someone is there listening to me !

Jul 06, 2017
by: Gh


See your dermatologist as soon as possible. I think the goal at this point is to decrease the inflammation and irritation. Steroid creams, ointments, and injections will decrease the inflammation and irritation in most cases, but it is not a long term treatment.

I think an early intervention with steroids will yield better results, but in some cases even the steroids won't work. Additionally, if your hair loss is diffuse over the crown of your head, most dermatologist will be reluctant to give you steroid injections.

There is the unfortunate possibility that the allergic reaction on your scalp may have triggered a prolonged overreaction of your immune system, but I really hope this is not the case.

One thing that I highly recommend is that you keep a journal or your symptoms and other exposures. As something new arises, write it down. For example, if you continuously have swollen lymph nodes and glands in you neck after getting a cold, write it down. Document low grade fevers, fatigue, reactions to medications, swelling, weight loss, changes in breathing, vision, chest pain, rashes, or if you have changes in your menstrual cycle. You will need this information to fight for a diagnosis and treatment if the condition doesn't resolve soon.

Also, as I mentioned in a previous post, there are anti-inflammatory paleo diets that seem to be effective in calming inflammation from the inside out. This would be in addition to local treatments to the scalp. Basically, you want to give your scalp/body a fighting chance to heal after the traumatic exposure to the BB.

Do not accept "female pattern balding" or "androgenetic alopecia" as a diagnosis.

If it doesn't get better in a reasonable amount of time, you might want to consider a biopsy. If you choose to get a biopsy, give two specimens from the most effected area. I recommend that you have this done by a derm-pathologist at a research medical center.

That's my perspective. I hope something works out and you are able to get it under control sooner than later. It really sucks to see you hair thinning. Unfortunately, many of the doctors that you will see will not be able to relate. We can relate, so please check in.

Jul 06, 2017
Just got your BB
by: MG

I am sorry to hear about your hair loss. I got mine almost 5 years ago. I do lose more than normal but not massive amounts like I did during the first 3 1/2 to 4 years. Ask your stylist if the product was applied to the scalp or away from the scalp. If the product didn't touch the scalp you are in for recovery. I would wash it off as much as I can to get rid of that crap from your hair. wash every other day because a clean scalp experiences less inflammation. Mild shampoos help, no fragrance, no essential oils. The sorrness maybe inflammation and some people experience improvement when use clobetasol shampoo for a couple of weeks or so. Keep your scalp away from the sun, this really helps to avoid recurring soreness. I have been using natural be honey shampoos alternated with Peter Lamas shampoo and conditioner. I do use a smoother because otherwise my hair is out of control . If you blow dry, use low heat when you dry your roots. After this, it is a matter of time. Some other people have experienced improvement doing different things but this is what has worked for me. I experienced soreness and itchiness and lost about a third of the original amount that was losing after the BB. My about 50% of my original hair. Textures is unruly, wispy and thinner hair shaft. Some areas like my right side is close to bald. My hairline has receded too and have thining spots throughout my head.

Jul 06, 2017
Please help
by: LC

Hi all,

I'm so relieved to find this board, as basically anyone I have asked about this has told me that there's no way that I have anything to worry about.

I got a BB two weeks ago, and was SO close to canceling the treatment before hand due to researching the treatment. I called the salon the day before to express concern and was told there was nothing to worry about and that the solution they would use on me would be "mild" and not cause any change in hair texture, and would not cause any hair loss. WRONG.

Now that my hair is stick straight and flat to my scalp, I realized that their claims against hair loss are probably untrue as well.

The top of my scalp is sore, strangely so, and from the moment the chemicals were applied to my hair, it felt so delicate that the slightest movement would break it out. I have been shedding hairs, with the follicle attached, nonstop. The hair at the top of my head seems to be the most effected (great) and is lifeless, just lifeless. Not to mention the bizarre soreness and flaking. If it's a chemical burn, will it grow back? I had fine (but thick), loosely wavy virgin hair, and now I'm afraid that it is gone forever and I need to prepare myself for losing most of my hair and not getting it back. Are there any success stories here, or do I just give up hope completely? I am only 26, this may seem like unimportant problem, but walking around everyday literally feeling your hair fall out is emotionally traumatizing. Anyone have any hope to offer? Even if it's just to stop the scalp soreness...

Jul 03, 2017
by: Gh

Sam, I see you heard of the leaky gut syndrome too. It's interesting stuff. Still most doctors will not even bother to inform patient about how this may be worsening their symptoms.

Full disclosure: I am not an expert on yeast, but I recently had a yeast infection (the girly kind), and it prompted me to see a functional/complimentary medicine doctor; do more research; and initiate the autoimmune paleo protocol.

Healing paleo or paleo diet protocol is a way of eating that many believe can reverse or lessen the symptoms of most autoimmune diseases.

Paleo is not just a diet, but it is a way of life in which you eliminate refined sugars, gluten, chemicals of processed foods, and possible allergens. Some call it the "caveman diet." The meal plan takes you back to the basics and eliminates the toxins of food.

One of my favorite recipe books is "The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook: An Allergen-Free Approach to Managing Chronic Illness." I highly recommend this book if you are interested in exploring paleo. It gives you solid foundation of understanding and great recipes.

Now that my immune system has been altered from the BB, I figured it was worth trying to heal my body from the inside-out, as many experts suggest.

Basically, you eliminate everything that could possibly be an allergen, and slowly add them back (or never add them back). That means no dairy, no eggs, etc.

White sugar has been replaced with honey, pure maple syrup, and coconut sugar. I even put maple syrup in my coffee now. White flour was replaced with coconut flour, potato flour, and arrowroot. Dairy milk was replaced with coconut milk. Lots of vegetables and fruits are added. Natural spices such as cinnamon, turmeric, ginger were added.

The BB changed my body chemistry, and now I have to adjust in an effort to regain control. It's hard to imagine that the sugar and gluten in the bread that we eat is suddenly worsening our symptoms, but I eliminated it, I have felt a little better.

Well I have been Paleo for a few weeks, and I stick to it about 90% of the time. I have noticed a bit more energy, less bloat, and regular bowel movements. I eat smaller meals, and drink lots of water.

Sam, you are right. Yeast loves sugar. That is why diabetics get reoccurring yeast infections. They tend to have an overabundance of sugar floating in their blood stream. If you eliminate the food source for the yeast, it's bound to have a positive impact on your health.

Also carbohydrates are sugars. So even if something isn't sweet like potato chips, bread, crackers, etc., it's still processed in the body as sugar. Of course, fruits also contain sugars, but you have to choose the best of the two.

I will never sit in a theater and eat a bucket of pears, but if given the opportunity I nearly kill a bucket of popcorn covered in butter and salt, which offered no real health benefit except calories. I choose to fill my belly with the stuff that is less likely to do me harm.

I will admit that it is not cheap to live a paleo life, and it can be very time consuming especially if you choose to process your own coconut. I drew the line there and bought prepared coconut milk.

Still, you have plan ahead a lot, do a lot of food prepping, and keep you refrigerator and cabinets stocked with the right foods. I am by no means cured, but I truly believe it has helped me.

Of course, I have not seen the regrowth of my hair. The problem with any intervention you implement to regrow your hair is that there is always a good chance that you will see more loss before you see any gains. It's all about where your hair is in growing process. Just like Rogaine, it takes several months to see results, and you are likely to see more loss before you see good results.

As for gut healing remedies, I also like:

"Nourish: The Paleo Healing Cookbook: Easy Yet Flavorful Recipes that Fight Autoimmune Illnesses,"

"Clean Eating with a Dirty Mind: Over 150 Paleo-Inspired Recipes for Every Craving

You can also google keywords like: paleo, autoimmune, leaky gut syndrome

Jul 01, 2017
New theory ghair
by: Sam

G hair hi, im so sorry I never meant for you to tear up when im sad I just vent and say what's on my mind at that moment but I how ever am so happy you take the time of your busy life to respond to me you have no idea what that means to me, people just don't understand us I think of us as a rare unfortunately cause but in a unique but odd way if that makes sense. And i can't find no were else to turn to talk about my hair loss but posting here letting off some steam occasionally helps me not 100 percent but to no some one is reading my post or comments on how I feel about Brazilian blowouts or just to ramble about my nonsense day lol well makes me think im kind of a normal guy and not a crazy person blaming a product that lots out there swear by that I will never understand its poison people stop it !!!!! Stop using Brazilian blowouts you will go bald I promise !!!!! Stop it !!!!!! You see g hair I get carried away lol sorry now before I go I no you do a lot of research I no I said I was done but just going or thoughts running in my head because I don't sleep well if you have time can you look into this, a new theory of mind is called Candida its a yeast overgrowth infection that trives on sugar and bad eating habits and i read that it can also be caused by injury which makes since the harsh heat and chemicals and the rough Flatironing that's all it takes to cause a injury on the scalp and we all have some kink of Candida that we can live with as long as its in low numbers but once its actived all hell breaks loose and the yeast multiplies maybe the smell of the chocolate from the Brazilian that soaked into my scalp pores for three days as directed by hairstylist, the yeast the Candida since the injury and smelled that delicious chocolate chemical mixed with formaldehyde well they just loved it and decided to settle down in my scalp and all that itching is the colonies from the yeast making new little towns and cities to make room for more and more colonies of new yeast comers . now I know that really sounds funny but its only my latest theory now because of all these systems that are involved a out brake of Candida yeast the itching even alopica hair loss is a symptom called Candida hair loss , constipation, and the most common is dry skin and slow blood flow and leaky gut syndrome I no to much to take in at once lol but that's all I have to go on now, I never had all this till now after my Brazilian blowout two weeks after my blowout I started having crazy never before symptoms oh I also forgot Candida can also change your hormones and cause thyroid problems, and depending on ones personal body Candida can rid its self or stay permently depends like if one has stomach problems or any kind of health issue plays a factor and that's now why I believe some of us here get better after a year 2 or 3 or 4 and why some of us never will, oh oh g hair Candida also plays a factor on autoimmune disease , and a slow libido in men and women sorry im typing and all this new research keeps popping in on me lol ok ill leave it there, and also any body reading this please feel free to comment on how you might feel about Candida yeast overgrowth our symptoms health-wise may be different but our hair loss sure is all the same patterns gosh I talk so much , ok g hair let me no what you think ok I should go now bye . Sam

Jun 29, 2017
by: Gh

Sam, I read your post yesterday, and I didn't know what to say. Mostly because I was in tears. I'm sad for you; scared for myself; and angry at many.

I wish we didn't all have to meet under these circumstances, and I am holding on to hope that eventually something good will come out of it. Where is our Erin Brockovich?

I'm sorry to hear that you stopped taking the medication. Some of the medications take several months to work and show improvement, and often times symptoms may appear to get worse before they get better. I understand that waiting to see results can be frustrating and scary, and ultimately you have to do what is best for you. I respect your decision.

There is no doubt in my mind that the BB harmed us. Some doctors will try to emphasize that genetics play a bigger role. Do they say that to the coal miner who develops black lung; construction worker with mesothelioma? Not all of them got sick, but many of them did. It's the same thing. Not everyone will lose their hair and become ill, but I believe there are plenty of people who are losing their hair and getting sick, but hair stylists and we, the patrons, don't have the voice of coal miners.

It's crazy, because coal miners want to get back to work in the same industry that is making them sick. I would just like to get back to normal. And if given the opportunity, I would never want to put a BB in my hair. I would probably just stick to the natural things that I find in my kitchen. If it's not something that I would put IN my body, I wouldn't put it ON my body.

Life and the world can be so unfair. Sam, we are not to blame, because if we would have known, we wouldn't have accepted the poison. I'll keep going through the motions for now; trying to get a treatment that works. I'll keep you all posted of any new developments.

Jun 28, 2017
G hair
by: Sam

Hi g hair, not good news my hair is still falling out it even seems more than triple at the moment, I stop taking my medicine im not sure if this played a part on the recent of more extra shedding than im already experinceing , but don't get me wrong im still convinced the Brazilian blowout runied my life and killed my hair along with that stupid hairstylist who didn't know what the heck she was doing , but I won't get into that my sadness will never go away and the man I use to be is gone forever. I give up on trying to find a solution to something that just isn't there and I finally realize there is no cure for Brazilian blowout hair loss. What I can't understand is this dam!!!!!! Itchy scalp just the top of my scalp nothing helps it in my opion she burnt my scalp off !!!!! I no that sounds funny but what else ??? Im clueless to this ending itchy scalp going on my 2nd year of this crap and the itchiness and pick up and I mean bad, I again had to leave my job I just started and back to square one , I can't work and im so terrified of the heat and sweat I don't leave my house any more its been going on 2 weeks im so paranoid that if my scalp sweats ill lose more hair and im desperately trying to hang on to what's left which isn't much any more this has to be one of the most horrible things that has ever happen to me in my life all I wanted was some one to help me strighten my hair like twice a week but no said that dumb hairstylist flat iron is a thing of the past Waite for it!!!! Brazilian blowouts are in !!!!! What a bunch of bull !!!!!! Brazilian blowouts are a joke a nightmare a man made chemical made by Satan himself!!!! And till the last breath I take on this earth , I will repeat over and over I hate Brazilian blowouts!!!!!!!! And me being the Christian man that i am I don't ever use that word hate but I think this is one expection even the lord himself can forgive me and lord also forgive me for calling hairstylist stupid. Ok I let off a little steam that was much needed I see that nobody posting as much, Waite that's good to see which probably means that your doing better or I pray thats the case. Me I need to be reminded of the day that Sam became another person and the life I loved was taken from me and my gorgeous handsome hair taken from me as well and for this I will never forgive myself for and live with my regret . Sam

Jun 23, 2017
by: Gh

IICTBT, I'm not that savvy with all of the social media. I check my Facebook page probably once a month. Maybe someone else might want to set up some other forum to communicate and share photos.

Sam, I'm dying to know if the Stelara is bringing your hair back and making you feel better.

Andrea, how did the biopsy go? Any results?

After I have tried the topical and injections, I still have empty follicles. My dermatologist is reluctant to give me any pills to suppress my immune system even though that is the only thing that is going to help me now outside of a miracle.

Immunosuppressants like Imuran are on the list of medications to try after you have exhausted all other options. Well my dermatologist. Dermatologist says: "Drugs like Imuran are dangerous; they can increase your cancer risk by a fraction of a percentage; they can damage your liver and kidneys."

Well what drug isn't dangerous? Taking some antidepressants can increase your chance of killing yourself. LIVING increases your risk of cancer. Seriously, everything increases your risk of cancer.

As for the liver and kidneys, the risk is over-hyped. Only a small dose is required to regulate the immune system and treat alopecia areata. Apparently, liver and kidney damage occurs at really high doses which are prescribed when the goal is to prevent the immune system from rejecting an organ transplant. It makes sense. You certainly wouldn't want your immune system attacking a precious heart or lung that you received from a donor after waiting an eternity.

I confirmed this with my rheumatologist. So she ordered some additional tests to rule out a few other conditions and to confirm that I am healthy enough to start immunosuppression therapy.

So if and when I start immunosuppressant therapy, it may be a few months before I see results

Jun 20, 2017
Hair treatment to try!
by: Anonymous

Hey girls, My BB took place last summer. I didn't notice problems with my hair until Oct when it quit growing and breaking off at the ends. My hair dresser would just cut the dead ends off as usual and then people starting saying - Oh you cut your hair! Oh you have gone short. And I realized, dang, how much hair has broken off. My hair dresser had no clue why my hair was acting like this. She asked if I was doing anything different and I was not and I told her it had to have been that BB. She said, oh no, those are good for your hair, not bad. It should have helped. It wasn't until a few weeks ago that I thought, enough is enough and started researching. I had been taking all kinds of vitiamins for over 6 months and nothing was helping. So after reading everyones testimonies, I read a few that said to use jojoba oil. However they said to be careful and make sure it is organic. I'm willing to try anything. I have already tried masks of all kinds for months including coconut oil at night. Well I put this on my hair and it is like giving a dried plant water. It has only been 3 weeks and I'm amazing at how it is growing and coming back to life and filling back up and shiny already! I highly recommend getting this. I went on Amazon and had it ordered that week and will continue using it until my hair gets back to it's old ways. Thank God I only did one because others that had 2-3 have permanent damage. It's worth a try ladies and I wish everyone luck. And spread that word! That is also what I am doing - anti-BB!!!

Jun 06, 2017
My update story
by: Sam

Hello to everyone, its been almost a month since my last post, and my one year anniversity from the Brazilian blowout has past may 26 2016 one of the worst decision of my life I call that day the death of my hair, no point in getting mad but trust me im still very upset at the hair stylist for leaving that stuff on my hair and telling me its ok to just wash it in three days I can't really say if washing it would have help I guess that's not important now the damage is done and what little hair I have left its very sad to see myself. Ok now since my last post my 35th birthday went really well I actually used my real hair and tons and tons of hair spray it was huge !!!!and puffy on the top but I tooked it and by the grace of all the Angeles and a special man above it looked awesome 😊no body could tell what i am going through (hair loss) so ill close that chapter by saying I was happy for that day. Now my current situation both good and bad ok my itching and bumps in the back part of my hair are gone !!!!!! So happy but the stubborn top of my head man oh man I just can't get it to stop itching its still driving me crazy just the top right were the crown is just a circle portion that's it and that's were the hair fall continues, so it is better but not so , im just trying to live with it and the thickness still declines and shrinks my hair is shrinking it just gets thinner and thinner I swear by next fall I will be totally bald on top in the worse way possible, now I demanded to my doctor that he gives me propecia its a male pattern baldness medicine for men, im happy that he gave it to me and I want to say he believes some thing in the Brazilian blowout did harm to my hormones and caused me to have male pattern baldness early instead of its natural state just because of my family history and all of no baldness in my family and trust me the family I have we can makes 500,000 fur coast for winter that's how much hair we have lol. Well I just hopes it at least helps to slow down the lost and to help save the little bite I have left I also no that this medicine does not help in autoimmune disease or alopecia but like I said before all my blood testing comes up positive for lupus but 4 doctors tell me im fine and i don't have it so im like ok but surely I have some kind of autoimmune activity I mean my voice is messed up my tummy always hurts now I have no arm hair no eyebrows spots of hair missing on my legs so what the hell is wrong with me im about to donate myself to NASA and tell them I'm an alien maybe they can help me but with my luck they'll send me to space just to get rid of me lol. Today I took my first pill of propecia and if it works I should no in 4 months so ill keep updating my progress on this medication and also a side effect of this meds is a loss of mans libido sex drive, who cares about that!!!!! Just give me my hair back !!!!!! If you tap on Maurice blog from the beginning a guy who went though this years ago I think he was a or one of the first people to blog on this post he talks about not taking this medication because of the risky side effects, me there isn't nothing I can't handle that the Brazilian blowout hasn't already side effected me the only thing the Brazilian blowout hasn't done to me is turn me green and grow a tail lol or with my luck that probably will happen now just because I said it lol well i really hope all of you are doing good and thanks so much for the birthday wishes g hair and Andrea hope you both are doing well. End with my prayer I am strong, I am weak, I am who you are , I am perfect in your eyes , I am a mirror reflection of you, shield by glass, to protect you from me. Sam, ok I wrote this phrase like in 2010 I always loved it its simple no real meaning but gods knows what it symbolizes to me to him I will always protect him even from myself. God bless everyone and i promise no offense to any one on religion I no we all have our own beliefs and I respect that it just makes me happy to share my work all my short prayers, I write from my heart . Sam

Jun 03, 2017
New comer
by: Anonymous

Please keep it here. It's hard to find things on FB, etccan you post pics?

I had a lot of hair loss after using keratin.

I use "Hair Surge" shampoo. It has stooped the hair loss cold. But I have lost more than half of my hair. I'm seeing regrowth start in some places.


Jun 01, 2017
Maria thank you xxxx
by: Sandra

Maria, thank you so,so much for taking the time to respond - I'm going to look into this product .. it's worth a try ! And I'm delighted to hear that it's working for you ..

And IICTBT , if somebody set up an instagram account with photos we could add messages and tag photos of ourselves from our own instagram account ? Would that work ?

May 31, 2017
For Sandra
by: Maria

Hi Sandra and everyone.
Yes,the "treatment" I got from trichologist still seems to work.I am close to normal hair loss now on each wash day.Probably about 1/4 of what I have been loosing before.
Weird thing is,this is cosmetics,not medication.The only medication I use is minoxidil but I always used it.Works realy well on me.
Anyhow,to answer your question,it's called Cinical derm and it's made by comp.Vivipharma.Apparenty Itaian trichology products. I use Glycosan shampoo which degreases scalp.I don't use it on hair,just on scalp.I leave it on for 3-5min,rinse and follow with colagen shampoo and conditioner from the same company.It came with 6 ampules of liquid which regulates sebum and I put that in after I towel dry and leave in. I finished the ampules last week and I could see my hair became instanty more greasy ao I ordered just that liquid in the botte and will use it from tomorrow again.
Now the question is if any other,strong degreasing shampoo/treatment wouldn't do the same.Maybe...posibly..I just can't say.My hair looks dry but scalp used to get greasy after 12 hours or so and next day my hair and scalp would look just dirty and greasy. Now it looks ok for 2 days.
Since I lose less hair,I have regrowth very visible all over my head.Especially at hairline you can see like 3cm hair everywhere.
I have no scalp pain and I can wear pony tail without feeling pain for 2 month now.It's great. If hair loss doesn't pick up again,I am confident I'll have all my hair back within a year.Already now they don't look too bad and people cannot tell anything was wrong while before they were asking me if I was sick (meaning chemo).
So I am very optimistic here.
Happy recovery to you all.Not all of you are sick,your hair just needs time to recover from the shock and that takes years. Keep fighting and keep busy to take your mind off this issue.M

May 28, 2017
How do we get in better contact? Share photos

My loss is mostly around the perimeter as well, but I feel there has been an over all thinning too. At this point I truly believe it would be beneficial for us to share photos and to find a way for us to communicate more privately. I'm not sure if these products are still being used, if the solutions have changed, or if the stylists have been retrained? So I'm not sure if there will be new victims that are UNKNOWINGLY EXPOSED TO FORMALDEHYDE or not. So, I'm not saying I'd like to excluded new comers at all; I'd just like a more private forum to share pics and to exclude people that spout off with ignorant, unsympathetic comments. Instagram? Facebook? How do we do it? Any ideas GH?

May 28, 2017
by: Sandra

Oh Cynthia, please don't ask us why we are poisoning ourselves with formaldehyde! Can't you see how much pain we are all in.. please don't add to it! It's too late to say this to us - we did it and obviously we either didn't realise that formaldehyde was so dangerous as our hairdressers reassured us that the product was good or we were unaware that the product even contained formaldehyde.. Don't make us feel worse than we already are! We are human .. we made a mistake through being unaware.. And we are paying a heavy price. Our purpose here is to share our experience in order to support each other, possibly protect others from making the same mistake and offer possible solutions if we can. Im praying for healthy hair growth for everyone that has been affected by this.. please keep us updated .. MG how are you doing? You were an 'old timer' that messaged on here frequently but I haven't heard anything from you for a while .. are you doing ok?

May 28, 2017
by: Gh

Thanks for the info.

I can't speak for everyone, but I believe that most of us did not know the products contained formaldehyde. I think many start doing their research after the damage had been done.

I'll be the first to admit that I had never requested to see all of the chemicals of every hair product I received at a salon until now. A long time ago I would get "No-Lye" relaxers at a salon. The "no-lye" part was the only chemical that I believed I was avoiding. I don't really know what else was in there, and I don't know if the manufacturer was truthful.

What I have found with researching keratin treatments is that some manufacturers aren't honest; make the print too small to read; or list formaldehyde under one of its alternate names. They make it hard for the consumers to protect themselves. It's very unfortunate.

Telling recent writers on this website to stop using formaldehyde is like preaching to the choir. I don't recall reading any recent comments about someone wanting to get a keratin treatment. Most of the discussion is about healing after the damage had been done.

May 28, 2017
Why are you using formaldehyde?
by: Cynthia White

I am bewildered by some of these stories here. Yeah obviously there are going to be some issues with keratin treatments because of the formaldehyde. Stop poising yourselves.

There are lots of links online to products which can serve as alternatives without formaldehyde.

Here are two links for your perusal:

May 25, 2017
by: gh

My hair loss was most noticeable at the front hair line and nape of the neck. The sides around my ears seemed to be less affected or just less noticeable. I also have thinning of the crown/top of my head. The combination of two overlapping hair loss patterns leads some to give the most common/simple diagnoses. When they got down to the nitty-gritty, there were two distinct causes for my hair loss. The rapid onset of androgenetic alopecia (probably related to sudden hormonal changes) can be misleading and cause doctors to overlook other contributing factors like an overactive immune system.

My biopsy specimens were taking from the receding hairline and the nape of the neck. The results were identical.

Andrea, I really hope everything goes well with your visit. I know you won't be getting results the same day, and waiting can be torture, but eventually you will have answers. Best wishes!

May 25, 2017
Just a question
by: Andrea

I get my biopsy next week I am freaking out but I need to know for my own sake. I do have a question though does everyone here have the same hairloss pattern nape area and sides it seems to me that I have more hairloss around the perimeter.

May 25, 2017
A cell
by: KitKat

Hello everyone, I've posted on here twice as anonymous but I decided to give myself a name now. I did the A Cell PRP treatment almost a year ago. Initially I thought it didn't work. I was wrong. It did work. My thinning hair is getting thicker. Last year I paid $3000 and I wasn't able to go back for another treatment. I was able to find a doctor in my area. I received my second treatment and paid $600. A lot cheaper. Hope this helps. Plus, I'm also taking spiro 100mg.

May 25, 2017
No regrowth
by: Lisa

I have no noticeable regrowth. I would love some fluffy flyaways, but I just don't see anything except very thin hair :(. Like I said it's been almost 3 years for me. I'm still using the hair powder to hide my scalp. Is there anyone else out there with this experience? I am not losing as much as before, but I haven't seen any real regrowth.

May 22, 2017
by: gh

I have those light, fluffy, less cooperative hairs on top. I think many others have had the fluff as well. I manipulate them with leave-in conditioner, and two-strand twisting. I do this on my off day, and I take the twists apart before I go out. This creates somewhat of spiral curl, and helps me blend the fluff with the good part.

For the adrogenetic part of the hair loss, I have my theories. I think that part happened rapidly, because I had a sudden drop in estrogen. Sure my estrogen is still in the normal range, but that does tell me much.

Normally, your estrogen would decrease over time after the child-baring years. Likewise, your hair would thin over time as you become menopausal. Typically, you'd see less periods, but it's a gradual process. Unfortunately, some of us have had a cold-turkey change in our menstrual cycle which is directly connected to our estrogen level.

A significant drop in estrogen can still cause menopausal-like symptoms while still being in the normal range. This is why some women lose their hair after going off of their birth control pill. Stopping a birth control pill that contains estrogen is a small decrease, but can be just enough to cause hair loss in some people. It's not rare that this happens, and sometimes women may chose to continue their birth control if they are not actively trying to conceive.

The same goes for pregnancy. After pregnancy, we have a quick decline in estrogen, and we appear to be losing hair. Of course, eventually it returns to normal just as you would start getting regular periods.

Unlike a healthy pregnant woman, not many of us can say that hormones and menstruation will return to normal after nine months or so. Honestly, I don't know if it ever will without some type of intervention.

Considering that our ovaries/hormones are obviously being impacted. It might be worthwhile addressing this particular symptom at the source. While many of us won't qualify for estrogen replacement therapy, you may want to discuss other options with your doctor.

It would be great if someone on this website had had their estrogen level checked prior to the BB, and now had it checked again. Again, if it was 250 before, and now it's 100, both are within the normal range, but that would be a significant drop. A result of 100 is not enough to declare full menopause, but it may still be enough to cause menopause-like symptoms such as androgenetic thinning, vaginal dryness, weight gain, urinary issues, and depression.

All I'm really saying is it is something to look into. Estrogen levels are not a one-size fits all. And while you may be in the normal range, it may be lower than where you were when your body was healthy and your were getting regular menstrual periods.

As I mentioned previously, I was started back on the BC pill for a trial period. I'm doing months along with my Rogaine, steroid injections, and vitamins. I'll let you all know how it turns out.

Sorry Sam, because I know this doesn't help you much. I hope you are doing well. I was wondering how you were doing with the Ustekinumab. Has that new medication, Ustekinumab, gotten you some relief from the other symptoms or helped with hair growth? I'm dying to hear. There has been some research that suggests that this medication and medications like it can successfully treat alopecia areata. Check out the link below.

Hugs to all!

May 22, 2017
by: Sandra

I thought I'd add an update too as a few of you have .. Also coming up to 3 years (end of June).. I noticed my daughter's hair loss decreased after 9 months (I was no longer picking hairs from her pillow every morning).. she tells me that noticed a significant decrease in hair loss after a year. She never had a lot of itching like many of you .. perhaps the first couple of months. She also had dandruff but again the first couple of months.. The first nine months the top of her head was almost completely bald. I wish she would agree for me to show you photographs on an instagram account (I took many whilst she wasn't looking as I wanted to record what was happening) but I simply can't betray her trust in that way .. she's 19 now and although her face isn't visible I can't do that do her so you'll have to imagine - it was horrific enough that people mentioned it to her and that her scalp became sunburnt. The hair grew back for which I am so so grateful but at the same time as this happened there was further all over hair loss.. whether that was all in the first year when it fell out quickly or whether the hair simply isn't growing back when it fell out at the end of the hair cycle, I have no idea .. All I know is that she now has thin hair (with the sides and top at the front thinner than the rest).. it's crazy I know and none of it makes any sense . What makes me so angry is that the manafacturers of this product get away with it because the hair loss mimics any number of legitimate hair loss conditions unrelated to Brazilian blowout .. as GH said in her post : it looks like female hair baldness (AA) but female hair baldness doesn't happen so quickly ! My daughter's hair was diagnosed as such and the dermatologist wouldn't listen when I told her that my daughter had gone bald in the space of about two months !! It simply doesn't happen like this .. I was right because it doesn't grow back either ! Now my main problem is that the hair growing back is light and fluffy and sits on top of all the other hair. I guess this indicates that the hair follicle is miniaturised which ofcourse is a sign of female hair baldness but also of formaldehyde penetrating the follicle! My question is .. Has anyone had these light fluffy hairs sitting on top (impossible to manage !) and they have returned to normal ???? If not, does anyone know if follicles can Un - miniaturise themselves ? Or any tips on how to manage these unruly strands ? I'm quite interested in what your dermatologist gave you Maria ?? Is it still working ? I saw that Aveda do a scalp cleansing treatment in a hairdresser local to me . I'm so nervous to try anything at all .. does anyone have any suggestions?? Thank you for all your posts everyone .. we have sunshine in London today - finally !! It's glorious weather which certainly helps me feel better but the guilt and pain I feel over this Brazilian is always there ..

May 19, 2017
by: JP

My story sounds exactly like Lisa's. June 5th marks 3 years for me since my one and only BB. 2 weeks after - my hair starting shedding like crazy and hasn't stopped (I still can't believe it!). For those of you just starting this journey - know you won't go bald. As a matter of fact most people may never even notice that this is happening to you. My own husband can't see a difference, but I do. Like Lisa, my shedding has slowed - I'd say maybe half it was as it's worst, but still not normal, not close. I'm guessing a couple more years until that. But I do think my hair has stabilized - meaning it won't get any worse, only better. I'm still careful with my hair and don't go to the stylist very often. Although not completely recovered, I at least feel like I'm over the hump. These treatments should be outlawed.

May 16, 2017
Checking in
by: Lisa

Hi everyone. It's been a while since I posted so I wanted to check in. It's been almost 3 years of hairloss for me. For those who have seen my posts before, I have tried a lot of things to get it to stop: Expensive shampoos that promise hair growth, steroid injections (I agree gh - Ouch), PRP (double - ouch - it's super expensive and also hurts), vitamins, oils, creams, lasers, expensive dermatology visits, etc. I have literally spent over $5,000. 00 to just try to get my hair to stop falling out. I will admit that it's better now than it was in the beginning. I remember standing in the shower when this nightmare begin and handfuls of hair would come out each time I ran my hand through my hair. Now I am down to one handful (still a lot more than I shed prior to the Brazilian Blowout). I honestly don't think that any of the things I spent money on helped. I think that time helped some, but I still don't have near the amount of hair that I used to have. I am not bald, but my scalp definitely shows though now. I would give anything to have my thick frizzy hair back that I had before this awful treatment. The scalp pain had eased up a little and I think it's less itchy, but I have no noticeable regrowth. So the good news is, I don't think we will be bald (at one point I did). Keep posting girls. There were a lot of people who posted in 2010 and 2011 who are no longer posting. I wish I knew the outcome and if their hair ever went back to "normal". By the way, the texture of my hair is also crazy. It is really dry and unruly.

May 16, 2017
Checking in
by: gh

First, I have to clarify a statement I posted previously in regards to a shiny scalp. My original dermatologist told me that if I had scarring alopecia, my scalp would be shiny. However, I don’t believe that she meant a shiny scalp absolutely means you have scarring alopecia. It’s kinda like saying if you are nine months pregnant, you will have a big belly, but having a big belly doesn’t always mean you are nine months pregnant, as that can be caused by poor diet and little exercise. So if your scalp is shiny, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have scarring alopecia.

More importantly, I got some clarification on my own diagnosis. I found out the original report was for scarring alopecia, but the second report from UCSF diagnosed alopecia areata. Both are lymphocyte mediated, and the initial course of treatment for both can be steroid injections.

So I got my first round of injections yesterday. Ouch! The dermatologist only injected the parameter, which I did not agree with. She said the areas on top were more likely to be androgenetic hair loss, and I should keep using the Rogaine. Of course, we didn’t biopsy the center of my scalp, so how can we be sure. Even she admitted that my clinical presentation of alopecia areata (and/or scarring alopecia) was not typical. So now I feel like I might have to make my case for a wider area of injections.
Now I do agree with the dermatologist and pathologist that androgenetic hair loss may play a part, but it just doesn’t happen this quickly. I believe my hair loss is a synergy of autoimmunity and androgenetic activity, which turns out to be a double whammy.

So I recently had my estrogen level checked. I did this because I had stopped getting periods along with my hair loss. I also did this because what Parsley Girl said made a lot of sense to me. Pregnancy makes your estrogen go up, and your hair grows full and thick during pregnancy. Low estrogen, as in menopause, usually makes your hair start to thin. Of course, this usually occurs in your 50s or so.

So I talked to my PCP about this last week, and I asked to get my estrogen level checked. Of course, it was normal, but how normal is it really? The test has some ridiculous range of 10-400 (that’s a guestimate), and that all depends on where you are at in your cycle. Anyway, I was at 92, which is still within the normal range, but could it be higher? And if it were higher, would it help me with the androgenetic piece?

I don’t know for sure, and my doctor could not predict if an estrogen boost would help. Regardless, she said that I did not meet the requirements for an estrogen supplement, but she pointed out that Mirena provided no estrogen, while some birth control pills would give me a little bump. She prescribed a pill that is low on the androgen index and high in estrogen. She warned/educated me about possible side effects like tender boobs, and I decided to give it a three month trial. Just started it Sunday.

For the ladies like myself who have seen significant changes in their menstrual cycle since the BB, it may be worthwhile to have your estrogen level checked. Again, I really don’t know if the high estrogen birth control pill will work, but I’ll let you know.

In other news, I have read literature about a topical immunosuppressant called Tacrolimus ointment. I have the prescription strength, but I think it is also over the counter. I asked my dermatologist about this, and she said that it is only effective with scarring alopecia. She doesn’t think it will help with alopecia areata. Considering that I have two different opinions about my biopsy, I don’t see why it would hurt. I read online about people having various routines of alternating between Tacrolimus, topical steroids, and or Rogaine. It’s so freaking complicated, but if anyone finds the winning combination/routine please share.

(Tacrolimus ointment is used to treat the symptoms of eczema (atopic dermatitis; a skin disease that causes the skin to be dry and itchy and to sometimes develop red, scaly rashes) in patients who cannot use other medications for their condition or whose eczema has not responded to another medication.) Ask you dermatologist if you are still having scalp irritation.

Oh I almost forgot. I tried some natural remedies, but got a little scared. I wanted to try Calendula and Burdock teas, as I have read that they decrease inflammation. I couldn’t find the teas, so I got the little concentrated elixir bottle that is sold at my local health food store. It comes with a dropper, and on the first day, I added the full dose from the dropper from each bottle. I have to tell you, I felt a lot like I did when I took prednisone. I felt pretty great. It may have been more of a stimulant effect. Anyway, it didn’t last, because I felt like crap the next day.

With prednisone and other steroids, you start with a high does and taper off of it. The herbals seemed to have a similar effect as prednisone, but I didn’t taper, and I felt like crap the next day. Did I take too much, or would the tea have been better? I don’t know. If you are willing and want to experiment with Calendula, Burdock, or other natural supplements, I would recommend that you consult with someone who specializes in these types of herbal remedies. They do seem to have a positive effect, but you have to be cautious, especially if you are taking other prescription medication.

Maria, I was not familiar with the methionine, but you have definitely sparked my curiosity. Thanks for the info.

Andrea, I hope everything goes well with your biopsy. I can’t wait for the day that one of these big research institutions realizes and cares enough to devote more time to us. I see the commercials all the time about mesothelioma related to asbestos, which mostly effected white men. Hopefully, one day, they will be saying if you or someone you love has suffered hair loss or other illness after exposure to a BB keratin treatment, you may be entitled to compensation. Of course, no amount of money can fix the damage that has been done, but we need to keep raising awareness about this poison.

Happy belated birthday to Sam!!!

May 08, 2017
Happy birthday Sam
by: Andrea

🎈🎉Happy Birthday Sam!!!! I hope you have a blast on your Special day and all your wishes come true! you deserve it! I won't be there physically but I'll be there in spirit. ...... you are not the only one with the bad luck I can totally relate! it almost feels as if someone has cursed me. If is not one thing is the other but it's always something, I can't ever be in peace with myself. I was a little skeptical about getting a biopsy done but ever since I found out about g-hair's results I feel as so I have to. I guess I will just take the risk of something going wrong like it getting infected or my head getting deformed lol but I just can't afford to keep loosing more hair and there being a possibility it will never grow back. I have been waiting for more than a year for my hair to grow and nothing. I just need to find out once and for all what's going on. My appointment is next month at the university in San Francisco( thank-you g hair I'm taking your advice). My best wishes for everyone and may god bless every single one of you. I'll keep you guys updated.

May 08, 2017
Hanging in thet
by: Sam

Hi all, I've been busy with work I almost forgot what its like to have a full time job well g hair im sorry not responding sooner , yes and no to your question about a shiney scalp I would say its more on the pink side especially the sides and front hair line and white at the very top so I don't no what to say, now I never had a scalp biposy of fear of a huge cut on my scalp and how sensitive it is and with all my bad luck trust me when I say I would have a permitted sclap deformity caused by wrong use of equipment I just can't take a chance everything I do will come back to haunt me. And just wanted to add my voice did return but not the same and what I mean is its still very scratchy and comes and goes and no longer am I able to sing or hold a note this as caused me to relapse to a very dark depression and with all the side effects my poor body I feel like my body giving up on me now I said ill fight till the end but I really think it depends how much chemicals the hair stylist used and in my case I think my x hair stylist figured well he has so much hair im going to use the whole bottle of formaldehyde for get the .02 percent, and that's why im having it rougher than everyone think about it, at this moment im the only one so far whos voice has been effected and i have more symptoms to include but there no point to tell I did this to my self and now I have to pay the price I wanted frizzy free silky hair which I never was intended to have and believe me the price im paying I can say its definitely priceless. Take care everyone I have to take some time to plan my 35th birthday party some of my family and close friends convinced me to plan a new one as a way of coping with my deperssion they no how much I love to plan parties and since I lost the deposit of the original plans so begins a fresh start but I have till June 3 so lots to do make my outfit yup I do that lol center pieces and much more now I this dosent help or pertain to the hair loss subject but I just wanted to share with you all my big day of events and since everyones so far from me and can't make it because you no if I could I would fly you all to my party because what we all have been though and still going through a little fun and laughter of joy with friends can bring out the best of us because we are good people that did not deserve the way we lost our hair and for some there health so please everyone keep posting all the positive and negativity of your hair loss some of us need to see a post from time to time I no for me it gets me by even if its from oh I don't no Maria which im so happy to here your doing good and g hair I love to see and read your post I no life its hard and were just trying to survive and adjust with our new way of life because its our reality now hair loss pain itchy scalp and everything else that comes with a Brazilian blowout that for sure was a unexpected surprise god bless you all my friends take care ill leave with a prayer, my beloved father from the Heavenly Kingdom above I am your servant from below your kingdom to remind you I serve you and you alone and ask nothing from you in return I only call your name to remind you that im your servant awaiting your command. Your son Sam

May 06, 2017
by: Maria

Hi all,
Here is a short update from me.
6 weeks ago, as I posted here, I was told by trichologist, my scalp is full of sebum. She has given me ridiculosly expensive shampoo, conditioner and some liquid in ampules. I was very sceptical and came home feeling ripped off. But I must say, within first week, I noticed way less shedding. I didn't want to write on here straight away because I've been already better a year ago and it relapsed to worse later.
I also cut minoxidil use to once a day from originally twice a day. Other than that, I added to pile of vitamins I take every day also Methiatonin instead of biotin.
Well, now 6 weeks later, I can confirm, my loss went down to probably 1/4 of what it was. Mind you, I was loosing really a lot, about 400 per wash if I washed every 2 days, about 200 when washing every day. Believe me, I counted them! I wash only every 2 days now and I would say I lose 50-100 max. I can still see I lose more than normal but compare to nightmare before, this is great. Also because my hair and scalp is less greasy, my hair looks fuller and you cannot see bald patches. I don't care if it's frizzy, trust me, I am past that point after 2 years of this hell already. Overall, it's a big progress. My scalp no longer hurts, neither it is itchy and get this, I can wear pony tail without pain for the first time in 2 years.
So my logic says, definitely grease glands were afected by chemicals and they overproduced sebum which "choked" my hair. Maybe overuse of minoxidil wasn't good either but I use it for 20 years so I won't go off completely. It definitely works for me. I see hair growing all over my head now. On my forhead is almost fringe of 1 inch hair. But minoxidil always made my hair grow, unfortunately it was falling out at such a rapid rate, that what grew, fell out.Prior to ruining my hair, I was using it once a day only and went to twice a day when trying to stop the shedding.
Anyhow, that's my positive news. I see the light at the end of the tunel now.
We definitely don't have all the same thing/reaction. I don't have any symptoms like Sam or Andrea. The only thing is, I went also through autoimune reaction and it was connected to my thyroid. It seems to be improving for the past 6 month. I have endocrinologist check ups every 6 month. I don't know if it had anything to do with all this. I was very tired and slept any time, anywhere.
And one last thing, just because your scalp is shining, it doesn't mean you lost your hair permanently. I lost my hair from medication 7 years ago. My scalp was like mirror. It all grew back within a year. Just saying...
Good luck all.M

May 02, 2017
My treatment options
by: Gh

So here are my treatment options to discuss with my dermatologist:

"Treatment of the lymphocytic group of cicatricial alopecias (including lichen planopilaris, frontal fibrosing alopecia, central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia, pseudopelade (Brocq), chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus, and keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans)
involves use of anti-inflammatory medications. The goal of treatment is to decrease or eliminate the lymphocytic cells that are attacking and destroying the hair follicle. Oral medications may include hydroxychloroquine, doxycycline, mycophenolate mofetil, pioglitazone, cyclosporine, or corticosteroids. Topical medications may include corticosteroids, topical tacrolimus, Derma-Smoothe/FS scalp oil; triamcinolone acetonide (a corticosteroid) may be injected into inflamed, symptomatic areas of the scalp."

I'll be seeing two dermatologists within the next week to get two treatment perspectives. We'll see how it goes.

Apr 30, 2017
To Sam
by: GH

Hi Sam. I haven't noticed any peach fuzz at the scalp. My hair strands have become thinner and frizzy. I can see more scalp between strands. The hair color remains the same.

It has now been nine months since my BB so my clinical presentation may be different from yours. Sorry I don't have a better answer.

The average person, doesn't always recognize my hair loss until I point it out or they look at the nape of my neck. Sure, the front of my hair receded rapidly in the months after the BB, but I style it in a way to hide the loss.

The nape of my neck looks like the barber sneezed while he was cutting my hair. Very thin baby hairs have grown into that area, but it still looks like a bald patch from a distance.

Do you have a shiny scalp? Has your dermatologist ever pointed out any scarring? Refresh my memory, did you ever have biopsy?

I don't wish autoimmune disease on anyone, but I do hope that people get treated appropriately and effectively for whatever is causing their hair loss.

For me, I already know I have autoimmune activity. Whether it is only scarring alopecia and interstitial cystitis or lupus or sjogrens, the treatment is the same. For oral medication, the first drug would be Plaquenil; second choice is Cyclosporine.

The timing of the medical intervention is very important. If anyone is concerned about having scarring alopecia, don't sit wait and see if it grows back. If ointment, creams, rogaine, and/or injections aren't working, or if you don't want to take the chance on wasting time, go to a reputable institution and get a biopsy of the affected area; give two specimens. They will look at it from several angles/layers. My specimen was sent to the University of California, San Francisco.

Apr 29, 2017
To g hair
by: Sam

Hey g hair I have a question do you have any like peach fuzz hair in your front hair line were you lost hair I started to notice on me lots of little peach fuzz like little preaks of hair coming in some are strong in color like real black and some are still light but signs of good color now I don't no if that's a good sign or im just hoping and i as well have scaring alopecia, now one more thing my sides are coming in good now I mean growing small and thinner but growing and I no its my stress levels if im calm it grows but when I get mad and yell it falls out so I just don't no im praying its not scarring alopecia but then again I hAve so many miniaturizing hairs only in my hair line but when the hair slowly dispearring so well I guess im asking what is your hair like in the hair line if you don't mind sharrring with me or us lol im just trying to not go in a panic mode thanks Sam

Apr 29, 2017
by: GH

I know everyone's experience is unique, but based on my experience and the experience of several regular contributors to this website, I have to disagree with the last writer, Maubx.

Deb, my dermatologist suggested steroid injections, but we will discuss it more at my next appointment. I am not sure if that is the best option for me because I don't have lesions of baldness. While my hair is thinner is some areas, overall my thinning is more diffuse, and it sounds like it would be a lot of injections. So I want to explore oral medication like Plaquenil or Cyclobenzaprine.

Again, I was diagnosed with the early stages of lymphocyte mediated scarring alopecia. This should have been caught a long time ago by biopsy. It requires an intervention from a medical doctor to regulate an overreactive immune system. Without an intervention, I will likely lose all of my hair with a slim chance for regrowth.

Sandra, I don't really bring up formaldehyde anymore, because many doctors just don't have a clue and aren't going to take the time to educate themselves. For example, one provider told me that formaldehyde does not cause cancer. I guess he thinks he knows more than the FDA and CDC. Anyway, they get sidetracked with the formaldehyde argument, so for now I am just pushing for treatment.

I am literally racing against the clock to get treatment. All the research shows that an early intervention is the only way to save existing hair and protect follicles from debilitating scar tissue.

Ideally every single one of us should have had a biopsy of the affected area analyzed at an institution that specializes in hair loss. Maybe the results would have been different for each of us, but at least we would have had a fighting chance.

One of my dermatologists manages hair loss, and I went to her because of her credentials. Even though she could have kept my specimen in-house, thankfully, she thought it would be a good idea to send to the people who she believes to be the experts in the field. I don't know what my outcome or diagnosis would have been if it weren't for that doctor.

I'm telling you, it is so easy for someone with hair to say, "you'll be fine; it'll grow back; decrease your stress." The fact of the matter is that even with decreasing my stress, eating right, using Rogaine and taking vitamins, I would most likely still lose all of my hair due to scarring alopecia.

I remember my first dermatologist saying that if I had scarring, my scalp would be shiny. Well now I am starting to see that shininess through the thinning hairs at my hairline.

There has been a lot of time wasted. I want to get treatment and get my life back on track. I want to not think about my hair and try to make my life more meaningful. My son says that I should go back to school to become a nurse practitioner. I am thinking about it.

Oh. I almost forgot. Sam, I believe the EBV, like many other viruses can be dormant within you for a long time. When the circumstances are right, it will make you really sick. So you may have had it before, but you were healthy enough back then to keep it in-check.

It's kind of like shingles or herpes. Your altered immune system may have created the ideal circumstances for EBV to cause trouble. Also, it is important to know that EBV, like some other viruses such as HPV, have been linked to certain cancers. So it is important to share this medical history with any doctors you see in the future just so they know to look out for it.

Lastly, by salivary gland biopsy is back, and it made no sense to me or other physicians that I have spoken to. I am going to reach out to a few friends to see if I can get ahold of the pathologist for clarification.

In her comments she wrote that there were no "overt" signs of Sjogrens. Well, what the f*ck does that mean? Even my scalp biopsy said that the evidence was "subtle" due to me being in the early stages. To me non-overt is the same as subtle; meaning not blatantly/tremendously obvious. These words really matter, so I will try to get clarification on that.

Apr 29, 2017
by: Maubx

PEOPLE! I DID THE SAME PROTEIN HAIR TREATMENT AT HOME! WITH GELATIN! This can't be formaldehyde!!! This must be animal collagen/keratin! I added a spoon of warm gelatin to my mask and let it sit for about 20 minutes. Now it's been 7 moths after this and lot of hairloss (about 150 when washing) and hair thinning. This is strong allergen in big doses and doctors don't know or don't inform us about this...I tried borax because i think that I have sebborheic dermatitis caused by fungus! Mistake! This looks like fungus infection but it's not! There is another site about this problem called' Eczema-Like Psoriasiform Skin Reaction due to Brazilian Keratin Treatment' look:

This is just CONTACT DERMATITIS and we can't do nothing but wait! And don't cry because we will get our hair like before but by time! I'am 16 years old and I'm from Poland. It happened to me when I started my new school, new people and it was kind of depressive thing at first but now I don't care about it! I will try another methods to relieve my chemical burned scalp but if they won't work I will try wigs :'') Yeah, a few years of life with wig. People always remember! You are not your hair!

Apr 28, 2017
To Andrea hi every one
by: Parsley girl

Andrea I have the same problem with blood circulation I mention that a long time ago and for that I use something call Circuvite is natural stuff and it moves your blood I was taking 3 pills a day and that works for me also I want to mention omega 3, CoQ10 and amino acids, I can't remember them all rite now but I will do more reaserch on what we can do to boost our body's back to health Andrea this doctor has a group call the depression group and is all natural stuff he also has a radio show that you can lisent to online on his web page people call him and tell them their simthoms and he tells them what to do and how they can help their body. I know we can do something to heal our body's since moust of the doctors out there don't have knowledge of the side effects of this BB they don't know exactly what to prescribe some steroids work for a little wile but we can't take them for ever well I will keep searching for more info about stuff that boost our immune system Sam, Andrea, Sandra and every one here I wish you the best and that we can get better take care be strong stay positive I love you all and Sam you made me cry with your words please stay strong every one and thanks for sharing a little bit of you in this blog we are not alone we can relate to one another God Bless you all.❤️

Apr 27, 2017
Thanks everyone
by: Sam

Sandra coincidence I think not, I meaning myself strongly believe my epstein barr virus diagnosis is from or one of many side effects from the chemicals from the Brazilian treatment now right after the trearmeant 3 months I got real sick fever and just everything you talked about that your daughter went through then I got better but did it ok it never went away I have episode of this like every once a month and it can last for weeks and weeks but it went away ok here is why im confuse when the doctor did my testing I wasn't feeling sick or any symptoms but I have a high white blood count as well to this day, and it makes no sense Im not near children don't have any I never go to the stores any more I send my helper once every two weeks and if I go any were its to work and back and if I back track the last time I kissed any one oh lets see 2008 I think I just got a new car and i was so happy lol no more details lol ok so im convince the Brazilian is making me very sick Sandra did your daughter hair or scalp itch her mine is unbareable I no were all connected some way or the other it just has to be im very convince now after reading your post and thank you so much Sandra for sharing I no this happen to your daughter and I no she's a strong one for not opening up to you its very hard to believe me as a victium and living this I don't like no one to see me so I understand your daughter and I hope she's doing better I have herd it takes 7 years to fully recover and I bet you if she's gotten this far her hair will return to its former glory hAng in there and what I read from your post your a great mom🌹. Andrea hey i really wish we meet on different circumstances I can instantly tell we would have hit off lol I no what your going through I really do im like the boy version of y'all ladies if that's ok to say lol and Andrea just rember keep busy like today I started a full time job well really yesterday and wow what was I thinking lol but Its fun and remember I can't talk my voice is still gone but im a caregiver well some what lol I stay with this nice lady who can longer walk but me and her are everywhere lol im telling you this because maybe you can find a health care agency and work with private not not home health but like a sitter that's what I do just keep busy and you can get out do like parttime I say this because you just work with one person and you don't have to work with a lot of people until your ready well Andrea you don't have to listen to crazy Sam lol im just wanting to help a friend out lol well take care, and I didn't forget you parsley girl im going to look it to all the things you suggested if its all natural count me in we have all suffered haven't we and I refuse to give up till it takes me down parsley girl thanks, g hair thank you too, deb, anonymous, If I Could Turn Back Time, everyone thank you so much for posting and responding you have no idea what it means for me and if I had the power I would return everyones hair back to them no one deserve to go through what we have especially being a man made chemical thats brought harm to our bodies and not a natural cause of illnesses. My prayer, god you alone have me I surrender to you love me guide me show me the path to your heart with the healing of your thoughts im already healed your son Sam .

Apr 27, 2017
Thank you
by: Sandra

Thank you GH for getting back to us. I was waiting anxiously for the results ! Does the doctor acknowledge that one exposure to formaldehyde can cause these symptoms?

Sam, my daughter also had the Epstein Barr virus (glandular fever) three months after the Brazilian . We could not work out where she had caught it , she was 16 years old at the time. She had a very bad case of it, the doctor said that her white blood count was through the roof. Maybe this was to do with the Brazilian .. At the time, I didn't connect he two but it was a really horrible time for me . She was lying there all day, unable to swallow, in huge amount of pain and every time she got up from her bed I was removing about 8 strands of hair from her pillow.

It's been almost three years now since the Brazilian and my daughter won't discuss any symptoms she has had, won't allow me to look at her scalp or her hair. All I can tell you is what I see from a distance . The first year, hair poured out of her head and she was bald on top. Excessive hair loss stopped after nine months and the top filled in but it filled in with fine fluffy hair (different to how it used to be) .. now after three years although hair isn't falling like before and although there are no bald patches it is overall thinner and nothing like it was three years ago .. nothing .. It looks like she has thin hair - she doesn't - it used to be so so thick .. I keep monitoring as much as I can .. Thank you everyone for keeping us informed as much as you can .. especially GH , your medical training has been invaluable xxxxx

Apr 27, 2017
G-hair - now what?
by: Deb

Thank you so much for getting back to us with results - but ow what does the dr say is treatment - is there treatment ? It seems then that the keratin treatment triggered is to have an autoimmune disease of some sort. I had a feeling this is what it was bc of all the other signs we were experiencing .

Apr 27, 2017
Just venting
by: Andrea

Hello to all I wish I could say things are going good for me but I guess things just keep getting worst. I am loosing all my hope. This BB is truelly a nightmare coming true. My hair still falling my skin is dry my muscles are weak I am always sleepy. My memory is horrible I forget everything so fast. I have trouble concentrating my periods only last 2 days. For some reason I feel like for awhile now I don't get enough circulation in my legs. I cant remember when was the last time I felt like myself. I am always depressed. My self esteem has been robbed and I'm pretty sure I'll never get it back now.G-hair I was really excited when the Dr. told you there was a possibility you would eventually get all your hair back. It made me feel like yes!! Not everything is lost there's still a chance but now finding out the new biopsy results just make everything so complicated. It just makes me think I'll never get all my hair back and that kills me inside. I'm sure ppl say oh come on it's just hair! But not for me. Sam I hope that you feel better soon. I blame everything we are going through to the stupid BB!!! our immune system is so weak now and I agree with parseley girl I am sure that with a weaken immune system it is easier to catch a virus. Stay positive you'll get your voice back in no time. Don't forget you are not alone. Parseley girl I am going to give the colosum a try! Goodnight everyone.

Apr 27, 2017
Hi Sam and every one
by: Parsley girl here

Here I go again like a broken record try colostrum it has Immunoglobulin is something that heals the body from the inside out it helps your body get ride of toxins and it heals immunologicaly your body I'm not a doctor but I know that stuff works look it up please this stuff is natural and it will help you guys feel better. Sam that kissing stuff is viral and little kids can get that wen our body is weak we can get any virus even just by breathing on the bus or public playces other people around us are sick and we don't know that and that is mainly how we are getting sick now a days I'm not going to stop catering for a person by what a doctor say or likeing you we are all here because we have something in commun the BB so I just want every one here to be healthy again and happy please take care do reaserch on the stuff I'm talking about no doctor is going to recommend that because they don't know if you want check out Dr Rico Perez he has stuff that woks I don't what to sound like if I'm saleing something but give it a try first do reaserch take care every one. And please don't mind my English is not that good.

Apr 26, 2017
Not sure about this one
by: Sam

Ok today topic now before I start please understand were here to help one another and what im about to post here is concerning my health and sharing information to see if we can get some were to help save our health and right now im the kind of person that dose not like to be judge and i don't lie to sonething series to health related concerns so I ask to keep a open mind of this ok and pleases don't stop likeing me because when I tell you what the doctor said they found I was super (shocked) because well here was the finding, I tested positive for epstein barr virus or the kissing virus there is another word for it but I can't find to spell it right but im like ohhhh how in the world does one get that he smiled and said well one way just like its says kissing I laughed and laughed and said stop it I doubt Mr snuggles my teddy bear has that laughing and i can't talk loll !!!!!! Then he goes to say well hugging or any contact like if someone dosent wash there hands sharing food im like ummm noooo no way man dude!!!! Oh also through sexual contact im still noooo no way now im not trying to say im the virgin Mary here doc but please im a good Christian boy and I no my values and what im worth so stop trying to get information that isn't there he laughs at well lets just say this was one visit that i will never forget , ok enough of that ok so I said wouldn't I be like feeling sick or anything yes I should but im not I just have symptoms can't talk oh and I no longer feel like I mean you can scratch me real hard and I feel nothing and my eyes no longer produce natural tears and I can't cry no more im all dried up and I now no what yall ladies mean about your reproductive system changing on you and things like that well ladies the same effect can happen to men im living proff and I think ill never be able to produce kids im a very strong believer that the Brazilian blowout chemicals destroyed my male hormones and killed them off one by one and that's why im dried up all inside no circulation and no oxygen and that's why we see our hair shrink and shrink and now I have vision problems what the hell I no what most people will think that im a hypercondriac one that makes up illness that arnt there but I have to leave it to you the reader that there is something going on with theses Brazilian blow out men and woman are sick and facing many health challenges and were do you go for help our FDA has fallied us and government what do we need to do, I no they see Brazilian blowouts are banned in different countries what they think because its the USA it will be ok well its not !!!!!! Oh I wish I new how to work YouTube and Facebook to make my world wide boardcast ill make the Brazilian blowout company remember my bald face to see there products burned and shipped to Bermuda so they can get lost so no one will ever suffer again. Well that's all I got for now all I no this is more deeper for me than just loosing all my hair its personal now, I was fine before I had the Brazilian blowout three days later my hair is super fried and two weeks its falling out shedding non stop fastfoward a year im sick with all theses autoimmune disease with still hair loss can't feel can't talk now my eyes are in danger and possible vision loss because of the chronic dry eyes, and everything happening to me all at once well may the 26 marks the hair loss anniversary and its here to haunt me!!!!! And remind me of my mistake, but enough is enough. Sam

Apr 26, 2017
by: GH

So I have my biopsy results in front of me, and I am going to share the results and my opinions. The pathologist came to two conclusions:
1. Early changes in lymphocyte mediated scarring alopecia
2. Androgenetic alopecia

First (1.), this is the autoimmune activity that I had suspected and feared from the beginning. The pathologist described it as "subtle," but there is definitely some autoimmune activity. There is no other reason that I know of that can explain why lymphocyte white blood cells would be hanging out around my hair follicles.

Additionally, the pathologist noted "some early perifollicular concentric fibrosis." So even though several doctors told me that my hair would probably grow back, I think if I allow this to continue, the scarring/fibrosis will prevent it from ever growing back. I think the docs who were telling me it will grow back were feeding me a bunch of lies. Not only did they misguide me, but they were delaying/withholding what could have been a significant medical intervention.

Sure at first glance my scalp looks healthy, but what will it look like in a year or three years? Will I still have a healthy scalp and visible follicles or will I have scar tissue?

Second (2.), androgenetic alopecia is starting to make sense to me now, because like many of you, I have had changes in my menstruation. Light/lack of menstrual periods may be related to my estrogen levels. I believe low estrogen would contribute to the androgenetic alopecia.

Lymphocyte mediated alopecia plus androgenetic alopecia due to low female hormones may, on the surface, just look like androgenetic alopecia. Interestingly, the pathologist documented that he could not totally rule out telogen effluvium.

Basically, if you immune system is involved in your hair loss, this needs to be adressed. Androgenetic alopecia -you might use Rogaine; Telogen effluvium -you might wait/see or use some other prescribed treatment; If lymphocyte mediated alopecia is a factor on top of either of the other two, then you will probably lose your hair regardless unless you address the immune system issue.

Also pregnancy would probably make your hair grow back if you don't have permanent scarring. Pregnancy makes your estrogen levels go through the roof. I remember when I was pregnant years ago. I had the best hair and skin ever. Then after I had my baby it seemed like I was losing hair. I guess for the same reason, it may be worth exploring estrogen replacement.

The main thing that I hope all of you get from this is that four different dermatologists and other doctors told me that my hair loss was not related to autoimmune disease; all of the blood work showed no autoimmune disease; then finally, the biopsy of the effected area showed that I have AUTOIMMUNE related hair loss.

Apr 23, 2017
To g hair & deb
by: Sam

G hair thank you and I new what you meant lol about the wine all though not a bad idea lol well I have not seen a ear nose doctor yet but I will now and my dentist well I haven't really thought of it until now, my voice is still gone I can whisper and sometimes my voice comes in its like my vocal cords are been effected by the poison in my body and let me tell you dry mouth wow!!!!! Im tired of drinking water well I drink so much and the more I drink the more dryer my mouth gets I wake up during the night. choking and can't breath because I can't swallow its that dry so im thinking my lost voice is connected to the dry mouth im not sure but its pretty dam scary if I say . thanks again for your advice but I think I need to go to another country like Finland were they don't turn you down for not having insurance and like here you have to come up with deposits in the thousands which I would gladly pay if they can cure me but its the same crap go see your family doctor and im like what did I pay a thousands dollar's for well 250.00 of that is just to warm your blanket in the dryer so what does that tell you. Deb its good to here your hair is doing good and the highlights I think im going to take a chance and try it what else do I have to lose just more hair , right well ill try to make this post short since I've been under the weather im just not myself any more well I have a lot to say but ill leave it for another day I just wanted to say thanks to you all who have respond to me and one more thing g hair ill fight this battle till my very last breath Sam .

Apr 22, 2017
Hi Deb
by: Anonymousparsley girl

The box on the outside is white with red and blue lines the vial inside is brown check on other websites because is not 75 dollars I din't pay that much for it I don't know wy they jack the price like that I live in jersey city and believe me is not that expensive Amazon has 12 vials for 53 dollars but that still to much the shampoo and conditioner are like 7 dollars and change check on beuty supply's and pharmacies don't buy it at that price that is robbery, that stuff works and is gentle on the scalp but look for it in different websites some people just want to Robb the last time I purchase it it was like 22 dollars and change for 12 vials in down town well wish every one the best of luck oh one thing I want to mention that there is something call Colostrum that helps your body with immunoglobulin look it up tha stuff works in your body like magick and I have proof of it with blood work done to me like after I gave birth a long time ago they were amaze of how my blood was after giving birth if you want to know were to find the one I use is at dr. Rico Perez .com I been using that since 2003 maybe that is wy I don't see non of those simthoms that you guys describe and I'm 38 years old inform yourself a guys not everything is quimical medicine try natural stuff I just wish every one hear to be healthy is bad that we are dealing with hair loss but all this other stuff I think is way too much do as much reaserch as you can on how to help your body heal from the inside and I'm sure you guys are going to get better oh the colostrum is like 17 or 18 dollars a bottle for 60 pills I drink 2 per day since I take prenatal vitamins too well take care every one...shrank

Apr 22, 2017
Oh wow!
by: Deb

Wow GH it seems crazy that a hair treatment can do this to us right!?! It's unbelievable but it truly has affected my body also - with the uti , dry skin, thinner nails, less hair on body, (I have eyebrows but I don't get them waxed anymore bc they are thinner as well as all over body hair is thinner too) also my brain feels foggy from time to time - like I can't remember things that clearly - it's such a pain! I also feel like I sweat much less than I used to . I have always had anxiety but don't take anything but I would sweat profusely in certain circumstances . Now I don't sweat that much. I even went into a sauna and it took sooo long before I broke a sweat which is not normal for me. I'm also finding it's hard for me to lose weight . I would go on a diet before and the weight would come off much faster - now it doesn't . I'm just staying at a certain weight and not moving . Still have a dry mouth from time to time also . Like my throats feels like it so dry to swallow. This whole thing is a scary but I also think maybe the treatment ignited an auto immune disease bc we are having the signs of one. Sam- my highlights actuallly look good . They have gotten lighter since I originally got it done and my hair seems a little on the reddish side but I'll take it - it's hair- it definately made me feel better with a Fresher look. I don't know if I'd recommend it. I'm not sure what your hair looks like but for me it gave it a kick- maybe get a few . I looked up the follicure and wow it's expensive ! $75? Am I choosing the right one parsley girl??

Apr 22, 2017
by: GH

First to Sam, I must apologize for my last post. My message did not come across clearly, because I was tired and dictating my message through my iPhone. I just glanced over my previous post, and I was mortified.

Obviously, I was not recommending that you have some wine to treat your inability to speak. I meant to say have someone assist you in contacting your doctor. Sorry for the miscommunication. I hope you feel better soon and get your voice back. We need your voice.

To IICTBT: No, I don't think my case is much different. I have the receding hair line; first dermatologist identified miniaturization when looking on the surface of my scalp with her special device. She also thought is classic female balding.

AA and many other autoimmune diseases are so tricky and deceitful, and I truly believe doctors tend to go with the easy/common diagnosis. Once they think they have the answer, they don't have any motivation to look any further.

I am unable to find the journal article, but I remember reading about how "diffuse" alopecia areata can easily be mistaken for androgenetic female balding. Dermatologist 3# is now acknowledging that there are exceptions to the rule. It is sad that more dermatologists aren't willing to explore the current literature and only want to acknowledge/diagnose classic textbook cases.

Are you still seeing the same dermatologist? When will you see her again?

For now I am waiting to see my new rheumatologist. Until then, my treatment plan is as follows.

Hair/scalp: wash every day with moisturizing shampoo; spray with leave-in conditioner; use rogaine at night

Eyes: steroid-free artificial tears 2-3 times per day; Ocusoft lid scrub nightly

Skin: Coconut oil & CeraVe SPF 50 sunscreen daily

Mouth: brushing 3 times per day; rinsing with Biotene mouthwash; drinking 3-4 liters of water daily

Overall aches/pain: Aleve 1-2 times per day

GI/tummy ache: Small meals; Tagament once daily; Tums 2-3 times per day; drinking lots of water and avoiding acid and caffeine

Supplements: Prenatal vitamin, Magnesium, Biotin, Fish Oil

It's a hectic regime, but it's what I have to do until I see my new rheumatologist. Geez, I sure hope I will be eliminating most of this stuff really soon.

Future plans: I plan to see a wholistic or functional medicine practitioner in the near future. I have heard that they are pretty good at coming up with lifestyle changes to manage these types of conditions.

I intend to increase my consumption of natural anti-inflammatories such as garlic, turmeric, etc. Tumeric seems to be the most natural and effect anti-inflammatories. There is a lot of research out there that supports its use in treating Lupus and Sjogrens. Don't just google it, go to Google-Scholar or search your school's journal database.

Last if there is anyone out there who is reading this and has Lupus, Sjogren's, or similar conditions and you are unable to work. You might want to consider applying for social security disability. It's not much, but it may help if you are unable to work due to severe physical or emotional reasons.

Apr 22, 2017

Hi GH,
Sorry it took me a day to get back with you. I read your post yesterday, but did so quickly on a rushed lunch break. I have to say it made me feel good. I'm so glad that my experience was able to help you. I wish I would have discussed with the derm exactly where he would be taking my specimen from. It just didn't occur to me that he would take it from anywhere but where the loss/the problem was. It still upsets me.

I'm perplexed with the AA diagnosis. I get that it's not a typical case, but I didn't realize that AA could be associated with miniaturization? Receding hair line? Or maybe your case is a little different than mine? The cases I've seen with AA usually have patches of hair loss. My friend's son has AA and they use SQUARIC ACID on his bald spots and the hair comes back in very nicely. I have no doubt that the formaldehyde exposure can trigger autoimmune disease though and I certainly wish that was my diagnosis. I feel with that diagnosis there is HOPE. If your follicle is still alive, maybe the squaric acid will work for you too.
I feel my situation more resembles the scarring alopecia, autoimmune disease called frontal fibrosis. I've lost a lot of my frontal hair line and at the nape of my neck. I can still scratch in those areas and have several small hairs left on my finger after.
That or my reproductive system was destroyed and created a premature female pattern baldness.....I do wish we could exchange pics, email addresses, become Facebook friends, something to get to communicate more.

Apr 22, 2017
by: Gh


Have you seen an ear, nose, & throat specialists and you dentist lately? Dentist or oral surgeon. I know Sjogrens can cause extreme dry-mouth, tooth decay, and other problems. There are tons of info online on how to mags this

I'm not sure why you can't talk, but I hope you get your voice back soon. Regardless, you should have some wine call your doctor to discuss Your symptoms and/or schedule an appointment.

Apr 22, 2017
by: GH

I know it must be difficult. For you have been fighting this battle longer than many of us. I hope you don't give up. There are new medications on the horizon. Also you just started some new medication and I am hoping you have positive results.

As for autoimmune diseases, they can be primary or secondary and often overlap. For example alopecia areata is often a secondary condition related to a primary condition like lupus or Sjogrens.

Sjogrens may be primary, or it can be secondary to something like lupus. No matter if lupus or Sjogrens are primary or secondary, the symptoms often overlap, and it may be hard to narrow it down to one specific autoimmune disease.

Regardless of the name, when multiple body systems/organs are involved, it is considered systemic. Systemic disease is no longer means that the reactivity of your immune system is no isolated to the hair/scalp. That is why the bigger/broader/ underlying autoimmune disease should be addressed immediately.

Most of the literature suggests an earlier intervention will yield better results. Still there are several new medications be researched. I have to believe that there is cure in the future.

Apr 21, 2017
Oh no!!!!
by: Sam

Oh no!!!!! Everyone now I know I have the worst case here. I haven't been able to speak since Sunday has any one experience this im so terrified ill never speak again im like come on now my tummy hair gone which I had the perfect amount of now it looks like I shave it, and now this my voice , stupid Brazilian blow out you ruined me me!!!!!!!! Why ?????? Im so miserable and i have to Waite 7 years to see my future I don't think so!!!! Im done with this crap like done I can never post something good sorry ladies im just really upset at my self I hate myself right so much Brazilian blowout what a joke! !!!and g hair thanks so much I no your comment was meant for some one else but im a little confuse on the autoimmune disease , I mean I was told already I have several autoimmune disease all at once and that's why my body is shutting down real fast and there is no cure I mean not one that can help me they say the doctors, theres no help and this about uti I think about the bladder , well how can you tell if you have that i mean because I go good and have not yet experience this uti I think its weird how this chemical plays to much and I do not have time to play. And watch as soon as I hit post with my luck im going to get my first uti ,,, geez why I asked lol well thanks again for all u do hello Andrea, and deb I think I keep asking you hows your highlighted hair coming along I ask because I want to bleach my very little I have some long pieces still on the top only im trying to see what I can do with it for next month im having a small gathering just me and my stuff animals jk lol well hope to here from you deb take care and if not no problem I no were all busy with coping and living life well bye everyone oh im still waiting on some more results.

Apr 21, 2017
by: GH


I wanted to reach out you directly, because I know our symptoms were almost identical from day one. More so I wanted to thank you in helping me get answers.

Previously you posted that your biopsy specimen had been taken from an area of scalp that you believed was not a good site to take the biopsy. When my dermatologist took my specimen, I remembered what you had said.

My scalp looked healthy even though I was losing hair. My dermatologists looked for an area that was inflamed. Remembering what you wrote, I told my derm to take the specimen from two sites where I had been impacted the most with hair loss regardless of how healthy my scalp looked. The specimens were taken from my left temple and the nape of my neck. As I mentioned, the pathologist was able to conclude AA based on those specimens.

It just makes me wonder if the results would have been different if she had taken from an area where I was not losing hair. Would this have been a misleading test? I don't know, but I am certainly glad that others now see this is not regular female pattern balding.

As for you, I wouldn't expect you to be getting another biopsy, but I am glad to hear that you are continuing to pursue information, treatment, and options. Also, it is so remarkable to me that your story from day one is so similar to mine. From the initial reaction to all the other crazy symptoms that followed. This has gone far beyond our scalps/hair. I don't mean to push autoimmune disease, but I hope you are investigating these conditions as well.

Anyway, they say autoimmune disease is partly genetic, and that may be the case. Regardless of whether the potential for my immune system to go haywire was already there, BB was definitely the activator. BB was the igniter. All of the bad white blood cells may have been locked in a box, but BB unleashed them or turned them into crazy zombie cells. Now these zombie cells are destroying everything.

Apr 20, 2017
Juicy/good/sad Update
by: GH

Hey gang,

I have some news which may be good news depending on how you look at it.

Scalp biopsy came back. It was interpreted as Alopecia Areata, but the professionals stated that my balding/thinning pattern was not a textbook case. AA is not usually diffuse thinning, but I had previously read that AA can be deceiving and present itself as androgenetic thinning. I had made that same statement to my dermatologist who, at that time, seemed reluctant to do a biopsy. I am so glad I pushed for the biopsy. AA is an answer for me, but it is not the only answer. It is a piece of the puzzle. Of course, AA is an autoimmune disease, but it can also be a symptom of systemic autoimmune diseases like Lupus and Sjogren's.

I saw a urologist, and I know many people think of prostate cancer as a reason to see a urologist, but they actually diagnose and treat all kinds of urinary issues in men and women. Of course, I don't have a prostate, but I have had issues urinating. Anyway, after a very invasive and painful exam, he concluded that I probably Interstitial Cystitis (IC). IC is an autoimmune condition of the bladder, and like AA, it can appear alone or in conjunction with systemic autoimmune conditions.

With IC the moist/mucus layer of the bladder dries and/or disappears; and with that protective moisture layer missing, the walls of the bladder are exposed to all types of irritants that are found in the food and beverages that we consume everyday. The main point is if have dry scalp, dry skin, dry eyes, dry mouths, etc., you may also be experience a dry bladder. When I say dry bladder, I mean a bladder that no longer has it's protective moisture layer.

Your primary care doctor would probably assume IC is just a urinary tract infection. They will keep treating you for a UTI and educate you about hygiene and hydration. This is the exact reason why people go for years without really knowing the truth about their symptoms. It is the unfortunate truth.

The way I see it, if something started at my scalp and made its way to my bladder then it is definitely systemic, and everything in between may be affected.

I have also seen an ophthalmologist for my eyes. My eyes have been unusually dry. The doctor tried to tell me it was because of seasonal allergies, but I couldn't accept that. I have lived all over this country, and I have never had eye problems like this. I believe my eye problem is also autoimmune activity; also swollen glands, fatigue, mouth dryness, etc...

My original rheumatologist failed me. He only wanted to diagnose/treat based on blood tests. Well all of my blood tests have been normal. So he left me here to suffer with mysterious symptoms. He forced me to spend a whole lot of money and time cracking this case myself. He is a total asshole.

Still, I am getting answers, and I will soon be seeing a new rheumatologist. I am really hoping to get some systemic treatment, because it's not just about my hair. It's about my life.

Just so you all know. Your primary care doctor and dermatologist may be good people, but they may also be wrong. If you are having any other abnormal symptoms along with your hair loss, you should discuss it with a specialist for that particular body system. So far I have seen a pulmonologist, two allergists, rheumatologist, hematologist/oncologist, dentist, oral surgeon (salivary gland biopsy pending), gynecologist, four dermatologists, urologist, and I have appointments pending with other specialists.

It really pisses me off, because the healthcare system has failed us, and some of you have suffered through this way too long. Honestly, if I wasn't a nurse, I wouldn't know which specialist to run to. If I didn't have a PPO insurance plan, I probably wouldn't be able to see some of the specialists or it would take a lot longer. And even with all of my resources, it has still been a challenge. I would encourage everyone to fight for their health.

The other news is I saw my forth dermatologist, and she has also confirmed that my follicles are still there, and there is no scarring. With the right treatment, from the inside out, all of my hair may potentially grow back. For now, I'm minimizing my sun exposure, and following the low acid IC diet.

Wishing the best for us all!!!

Apr 20, 2017
Breakage and Thinning HELP
by: Lyndsay

Hi everyone, first of all I want to explain what type of hair I had before telling my story. I am a Caucasian female with a fine hair texture. I have always liked to wear my hair straight but I have been having a lot of issues with breaking and split ends because of the flat iron... READ MORE

Apr 19, 2017
Hello every one
by: Parsley girl

You can buy it on Amazon, eBay, pharmacies and beauty supply the sell the shampoo and conditioner but I never got them I just use the liquid little bottles if you got long hair and bald spots is going to be hard to se the progress wen I cut my hair off I saw all my bald spots sow like with white plain skin no hair growth nothing it was scary and I have black thick hair after like a month of using Folicure I started to see little black dots on my bald spots then I knew that stuff was working but I did wash my head every day and apply it every day after washing it make sure you put it on the scalp not the hair or you are not going to see results and since the bottles ere sow small well I feel like a commercial from tv talking about that but it work for me and maybe it can work for some of you because I read here a lot of you going to the doctors and moust of your blood work comes out normal and since is not a lot of info about the bb some of the doctors don't blame it on the BB well I'm not a doctor but I know my hair and I know this happend after the BB good luck every one take care

Apr 18, 2017
Parsley Girl
by: Anonymous

Hello Parsley girl I was wondering where did you purchase the follicure treatment?

Apr 18, 2017
by: If I could turn back time

I truly feel that all of our pain boils down to one thing- Formaldehyde. I feel that those of us that are having hair loss were the unfortunate victims of stylists that were uneducated in the use of these chemicals. They used too much chemical, too much heat, and/or left it on our scalps for too long. The chemical burned our scalps and probably affected us internally as well. I think it would be wise for all of us to look into the possible side defects of formaldehyde exposure so that we know what to look for- mouth, nose, throat cancer, hormonal changes, etc. I worry that the affects may be far worse than just hair loss. And that it self has changed our quality of life drastically. I'm still trying to put pieces together for a possible lawsuit. It just seems challenging when we all had different products applied. Do we sue the FDA, BB, GK,etc? It's difficult to sue the individual stylist because there is little money in it for the lawyer, but that is more than likely who we should be blaming. The idiot with the scissors in her/his hands.

Apr 18, 2017
HI Deb
by: Parsley girl

Thank you for your wishes, no my scalp don't itch but I do have dandruff I control it with organic apple cider vinegar lemon juice baking soda I try to use natural stuff, no I don't have thinning on to or any part of my head at the moment but if any changes happend I will let you guys know I always talk about Folicure because it work for me is not expensive it don't smell you put it on your scalp and live it there is a liquid it tingles a little wen on scalp but it goes away really fast it doesn't burn it only cost like 20 dollars for 12 or 16 little bottles I don't remember exactly how many they were but give it a try it work for me I use it for about 8 months or sow well I hope every one can get their hai back and scalp back to normal just hang in there this has to get better as time goes by take care every one...

Apr 17, 2017
Some things that help...
by: Deb

I still have hair loss but definatley not as much as when I first got my keratin -- Aug 2015 -- it will be 2 years this coming August . I would lose so much hair 3 months after the keratin until about a year and a half later. Now my hair is thin on top and use powder to cover spots on top. I have some short hairs that have grown in that are thin and stick out but I'm not sure if it's new hair or breakage. I must say that I have always blow dried my hair but in the beginning I would every 5 days. Now it's every other day and straighten it bc it's frizzy and that gives it some shine. I also must say that some weeks are better than others. Sometimes I can actually run my fingers through my hair and nothing comes out which is a HUGE success. I think the key that helped me the most - was washing it more often , not being afraid to brush it when I got out of shower - and most of all-- DONT SCRATCH! That was the worst part and still is - but the least u scratch the better and less irritated it will be. Some advice is when u feel that awful itch come just give your head a little tap in the area and maybe a light rub but do not full on scratch it or your scalp will want more and more scratching . It is so hard but it will work. The blow drying may be helping her Sandra because as the stylist is brushing and blowing her hair her follicles are being stimulated . Parsley girl - congratulations on being pregnant - I remember when you spoke about getting married - that is wonderful news!! Just wondering - does your hair feel itchy ? I remember how brave you were to shave your head - do you have thinning on the top still? Wishing you all the BEST- I'm addicted to coming on here and checking - but every little bit of info that we can give that can help is wonderful -- also let us know how the follicure works ! I'm dying to know

Apr 15, 2017
Hi all
by: Parsley girl

Andrea I know how you feel and many of us started loosing hair just like you at a very fast pace and clumps of hair try to do the things you love the moust and don't think about your hair too much talking to God praying help me a lot and doing my natural remedies and Folicure help me a lot but it took 3 years for me I wore my hat everyday my wig wen need it we have to improvise in life. Sandra I'm very happy for you and your douther. Please every one here don't get depresse or sad this will pas be strong your hair is going to come back keep trying on remedies to se what works better for you take care all.....

Apr 15, 2017
Thought I had made progress
by: Anonymous

Hello everyone,

Sandra, that is great news to hear about your daughter. This is only my second time posting on here. I had my BB in Jan 2016 and immediately noticed hair loss. Which at times seems to stop then picks up again. I received A cell PRP back in late July. I believed it helped to a certain degree. My hair grew thicker but only on hair follicles that were still thriving. Now the hair loss has once again picked up. I don't know if getting A cell PRP will help with the hair loss at this point. I'm scared and I don't know what to do. Thanks everyone for all your feedback and letting everyone on here know what has worked. I'm on over the counter anti inflammatories. Can anyone tell me what helped with their itchy scalp. Also, I just ordered Folicure Shampoo. I'll post my feedback on a few weeks. Peace to all.

Apr 15, 2017
by: Sandra

Firstly, a big thank you to all you lovely people that keep coming back here to write their research,suggestions,comments,updates. You make me laugh and you make me cry! As you all know,I'm sure by now, this did not happen to me. But please do not underestimate the pain that I'm in over this. If you're not parents yourselves , you all have parents and you will have an understanding of the mother/child attachment and how horrendous it is to watch someone that you love,suffer. My daughter has not shown any outward signs of pain over this, which makes it worse as I'm guessing she has suffered alone. I thought I'd update you as the news is good, not perfect as I'd like it to be, but better than it was and if I can give you all some hope then I'm happy as can be! You've all given me so much in terms of support.

So.. my first bit of advice to you all, ( especially those that have recently lost hair after a Brazilian hair straightening ) is to keep taking photos to document your hair loss as it is so hard to remember how your hair once was.. This was hard for me as my daughter's pain translated to anger towards me and she would not let me near her with a camera. I had to sneakily take photos, not for any other reason but that I wanted to see how things were progressing and as she wouldn't let me look at her hair I had to attempt to document it somehow. I recently found an old mobile phone with photos that I had taken almost three years ago. I was shocked at how bald she was, it is no wonder that the dermatologist diagnosed female hair baldness. The hair has grown back so much more than I had realised and finally (after almost three long years!) new hair is visibly sprouting from the top of her head. Now I'm not getting to excited as it could be more of the thin fluffy hair that has grown from there in the past but there is definitely progress in the right direction. The dermatologist did say that her follicles were miniaturised (which makes hair fine and fluffy)and I'm not sure if follicles can un-miniaturise themselves- anybody know??

My second bit of advice is to get blow dries .. a skilled hairdresser can make hair look so much thicker and can also look closely at the scalp and see if there is any regrowth before you notice it. I keep treating her to blow dries and she keeps telling me that it's ok and she doesn't need me to treat her. I tell her it's not for her - it's for me !! And I feel so much better when the hairdresser tells me that she sees more regrowth. I can also see that my daughter feels so much happier when her hair looks more silky smooth and and thicker than it usually does, even if it is just for a short while.

So things seem to be moving in the right direction. There is more regrowth than I have seen since this happened and I am praying that it continues. I thought I'd just mention that soon after the hair straightening, she developed Raynauds syndrome and had hay fever for the first time. At the time , as neither are serious conditions , I didn't give it a second thought that they could be related to the large dose or formaldehyde that she received when having her hair straightened but now I am beginning to think ... her hair remained straight for two years before the curl returned , which tells you how much chemical this product had ...

All the best to everyone for a lovely weekend and recovery from this real soon ... xxxxxx

Apr 11, 2017
Parsley girl
by: Andrea

I apologize parsley girl my mind is not all there i didn't mean to confuse your name. I don't doubt that a child means a lot of responsibility but I have been so depressed due to this whole mess that sometimes I feel like I need someone to care for other than myself. My hairloss has really turned my life upside down and I do not know how to cope with everything. I am back to taking antidepressants and I would seriously do anything to bring my hair back I try not to stress but how can if my hair just pours like water. I am glad to hear that you are recovering from this. I look forward for this nightmare to end one day. I guess only time will tell. My best wishes for you and your family!

Apr 10, 2017
To Andrea
by: Parsley girl here

Hi Andrea I'm not Deb but I will tell you that I used to have 9 bald spots on my head and they were not small I cut my hair off several times military style and wash my hair every day for like 2 years I got married with a wig a year later I'm pregnant with my 3rd child I'm not experiencing shedding due to the hormone the body produces wen pregnant like I said on my post I don't know if I'm going to start shedding as soon as I give birth but I will let you guys know but rite know I like the way my hair feels and looks and please don't get pregnant unless you really want a baby is a life time commitment and unless you ready don't do it just for hair ,be patience take care and don't think to much don't stress take care bye...

Apr 09, 2017
Sam & Deb
by: Andrea

Sam I am seriously trying to get myself together but it is so hard I am dying inside 😢😢😢why us huh!! I don't get it I ask GOD everyday and he doesn't seem to hear me all I want is to be the girl I was before I got the BB. why did someone had to brainwash me into getting this stupid poison she said it was going to add protein to my hair bulshit. I feel like a total moron I hate myself for trusting people when all they wanted was to make profit. I really hope that everything goes well for you Sam you deserve it although I don't know you personally you have a big heart and I really want for this misery to end soon for all of us . I don't know who to express my feelings I just want to scream and yell and let the whole world hear my pain.This sucks.

Deb I have a few questions is this your first child? Are you still experiencing hairloss? And also do you see more hair growth? I don't have children but I sure am considering having one. As selfish and bad as it sounds I need some peace in my life but most of all I need to stop seeing my hair fall.I am so tired of seeing my hair go down the drain there's no stop to it and it just saddens me so much.

Apr 08, 2017
Hi every one
by: Parsley girl here.

I'm posting here I think since by the end of 2014 wen my hair started falling out, I have to say that my hair is doing good is thick and no bald spots what help me a lot was Folicure and I notice that also my hair got thicker since I got pregnant I don't know what's going to happend wen I give birth but for now my hair looks good a lot strong and now is shoulder length well just wanted to let you guys know that not everything is lost with time and getting rid of the contaminated hair cleaning your blood and liver with tea like horse tail, parsley, dandelion can help it takes time natural remedies don't work like magick but they work is been 3 yeas for me I think maybe wen I give birth my hair I going to get weak because my body won't be producing so much of that hormone I will keep updating I wish every one the best and please don't give up don't get desperate God bless take care...

Apr 08, 2017
To andrea
by: Sam

Hey Andrea its me sam, hey yes and yes that's how mine started but try to relax and don't stress there was a point that I was so mad and yelling non stop and breaking things in my home and I think I made it worst and I no its hard but please try to be calm, does your scalp itch you and are you taking any thing, and as soon as my doctor tells me the results ill post some more details about the current state of my health, tomorrow I start a new diet and supplements that he wants me I should have already started it but like it was near the weekend and all im like oh noooo Saturdays are my fun !!!!!! Netfix and a whole bag of Reese's Pieces butter cups night so today is my last day of eating crappy food lol but I no a lot of people posted that eating healthy did nothing for there hair but im being optimistic I need to right more of anything my doctor said this herb diet should at least help my scalp heal if anything and help reduce the itching and that's my goal right now well hang in there friend god bless Sam 😀 and hi to everyone 😉

Apr 08, 2017
Has anyone seen any regrowth
by: Andrea

Has anyone seen any regrowth on their sides by their ears??? Mine is getting so thin and I am freaking out I can't believe how noticeable it is now I have been using rogaine I wonder if is making it worst.

Apr 06, 2017
Sam you are not alone!
by: Andrea

Ooooh no what do you mean your body is shutting down? Don't forget you are not alone though! In the other hand I am happy you found a doctor who cares nowadays these doctors just overpass our symptoms. Unless people walk in our shoes they don't understand or seem to care, for them it is so hard to believe that a treatment that was done so long ago can still be damaging or body and our peace of mind. I have hope things will get better for us soon I just hope is sooner than later because there is so much I can take. I'll keep praying for us. Keep us updated with the results of your tests. Big hug to you.

Apr 06, 2017
More sharing
by: Sam

Hey everyone Sam again back so soon lol first of all I wanted to correct something I posted last, Jack Frost lol I promise I don't look like a snow man lol Jack Skeleton is what I meant lol I love that movie by the way. Ok down to business Andrea glad to here from you but sad because your sad too but remember your not alone in the mental Institution you here that boy yelling my hair my hair !!!!!! Oh Mylanta my hair some one help me!!!!!! Well that's me and they keep me lock up in Texas !!!!! So im here if you need a friend 😉 we all are and about that book count me in, and ill make it a number one seller!!!!! America, were coming!!!!!! So im soooo in 😀 now my 2nd part of business I don't no if I should share this but this is me the person I I want yall to no is a strong guy but ladies I just cant handle it , I was told today that basicly my body is shutting down now get this I've been in the doctors office from 9 to 7 in the evening he got most results in but still waiting on 3 the most important ones but he even stated shame on all the other doctors who missed out on trying to help me but I feel positive now that he really wants to help me and its a new start new doctor and new rules. Well ill leave it as until I get the other 3 results in and ill give a update soon now I wanted to mention im on day 5 of know washing my hair OMG!!!!!!!! Some one post me some rope !!!!!!! The itch oh lord help me this itch is so intense never in my life and i have had poison ivy before one time I tried to escape from my room and a fell attempt to jump from my room balcony to the garage roof pleases lol feel right in to the poison ivy lol but survied that and I remember saying nothing can be worst than this words I ate from my mouth 17 years later ( BRAZILIAN BLOW OUT) nothing even compares to this 1 year night mare, you here me inventors, creators, owners, ceo, managers, hair stylist that don't no what there doing im Sam here me!!!!!!! I hate your Brazilian blow outs !!!!!!!!! I hate them !!!!!!! Andrea did you hear me scream!!! lol well that's all I have ladies and I yell on your behalf yell with me i hate Brazilian blowouts,!!!!! scream ladies if you hair loss is from any chemical treatment scream let it out scream!!!!!! If your scalp itches 24/7 let it out scream!!!!!! Don't be afraid to yell well I better go. Take care all Sam 😴

Apr 05, 2017
Ghair and Sam
by: Andrea

G hair the shot that I was given was toradol but what I don't understand is why my body feels heavy weak and shaky still after 1 week I keep thinking maybe they gave me something other than what they're telling me. I just know the syringe was thick full of yellow liquid. I only weight 108 pounds so maybe whatever they gave me was way to much for my body to handle and that's why I'm still feeling like this?? What do you think my chest feels heavy too and I feel like I have some type of anxiety. I know I don't even make sense but is hard to explain. I am seriously not myself. I was barely getting out of my depression and now these symptoms just have me going crazy again. I think for sure I'll end up in a mental institution. I am so tired of going to clinics and hospitals. I might as well live there since I'm always there. Sam I haven't went to the gym anymore so much for those 3 weeks of feeling good I'm back to feeling like crap.I really don't have the energy anymore I also started concentrating on my hair again on how ugly and thin it looks not to mention my hairline how it moved back so much.My whole nightmare started the day I got the Brazilian blowout I blame everything I go through to that. I used to be so healthy before and now I am so paranoid and obsessed in finding out if there's something wrong with me. I literally hate my life! Why us!!!! By the way your stories make me laugh every time. I love your sense of humor!! And omg tell me why I was thinking of going to Mexico too! Let me know how that goes for you. I say we all write a book and put our stories together to show the world how much misery a chemical reaction can bring to someone's life.

Apr 04, 2017
G hair and friends
by: Sam

Thanks g hair for looking into the medicine I listed in my previous post, im still not convinced its sedum buildup I have on my scalp well maybe it plays a part I say this because no where can I find related sedum of hair loss all over the body example arm hair leg hair and eyebrows and i no this may come out weird and well just weird but I now seem to be losing my nose hair which we all need some nose hair its there for a reason now no formaldehyde touch any where expect my scalp so im very sure this Brazilian blowout caused the problem excessive sebdum ummm?? That's my concern I here people on here well of course not actually here them but read that there treating for sebdum buildup but are those people losing body hair as well and if so how are they treating it im just so confused and right now I just want my scalp to stop itching I understand that its going to fall out the hair im making peace with it but why the constant itch its driving me crazy to the point that as of Sunday im no longer washing my hair at all and just praying that the itch will stop on its own im just tired of seeing the little bite of hair I have left disappear so yup no more washing for me my goal is to make it till may 25 its my birthday and I want a little bite of hair for that day my hair would have been past my neck by now I better not start being sad so we won't talk about that loll ok well this mystery hair loss sure has got the best of all of us knowing what I no now I should of took my chances traveling the Bermuda Triangle Expedition at sea that i passed up instead I settled on going bald Lucy me !!!!!!! my luck the ship im on dispears at sea so either way I would have been screwed lol !!!!!! Sorry to use that word but no other way to speak the truth well thanks again g hair and yes say no to white grout another mistake I have to live with. Im hoping to post something good after my doctors appointment tomorrow right now im not feeling well my body temperature keeps changing and a bad headaches well ill post soon hope everyone's ok, for deb hows your hair doing with the color and highlights , Andrea hang in there I read your post that's just what im saying our luck right well don't stop the gym ok wish I lived near you I could use a gym and gain some much needed muscles I've lost so much weight that my body looks like jack frost bones I tell you lol there I go again always comparing my looks oh well its for hhumorim just trying to make the best of a bad situation, well take care everyone. Sam

Apr 04, 2017
by: G-Hair

So I have heard of Stelara (ustekinumba). I know it is an immunosuppressant, and I have seen commercials for it, but I have not done a lot or research on it. What I can tell you is a lot of the medications that have been used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and some of the more common autoimmune disorders are now being tested to treat various types of alopecia and Sjogrens.

Scientists are just discovering how these medication can be useful in several autoimmune disorders. For example, Tofacitinib and ruxolitinib are FDA approved for treating rheumatoid arthritis, but it also causes hair regrowth in people with various types of alopecia.

While Stelara seems to be specific for plaque psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, that doesn't mean that it won't help some of your other symptoms if they are also related to autoimmunity.

As for the Diflucan, it definitely works in treating yeast. I have mostly seen it used in treating vaginal yeast infections, but understandably yeast can grow in other areas.

With us ladies, yeast grow out of control when our number of natural bacteria decreases. Lets say the ration of yeast to bacteria is normally 50:50, if 25 of the bacteria go away, the yeast will try to raise its numbers to 75 resulting in a yeast infection.

Another example, if I take Cipro, an antibiotic for a urinary tract infection, there is a chance that some of my normal vaginal bacteria will be killed by the antibiotic. At this point the opportunistic yeast will start to increase in numbers resulting in a yeast infection. Because of this, some doctors will prescribe Diflucan with an antibiotic just in case the yeast start to overgrow.

So of course we have natural/good bacteria in and on our bodies. We have a ton in our gut. If the normal balance of power gets screwed up, it sets us up for problems. So if you know yeast is trying to take advantage of a situation, I would definitely want to intervene and Diflucan is one way of doing it. Additionally, there are a lot of pro-biotic treatments/remedies to increase your healthy bacteria.

By the way, I like your posts. I am so grateful that you are willing to share so much. It helps me in trying to figure this out.

Funny though, the greatest thing that I learned from you is not to get white grout. I'm in the middle of remodeling a kitchen, and I am so afraid of choosing things that I think will look cool and not realizing how much work it will create for me in the future. I don't need any extra work. It's bad enough I will be picking a lot of fruit out my yard. I have one lemon on my lemon tree right now, and it's still green, but I know I'll be making lemonade one day.

Apr 03, 2017
To g hair
by: Sam

Hey g hair Sam here I wanted to tell you I think you are on to something I no sometimes what I posted dosent seem to help any one but im secretly been doing my research in hope to come back and post a cure I guess its no secert no more , but I wanted to tell you i so much appreciate you and what your doing I no its getting costly but just to think that your giving people hope, I look forward to seeing your post I no I act real some what childish with things like im now bettle juice and now my latest saying is im Benjamin buttons lol I've been young and now speeding my way right to the nursing home of course the opposite of Benjamin buttons he was old and turn young, all thanks to this Brazilian blow out that came straight from hell to ruin peoples life's!!!!! I hope the owner or the inventor would read this so I can tell him how much there hair treatment is crap!!!!!! A joke a point less night mare and i hope Freddy cougar haunts them in there dreams and Edwards scissor hands chops off there hair and see how they like it ok im done being mad, Sam breath deep breaths, ok 123, 123, ok im calm ok now to my point lol I always do this don't sorry ladies I can sure talk and talk in this case post and post lol it wouldn't be a Sam original with out a story lol ok g hair back to topic for real ok I have been doing my research and i came across sjogrens syndrome, Lyme disease and uric acid crystals because of that white sandy ground stuff I get under my finger nail and the constant itch im sure its due to extra sebum but what I don't understand is why all the other hair loss scalp well naturally its that but eyebrows and body hair and well I think u said something about dry mounth me for sure I can't even swallow and I don't sleep much in fear ill choke to death😢 so we all have the same symptoms it seems and were in different states I still would like to no why just some are effect and others get them theses Brazilian blowout like there ain't no tomorrow I talked to one lady she's been getting blowouts for 8 years and im like 8 years wow!!!! No wonder your hair looks the way it does like crap these Brazilian blow outs don't do crap but makes your natural beautiful hair like a scary scare crow a hay of mess oh I had stated oh look a hair just fell on the screen that's nice oh I had said my crown had grew back lie!!!!!! It fell out like 2 days ago I don't get it , well g hair I wished I lived near you so I can go to your doctors here in Houston what a joke they look at me why doesn't he just die already really the look on there face when I tell them formaldehyde is killing me I can't get no help but very soon my next step is Mexico a friend told me that she was very sick and no one would help her and she went to Mexico and came home one year later alive and doing well she will give me the i formation later . now I no your good at reaserh can you look this medicine up only if you want to no biggie if u can't its called ustekinumba 45 mg or 90 mg injections and what do you think of diflucan for treating yeast bacteria I think it might be good in case our good skin bacteria is being wiped out by the bad invaders that the Brazilian blowout with high levels of formaldehyde have enter our bodies well keep up the good work and really you kind of are my inspiration to do research and coming this Wednesday I see a new doctor and i hope I can share some good news with you and everyone hi to all and take care. Sam

Apr 03, 2017
UTI- Just a thought
by: G-Hair

If anyone is having recurrent UTIs, maybe you should investigate this further.

Sjogrens Syndrome (SS) can cause symptoms that mimic a urinary tract infection. Some women who have Sjogren's syndrome might develop symptoms of a condition called painful bladder syndrome, also known as interstitial cystitis (IC). This condition causes symptoms similar to those of a urinary tract infection — urinary frequency, urgency and pain — without evidence of infection.

So when you complain of these symptoms, the doctor is going to think UTI! Unfortunately, there is a good chance that a small amount of white blood cells or bacteria may be detected in the urine when tests are completed for a UTI. This finding in the urine, no matter how small, may convince the doctor that UTI is the right diagnosis. Your doctor is not going to look for IC, and they will happily write prescriptions for antibiotic.

Apr 03, 2017
by: G-Hair

OMG! OMG! Andrea, I am so sorry to hear that you had such a horrible experience. That shouldn't have happened. Ideally, the person giving the injection should have verified the right patient, medication, dose, time, and route. Also, I have not received Kenalog injections, but it is my understanding that the doctor usually administers this, not a nurse, and definitely not a technician. I am aware of Kenolog injections being given to scalp lesions, but I am not familiar with it being given in the buttocks. It sounds like the doctor's office has some serious safety issues, and it is very unfortunate that their failures have caused you harm. Again, I am very sorry. I hope that you are feeling better soon. Do you know the name of the medication they injected?

Yes, I am anxiously awaiting my results. Going to the doctor has become my new part-time job, except I lose money every time. I'm averaging $160 per week on co-pays.

Today I saw the pulmonologist, dentist, and optometrist. Tomorrow I will see the urologist for my urinary symptoms.

The good news is the young dentist (DDS) also pointed out that my symptoms sounded like Sjogrens syndrome (SS). She says an early diagnosis/treatment can greatly improve the long-term prognosis. She says doctors overlook SS all the time, and someone may suffer for a decade without a diagnosis. She said her husband and all of their doctor friends were recently discussing how dentists are so much better at identifying this condition.

It's kind of funny that my husband asks me why do I want to know that I have a disease so bad. Well I don't want a disease, but I obviously have something abnormal going on. I want answers and treatment for my symptoms. I guess the alternative to having a true medical condition would be that I am just plain crazy. I can not accept the latter because I know my symptoms are real. I know all of our symptoms are very real.

So next week I will meet with the dentist and oral surgeon for the biopsy. I figure it can't be any worse than getting a shot for any other dental procedure. To me, it's a small sacrifice. The waiting for results is the hard part.

Andrea, I know it may be hard, but I hope you are still able to get out and go to the gym. You were an inspiration to me when you shared your new motivation and ways of dealing with this. I have been trying hard to get more done around they house even though most days I feel like a ton of bricks. I'm planting a kumquat tree, lemon tree, and peach tree this week. It's my healthy alternative to being depressed. Or maybe I'll end up eating a lot of fresh peach cobbler.

Apr 03, 2017
Bad luck
by: Andrea

Hello just wanted to stop by and say hi! G-hair I am anxious to know the results from your biopsy. Ill keep praying hoping we can finally get some answers. I really need some peace In my life this has ruined my life I am back to square one feeling like total shit. I try to be positive but is so hard. Last Monday I went to my doctors office and he recommends the kenolog injection well long story short I ended up having a bad reaction let me tell you BAD! I am still experiencing weakness in my arms and legs. Well I go back 2 days later just so the doctor can pull up my chart and realize I was given the wrong injection!!!!!! Yes I was injected with pain medication aparently the medical assistant not a nurse not the doctor the medical assistant got confuse I am in the process of filing for a lawsuit. This is causing me more pain on top of everything else. When all I wanted was to get my hair back. I don't know if it's just really bad luck but I'm just pretty much done with this life idk how to keep going my hair doesn't stop falling my skin is so dry I forget so much now my memory is not good. My muscles ache due to the injection and I'm so depressed. My body feels heavy and jittery. I went to the ER and they found nothing wrong so now I'll probably be crippled just for trusting these incompetent so call doctors by the way the shot was given to me in my buttocks area.

Apr 03, 2017
by: G-Hair

I may have gotten the Williams sisters mixed up, but regardless. It is still worth looking into this condition.

I realize that hair loss is not listed as a primary symptoms of Sjogrens, but the fact is that hair loss can occur with pretty much any type of autoimmune disorder.

Please check out the link below. It is worth reading. More importantly, if you haven't been to the dentist in a while, you should go. A dry mouth can actually contribute to tooth decay and tooth loss. A good dentist should be concerned about why your mouth is so dry, and you should push them to check for autoimmune activity.

Sadly, a of people may go to various specialist for their hair, but they may not get a dental exam every six months. Who knew that a dentist may be the one to solve the mystery.

If you have dry mouth like me, go to the dentist. Explain your dry mouth symptoms. I don't know if it is worth bringing up the formaldehyde exposure. I feel like that can just throw people off track. They get off track when they try to argue that formaldehyde is not that terrible. When they don't know about formaldehyde, they spend more time trying to discredit my beliefs about what formaldehyde did to me. So I don't think it's worth mentioning.

"The following ten points help to explain why "Sjögren’s neglect" persists in medicine. By understanding what is behind the problem, you can better advocate for yourself as a patient.

Sjögren’s is a complicated disease. It takes a high index of suspicion to recognize that scattered and mostly invisible symptoms may all be related. Most Sjögren’s patients experience the triad of pain, fatigue and dryness. While only the dryness can be measured, doctors must take patient reports of pain and fatigue seriously in order to see the bigger picture.
Sicca (dryness) symptoms are often overlooked in the primary care setting. Sicca is often the best clue to diagnosis. Yet many patients do not mention dryness to their providers, thinking it unimportant or unrelated to their other symptoms. Physicians and patients alike may not recognize that burning, gritty eyes or difficulty swallowing food without liquids are dryness symptoms.
Sjögren’s patients usually look well, even when they are quite ill. There are no blood tests that correlate with the severity of the disease. This makes it easy for providers to write off patients as complaining or malingering.
Misdiagnosis is common. Symptoms often overlap with more familiar conditions such as depression, fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism and irritable bowel syndrome. Menopause often unmasks Sjögren’s symptoms that have been brewing for years. While these conditions may co-occur with Sjögren’s, PCPs often fail to consider the possibility of Sjögren’s as the major culprit.
Delayed diagnosis. The typical Sjögren’s patient has a delay of nearly three years until diagnosis. True delays are even longer: many patients describe decades of symptoms before things got bad enough to seek diagnosis. Clearly this needs to change. PCPs need to be taught how to recognize Sjögren’s and take the first steps to diagnosis.
Diagnosis can be difficult. Better tests are needed. There is no one test or group of tests that diagnoses Sjögren’s early and accurately. Many patients who do not have Sjögren’s antibodies ("seronegative") are told they do not have Sjögren’s. Yet 30% of Sjögren’s patients are in this seronegative group. These patients typically experience even greater delays in diagnosis, because the confirming minor salivary gland biopsy is not always done, and it may take years to turn positive. Normal blood tests do not rule out Sjögren’s!
Patients with serious organ system complications are often misclassified as other autoimmune diseases. This happens largely due to the ongoing misperception of Sjögren’s as a mild disease. These patients may never get properly diagnosed, perpetuating the "Sjögren’s is mild" mythology.
Research neglect. Clinical studies of Sjögren’s lag far behind other connective tissue diseases. While this is changing, this lack of research keeps Sjögren’s under the radar of awareness as an important health issue.
Until 2016, no standard of care existed for Sjögren’s management. Doctors tend to be highly motivated to practice medicine within the standard of practice in their community. The recently published clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) will be a good first step in providing consistent treatment standards for rheumatologists, ophthalmologists and dentists.
Rheumatologists are not always up to date on Sjögren’s management. There are still some rheumatologists- the very specialists who treat Sjögren’s- who do not consider Sjögren’s to be serious enough to warrant treatment. There are too many present day stories of patients with debilitating fatigue and pain who are refused treatment because the rheumatologist told them that "their Sjögren’s was not bad enough." Hopefully the CPGs will provide incentive for these rheumatologists to treat Sjögren’s patients sooner. Most Sjögren’s experts with extensive clinical experience believe that treatment slows progression and prevents serious complications."

Apr 03, 2017
by: G-Hair

Hi Debi,

I had the BB in 08/2016. I have not lost has much hair as some, but I am desperate for answers/resolution/treatment.

I know the product has caused some type of autoimmune activity, but it has not been pinpointed. My hair biopsy is still pending, and my dermatologist is not sure if it will tell us much.

I continue to do research, because the doctors don't seem to care and/or know. Tomorrow, I am going to the dentist to ask for a salivary gland biopsy to check for Sjogren's Syndrome, which has also been linked to formaldehyde exposure.

In Sjogren's syndrome, the immune system attacks the cells that provide moisture. So you have less tears and irritated eyes; less saliva and dry mouth; it can even affect vaginal moisture and other organs. Dryness of other parts of the body is not uncommon with this condition.

All of my other autoimmune tests have been negative. Sjogren's may have symptoms like lupus, but it may not always show up on the typical blood tests for lupus such as ANA or RF. I should also mention that your eye doctor can do a timed tear test, and a blood test to check for Sjogrens, but I don't think blood tests are that helpful in some of these situation.

I've read that Venus and Serena Williams have been diagnosed with this condition. Actually if you google "Serena Williams" and "hair loss" you will find that the paparazzi snapped a picture where her hair was displaced, and you can see a distinct bald spot in the top of her head.

I wonder if the Williams Sisters each used hair products that triggered their conditions. I didn't feel like digging deeper. However, if you search the internet for Brazilian blowout and/or keratin treatment and Sjogrens, you will find forums like this where people are talking about BBs, hair loss, and being diagnosed with Sjogrens.

I read that it can take 5-6 years before someone with Sjogrens is diagnosed. Is that because many of them are going to Medical Doctors (MDs), when they should be seeing the dentist or ophthalmalogist? None of my doctors have recommended that I get my saliva tested even though I have complained about all of the symptoms of Sjogrens.

Anyway, it appears that the Williams have had it for some time, but I bet they didn't have to wait 2, 4, or 6 years. They have gotten medical treatment and made lifestyle changes to make a full recovery or at least cope and come back to win again.

Some of you may recall a tiny scandal where it was revealed that one of them was on prescription steroids. Of course, some thought this may have given them an advantage, but it is my understanding that professional athletes can take steroids such as prednisone if it required for a medical condition.

So I'll keep pushing to feel better and preserve the the hair that I have left. I'll let you know if I find out anything new.

Apr 02, 2017
by: Debi

Yes i have a dry mouth and also sometimes it's hard to swallow. I also feel like my face is sooo dry. It doesn't seem to be producing oil and I used to have kind of oily skin. My brain feels foggy from time to time but it could be that i have a lot on my mind . G hair when did you get your done ?

Apr 02, 2017
Dry mouth
by: G-hair

Has anyone experienced excessive dry mouth since their BB? This is something that I have recently noticed. Just curious to know if it might be one of later side effects is a bad BB.

Mar 29, 2017
Hanging in there
by: G-hair

I might have some answers soon. Fingers crossed. I had two scalp biopsies two weeks ago. The results are in, but I missed the doctor's call. Anyway she left a message stating that she decided to send my specimen to UCSF for more thorough analysis.

I thought that was good news considering that my dermatologist has the capacity to analyze it her own office. I admire someone who can say "I am not sure. Let me ask someone else." I've had to beg other docs for tests and referrals. I was happy to hear that Dr. Fu initiated this process.
So my results may take longer. Hopefully it will be with the wait.

I will also be following up ENT tomorrow. The ear/nose/throat specialist ordered an MRI which I completed today. I think he was prompted to order the test because I told him that the fullness in my head/neck decreased with the Prednisone. I hope he has answers for me tomorrow.

Like many of you, I have had visual changes which have continued to worsen. I recently noticed the whites of my seem to look a little jelled. So I will be seeing the ophthalmologist this Thursday.

So many crazy symptoms, I should be pulling my hair out, but I don't have any hair to spare for that purpose. I feel like the formaldehyde has conspired with my immune system to commit crimes against my body, and they are setting up my mental health to take the blame.

I read an article that stated that the average person with autoimmune disease may go untreated for years. On average they see 6-10 specialists before being diagnosed. Autoimmune disease or not, I just need a resolution.

Mar 28, 2017
Hey guys !
by: Deb

Ok so I ended up going darker bc my hair was very blonde and had not professionally dyed it since the day before my keratin treatment. ( which could have also contributed to my mess ) I also had her put in highlights - just a few - my hair was past my bra strap in the back - I had been trimming my hair myself the past year and half bc it was so easy to grab that stringy mess and trim it . But as it got thinner and thinner I had to trim more and more - but still it was up to my bra strap b4 I just went to salon. I was paranoid - I kept asking her crazy questions - like does my hair look weird? Have you heard of this before ? Begging her to be gentle .. my heart was beating through my chest - she told me to relax and she dyed it and washed it and blow dried it - she washed my hair a few times and brushed it like Normal - which I have never done since I started my hair loss. I saw a lot of hair coming out more than normal but as she blowdried it - it kind of looked fuller - she cut about 2 1/2 inches - she insisted but I couldn't let her cut more than that. So it looked good and I even liked the darker color when I left . I kept grabbing my hair and running fingers through that night and nothing came out - I didn't even feel itchy or pain - I was so happy -- until -- I looked in the mirror at night with an over the head light shining on my part -- the contrast. One of the darker hair and my white scalp was scary. But the rest of my hair looked full- it's just the top really . Once I saw it - I felt the itch- I was so tempted to scratch and tried to resist but did - ugh / if I don't scratch it eventually stops - I have to try not to give in. So I took a claw clip to my bangs and kinda pulled it. A k softly and let the rest lay down . It does feel a bit healthier - not as dry - I used a dot of biosilk when my hair was wet. It helps with the shine . I don't let anything touch my scalp tho. So bascially I have the hair loss on my scalp part is wide and also have the receding hairline . I went to a tanning salon to try to get some color bc with the darker hair it Made me look pale. I also got tips put on my nails to help me feel good. If I could just keep what I have right now I'd be so happy . I just wish I could grow more on scalp and a bit of my hairline back. I can conceal the hair loss in the bAck of my head by playing around with it. I'm having a hard time losing weight tho - id like to lose 10 lbs if I could . When I got a pedicure my toe nails were so thin and actually hurt - I think this has to do with the keratin . I'm gonna take extra vitamins and hopefully We can figure out by trial and error what helps . Being able to just talk to you guys helps so much. Sometimes I feel just crazy!!!

Mar 28, 2017
Hey eveyone
by: Sam

Hi to everyone, Andrea what I read you said you were Mia and to be honest I said to my self oh no!!! She did it she went to a mental institution Asylum lol then I had to google it and laugh my self to death missing in action lol I think I like the mental thing better lol!!!! Im glad to here your doing ok and i use to go to the gym and eat healthy before this Brazilian took my life away !!!!!!! Now its Netflix and a bag of Reese's Pieces butter cups supersize addition!!!!!!! Delicious!!!!! Im so depress now and since I have no hair and eyebrows and look ridiculous I eat like a pig chips pizza hamburgers and chickflia oh I love drive thur now no one can really see me I now shop at midnight like for groceries which is the best hardly any one shopping its a adjustment but I learning to avoid people my home is my shelter from this cruel world I never new how much a Brazilian blow out can and does ruin life's and after I read Maria post and its ok Maria I rather here the truth then false hopes and please don't stop posting it lets me no my reality I guess some get lucky and recover but im heading in my 2nd year and i have no hair just very little on top so what does that say and if I wasn't loosing body hair and eyebrows I might have some hope but nope !!!!! No hope I have nothing but shame on my self for doing this blow out and its my punishment from the man above for messing or trying to fix something that he did not meant for me to have I only had to be kind to others and respect my body which I've done so since I was a boy I really loved life and everyone and all ways wanted to make the people around me happy and one mistake that i made for one freaken Brazilian blowout cost me my life. Now what I can't take is the itching the itching constant itching nothing I do takes the itchy painful scalp away nothing I do im like ok hair fall all out already the little I have left but just stop itching me , I can't live like this all the time itchy in the morning and itchy at noon itchy at dinner time itchy on the go and especially itchy at night oh how I want to take 20 sleeping pills so I don't have to wake up to you guessed it itchy!!!!!!!! Scalp lol Im out of options and I hope this post can some how get out to the people of the united states since we as a country still allow this poison and I can't believe people are still getting theses Brazilian blowsouts, listen out there people you will go bald !!!!!!!!!! Bald I tell you !!!!!! Bald !!!!!!! But if that's the look your going for ok continue to get your Brazilian blowout little crystal from church and Shelley who no who you are oh I just get so mad at this, I have more to say but I better stop before they kick me out lol but one more thing like always I no who I look like now ok remember I said I had prince Eric hair right and i was cursed by the evil stylist name envy ok and my cursed or spell she turn me into ok ready for this Beetlejuice!!!!!!!! That's my hair lol real dried out and bald on top and sides that's me !!!!! Oh no !!!!! Im Beetlejuice 😢😢 ok please share this to any one you no who still are getting Brazilian blowouts and even share to your hairstylist that this is no joke this treatment is the devil himself in a bottle. Well again better go sorry for my long messages, again Andrea glad your ok and to anonymous thanks for trying to give me hope and Maria all the best to you and let us no how your new hair treatment is working out for you i have wonder myself if its a fungis or yeast infeaction but I still can't understand if the formaldehyde in the Brazilian blowout caused it did it have micro organisms in the bottle I just don't no oh well and if I for got any one who help me in any way thanks so much to you all oh what happen to you deb I hope your hair came out so good that it stop falling out many blessing to you let us no im just dyeing to here from you well take care every one your friend Sam.

Mar 28, 2017
by: G-hair

I agree with IICTBT. I have heard/read too many mixed reviews about Spironolactone. It was never on my list of treatments to explore. I am still questioning my diagnosis and the best treatment. And while steroids seem to work for several types of hair loss, spironolactone seems to be limited.

If I were you, I would ask my doctor how many of his/her patients have had successful regrowth with/without the Spironolactone and what are the risk versus benefits. That might help you decide.

I hope this helps. I'm looking forward to hearing about your regrowth.

Mar 28, 2017
by: If I could turn back time

Spironolactone did not work for me. I just stopped taking it and my fall has decreased to a normal amount. I don't know if it prolonged my hair fall or not, but it definitely didn't help. My eyebrows also started thinning on Spironolactone. Everyone is different, but that's how it affected me. I wouldn't recommend it

Mar 27, 2017
G hair
by: Andrea

Ghair, thankyou for replying back. I forgot to mention that along with the kenalog injection the Doctor prescribed me spironolactone. This is all new to me I did my research and many people get spironolactone prescribed to treat female pattern hairloss and get no results. The problem with that is that my hairloss is not due to female pattern. Therefore I feel like I should just stick to my vitamins and avoid the spironolactone pills. Do you think is worth giving it a try as well? I should've talked to the doctor more throughly but I didn't and that was my mistake. I am so afraid I don't want to make the situation worst for myself. I have been feeling positive for a couple of weeks but i feel like these past two days I started concentrating on my hair again and I'm back to zero just feeling really hopeless.

Mar 27, 2017
by: G-hair

Hi Andrea,

I think Kenalog is a good option. Kenalog is the injectable form of Triamcinolone. There is a lot of research out there that supports the effectiveness of Kenalog injections, but I have not tried it. I have only had the Triamcinolone ointment, and it helped with the symptoms on the surface of my scalp.

It sounds promising. If I were you, I would still take my vitamins (biotin, iron, D, etc.), use the foam Rogaine, and eat well. I think all of these things will be more effective and useful with the Kenalog injections, as they are rarely helpful alone.

Also, you might want to talk to your doctor about taking an H1 or H2 anti-histamine if you don't take one already. Some dermatologist have concluded that this can be helpful, but I don't know for sure. I just hope you get the most bang for your buck. Besides if you already have seasonal allergies, you might already be taking something like Allegra, Claritin, or Zyrtec.

I have high hopes. Good luck to you. Keep us posted.

Mar 27, 2017
Kenalog shot??
by: Andrea

Hello everyone I had a doctors appointment today to get some blood results back and everything looked good except I am low on vitamin D. The doctor suggested to get on a 3 month hair plan to stop the hairloss the shot is called kenalog. Has anyone here heard of that or has had this shot??? I am so worried it might worsen my condition but I still have it a try.

Mar 24, 2017
2 years now
by: Maria

Hi all.
I haven't posted for probably a year. The reason is, there was nothing positive to say and to pour oil on fire telling you all I am losing hair even more, was not something I wanted to do.
So here it is in a nutshell: Over the last year the hair fall was going from less to more, than less again, last summer it picked up drastically and after Christmas it just became ridiculous. I am currently loosing 400-600 hairs on wash days which is every second day. My hair is getting thinner by a min.
This March marks 2 years since this has started. I've tried everything. Steroids, minoxidil, all kinds of shampoos, remedies, natural, regular... you name it. All became way worse when we moved houses last August so I concentrated on the fact that water here is slightly softer, therefore soap is harder to wash out... who knows. I had even water tested in the lab.
I've seen I think 4 dermatologists, 3 hairdressers, GP, endocrinologist and trichologist, All useless and I am going from product to product.
I do feel the problem is in the scalp, not in the body.
Yesterday I had an appointment with different trichologist and she said my hair follicles are full of sebum. She said she can see my scalp is greasy, yet dehydrated.
She thinks the relaxer I had put in my hair irritated deeper layer of the skin and made sebum gland over-produce.
She suggested thoroughly cleaning my scalp (with their expensive products of course). She said that currently nutrients from inside and outside cannot penetrate because of the sebum and therefore cannot get to the hair root. She says the hair is starved and basically strangled by the sebum.
So while I kept pouring all kind of moisturising oils and conditioners on my head because I felt my scalp tight and itching, it was actually making things worse.The itch is yeast bacteria building up which is why it eases each time you wash and creeps back day or so later.
So step one, de-grease the scalp for 3-6 month. They will keep checking under the microscope every 6 weeks. More hair may fall out as many are held in place just by sebum.
Step 2, after scalp is definitely clean, nourish follicles to stimulate them to start growing new hair.
I start today with this so will let you know if I will see any progress.
Hope this helps to some of you. Don't give up.
First trichologist I saw told me there was nothing wrong with my scalp but he was checking the same day when I washed my hair. My current trichologist requested me to not wash my hair for 24 prior to check up.
My hair is so thin on top while year ago it was better already. If I lose any more as they predict after sebum is gone, I am ready for wig.
But at least I feel like I am trying my best to get out of this vicious circle.
Good luck everyone.M

Mar 24, 2017
Ghair & Sam
by: Andrea

To G hair sorry for the late reply, to answer your question yes this whole nightmare for me was a cosmetic issue since I lost so much of my hair. I have eyebrow loss as well and like I mentioned before I get hot flashes. The pattern of my hair loss is the same as yours neck, sides and receded hairline. My periods are normal other than me losing my hair I guess you can say I'm normal? Not really though this issue still has me going crazy never in my life I thought I would be going through this me loosing my hair was always my nightmare.

To Sam it's been awhile but I'm back I've been MIA I knoooow! I hope your doing good there is not a day I don't pray for us well everyone here. It's weird because you are right although I never met you in person I really consider you a friend and care for you as well. I can't wait till the day we can both say we got all of our hair back! I know that day will come let's just hope is less than 5 years.😩 I want to update you on what's new in my life.I signed up for the gym a couple of weeks ago and I have been going ever since. I feel like that has helped me to be more positive. I even stoped taking my antidepressants. My hairloss persist but is not consuming my every thought as it has been for the last couple of months crazy huh I can't believe it myself! But it's true! I try to avoid people and mirrors and what not but just me going to the gym and back home has made a difference in me mentally. I also started eating better something I wasn't doing before.I wish I could say I am 100 percent back to myself but that is not the case in order for that to happen I would have to go back in time to bad that's not possible huh.
My best wishes for everyone here and let's keep praying God is great he will give us our hair back!

Mar 22, 2017
by: G-hair


How did it go at the salon? How do you feel? How did your hair turn out? I hope all is well.

Mar 22, 2017
My fall has seemingly stopped. It's scary to even say out loud
by: If I could turn back time

As of right now, my hair fall has stopped- 5.5 years post first Keratin treatment, approx 4 years since the loss became noticeable and started ruling my life. The fall seemed to stop over night. My bald spot right in the middle of my forehead still remains, but the hundreds of hairs that were falling a day, have stopped. I don't know if it had anything to do with anything except for time. Infact, I do worry that maybe my attempts at correcting the problem could of just made things worse. I feel our scalps were shocked, inflamed, irritated. Putting additional chemicals on the scalp during that time is just a big no, no. PRP is prob just a joke no matter why your hair is falling out. Rogaine works for some fringe and prob works great for those that actually have female pattern baldness. I feel Spironolactone can make things worse if it isn't female pattern baldness. I feel that using shampoos to help improve the condition of the scalp are a good thing for me now, but may have been too overwhelming during the acute phase of hair fall? I'm not sure, but I have been using Biolage cooling mint scalp sync and Tea Tree special shampoo by Paul Mitchell. When my hair suddenly stopped falling, these were the events surrounding it: I stopped using spironolactone (when I started using it I didn't notice an increase or decrease in hair fall), I started using those shampoos, I tried using Synthroid, but felt like I had a heart attack and stopped using after a week (talk about a shock to my system and I don't recommend unless you are truly hypothyroid- I am just on the lower side of normal so my doc thought we should try it), I continue to use viviscal hair vitamin, vitamin D and B, and I continue to dab Rogaine to my bald spot (I know, I just can't give it up! I just use a dab. I seriously have had the same can for 5 months now). I'm not sure if this post is helpful or not, but I wanted to share so hopefully people don't make the same mistakes I made. What if the shampoos finally claimed my scalp? It was probably just a time factor, but then there's that! It seems to get better for most people around 4-5 years after. At least, there is some light.

Mar 22, 2017
In salon right now ..
by: Deb

Ok so I'm sitting here with dye on my head - waiting - it burns a bit but she says my hair doesn't look that bad but she never saw my hair before this . She's telling me not to worry she has seen so much worse . She is calming me . I said I haven't sat in a salon chair since this nightmare. I'm so scared sitting here - I saw so much hair come out as she brushed but I'm trying to hold it together . I was hoping maybe I could come up with some kind of way for us to put pics up - maybe a website I can create or something . I am obsessed I mean really obsessed with picture taking of my head . I pray this was the right thing to do - I just need to feel pretty and i always did - I just feel so gross with the hair and the texture and color and just everything. I hope this makes me somewhat feel better . Ok so I'm half way in if it does get better. I mean I thought it was getting better until I saw her brush and all this hair fell out . I was gently brushing :( I'll let you know what happens -- soooo. Nervous right now I'm dying !!! Oh and ... omg UTIs !!!!??? Yes I never ever had them before but now I do too!! Has to be a connection!

Mar 22, 2017
Please help
by: Sandra

Hi Anonymous (that just wrote the last post ) please don't go away ! I need an answer as I'm feeling desperate, so desperate at the state of my daughter's hair. It's been almost three years and I can't stop crying. The guilt I feel is so painful, the fear of what her future might be. She was only 16 years old and the youngest person on this forum that has been affected. Her new hair growing is fine and fluffy and just awful. When you say that your hair is no longer translucent, do you mean that each strand was fine and flyaway but is no longer? I'm praying that is what you mean. I need some hope - I'm suffering so much to see my daughter go through this.

MH (May I think?) that lives in London? Would you be interested in meeting with me ? I don't mind which part of London, which time of day.. just a coffee in a coffee shop? It would offer me some comfort to be able to see if your hair is like my daughter's or just to discuss a way forward with someone that understands .. please consider ...

Good luck to everyone , thank you so much to those of you that investigate and research and keep posting your findings and your experiences.. it keeps me going .. xxx

Mar 22, 2017
To sam
by: Anonymous

I thought I was the worst case, really I did. I wasted years not leaving my house and just depressed. My friends and family had enough listening to me. I know you don't think that your hair will last but it will. The translucent hair strands do change texture back overtime. Nobody can tell that I lived this nightmare by looking at my hair. I could have filled large backyard leaf bags with amount of hair that fell! I now lose maybe 3 strands of hair a day. I constantly run my hands through and can't believe there is no strands. My hair that didn't grow for years is now growing in length as well. I have my life back and you will too. hair powder for the first couple of years helped not seeing my shining scalp. I used it everyday. I am not bald, not even close and my hair feels and looks thicker and continues to get better. You have a wonderful attitude and I thoroughly enjoyed your post. Remember to come back and post when it's over! 😀

Mar 21, 2017
Venting and thank yous
by: Sam

The last posted stated a five year time frame, come again? What!!!!!!! Five years my hair won't even survive another 6 months of this crap I hate myself so much for doing this Brazilian blow out crap I hate it I hate it I hate it !!!!!!!! What am I going to do oh lord Christ my savior please help me all of us on here , right now im more sad than ever my hair line in the front right in the center were it was the thickset just fall out and now I have a huge I mean huge bald spot and you can see right through to the scalp I give up on it trying to pretend im ok with it I can't even hide it any more this year in may makes a year for me and im just calling it hell!!!!!! Might as well be hell with the constant burning I experience I mean this hairstylist burned the crap out of my scalp and i already no it will never grow back my clown hair has turn to a rooster looking fried up Krispy Kreme donut kind of look just imagine small hair on top and back with bald sides im crying 😢 you no Donald trump has better hair than me 😭😭😭😭 what I would give to have his hair now I would just dye it black with highlights lol ok got off point sorry ladies but I do that a lol ok I wanted to thank g hair and im definitely going to check stomach related issues with hair loss thanks for the information im sure this blowout caused my tummy troubles because I was a healthy guy before the treatment, and thank you deb for letting me no about when you did your hair treatment and can you pleases give us a update on your color and highlights I want to highlight my roaster hair lol or what's left of it because well since its gone might as well before I start wearing my man wig's and i wanted to share something with all of you and this is me ok I can't live with out my hair and wigs really are not cool there hot itchy and its just not the same for me I don't no what the future holds for me but I no I won't make it another year I no its just hair but I miss my hair so much its like I lost my best friend you no and I can't bring my hair back and I can't expect the fact that I paid !!!!!!! I paid !!!!!!!! $400.00 to be bald!!!!!! To be bald!!!!!!! 400.00 I can't expect it, it makes me so sad to think it . did I really do this to my self is this really happening is this a dream please let this be a night mare and when we wake up our hair will be back I can't go on my tears won't let me finish lol ok again im sorry to everyone im trying so hard to be in some kind of spirit and humor and no offense to Donald trump he has more hair than me now so I guess the jokes on me .bye everyone Sam . Andrea come back and post some thing anything just to let me no your ok. I no we personally don't no each other but I care for you and everyone on here and I pray that one day this night mare will have a fairy tale ending.

Mar 21, 2017
by: Anonymous

It's been 5 years for me and 1 year free of symptoms. Hair is still frizzy and dry especially on top. Sides are thinner. My hair stopped falling out completely. I don't have any hair symptoms but body symptoms may be questionable. A lot of uti's since the BB that I never had before. I was reading the posts and one year into the BB nightmare I was on antibiotics for an unrelated issue and the hair loss stopped for that entire week. I went to the dermatologist and told her and she thought I was crazy. Once the antibiotics stopped the hair fall continued until last year. Time is the only thing that healed me. A long long 4 years.

Mar 21, 2017
Dying hair :/
by: Deb

Sam I had the Keratin in Aug 2015 - it's just so crazy how it somehow messes you up internally . Like if it was a topical problem we could just put something on it . That's what upsets me so much. Like I wish there was a pill to take or something . There must be something that can be linked to the skin hair and nails part besides vitamins that say they work but don't . Definately tho something needs to be done internally . Everyday my hair itches - not like the beginning I must say - I try sooo hard not to scratch bc it def makes it worse. I'll like tap the spot that itches instead of using my nails. Also I find the least amount I fuss with my hair the least it is irritated. I must also say it comes in waves. I don't know what starts it but I can have some good days where I feel my hair is thicker and then days when my hair seems to be falling a lot. There seems to be no rhyme or reason. Well I'm biting the bullet and going tomorrow to get my hair dyed and highlighted. It's just all diffeeent colors and I can't take the look . It's still long I can't bear to cut it . I may give it a trim myself afterwards very little in bottom. It doesn't seem to matter to me if hair is short or long bc the top of my hair is shedding as much as my longer hair. I don't think the length matters or if there are chemicals still left on hair bc it's an internal thing that is too late to stop. I just hope I don't lose too much tomororw - I'm scared tho

Mar 18, 2017
To Deb
by: G-hair


My BB disaster occurred in August 2016. I have had crazy symptoms since the event. Every doctor can dismiss or explain away the individual symptoms, but none of them look at the bigger picture and acknowledge the fact that all of my symptoms started immediately after the BB.

My hair loss has not spread, but my mom's hair loss has spread to her arms and legs. Of course, my mom has gone over a decade since her reaction, but yes it does spread.

Just like cancer can spread to other parts of your body, so can a group of rogue white blood cells who are attacking/inhibiting the hair follicles. That is why it shows up in fingernails.

My hair was washed before the most toxic part of the BB was applied, so I know it was absorbed into my scalp. Triamcinolone ointment resolved the issue on the outside, but did not reach my follicle. Interestingly, the pharmacist who filled my script for Triamcinolone warned me not to apply it to a wet scalp. Because of his advice, I never really felt like the Triamcinolone ointment was going to get to the root of the problem.

To Sam:
Various types of Inflammatory Bowel Disease have been linked to hair loss. It is still unclear, but both autoimmune and immune-mediated phenomena are involved in a similar way in alopecia areata as is in Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), the two main forms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

Some of the medications that are used to treat IBD have also been shown to help people with Alopecia Areata and other types of hair loss. It would be awesome if by curing your GI issues, your hair started to grow back. Check out the article below. It's one of many discussion about the connections and treatments.

I believe Andrea is the young lady who mentioned not leaving her house. I hope she is doing okay. I hope we all are doing better soon.

Mar 18, 2017
To deb
by: Sam

Hi deb I was wondering when and how long has it been since your Brazilian blowout, and if you don't mind me asking how for back is your receding hairline and does it continue to this day I wanted to mention for me when I cut my hair real short I can say the crown grew back full its just my receding hair line and the top the sides as long as I don't scratch seems to be coming in it grows then falls out then grows its a cycle that i just don't understand well you might have mention before when you did yours I just can't remember but your side effects are exactly me the same everything but of course me being a guy I don't get that time of the month but I do get bad stomach cramps that I never had before this hair treatment and now I have a lot of tummy troubles, does your hair still fall out sorry if u already answer all these question im just trying to get a time frame on how much longer I have with my hair before I get the male pattern u shape on my head well thanks for any I information bless all and I wanted to say hi to Andrea I haven't herd from you lately hope your doing ok I no its easier said than done but it has to get better right ok thanks again bye Sam .

Mar 18, 2017
by: Deb

G-hair - when did you have the keratin done ? I definately believe that in our cases we must have gotten a bad batch of the keratin and this is why we are experiencing our side effects. It's not just hair loss on my head - it's kinda all over my body - my arms and legs have less hair - as well as eyebrows - but I do still have hair - my hair is light on arms and legs but I had a lot of it- now it's a lot less. My eyebrows have itches as well as around my receding hair line area . Also back of head and occasionally top. Not as bad as it used to be but still there. My nails are very thin! My skin is dry and I used to have oily skin. So the bad kerati must have sent out a signal to whatever cells control hair skin and nails. I was terribly depressed in the beginning and started gaining weight - packed on 15 pounds . I'm starting to eat really good and moisterising a lot and started taking collegen pills for hair nails and skin threee days ago . One thing is I got my period back to prob what it was before the keratin. If I ever get sick I'm asking for predisone again bc it at least keeps the inflammation at bay. Enjoy it while you can take it . I'm so annoyed bc I really want to dye my hair and put highlights in it. I don't know if I should I'm so nervous . I also need a trim but so scared bc I don't think my hair is growing and not ready to go short.

Mar 17, 2017
My thoughts
by: G-Hair

If someone has an arthritic condition they may be recommended to take over-the-counter supplements, vitamins, or joint creams. When those don't work they may be prescribed some of the same medications that we know to be effective in treating various types of alopecia.

Of course arthritis impairs function, and one can argue that hair is just cosmetic, but is this the reality?

To the young lady who mentioned that she rarely leaves her house now, and to all of those who are depressed, is the hair loss just a cosmetic issue or has your hair loss impaired your function?

There is a possibility that steroid therapy can make me gain weight, send me into diabetes and high cholesterol, but the way I see it, all of that can happen just by me being sad, bald, isolated, depressed,sitting in the house, and eating all the time.

Hell, some of the depression medications can contribute to diabetes, high cholesterol, and weight gain. I want to pick my poison and keep my hair.

Mar 17, 2017
by: G-hair

Steroids like Prednisone, Prednisolone, Betamethasone, Triamcinolone, etc. are all designed to decrease inflammatory responses from disease. These steroids work well in allergic and autoimmune reactions.

As you know, many people on this site have been prescribed topical steroid creams or localized injections. Doctors must think that steroids may help the hair regrow, but more recent evidence show that topical treatments and local injections are not effective for everyone.

One would think that a doctor would go to the next level of intervention such as systemic treatment with oral steroids to treat from the inside out, but many are reluctant. This may be largely due to the potential side effects that come with using steroids.

I get the whole side effect thing, but every medication has side effects. Naturally, if you start to experience side effects you should probably stop taking the medication, but they should at least be willing to give it a shot.

There are potential side effects to using the topical steroids and injections, but these are not discussed as much in my opinion. They have been prescribing the steroids, all this time. I am just asking if I can get via different route.

Seriously, we hear medication commercials all day with an enormous list of side effects or reasons to stop taking the medication and contact your doctor. Steroids are no different. Yet so many doctors are reluctant to treat our hair loss systemically with an oral steroid medications.

It pisses me off, because I really feel like it is helping me feel normal right now. It's sad, but I guess this is probably similar to people on painkillers or alcohol long-term. At a certain point you feel like you need a drug to make you feel normal.

As a nurse, I have encountered patients who go into an abnormal heart rhythms like atrial fibrillation. They're heartbeat is out of whack and chaotic. For this condition, we shock them through a procedure called cardio-version. We put paddles/electrodes on them and shock them just as we would if they had gone into complete cardiac arrest. It is an extreme intervention, but it works.

I feel like my body is out of whack, and it needs a good shock. I wonder if systemic steroids, earlier on would have had a lasting effect of my body.

And I know a lot of people might say "why do I want to put more chemicals in my body?" Again, I just go back to my mom. She is very sick now after many missed opportunities for an early intervention.

If long term use of steroids gave me acne, weakened, my bones, etc. I can stop taking them, and recover from that. My mom is not recovering from her progressive autoimmune disease. Furthermore, I can regulate my diet and activity to prevent or counteract side effects. My mom doesn't have many options at this point. So I would rather take my chances with pursuing a safe/effective medication regimen, if I don't see results in my immediate future.

No matter what your diagnosis, at some point your doctor thought steroids would help. So they prescribed a cream (which has been proven not to penetrate well) or they tried scalp injections (that may only work regionally). Why not try the next level? Even monthly intramuscular injections of Triamcinolone have been successful.

Applying Triamcinolone ointment of my scalp cured my itching and irritation, but I don't believe it does a good job of getting below the skin barrier. If I responded to it externally, I think I may just as well respond to it if treated internally. Again, I can't say with a 100% certainty what my diagnosis is and nor can my doctors, but I do know what has helped.

"Systemic corticosteroids have been used daily, weekly, and monthly pulses with good improvement in patchy AA and less favorable outcome in ophiasis, AT, and AU. [80],[81] Oral dexamethasone 0.5 mg/kg/day, intramuscular triamcinolone acetonide 40 mg/month have been tried successfully. [82] Steroids can be continued for 1-6 months, but prolonged periods are avoided, especially in children, because of side effects. [5] Pulse therapies are tried to avoid the side effects. Intravenous methylprednisolone and dexamethasone in pulse form have shown successful results. [80],[83] Oral pulse therapies are more successful and acceptable with lesser side effects. Kar et al. reported 60% success with 200 mg of prednisolone once-weekly for 3 months with a observational period for another 6 months. [81] Some other studies showed cosmetic regrowth in 58-82% of patients with 300 mg oral prednisolone once-monthly for 3-6 months. [84] Pasricha has reported remarkable hair growth in one patient, refractory to other therapies with oral mini pulse, betamethasone 5 mg given as a single oral dose after breakfast on two consecutive days every week for 6 months. [85] In another study by Khaitan et al., 75% of extensive AA patients showed acceptable hair growth with betamethasone oral mini pulse. [86] Sharma et al. have used oral mini-pulse with dexamethasone with complete hair growth in 26.6% of patients and a good response in 36.6% of patients. [87] Systemic steroids in general have been found useful in recent onset disease rather than chronic AA, ophiasis, and AU. [37] Contraindications and side effects should be discussed with the patients, and the clinician should be observant to identify those at the appropriate time.";year=2013;volume=79;issue=5;spage=563;epage=575;aulast=Seetharam

Mar 16, 2017
by: Deb

When it was about 5 months after I had the keratin and I was at my worst - worst hairfall - worst itching etc I got sick and they gave me prednisone - hat was the BEST week I have ever had - I had no itching and no hairfall and I felt so good - what is it in the predisone I wonder - I haven't had it since and it's been 19 months since I have had the keratin.

Mar 16, 2017
Started Prednisone & got my period
by: G-hair

Under the recommendation of the ENT specialist, I started a 10 day course of oral prednisone last night for head and nasal congestion. This morning I got my period for the first time since my BB disaster.

Is it a coincidence? I don't know.

The bleeding looks typical of what I experienced prior to the BB, so I am not too concerned about any gynecological abnormality. I suppose, if I were gushing blood, I would be alarmed, but I'm actually happy to see it.

My main concern is that the Prednisone may be helping my body get back to it's normal state prior to the BB. If this is the case, how long will it last after the ten day course? How will the doctors explain this away? Will they be more likely to treat me with the pulse steroid therapy? And will pulse steroid therapy have a better effect of getting my body, immune system, and hair back on the right track?

Also, I saw another dermatologist yesterday. She was happy to tell me that she does not think my hair loss is female pattern balding, even though my original dermatologist gave me the FPB diagnosis twice.

The new derm stated that she thought my hair was still in shock from the BB. She was reluctant to do a biopsy, but I insisted. She doubts that it will tell us anything new, but she said she would do it to give me peace of mind. I'll go back in two weeks to have the stitches taken out. No sure when the results will be in, but I'll let you know.

Even if it is not Alopecia Areata, I feel little less pressure under my scalp, and my period is back. Maybe it's all a placebo effect. I don't know, but I'm feeling good today. So now what?

Mar 12, 2017
To anonymous
by: G-hair

In response to the previous writer. A lot of the evidence suggests an early intervention will yield a better outcome, but I don't think we can draw a line in the sand and say that treatment won't work after 12 months. The treatment outcomes may vary from person to person. I think each of our cases are similar yet unique so it's hard to predict if treatment 24 months after exposure will or won't make a difference for any individual. What I do know is topical ointment/creams, lesion/regional injections, or the wait-and-see game have not worked for so many of us. If you have exhausted all of these options, I think this is worth trying.

I'm sure there are cases where people recover without taking steroids, but I am pursuing this course or treatment because of my mom. She went through a similar reaction over a decade ago. She was fed some of the same stuff that doctors have told me, but as time went on, the head/scalp symptoms/reaction spread. It became systemic, affecting her entire body. The fact that a local attack (or whatever you want to call it) on your scalp can spread to other parts of your body is not acknowledged by many doctors. I've seen it happen, and it has destroyed my mother. So I will try the steroids.

I think this is like many other autoimmune diseases. For example my friend has Crohn's disease. She has been treated with steroids and other medications. She is now in remission and she eats a bland diet to prevent triggering the disease again. Of course Crohn's disease affects your ability to eat, receive nourishment, digest your food. So there is a greater desire to fix that problem and get it in remission. I don't think doctors have that sense of urgency when it comes to hair. If they would consider the possibility of autoimmune hair loss becoming systemic, I think they would be more aggressive.

Mar 11, 2017
Question to G hair
by: Anonymous

For those that had the BB longer than a year do you think it's worth to give the Oral pulsed therapy a try? would it be to late?

Mar 11, 2017
BB within last year
by: G-Hair

To the person who recently stated that they had their BB in the last year and their hair is falling out, you need to see the article below.

The research article below suggests that early intervention with oral pulsed steroids therapy, is the best chance at recovery/remission.

Pulsed steroid therapy involves taking a high dose of steroid pills twice per week. This method is shown to regrow hair and not cause the side effects of the traditional steroid regimen.

Don't let a doctor tell you that it might grow back; you haven't lost enough hair; you don't have this type of alopecia. The fact is a lot of people on this website have been fed those falsehoods only to find themselves bald or nearly bald.

Don't settle for Rogaine, or an ointment/cream alone. Don't settle for injections. Your best bet is to treat this from the inside out, systemically. Maybe the the topical stuff can be used with the oral medication, but I wouldn't take a chance on any topical or lesion specific treatments alone.

Again, many of us have already tried and proved that the standard or typical treatments are not successful. Knowing what so many of us have gone through, I should have demanded the most aggressive treatment on day one. I could have been in remission right now and not have lost as much hair that I have.

It's a shame that so many doctors will write us off, refuse to do any research, or explore other methods.

Mar 09, 2017
Dying hair
by: Ddb

Anyone dye hair ? If so how?

Mar 09, 2017
Alopecia Areata Ophiasis
by: GHair

Like many of you. I have been told that my hair loss is due to _______ (fill in the blank). Based on my own research, I think my experience is identical to Alopecia Areata Ophiasis (AAO).

AAO causes hair loss around the perimeter of your scalp. A biopsy is not required for diagnosis, and it may not be obvious on a biopsy.

What I do know is my hair loss pattern is identical to AAO. It's thinning at the temples, sides, and for sure the nape of my neck is creeping up.

No doctor has come up with a better diagnosis, and I know it is not androgenic alopecia. This is not normal female pattern baldness.

The prognosis for AAO is poor. It is reportedly difficult to treat and areas like the nape of the neck do not respond right away. Even worse, treatment is usually initiated pretty late in the game.

It ain't looking good, but there is treatment. Several treatments have caused hair to regrow. Unfortunately, when these treatments are stopped, the hair loss may start all over again.

I'm going to talk to two more doctors next week, to see if we can come with a treatment plan.

I'd like to at least give the medications a shot and see if it will regrow. We shall see.

The new clinical trials for Janus Kinase Inhibitors are still in progress, and seem to be promising in treating AA overall, but the JK inhibitors are really expensive. So that won't be my first treatment option.

I know some doctors are already prescribing JK Inhibitors for off-label uses. The medication is available in pill form, but can be mixed into a cream by a compounding pharmacy.

I am not going that far. I will try cheaper treatments.
I am going to ask about the tacrolimus ointment and oral mini pulse steroid therapy. If anyone has tried any one of these methods, please let me know.

Mar 09, 2017
by: G-Hair

I know some have been prescribed Clobetasol, but has anyone been prescribed Tacrolimus (Protopic) ointment? Has anyone tried a combination treatment of Clobetasol & Tacrolimus? If the two medications were used in conjunction, what were your results?

Mar 06, 2017
Bee Honey
by: MG

Most stores sell raw honey organic honey. I got my last one from whole foods. I even saw some today at Trader Joes and cheaper. Start with a little at a time and see how you tolerate it. I would do a teaspoon per 8 oz of filtered water and let it sit for 30 minutes. I use a seringe to get the mixture to my scalp and massage gently. Let your ends absorb whatever drips down. Do a patch test first to make sure you are not allergic to honey.

Mar 06, 2017
by: Deb

Hi MG ! I would like to try the bee honey and hoping I get same effect - what brand do you use? Where did you buy it? I see some on Amazon and may order asap :)

Mar 05, 2017
Bee Honey
by: MG

The only thing that seems to be working for me is bee honey. I am 4.5 years into this mess and tried everything available and nothing improved. Rogaine gave me eye pain, PRP made me lose more hair, essential oils gave me more itching, coconut or olive oil caused more inflammation. Now, I religiously soak my scalp before I wash my hair with a mixture or 1 cup of filtered water and 1 tbs of raw organic unprocessed bee honey. Saturate the scalp and hair and let it rest for a hour or while I work out. For now I dont use more honey than that because I feel like anything left for too long or too much of something upsets my scalp. Also, I now wash every other day to keep my scalp clean. Bee Honey has been studied as a relief for seborrheic dermatitis. Since my BB I had a layer of dry sebum that I didnt seem to be able to remove. My scalp is not perfect but it is clean and I dont shed like I used to. Also, my hair is shiny and less freezy. I have been doing this for about 4 months and my hair loss has been cut to less than half. I even think that my hair is getting thicker and see more regrowth. My part is improving and getting narrower.

Mar 05, 2017
AA advice, thanks
by: Sam

G-hair hi , I did mention my finger nails are changing but my doctor or doctors didn't seem to care or didn't really seem to be concerned about anything I tell them, I do believe I have a autoimmune disease now brought from the Brazilian blowout, now I tested positive for lupus but all the doctors I've seen tell me my numbers or the ratio number are not high enough for concern im like hello I've tested positive for lupus and the last time I checked testing positive for anything isn't good why no doctor will help me I have no clue one doctor even told me what was I doing at her office with no insurance that she's very expensive and how did I paid her consultation fee, I reply cash and don't you ever question my way of living you don't no my financial situation and when it comes to saving my hair ill spend every last cent I have sell everything I own to my underwear this is true I told her that and her face was like well im not cheap that's all im saying and i said back neither am i !!!!! Doctors in Houston seem to be stuck on money rather than helping a dyeing boy who has been exposed to formaldehyde by a evil hair stylist and im paying the price heavily, ok kind of got off the point ok so now that I read what u said about alopecia or AA. In April I see a internist medicine doctor he's specializing in Chinese medicine and all natural herbs and im going to beg him to treat me for AA. And im hoping that he will its worth a try ain't getting any ware with the regular doctors so if he can't save me I give up and im just going to go look for my uran voss for my ashes because that's exactly were im heading if I don't get help this is so sad this is happening to us just wanted to say thanks for the advice g-hair. Ok real quick any one reading this if u can any suggestion for the itching I can't take it no more nothing helps nothing I've tired almost everything and yesterday was a really bad night I scratch my scalp so much to the point it was bleeding and then I washed it and all the little hair that was growing on the sides fell right out again what is happening to me us !!!!!! I really want to die this scalp pain hurts me so much and its only been like 8 months in and by just reading some comments in and reading things like 3 years in and still itching still hair loss 4 years 6 years no change ill say this I won't let this haunt me past 1 year I don't have the guts and courage that most of you have to take it and not give up hope my life is over as I no it but years of my scalp itching oh no!!!!!! No way to live at all well take care everyone and wanted to say hi to Andrea my friend from California hope your doing better than me I read your last post I really need to make my YouTube but what I think is stopping me is that im embarrassed by my hair and eyebrows and I have to be sure that's what I want to do but im the same way you are I just stay home like Friday I did what any 34 year guy would do on a Friday night I cleaned my white title grout and it took me into Saturday night as well finally finished but ladies let me tell you never never do a white floor with white grout I learned my lesson lol well I can just keep going so much to say little space ok everyone take care im done I promise. Sam from Houston bye 😊

Mar 03, 2017
Don't give up!
by: G-hair

Please consider medication for alopecia areata (AA) even if your doctor says AA is not the cause. It worth a try. I'm going to ask my doctor for Sulfasalazine or any other medication that would normally treat AA.

Aa is considered to be an autoimmune disease. Considering that my hair loss is not natural and the formaldehyde is known to make cells wacky, it is totally plausible That autoimmunity is a factor. And because the traditional treatments for androgenic alopecia have not worked, I plan on trying the autoimmune disease treatments.

I need to intervene wherever you can. Seriously, my mom went through this process after dying her hair. Her early symptoms were identical to ours, and it only got worse.

She started out with "androgenetic" thinning. Later it was call discoid lupus cause the main problem was her hair and scalp. Then it progressed to systematic lupus, meaning there were more attacks on her skin all over her body. Now it's mixed connected tissue disease, meaning attacks in her skin an other connective tissues.

It may not stop at your hair. It can definitely get worse. I wish my mom would have gotten help sooner. She hopes that I get this under control because she doesn't want me to suffer like she has.

So your doctor may not call it AA, but you can always ask them to treat it like AA and see if it helps.

Lastly, I'm gonna talk to Dr. Donovan.

Has anyone else talked to him? It would be nice if he could treat/study us all. He has done a significant amount of research and published several articles on various types of hair loss. His telephone consultation is $650 😳!

Mar 02, 2017
Finger nails
by: G-hair

I recall someone mentioning that their fingernails were changing. Pitting in the fingernails is a classic sign of Alopecia Areata, but no one seems to be getting diagnosed with Alopecia Areata.

Alopecia Areata can mimic all of the other types of alopecia. It seems that a pathologist would need to know to look for that specific condition for it to be identified.

Also toxic agents like Formaldehyde are believed to be a trigger for Alopecia Areata. Supposedly formaldehyde can mess up T-lymphocytes and make them behave badly.

For those who have not been diagnosed with Alopecia Areata, why not try these types of treatments. If the side effects are minimal, I think it's worth a shot.

Mar 02, 2017
by: Andrea

Sam I love reading your stories they just make me laugh I used to be such a happy girl. Always full of energy oh was I so happy. You seem like such a cool outgoing person I bet we would've got along well.I remember I couldn't wait for the weekends to get here to go out now I just stay home and hide in my shell. This sucks and just like you I ask myself why me??? What wrong did I do to deserve this GOD!!!!! Im 25 and I turn 26 this year my problem always was looking much younger than what I really am. No matter where I went I always had to show ID and I would hate it. I always asked god to please let me look older and there you go I think he must of misunderstood me though,I didn't want to have grandma hair or have grandma skin I just wanted to look my age that's all. I read an old comment from one of the girls here that her hair stopped falling during her pregnancy. I don't have kids and didn't plan to either but lately I have been thinking 🤔 What if I have a kid to stop my hairloss. My friend thinks I'm crazy But at this point I would do anything to have some peace of Mind but like you said "with my luck" I'll probably still end up bald with a child I can't take care of because the mother is so depressed and she can't even take care of herself. Definately not a happy scenario. For the rest of you I apologize if you read this. I know is TMI. It just makes me feel good that someone understands me.

Mar 02, 2017
To andrea and all
by: Sam

Hey Andrea wow we are exactly the same its not even funny me being a guy and you a girl, I get headache so much now as well and have no energy at all depression I think so its more of a can't expect that this is happening to me you no oh and my skin so so dry and i mean dry I used to have natural oily skin pretty decent skin now im so dry as old dirt I tell you we have been aged and I mean aged bad because if we have been aged by 30 years can you imagine when we actually turn 70 we will be like 110 by that time our bones will be dried out. I also had only one Brazilian blowout and with color but what I did was when I started to see new root coming in i cut off all the Brazilian blowout and let me tell you if didn't do a darn thing but make me look ridiculous and since then on my hair has not been the same I mean its growing but like weird I've cut it about 2 times and even shaved the sideas and had the top short very very scary on me I never had that look before but now just in 2 months I would say it is growing but not the top part all I see is scalp and the front hair line gone diffently male pattern baldness now yup Brazilian blowout makes you have baldness patterns for sure and what's funny is my dad turn 78 and he has beautiful salt and pepper thick hair he has so much more than me now my family on both ends doesn't have A history of male pattern baldness both my grandparent on both sides pass away with with a full set of hair so I honestly believe the Brazilian blowout did this to me to all of us but why ??? Only us a few select group nation wide why us I guess well never no but all I no is if this scalp doesn't stop itching me soon and i mean real soon im going to pull out my scalp and jump in to the ocean and take my chances with the sharks but then they might not eat me because I have formaldehyde in my blood and with my luck ill be rescued and be sitting right next to you in the mental ward thinking im the real prince of England lol oh well we can let out a little humor and one more thing I forgot to mention I cut my hand like a while back and I don't heal like I use to the cut is still there like my skin cells have been killed by the formaldehyde im very scared to see what the future holds for me with my new mutation body. Well just wanted to add all this in take care Andrea and all who reads this I like to share my thoughts and feelings with you all. Night night Sam .

Mar 01, 2017
Side Effects
by: Andrea

I also get hot flashes never thought it was linked to the Brazilian blowout but now that I think about it makes sense. My skin is also dry like I mean dry!!!! No matter how much moisturizer I use it doesn't help😫 I'm still experiencing so much hair loss like 200 hairs a day or more it's ridiculous! My eyebrows don't grow and They seem to shed as well.My glands are also swollen. My scalp is still in pain and tender to touch. I never had allergies and now I feel like my allergies are off the wall it's crazy. I also experience some kind of allergy with certain foods. I get headaches more often. And I'm not sure if it's the depression that kicks in but I honestly feel like I have no energy I find myself feeling sluggish most of the time. This ugly experience just seems like a nightmare. I only had one BB but I had my hair colored the same day. And two weeks after I had my hair colored black. Yeah I know maybe I brought this upon myself all those chemicals in a short amount of time. Did everyone here had their hair colored prior to the Brazilian blowout??

To my friend Sam I wish I could say things are better but I'm still hanging in there just watching how all my hair goes down the drain😢. I want to think it is temporary and that keeps me going but sometimes I tell myself who am I kidding!!! My life was just taken before my eyes. I just bought all sorts of vitamins and I am hoping to stick to them and maybe it will make a difference I just hope we find a cure soon or Im going to end up in a mental hospital.

Mar 01, 2017
Sharing my side effects
by: Sam

Hey ladies I can only imagine what y'all are going through and me being a male I can't really say I understand it all since men don't have a regular monthly thing and all but let me tell you this ( Hot Flashes) OMG never in my 34 years of existence on this planet have I experienced hot flashes im calling it hot flashes because I don't no what else to call it I mean my body gets hot and hotter to the point I have to take a hour shower to cool down and this happens at any given time mostly at night I wake up like I've been at the beach I don't no whats going on what did this Brazilian blowout do to me to us!!!!!! And me being a male our patterns are so much the same now my main problem is the front hair line its so jack up that's there's no point in saving it its growing weird and it just keeps getting shorter and shorter than it just disappears and i really don't want to wear wigs I just want to feel like me again I no we all do I just wanted to share with y'all ladies my side effects, body temp messed up oh and my finger nails are getting a weird look like a white ringlet but I don't no doctors don't care so why should i, ok loss of hair line and crown right side temple some on the left, eyebrows loss the right side almost gone , my arm hair on both side gone along with my knuckle hairs all gone missing patch hair on both legs, scalp itching and burning all the time scalp is very red and tender and I have trouble breathing and swallowing at night and all the doctors tell me im a very healthy man (right) keep telling your self that when im dead I told a close friend of mine the only friend I trust with what im going through to throw my ashes on them and tell them im cured sorry to post that its just that im so mad why is this happening to us and only us I no lots of people who get this crap done to there hair and there ok why us what do we all hAve in common before we did theses blowouts that we didn't no did we have ibs, ummm gluten problems week immune system what!!!!!! Im so frustrated!!!!!!!! We need help and no one cares any more about Brazilian Blowout hair loss its like a cause that just faded so unfair my man hood was taken from me what man dosent want his arm hair and eyebrows and hair right I said it once and ill say it again I look like a albino clown first of its kind and I paid for this 400.00 to have my prince Eric DNA alter to a mutant clown not cool not cool , well ok im done venting I wanted to say hi to Andrea and hope your hanging in there the best that one can with this unfortunate situation and to all a huge big teddy bear huge god bless us all thanks again for reading my long post just a sharing post that this chemical is very very bad.and its unwanted side effects and to think this may be permitted I can't even begin to imagine. Sam from Texas

Mar 01, 2017
by: g-hair

I had all of the symptoms you listed in your last post.

My glands neck glands are swollen right now. I will see the immunologist/allergist tomorrow. I am hoping she will make an attempt to better assess my immune system and regulate the WBCs.

Cytotoxic t-lymphocytes are a common culprit for the swollen glands. They can also play a role in Alopecia Areata. Actually, there are tons of articles that discuss the connection between hair loss, t-lymphocytes, and swollen glands.

I will also see a new dermatologist tomorrow. Hopefully, this one will be more helpful.

I just can't give up. My mom had a reaction to hair dye years ago. It progressed from alopecia, discoid lupus, systemic lupus, and now mixed connective tissue disease. I know how this can turn out in the long run if the process is not stopped. So I can't throw in the towel yet. I may not get all my hair back, but I want to slow/reverse the process that I believe will eventually lead to more significant autoimmune disorders.

Mar 01, 2017
by: If I could turn back time

Did anyone else experience visual changes, brain fog, night sweats, or swollen lymphnodes after any of their treatments like I did? I'm sure it wasn't just a coincidence.

Mar 01, 2017
G Hair
by: If I could turn back time

G Hair,
I had a scalp biopsy, but it was taken from an area of my scalp that I wasn't losing hair from. I can tell you that it wasn't a pleasant procedure and when I sat up to look in the mirror, I was devastated to see the biopsy location. I asked him right then, frustrated, "why did you take it from there!!??? I'm not losing hair there!!" He explained that area was red too, so he felt it was a good spot. I think he was afraid to take it from my right temple area since it may be more noticeable, but if I'm allowing someone to take a chunk out of my scalp I want it to be taken from the problem area! I was so upset! I had stitches in for a week and knew it was pointless. Of course, the test came back normal. I also learned after, that there should be two biopsies taken. A vertical and a horizontal section and that it should be sent to a lab that is experienced with examining these types of biopsies; I'm sure my sample was not. Nor did we list anything specific to look for.
I had steroid injections to my right temple area, where my loss was noticeable first, but I couldn't tell you what type of steroid. I have never tried squaric acid as I knew my loss wasn't alopecia areata.
I really feel our problem is that we were exposed to high levels of formaldehyde. Our FDA failed to protect us and our stylists. Unfortunately for us, this product was left on our, allowing continued exposure for a greater length of time.

Mar 01, 2017
Answers to Debs questions
by: If I could turn back time

I am 39 now, but this all started at age 34-35....I got my first keratin relaxing treatment right when I turned 34, along with highlights using bleach. I had been highlighting my hair every 2-4 months since I was 19 years old without any problems.

I didn't realize what was happening at first. I started off with increased hair fall. I just noticed that my brush was full of hair after every washing, but I didn't think much of it. I also had scalp build up and a scaly patch that my hair dresser pointed out, but I thought it was maybe sun damage? I just had no idea how dangerous and damaging these treatments were. I never suspected anything was wrong! I also noticed my hair texture was different- more frizzy, gummy, and I started having to use my straightener more to make it look smooth again. My stylist explained that, "I just didn't remember how it was before and that the treatment must be wearing off"! I actually believed her!

I believe it was Jan or Feb of 2012 for my first treatment and April of 2013 was my last treatment. I had six total. I was getting them with every salon visit, which was every 3 months or so. Remember, I was (as I'm sure you were too) told these Keratin treatments were making my hair "stronger". That my hair would be healthier and that because I wouldn't have to dry my hair as much, that there would be less damage.

About a month after my last treatment was when I really starting noticing a problem. I had areas of tingling/burning/itching/white/red spots to my upper forehead and scalp, I developed tiny red bumps along my hair line, and I started noticing the hair loss. First right temple, then left, thinning sides of hair, then centrally. My hair started falling out dramatically with 2-3 hairs falling from one follicle at a time, hair falling out in different stages of growth, etc.
My hair is now see through, receded hair line in front, frizzy, miniaturized, slow growing, and only grows just past my chin. It seems to continue to lose its length. I have worn my hair to my breasts all of my life and find it devastating that my youth has been stolen from me. I feel very matronly at 39 years old. I don't feel that it has affected my hair anywhere else. I too have had all of my hormones checked after my periods changed and all labs appear normal. Btw, my periods changed after the very first treatment. It was not a gradual change. It was one month normal, the next period after my first treatment was completely different, scant, and has NEVER returned to my normal.

Mar 01, 2017
by: G-hair

I talked to a dermapathologist at the hospital where I work, and he explained to me why our diagnosis may vary and be completely wrong based on biopsy results.

Basically there are different types of biopsies just like blood tests. If your doctor orders a biopsy it may help for the dermatologist to be specific in listing what they are looking for. For example if you are looking for mast cells, t-lymphocytes,or any white blood cell different stains may be necessary. If these stains are not used, you may not know what is attacking or displacing your hair follicle.

He recommended several stains to check for this or that. I didn't take notes, but I will discuss with my new dermatologist. He also mentioned looking at several layers to determine the depth of the damage or changes to the skin. This would also help with diagnosing.

I am considering a biopsy, and i would want it to be as thorough as possible. I still believe that if the simplest biopsy is done, and it doesn't give a definitive answer, then a dermatologist will go with the easy/convenient diagnosis.

I need a real answer. If mast cells, t-lymphocytes, or other cells have turned against me, I need to know. That's the only real way to attack back and check your immune system.

For those of you who have gotten biopsies, do you know exactly what was checked? Does the pathologist save specimens just in case you want additional tests?? Our dermapathologist says usually the biopsy is two tissue samples and can be divided and tested about ten times.

If you're t-lymphocytes at your scalp are the problem then it would be classified as alopecia areata which is considered an autoimmune disorder. In my opinion this would actually be a good thing because there are ways to reverse it, but you may never know unless you get the right biopsy.

Feb 28, 2017
by: G-hair

I'll add to your questions. Many others have talked about using steroids (topical, local, and systemic.) I was wondering if anyone has used the following medications.

2. Squaric acid dibutyl ester

I know we have all gotten various diagnosis and various treatments. Some form of steroids has been used to treat many of us. The steroids are also used to treat Alopecia Areata. Just like the steroids, the two medications above are also used to Alopecia Areata and have had more positive than negative results in regrowing hair.

So I was curious to know if anyone has tried the medications above. I questions whether any doctor really knows what the hell is going on with our hair, and if these medications have worked for Alopecia Areata, it might not hurt to try them with whatever type of alopecia.

I am not recommending the medication. I am just wondering if anyone can give me feedback to say they gave it a shot, and it didn't work.

Below I have attached a link for all of the current treatments for Alopecia Areata.

Feb 28, 2017
Yes it did! / questions????
by: Deb

Yes it did effect my period . I was getting it light for about 2 yrs before this treatment but now I can wait months with nothing at all then spotting sometimes- but - I had all tests done and my hormone levels were fine as well as thyroid. She said I am producing normal hormones and not going through pre menopause yet.. btw - I have a few questions
1. How old are you?
2. Did you get color before the treatment ?
3. Was this your first treatment?
4. When did you start losing your hair?
5. Is your scalp itchy and burning / did you ever have this?
6. What is your hair loss pattern?
7. How much hair would you say you lose per day?
8. Has it effected anything else ? Periods? Eyebrows? Other body hair? Etc.
9. Have you had tests done? If so what kind?
10. When was your last or only treatment done?
11. What is your current hair routine?
13. What was the length when you had it done - and what is it now?
14. What is condition of you hair now ?
15. Add more questions here...

Feb 27, 2017
by: If I could turn back time

My periods changed from 5-6 days of "my normal" moderate flow to 2-3 days of scant, dark, brown spotting. Probably TMI for our male victims, but yes, it affected my hormones.

Feb 27, 2017
by: Anonymous

Did anyone else stop getting their period after the bb. I have an iud and I used to get light periods. But since the bb I haven't had nothing. No spotting either. Not really complaining just wondering.

Feb 26, 2017
by: Anonymous

I see a lot of you discussing histamine being an issue in the hair. I know black seed oil is an antihistamine, and I'm definitely going to try it now that I see everyone saying histamine could be the cause.

Feb 23, 2017
by: G hair

Please demand the testing that I mentioned ASAP.
1.Tryptase/ mast cells
2. Histamine
3.Complete blood count

You primary care doctor can order these tests. They may be reluctant, but you must persist.

Feb 23, 2017
by: G-hair

So as you know, I had to force the immunologist to order tests for mast cell disorders. In the end, she said she would order them to make me feel better, but she didn't think I had a "rare mast cell disorder."

Well knowing that she was going to order a histamine test, I did not take Allegra which is an antihistamine. When I saw the doc, I was 24 hour off of Allegra.

During her exam, she noticed that my neck glands were swollen. She looked in my mouth and throat, and she said she saw some post nasal drip, but I do not have a cold. She must have forgotten I had been crying in her office.

Anyway, I got the first test back. My CBC was perfectly normal. Now that may sound great, but to me it is a sign, and I will be seeing my primary doc tomorrow.

You see cervical/neck glands usually swell when you have an infection, but I don't have an infection. My basic white blood cell count was normal.

It is important to know know that glands will also swell in the following cases:
1. Cancer! (I hope not)
2. Autoimmune disease (say it ain't so)
3. Histamine***** Histamine levels are often high in people who have proliferation of mast cells because the mast cells go through degranulation, which makes them dump tons of histamine. I'm at home rolling the dice like "C'mon histamine!"

So much medical literature explains how formaldehyde may trigger a mast cell overreaction/proliferation; the many mast cells will break down dump histamine. And of course, in cutaneous mast cell disorder, you'll have a lot mast cells, bullying the little hair follicle for space. If the mast cells continue to win, the hair follicles continue to lose.

Check out the picture is section three of this article below. It gives a good visual of how our immune system can evict hair follicles when the immune system is drunk and crazy on formaldehyde.

So this evening I started my 24-urine collection to get an accurate measure of my histamine levels. I will turn in the jug of urine tomorrow, and it will take about 3-5 business days to get results.

My tryptase test is in process. I hope to get it by tomorrow.

Mast cell disorders may be rare, but what if it is actually common in some populations who are exposed to formaldehyde. We'll never know unless we get tested.

Remember, the allergist/immunologist tried to tap me on my leg and say "don't worry."

BS LADY! Order the tests!

Two specialists would have let me walk away with no answers if I didn't persist. It just pisses me off. I could have settled for what my dermatologist told me, but we need to find out.

These products are still new, and decades ago asbestos were new. Now we know that asbestos are horrible/hazardous/deadly. A whole lot of people had to get sick, suffer, and die before anything was done about asbestos.

I could probably settle for going bald if I knew that baldness would be the end of my worries, but what if it is not just female pattern baldness. My mom didn't have female pattern baldness. She had an allergic reaction that turned her immune system against her and 15 years later it is still reeking havoc one her body.

Feb 23, 2017
Cezanne hair smoothing treatment
by: FC

I had a Cezanne hair smoothing treatment done in December 2016 in B.C. Canada. I didn't notice any smell when having it done. I waited about a day before washing it. I smelled a horrible toxic smell in the shower and I noticed my hair was really stiff after shampooing it. After conditioning it was fine but that toxic smell was still there. I noticed redness & burning on my scalp like I was having an allergic reaction. I went to the doctor and she confirmed my scalp was red. She told me to take allergy pills and call poison control. I called them with the ingredients and poison control told me not to worry. The salon owner said she contacted her supplier but they said no one had ever complained. (Yeah right.) Each time I wash my hair or if I sleep too long in the same position at night, it seemed the heat of my head causes the chemical to smell. The smell has lessened over time but when I touch my head, I can still feel burning and warmth. I have had severe headaches, and the first night I had troubles breathing. I was wheezing, asthma like symptoms. My eyes watered as well and were red. I noticed one tiny bald spot on my head, I don't know if there are others, and I noticed a thickening of my skin on certain spots on my head. I have not noticed hair loss, but I'm not sure my hair is still growing. I have not done a root touch up since this happened but I'm scared to put any chemicals ever again on my head. I haven't asked for my money back from the salon, but I'm angry that the salon plays dumb about this. They NEVER warned me that all of this could be the side effects of this treatment which is essentially disguised as a lesser form of a Brazilian hair blow out. If anyone wants to do a collective law suit, let me know.

Feb 23, 2017
To Deb - Split ends
by: Lisa

I don't really have split ends either since all the hair loss started after the BB. My hair is just completely different. It's really dry and course and it doesn't really seem to get longer. Maybe I just don't notice them as much because I have so much less hair.

Feb 22, 2017
by: Andrea

G hair i wish there was doctors who would actually put some time and effort to figure out the cause by doing the proper research. But unfortunately that's not the case instead they want to send us home with "oh you'll be okay I'm sure it temporarily just give it some time and stop stressing". You are right about everything we need to find a solution we can't just stay with our arms crossed and take it. We need help and we need it now! I live in California and the closest Mayo Clinic is in Arizona which is not to far from here. I am going to try and make an appointment maybe they have more research. I wish we were able to share pictures here that way I could show you guys the before and after pictures it has only been a year and the change is noticeable I can't imagine what it will be like in two. I should start digging my grave. (To Sam) I was prescribed hydrocortisone 2.5 but for some reason it makes my eyebrows more flaky I only used it 3 times though so maybe if I use it more often i will see a difference lol. I am that kind of person that if I don't see any results by the second try then I assume it doesn't work. Just like all the shampoos prescribed to me. I know shouldn't be like that I guess you can say it's just a bad habit? And as far as your YouTube goes I think you should do it!!! I am sure there is more people out there with the same problems but are afraid of speaking out I actually think that's a great idea and I support you! Maybe we can all get together and talk about our encounter with the witchcraft. Who knows maybe it'll go viral and more people will actually pay attention to us. Just like you, I tried searching up hair loss due to Brazilian blowout and there's nothing out there and let me tell you I searched it a million different ways and found nothing I think there might of been one but it was not very useful to catch some attention. Sam I want you to know you have a friend here in California as well. It's hard to stay positive sometimes, some days are worst than others but we will get through this. GOD will eventually hear our prayers and say it's enough suffering and we will wake up one day and all of our pain will be gone and our hair will start growing back and no more hair loss. I really hope that's soon though it's been way too long. It sucks being young and not being able to enjoy life to the fullest because your self esteem is so low and your so afraid to even look at yourself in the mirror and every move you make you have to be careful because your hair is just pouring down like water. I will not stop praying though hope you guys all have a goodnight.

Feb 22, 2017
Nothing new
by: Deb

Nothing new here but wanted to let you know I've been reading these new updates - how terrible about your mom ! I hope this isn't us! And all these diagnoses are scaring me . My hair is obviously dead and not growing but I have a few questions - do you have split ends? It's so weird bc I used to before this if my hair was damaged but don't seem to have any. My hair has lots of fly sways at all different lengths and my hair on the right side is fading away slowly but surely. My part is getting wider and wider and I've tried so many conditioners to try to get my hair to soften but it's so wirey and thin. I go into phases were I worry every second about my hair and then I can go a day maybe with not thinking about it. Sleep is the worst bc at night it still itches - less - but def still itches and I'm afraid to lay on it in certain ways bc I think I'm gonna pull more hair out :( it's sooo consuming it's ridiculous! Just depressing . But I'm so glad we are all searching and looking into things and trying things and letting each other know what doesn't work - too bad we haven't found anything that DOES work. I just think it's too late for the hairs that came out already but how do we save what's left! That's what we need to do . Oh well I'm going to bed - as much as this is killing me inside I'm so glad to have this support system and hear from you guys from time to time. My keratin treatment was done 8/15 - my life never the same ...

Feb 22, 2017
Posts from 2010
by: Lisa

Hi Guys... I'm particularly obsessive about my hair loss tonight (I've been losing for over 2.5 years with no regrowth) and I just went back and read posts from 2010 on this site.... what happened to those girls? Did they just give up and go bald.... or hopefully it eventually stopped and their hair grew back, As many of us that have gone through this you'd think there'd be more good news posted here. It seems like some people only lose for 6 months and things are back to normal in a year. (there's a Huffington post article about a girl who got a free keratin treatment)... some of us aren't that lucky I guess. :(

Feb 22, 2017
Hi G-Hair
by: Lisa

I've been on the edge of my seat all day waiting to see your post... I was so hopeful that the Doctor might be able to help us deal with the hair loss from the Brazilian Blowout. I'm so sorry that it didn't go well. I've literally spent thousands of dollars going to see different doctors (endocrinologists, dermatologists, primary care, Ob gyn, etc) I also spent money on tons of treatments (lasers, PRP -$1,700, steroids, etc, etc,) I haven't found any answers. Your explanation below was the closest thing that I've seen that makes sense!! We will all keep trying.... I promise to all of you that when/ if I ever find anything that works you will be the first to know. I really hope Dr. Goh is right -that our hair will eventually stop falling out and grow back...but living like this now has been so hard. I don't want to leave the house, I don't want my picture taken, I am very nervous to stand under overhead lighting because that's when my scalp shows the most. I hate the way my hair looks... it's taken such a toll on me. I wish there had been a warning of this. I too was told this was very healthy for my hair. The salon encouraged me to do the treatment every three months. They told me the more I did it the healthier my hair would be..... all lies!!! There have been a few people on this site that have said that there hair did eventually stop falling out and they were able to stop using the powders to hide the hair loss.. I hope that this is the case for all of us.

Feb 22, 2017
Just a post 😉
by: Sam

Hey every one, Sam here I first wanted to say hi to Andrea and say thank you for believing me when I stated we got witchcrafted on!!!! All jokes aside. Andrea I wanted to share with you what im using to help with my eyebrows now it doesn't stop the loss but the cream that im using does help me with that dry flaking crap that just keeps on coming strong, its a prescription from a dermatologist and its called (hydrocortisone valerate cream ups, 0.2 % ) im not sure if you can get it over the counter but just want to help if I can, I feel you so much because im going super crazy with out my hair I loved it so much I think to much and some times I wonder why the witch did this to me because I blame her as much as the poision, she new what she was doing u don't touch the scalp!!!!!!!!!! That witch!!!!!!! And I remember telling her it burns and she kept saying its all part of the process yup process to becoming bald. So now many lonely nights at home no one is allowed to come over I block all my friends my Saturdays are Netflix and a whole bag of Reese's Pieces butter cups which now I want!!!!!! Lol I also don't work but like 3 hours in the day thanks to a special lady friend who help me get a small part-time job helping her so I don't have to get up and face people its just me and her and I like that. Im a hermit now because I had a Brazilian blowout that ruin my life I got a call today for a fitting that i made for my 35 birthday party in may like a reminder and I just couldn't coupe I started to break things and throw things screaming letting out my fustration on my home and then im like doing this ain't bringing my hair back so no birthday party before I posted I cancel everything the hall the DJ which he would not give me my deposit back he was mad !!!!! Oh well and above no fitting 😞😞 I really was looking forward to wearing that suit ok again my point to this I was letting my hair grow out for my 35 birthday party it took me a whole year to get it to my neck and buy now it would have been perfect more tears😪 I guess I could have a homie the clown birthday party. Oh wouldn't that be fun (not really ) !!!! Ok guys I no my post don't really have meaning and a purpose but it really helps me so much yall just don't no and so I apologize with my heart and to all that have done so much research and sharing there findings and information thank you so much I wish I could do more to find a cure for us all I've tried all that I can with my limitations, doctors, dermatologist, rheumatologist, allergist I've been there I even went to Dallas were they have the best in Texas and i don't have insurance all out of pocket I don't think its a question of having money or no insurance its a question of dealing with and coping and sharing helping each other get though this night mare were just victims of a bad situation or witchcraft in my opinion lol just a joke ok jeez I really leave long post and im really going to try to work on getting that YouTube up because I have a lot to say to the inventors of this Brazilian blowout joke and what it did to me and I don't no if I can legally say who ruined my hair and her salon need to ask the lawyers about that but I'm sure I can I mean you can go on Yelp and talk mess about the salon so why can't you on YouTube well ladies and gentlemen again thanks for reading my long post again and Andrea all the best you we have so much in common but just remember you have a friend in Houston Texas now who completely understands you oh I forgot to mention to g-hair I hope your findings will lead to a miracle and hope and pray for your family as well you have been though so much keep the faith up I think your positive ways will help.prayers to all. Sam, from Texas

Feb 22, 2017
Sorry G Hair
by: If I could Turn Back Time

I understand your frustration. Most every doc I have seen is just uneducated when it comes to these chemicals and their long term effects. Pretty much every doc I have seen has given me a different answer. Unless they knew you well before or come home you to see your sink, shower, floor, underwear, drawers, etc., littered with hair, they just don't get it. Even Dr.Goh can't give me answers to, "will this ever stop?" Or "will this get better?"....she just says time will tell, but I think you'll be ok.....I guess it's easy for someone to say that because, yes, we will all LIVE without our hair, but not as god intended us to live. This was not our natural course of aging. These people/products robbed us of many, many years full of youth, beauty, happiness, and hair. AND we paid for it!! It breaks my heart that we weren't protected from something so simple. This could have been avoided. Never in my wildest dreams could a hair treatment cause me so much grief; one my stylist encouraged and said was safe and would make my hair stronger. 💔

Feb 22, 2017
by: G-Hair

It just blows my mind that a medical professional would say:

I don't know what a Brazilian Blowout is.
I don't know about the side effects.
I don't know about the lawsuits against the FDA.
I don't know about the sick consumers and stylists.
I don't know what research is out there.
I don't know anything, BUT I think you'll be fine.


That's not good enough! That is absolutely unacceptable.

Okay. I'm gonna calm down now. I need a nap.

Feb 22, 2017
by: G-Hair

When my doctor started with, "what is a Brazilian blowout," I knew this was not going to go well. The immunologist agreed to order the tests for tryptase, histamine, and a CBC. One of the tests is a 24-hour urine collection so I’ll do that on over the weekend. Except for the CBC, I don’t expect to have results immediately.

You would hope that when you tell your doctor about all of your symptoms and your exposure to a toxic hair product, the doctor would say, "I’m not familiar with these products and their side effects. I will need to do some additional research." Unfortunately, this doctor did not say that.

Instead, she told me that sometimes we have reactions to chemicals, but she didn’t think it was a mast cell disorder. ‘She didn’t think?’ The fact is she doesn’t KNOW, and she seemed reluctant to investigate any further. She would have sent me home without any testing at all if I hadn’t persisted. She told me she was just doing the tests to make me feel better. Are you f***ing kidding me? How about doing the tests because you want to make sure you are diagnosing me correctly.

You see this is the problem. Some medical professionals are so quick to shut us down; expect us to suck it up; or say stupid things like, "I’m sure it will grow back."

As she is saying this, I’m thinking to myself: No B****! It’s not growing back, there are several other women and men who had identical experiences and it is not growing back. That is exactly why I am paying the $40 co-pay to see you.

I told the doctor that Canada is doing and other countries, some of which have banned BBs, are doing research on the chemicals, its side effects, and mast cell involvement. Her response: SHE TOTALLY DONALD TRUMPED ME! She just nodded, changed the topic, and moved on with her pep talk. I didn't pay $40 for a pep talk.

Okay, I should mention that I went to Sutter Health and just like my polish dermatologist, the immunologist was an Asian woman with super straight hair. They are so far removed from the hair products that are used by curly, wavy, and women of color. And this crap continues to affect us. Women of color, women without financial support to chase a cure, women without the time to put their life on hold until they get answers.
We have to make them care.

Sutter Health is not a teaching institution. They aren’t doing research. Neither doctor that I saw planned to go home and put in time to do research on behalf of one patient who used the wrong hair care product. No! They give you the convenient diagnosis, and none of us should settle for that.

These mast cell conditions and other conditions that cause hair loss can be atypical and very tricky to diagnose. Furthermore, BBs are fairly new to me. I didn’t hear about them twenty years ago, so it needs to be researched. People need to dig deeper. Crack open a new medical textbook; read some of the recent medical journal articles.

If I was wealthy, I would be flying to the nearest Mayo Clinic. I’d be able to take off from work, and I’d be posted up in a hotel for days, seeing multiple providers at the Mayo Clinic until I got answers. Unfortunately, I can’t do that.

So I have asked my PCP to refer me to a university medical center near me, and I would advise all to seek care a teaching facility if possible. Don’t settle for BS answers. If a doctor admits that they don’t know something, yet they want to slap you with a convenient diagnosis without doing any research on what they don’t know, then see someone else. Also your PCP can order the tests to check for elevated histamine and tryptase.

If one person finds a right answer, it could help so many of us.

I hope you all in SoCal will have better luck.

Feb 22, 2017
Full disclosure
by: G-Hair

I have a list of questions for the doctor, and I will post them with whatever answers she gives me tomorrow.

Full disclosure: I am very determined to solve the hair loss problem for a specific reason, my mom.

About 15 years ago, my mom did not feel like going to walgreens, so she went to the local beauty supply store in our neighborhood to buy hair dye to touch up her gray. This changed our lives like you would not believe.

My mom had an allergic reaction that made her head swell to the point that my grandmother did not recognize her. She was treated in the emergency room for the swelling.

In the weeks that followed she noticed that her menstrual periods had abruptly stopped, hair started thinning, and her scalp became irritated and scabby for months.

Over several months, my mom's hair started to thinned, and her hairline moved. I watched as her temples became more prominent. She also started to get scabby lesions on her scalp, which her primary care thought was dermatitis. Mom may have thought it was a phase, until she saw a very distinct bald spot. At that point she got a biopsy.

From biopsy she was diagnosed with Discoid Lupus. She was told that her immune system had attacked her hair follicles. Initially, she had been treated with the same types of treatments I see people using on this website.

My mom had medical insurance and she had a primary care doctor in our neighborhood which was primarily people of color. Access to specialty care was limited or not offered. She never pursued going to the university hospital, Mayo Clinic, or any other place like that. Besides her insurance might not have covered it. She just listened to her doctor and slowly deteriorated.

I always wonder what we could have done differently. If she had been more educated, had more resources, had more time/money to pursue a cure would things have been differently? I don't know, and I wasn't a nurse back then.

Despite the treatments, my mom continued to lose her hair. Then she lost her teeth. After rounds of steroids, her bones were weak. A few years after hair dye reaction, she stepped off of her patio and broke both of her ankles and part of one foot.

She had to go to a nursing home for rehab. It was awful for her, but she got some good physical therapy and made full recovery. She walks without assistance now.

Still other things started happening. We were starting to see white spots on her body. She was diagnosed with vitiligo. The doctors we now calling her condition Systemic Lupus.

She was sensitive to the temperature. Eventually, she developed joint pain, then Raynaud's Disease, and recently Paget's Disease. She has developed several other chronic conditions that may or may not be related to the autoimmune disease. Most recently she was diagnosed with Mixed Connective Tissue Disease.

I look at my mom, and I see how one reaction to a hair product has changed her life and will eventually take her life. It kills me to see that I can't help her. It kills me to see her depressed. She is in the process of retiring early on disability.

I read somewhere that there is a 50/50 of passing this sensitivity or potential for a reaction to your children. I have one son, and he has been warned. I have one little sister, who is now in nursing school, and I lecture her about trying new stuff on her hair.

Were we all just predisposed to having this type of reaction when we encountered certain chemicals in life? Is it written in our DNA? Are our siblings or children at risk? Can we stop the madness. I hope to get answers tomorrow.

Feb 21, 2017
G-hair & if I can turn back in time ThankYou.
by: Andrea

Thank you G-hair victim for sharing all your research with the rest of us I really hope your appointment goes well and we can finally get some answers. I live in California so I will try to book an appointment with Dr. Goh. I am hoping to get a scalp biopsy soon because I started noticing that my roots are really light and thin I'm sure is miniaturized hair.

Feb 21, 2017
Thank you G-hair
by: Sandra

I'm not sure I completely understood everything that you wrote G-hair as I have no medical training at all! However, I am so grateful to you for trying to make sense of this for us. I will spend the rest of my life worrying about what this horrible formaldehyde hair straightening treatment did to my teenage daughter, I will never forgive myself and I'm not sure I will ever recover. I'm so grateful to you for helping us to make sense of this and for investigating as much as you have done. Any information that you have is gratefully received. Everyone in my thoughts.. xx

Feb 21, 2017
I'm sorry Andrea and thank you G hair victim
by: If I could turn back time

Thank you G for all of your research and great info. Let us know what your doc says! Andrea if you live near LA, Dr. Carolyn Goh will validate you. She sees several patients with our same complaints. That said, all she had to offer me was rogaine use, laser comb, viviscal hair vitamin....I tried spironolactone for a while, but it didn't seem to be helping so I stopped. I never faithfully used the laser comb, so that got returned. I currently just use viviscal hair vitamin and a small amount of rogaine to my hair line. I did get some fine baby hairs with that, but that's it. That said, I'll take anything I can get. Love and hugs to you all

Feb 21, 2017
by: G-Hair

Hello All,

I am going to see the immunologist tomorrow, and I am doing a little more research to make sure I ask the right questions. In doing my research, I found a significant amount of information on the ability of formaldehyde to activate mast cells and uncontrolled mast cell proliferation; negative affects of an overreaction of mast cells; the contribution of mast cells to alopecia; and more importantly how this condition is often misdiagnosed by physicians, especially dermatologists.

"Everyone has mast cells and these cells play an important role in our immune systems.. However people with mastocytosis, experience health problems due to an undesirable amount behavior of mast cells called 'degranulation.' Due to a known or unknown trigger, a profusion of mast cells simultaneously burst open in a effort to protect the body, dumping histamine and other chemicals in massive amounts. Mastocytosis patients' symptoms arise from this degranulation which leaks fluid into the connect tissue spaces between cells, even when there is no legitimate external trauma or irritant/parasite in the body. In this regard, Mastocytosis resembles allergic reactions, but the triggers of degranulation are many and often ambiguous. Culprits of degranulation can include food substances, exercise, heat, cold, friction, dyes, medication, molds, odors, chemical substance (including formaldehyde), and other normally benign environmental prompts. It is interesting tnot that the vast majority of Mastocytosis patients do not show reactions to many routine allergy tests, until and unless the are also tested for an exaggerated response of histamine. Yet, like severe allergy sufferers, Mastocytosis patients often have high blood tryptase levels, as if they are suffering from chronic allergies."

Reference: Sever,A; Sibbald,G; D'Arville,C: Thousand Faces of Mastocytosis: Mistaken Medical Diagnoses, Patient Suffering & Gender Implications University of Toronto Press: 7. 2009.

CUTANEOUS (skin) MASTOCYTOSIS is a (supposedly rare) condition that shows accumulation of mast cells in tissues. Atypical clinical features may mimic other skin conditions and can be difficult to diagnose. It requires extensive testing that is not typically ordered by a dermatologist. That is why it is important that we see an immunologist.

The article below may difficult for some to read just because it is filled with a lot of scientific/medical terminology. I am a nurse, and I struggled to digest it, but maybe it is something you want to read or discuss with your doctor.

The title is: Abnormal Interactions between Perifollicular Mast Cells and CD8+ T-Cells May Contribute to the Pathogenesis of Alopecia Areata.

Of course peri= around and follicular= hair follicle. Just imagine for a second that your reaction to formaldehyde triggered your mast cell (MS) to over react. As part of their overreaction, the tissues around the hair follicle gets flooded with MS and the chemical that are released from the MS. And if the mast cells are growing in numbers at the scalp, your scalp is going to feel tight. Furthermore, this build up of mast cells and their chemicals, are going to put pressure on those follicles; it squeezes them and makes it harder for them to grow a hair. Now there are medications called "Mast cell stabilizers," but if it is not even considered as a diagnosis, the medication will never be the go-to treatment, and the mast cells continue to overact and strangle the hair follicles until they are all gone.

It's a theory, and it may sound crazy. The immunologist may even tell me that I am nuts, but I going to explore every option. I will report back when I have an update.

Feb 21, 2017
When will this misery end =,(
by: Andrea

Let me start off by saying that although it is my first time posting I do come to this site everyday hoping someone found a cure, but just like you Sam I have become hopeless. There is not a day I don't cry wishing I could go back in time when my hair was thick and long and my scalp was healthy and not itchy and tender to touch. It has been a year since I got mine done and it still consumes me. I quit my job due to the severe depression I was experiencing. I ask myself each day why me? My eyebrows have started to get to get flaky and I don't see any regrowth I used to get them don't every 2 weeks now it's every two months I wonder if it has anything to do with it, I wouldn't doubt it though I got the stupid Brazilian blowout about a year ago. Oh how much I hate myself for doing it. I should've done my research but instead I was an ignorant girl. I am still loosing about 200+ hairs everyday. My temples are thin and also my sides are beyond thin. I saw 3 dermatologist and every single visit was pointless. I was diagnosed with sebhorric dermatitis. I mentioned to them that I had got the keratin treatment about a year ago and they said there was no possible way that was the reason of my Hairloss. It makes me so mad that I know that's whats causing it but I can't do nothing about it. Oh I also got blood drawn, and everything came back fine. Honestly I was hoping I had something in which I can take medication and it would bring all my hair back. There is not a day I don't pray hoping we can all get our hair back and be happy. Sometimes we take the little things for granted not knowing that one day it can be all gone. I wish I would've cherished my hair more. I am only 25 and I feel so unhappy. My mother would always say I have a full life ahead of me but I think my life has seriously stopped. It is so sad I have come to the conclusion I rather just die than to keep living a miserable life without my precious hair. I am always stuck at home I don't socialize with people because I am so afraid of them judging me .I can't do nothing with my hair anymore because it is so thin. (To Sam)I can't help but cry even more when I read your story I feel like I can relate so much. You are right it was witchcraft and I hope the witches that did this to us will eventually pay and feel our pain. May God give us strength to keep living and one day find a cure.

Feb 20, 2017
No hope 😢
by: Sam

Hey everyone its Sam with just a update, first off to my previous post after the fact I did not realize the scams that people were posting on here and im so glad I did not give in to that website that cures lupas and so on what a joke right . Ok now to me i did tested positive for lupas and remember this was done in Dallas and followed up with my doctor here in Houston ok now I was kind of happy because I said ok if I have lupas well if I can treat it maybe my hair will stop falling out so I did get excited and then my doctor comes in and tells me you don't have lupas even if your positive for lupas what!!!!!!! What do u mean she said my ratio count was nothing to be alarming and it has nothing to do why my hair continues to fall out and im like im done with this Brazilian blowout mess!!!! Formaldehyde crap!!!!!! Im so tired and its just driving me to see my grave very very early I mean there's nothing we can do nothing!!!!! I already lost my right side of hair and i mean all of it and I cut the top off and guys and ladies no joke its growing like clown hair!!! I mean a scary clown!!!!! Its for sure male pattern baldness now very clear to me and I don't no how to fix clown hair im really about to join the circus I already have the hair just need to color it in clown colors im so embarrassed I can't even comb the top or run a brush like I used to all I do is cry and cry and I brought a wig but it needs to be taped to my scalp and I can't even use it because my scalp is still so inflamed what am I supposed to do you no and being made fun of by my surroundings because people are so mean they don't no what's its like having your scalp burn off by high heat temperatures and formaldehyde poisoning you no its just so sad that im not me any more I was planning on moving and stuff to try to start over but im still very much in pain with my scalp how can I work and move with this torture scalp this never ending night mare and to my conclusion we did not get a Brazilian blow we got witchcraft like in that move the craft were they make that pretty blonde girl hair fall out yup that's my opion only because some of the post on here are like 3.5 years in and 4 years in and still loosing hair im like seriously wow!!!!!!! No hope sorry I was hoping to leave something with goodness. Has anyone offen realized for example YouTube there are really no post about Brazilian blowout hair loss just a few that i saw but not much like were posting on here im actually thinking im going to make a YouTube blog about what's happening to me and my life events and talk a lot of mess to the inventors of all Brazilian blowout because its witch craft!!! And it needs to be stop like now!!!!! Well again so sorry to posted long but it helps me to let it out and my feelings and all this about witch craft its just me with all what's wrong out there one just nevers knows whos out to harm us well god bless to all I no nobody ever response but I really care for all of you and pray that our hair will grow back full and soft not like clown hair lol well thanks to who ever reads this Sam from Houston.

Feb 19, 2017
by: MG

I am very healthy and nothing weird happened to me as a cause of the BB other than my scalp problems, hair loss and losing my mind. I try to keep my mind away from my hairloss even though it is hard because my hair is everywhere. There are some very nice wigs called Follea in Beverly Hills that will be my next step. Check out the womens hairloss project website and check out the author's wigs. She looks really good.

Feb 19, 2017
by: MH

Hi all

Update from me: I'm 3.5 years into this hell. Just writing that seems crazy. And it haunts me every day. I have very little hair left and no regrowth. I'm really interested in he steroid shots as I've read on here that they've had a miracle effect, but I just couldn't get them in the UK.

Who else has tried rogaine? I'm considering it...even though my dermatitis is still terrible.

Sorry to have better news!


Feb 19, 2017
MG- we all have the same story
by: If I Could Turn Back Time

We have the same, exact story.....there has to be some type of recourse!!

Feb 18, 2017
by: G-hair

Sorry to hear that. I was just wondering when or how often you have gotten blood work done. So much literature talks about autoimmune disease developing later. However the timeframe seems to vary and be unclear. I was curious to know if you have had autoimmune testing recently. If not, would you be willing to have the testing done again? Have you developed any other odd symptoms? I'm just trying to understand this disease process, and I know you have been dealing with this a lot longer than some of us. Thanks.

As I mentioned before, my autoimmune tests were negative, but I will have additional testing when I see the immunologist. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I just want to be sure that I am being treated correctly.

For now I take the vitamins, rogaine, Allegra, and a better diet. I also take Wellbutrin, because this is not easy. I have cut my hair short. I eat better and wash my hair every other day.

I don't have any redness, itching, or irritation. My hair is not falling out. I'm just hoping it will thicken up and grow like it used to. The most affected parts are thin, frizzy, and delicate. The worst part for me is the front, spanning between the temples and the neck area. It's so heartbreaking. I'm scared I'm gonna end up with that horseshoe/clown pattern. Ugh. This sucks, but I haven't given up.

Feb 18, 2017
Seborrheic Dermatitis
by: MG

I had my BB 4 years and 6 months. The stylist applied it to the scalp just like she would have done a hair color application. I first paid attention about two weeks after the treatment when I realized that my scalp was peeling off in big chunks (1 cm pieces). Right after my scalp peeling off, I started feeling a tingling sensation that moved around my head and then this turned into a itch and burn. I got tested for everything including allergy patch test which all came back negative. My scalp has been itchy and tight all along. I tried many medicated shampoos including cortizone ones that did work in terms of soothing my scalp but not with the loss. I have loss all over my head but mostly concentrated on my temples and my hairlines has receded as well. I did not get bald spots. My scalp became so sensitive to everything that I couldnt even wear loose pony tails because the pull would hurt my scalp.

Feb 18, 2017
Can anyone help ?
by: Sandra

The link below is an interesting newspaper article about BB..

The newspaper article above mentions research about the use of formaldehyde in Brazilian Blowout. Can anyone access the research about BB that was done at The university of California as documented in the Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene ? I feel that if anyone can find the article in this journal it would give us some answers .,

I am feeling so sick at the thought of auto immune illness in addition to hair loss. I haven't slept for days ..

Feb 18, 2017
to MG
by: If I Could Turn Back Time

MG- how long did it take for you to start noticing your hair fall after hair straightening treatment and how many years did it take to get where you are now with the loss.

Feb 18, 2017
Seborrheic Dermatitis
by: MG

The doctor did not diagnose seborrheic dermatitis but the biopsy that I got. Seborrheic Dermatitis is not curable but it can be controlled. Seborrheic dermatitis and follicle damage has been my experience. I hope I am the exception rather than the norm. I really wonder what my life would've been with my full head of hair. I had thick, black, and a lot of hair. Now it is wispy and colorless and I have about 40% left.

Feb 18, 2017
Seborrheic Dermatitis?
by: Anonymous

The fact is a lot of people in here been treated with a whole arsenal of medication that would have resolved or relieved Seborrheic Dermatitis but they are still losing their hair years after their bb. Seborrheic Dermatitis Is a convenient diagnosis. Your doctor can look up the fake data that the bb perps put out and say "ah ha it must be Seborrheic Dermatitis Bc the maker says so" but I wouldn't trust them either. If You use all these shampoos and creams for dermatitis and a year later the hair is still falling out, then maybe that ain't the answer.

Feb 18, 2017
Follow up
by: G-hair

Every bb is not the same and I wouldn't trust the companies to disclose all of the chemicals and potential side effects. Some of of them failed to list formaldehyde as an ingredient and they certainly don't mention the possibility of going bald. I'm just saying I wouldn't put my trust in these bb companies. They are not honest people.

If you accept your diagnosis and you're recovering or dealing with it, then I am happy for you. I am happy for anyone who regrows their hair or embraces baldness.

I've seen about a dozen different diagnoses on here. I don't know what is right or wrong or if we can say it's a one-size-fits-all situation. I just want to explore my options and have some hope.

Again, everyone can do their own research and talk to their doctor. Majority of my info is from medical journals. The case study that I posted on 2/8/17, while severe/extreme, it is legit.

The medication, Tofacitinib, listed in a previous post is legit. It is currently approved by the FDA for rheumatoid arthritis, another autoimmune disease and is currently being tested at several universities and medical institutions for treating alopecia. The company Aclaris that bought the rights to the medication will also be conducting additional studies in the third quarter 2017, though they have not confirmed which cities. They will also run clinical trials to treat other types of alopecia. Maybe it will help someone. I hope so.

Side note: Aclaris Pharmaceuticals is currently listed on NASDAQ. In the past 12 months its value has nearly doubled. Some people are really betting on this medication. I don't mess with the stock market. I just found that info when I was researching the manufacturer.

Feb 18, 2017
Seborrheic Dermatitis
by: MG

What we are experiencing is seborrheic dermatitis. If you look at that Brazilian blowout MSDS it states that it causes seborrheic dermatitis when in contact with the skin. Basically our scalps are chronically inflamed which is the tightness that we experience. For those who have sebum buildup, this is seborrheic dermatitis. I think that' the first step is to control the dermatitis and get rid of the sebum build up. Unfortunately doctors prescribe really strong medicines with chemicals that tend to irritate our scalps. This provides some relief but the problem is not taken care of. I also believe that since formaldehyde kill cells it must've damaged our follicles. The extent varies depending on your exposure level. That's why our hair quality is not the same, our hair shaft is thin and our hair doesn't grow as fast and we can't keep the hair cycle going for a full cycle which is 7 years. Hopefully, we have enough healthy follicles left to help us mask our hairloss.

For those we auto immune problems, know that formaldehyde binds to your DNA. Do some research and you'll find that it could be something your body is trying to fight. I am not an expert but after going through this for over four years in reading all the comments you start putting 2+2 together.

Feb 18, 2017
To: Lisa & All
by: G-Hair

Don't let your primary care doctor or dermatologist be the last answer. I would suggest seeing an Allergist/Immunologist. Get a different perspective; explore other options.

Not only should you get tested for autoimmune disorders, but you should also get a CBC or compete blood count to check your white blood cells, and get tested for elevated levels of HISTAMINE in your blood. Elevated histamine would be a sign of a reactive process.

When I explained to my dermatologist what happened after the BB, she thought I'd had an allergic reaction to formaldehyde, and I think she was right about that. She also assumed that I was having early adrogenetic hair loss. I think she was wrong about that part. And even though she tried to treat me with steroid ointment, I don't think it was the best approach. She had admitted that she wasn't that familiar with BB reactions. Of course, she checked my thyroid but found nothing. After that, it was like "oh well" just use Rogaine.

The fact is Autoimmune disease is a last stage adaptation to an over active immune response (allergic reaction). When the immune system is over stimulated in the initial stages it manifests with allergies. If the root source of these allergies are not found and corrected, then the allergies will eventually become chronic immune over stimulation and can transform into autoimmune disease.

In putting autoimmune disease and allergies in perspective of normal immune function, it is necessary to understand that allergies are an initial phase of immune over stimulation that are triggered from outside of the body whereas autoimmune reactions are a late phase of chronic immune over stimulation that occurs within the body causing damage to tissues, glands, organs, and of course hair follicles.

If you can, imagine your lymphocytes showing up at your scalp when they recognize this invasion of formaldehyde. Lymphocytes should do their job and then go away, but for some reason, they stay there. They cause problems for the follicles, they take up space; leaving little room for the hair to grow. I don't know about you all, but my scalp feels tight. My scalp looks healthy but my head feels stuffy and tight.

I truly believe that I had an allergic reaction to formaldehyde, and despite mine and my dermatologist's best efforts, we have not stopped the reaction.

I have been tested for autoimmune disease, and it was negative. Keep in mind that my BB was in 08/2016. So I may still be having an allergic reaction. I am hoping to stop this reactive process, and I want to see a doctor with the knowledge and specialty to do so. I have an appointment with the allergist/immunologist. I'll let you guys know what happens.

Also, knowing that it might be an ongoing allergic reaction, I have started taking Allegra. I have also looked to eat more foods that naturally contain ANTI-HISTAMINES. Of course, allergy medications (anti-histamines) are supposed to regulate allergies, but it may not have a significant impact at this point. If figured it wouldn't hurt and might help.

I think that many of us may be in different stages of allergic reaction or autoimmune disease which is causing our hair loss. I may be totally wrong about all this, but if one person can report back that information was useful then I am happy. I have cried when I have read some of the stories on this website. It makes me sad and angry that we are suffering, but if one of us gets cured, I would be happy.

Thank you for reading my post and good luck all.

Feb 18, 2017
Thank you G -Hair
by: Lisa

Thank you so much! I am going to get a test this week. You have done an incredible amount of research and this is the only thing I have seen that actually explains why this is happening. Thanks again and take care. Please keep posting this very helpful info for those of us who have been affected by the Brazilian Blowout.

Feb 17, 2017
Article link - Autoimmune disorder treatment
by: G-Hair

The research article for alopecia is below. It's worth reading and watching the video.

Feb 17, 2017
Please read
by: G-Hair

Is your diagnosis correct????

There are several types of alopecia, and I think doctors tend to go with the easiest answer or diagnosis. My doctor has told me that my hair loss may just be female pattern baldness. I think that was her default diagnosis, but I am starting to question that. I question it, because a lot of my research suggests that ALOPECIA ARAETA can mimic female pattern baldness and other types of alopecia.

Occasionally, people in this forum have mentioned autoimmune disease and its connection to formaldehyde exposure. Well there definitely appears to be a connection, and ALOPECIA ARAETA is an autoimmune disorder, and it can be triggered by environmental/chemical agents.

My doctor had not tested me for autoimmune disorders. She just left me to use steroid ointment then Rogaine, and I was not satisfied with this. Again, I think it is all too convenient to go with the easy diagnosis versus digging a little deeper. Because even though alopecia areata can present in a large circular bald patches, it can also be diffuse and mimic Telogen Effluvium and Androgenic Alopecia (or female pattern balding.)

It makes me wonder if some are being diagnosed incorrectly.

If you haven't gotten tested for autoimmune disease, I suggest you get tested ASAP. It's just a matter of having your blood drawn. If you have already received a diagnosis of autoimmune disease related to your hair loss, I suggest you contact the research team below. It's for clinical trial at Columbia University. If anyone else finds research studies, please share. I hope this info helps someone.

For more information about how to enroll in clinical trials at CUMC, please contact 212-305-6953, write to, or register at:

Feb 16, 2017
Questions to anonymous
by: Kaylee

Hello, to the person below I am so happy your hair is growing back. I was thinking of getting steroid shots but I've been a little skeptical since many people here said they have experienced more hair loss or it simply doesn't make a difference. I've been experiencing hairloss for about a year now and I am still looking for a solution. If you don't mind me asking how long did you experience hairloss for? Was it due to the Brazilian blowout? If so how long was that? Sorry for the bombarding questions just want to know if our stories are similar. Thankyou

Feb 15, 2017
by: Anonymous

i noticed a quarter size right in the crown of my head. i waited for about 4 months to see if it would grow back. Needless to say, it didnt grow just got bigger (about 6 fingers wide) finally i went to the doctor, got some blood work done (to check my thyroid etc...) it came back negative so the dr sent me to a dermatologist. I started getting steroid shots in the affected area along with the shots, my dermatologist also had me using rogaine, biotin and Allegra (he says he advises all his alopecia patients to use this, and that it shows results) withing a month my hair started growing back. i was scheduled to go once a month for 6 months to get the shots. Since i had good regrowth the derm stopped me at 4 months. He said he didnt want to do the shots anymore since my hair was growing back quicker than normal and he said too many injections could start to make my scalp lumpy or appeared caved in from too much steroid. Im hoping since i reacted so well to the shots that my hair will keep growing back and not fal out again!!! btw my hair is right below my dimples in my lower back (VERY LONG) i was DEVASTATED to say the least when this happened. Ive been thinking of cutting it to below my shoulders to keep the weight off my scalp.

Feb 15, 2017
Additional info
by: G-hair victim

Topical Tofacitinib is being used in the clinical trials. I am not sure of the cost and availability of the topical solution.

The Yale study is ongoing until December 2017, but they are not taking new participants at this time. Still, there may be other studies out there.

Feb 15, 2017
by: G-Hair Victim

Has anyone tried tofacitinib. Tofacitinib is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, but studies have shown it to cause regrowth of hair for some types of alopecia.

Right now, it is not approved by the FDA to treat alopecia, but the research is out there. It might be worth looking into being part of a clinical trial. Currently the cost of the medication is about $2,492 or more for 60 (5 mg) tablets. So finding a clinical trial that might provide the medication for free would be nice.

Check out the article below and do your own research. I'm not into the kitchen concoctions and homemade remedies, but I wish everyone the best in however they decide to deal with the devastating hair loss. I hope the information below helps.

Feb 14, 2017
Hair loss
by: Anonymous

I'm 23 year old female. I've been losing hair for 6 year. It seems like I have female pattern baldness. I've just started to use Derma Roller on my scalp and then I put a mixture I made out of Sweet Onion Juice mixed with Lavender oil, Jamaican Black Castor oil, Emu Oil, rice water, Vitamin E oil, Harmony essential oil by Edens Garden, coffee and white ice pure honey. Is it ok to mix all of these together? How many days per week can I use it? Has anyone tried mixing couple of ingredients and does it work?

Feb 08, 2017
Interesting article
by: G-Hair Victim

I am in the process of getting referral to a rheumatologist. I wanted to share the following excerpt from a case study.

"2. Case Presentation
In September 2010, a 47-year-old female underwent a "Brazilian Blowout" treatment to straighten her hair. This procedure used a solution applied directly to hair and was followed by blow drying, and then heating the hair with a 450-degree flat iron. The patient was told that the solution contained no formaldehyde or harsh chemicals. The product’s label indicated that it was "Formaldehyde-Free". This patient had a history of an adverse reaction, consisting of skin redness and swelling, from sutures containing formaldehyde. The hair treatment lasted approximately three hours. She experienced a strong odor followed by a burning sensation in her eyes, nose and throat for a short time when the heated iron was applied. The usual procedure was to wash the chemical out of the hair prior to departure; however, the treatment lasted until closing time so she was told to leave the solution on her hair until her next scheduled appointment. Over the next few days, she developed diarrhea, vomiting, total body flushing and low-grade fever. On day eight post-exposure, she felt a burning sensation on her scalp, and subsequently washed her hair that day. While in the shower, at a water temperature of approximately 40˚C, she developed difficulty breathing and felt, "fumes coming off me like someone was using lots of spray bottles." Shortly thereafter, she experienced the onset of recurrent epistaxis, which continued for months. At that point, she sought medical assistance. The emergency room physician told her that she had sores and bald spots consistent with chemical burns on her scalp and lesions in her mouth.
Over the next three months she lost 25 pounds due to gastrointestinal symptoms. She was unable to eat, did not have bowel movements for 2 to 3 weeks at a time, and had intermittent bloating and abdominal pain, which required hospitalization. She was diagnosed with pancreatitis, but the etiology was not determined. Her skin turned bright red all over her body when she took a shower. She developed tachycardia and total body tingling that would come on 10 to 15 times a day, frequently lasting from 10 to 15 minutes and sometimes up to 60 minutes. Her menses stopped one-month post-exposure. Formaldehyde air measurements near the patient’s hair were performed 76 days post-exposure by a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH). The formaldehyde air concentration near her head was 150 ppb when the hygienist applied the hot iron to her hair. For comparison, this is above California’s allowable formaldehyde level from off-gassing of wood products [26]. This level is also above California’s acute reference exposure level for FHO of 44 parts per billion (ppb), for a period of one hour [27]. The patient had all of her hair removed following the exposure test results. The bottle of hair solution used on the patient was tested and found to have 8.6% FHO equivalents by weight, in direct opposition to the label, which stated "Formaldehyde-Free." This is equivalent to almost 13.8% methylene glycol, greatly exceeding the <5% methylene glycol level stated on the material safety data sheet produced by the manufacturer [28].
Her health continued to deteriorate. A series of doctors evaluated and treated her over the subsequent months. A diagnosis of an autoimmune disease, not otherwise classified, was made based on multiple organ impairment including peripheral neuropathy, anemia, joint and muscle pain, fever, flushing, weakness, amenorrhea, fatigue and weakness. Several physicians observed Raynaud’s phenomenon with minimal cold exposure lasting only a few seconds. A positive Anti-Nuclear Antibodies (ANA) of 1:160 (centromere pattern), positive anti-neuronal antibodies, reduced complement C3—37 mg/dl (normal 79 - 152) and reduced complement C4 10 mg/dl (normal 16 - 47) confirmed the presence of an autoimmune disease. A negative ANA had been performed in 2007. Treatment with plasmaphoresis began in 2011, which improved her symptoms and she continues to receive this therapy three times per week. She has been unable to tolerate other immune suppressant therapy.
Prior to the exposure to the Brazilian Blowout treatment, the patient had a thorough medical evaluation to evaluate her health and suitability for in vitro fertilization. She was found to be healthy and able to tolerate pregnancy. Her only medical problems were musculoskeletal and neurological residuals from an injury sustained in 2003.
As a result of her serious health problems, the patient initiated a lawsuit against the manufacturer of her hair treatment compound."

Open Journal of Rheumatology and Autoimmune Diseases
Vol.3 No.1(2013), Article ID:27832,6 pages DOI:10.4236/ojra.2013.31001

Feb 06, 2017
Lisa & C
by: G-hair Victim

Under the advice of my dermatologist, I have started using Rogaine. I was quite resistant to it, but she said it was better to start now to prevent additional loss. I am hoping it will thicken up my hair, and I will be able to report some positive results by April. We shall see.

Unlike many of the people on this website, I never saw significant shedding. After the reaction and shedding of skin, I noticed that my hair seemed to be thinning and not growing. My parts got wider. The hair on the top of my head looked flat and thin.

Initially, when I saw the dermatologist, she said she could see baby hairs. Eventually, I started to see more scalp, and more of my thick hairs seems to transition to baby hairs.

My hair was no longer in thick multi-strand coils. Instead it has become soft and frizzy. The soft/frizzy hair is worse at the top/front of my head.

I have been using Rogaine for a few weeks, and the areas that were less affected to begin with seem to be responding well. It may take a few months before/if I see anything on top.

My dermatologist admitted that she didn't know a lot about the risk/controversy surrounding keratin treatments.

C, I watched the lecture that your dermatologist gave on youtube. It was nice to hear her perspective. I recommend the video.

Feb 06, 2017
Just checking in
by: Lisa

Hi everyone. I hope you are all doing well. I'm just checking in to see how the girls who started using rogaine are doing. I had to stop using it because my head did not react well too it. I had a lot of redness and more itching. My hair fall is still about 150 on non wash days and 200 on wash days. It's so thin now I'm just giving up. I also bought a hair piece for women (called secret volume) that looks ridiculous on me so I'm not going to wear it. Im just accepting that this is my new hair. It's so thin and dry. If only I had been thankful for what it was and not done that poison keratin treatment. I would be in a much better place.

Jan 31, 2017
by: g-hair victim

Several states are suing the FDA over BB.

Jan 29, 2017
To: linda davis from Houston TX
by: Sam

Hello Linda Davis I'm Sam also from Houston TX near the Galleria area, and i don't know if you will ever read this message and of course for all to see and read but I would like to ask you a question. You said that you were cured from lupus which I'm glad to hear that, were you experiencing hair loss of any weather it was shedding or falling out in clumps or of any realeted factor to having lupus and if so did your hair grow back with the herbal medicine that was given to you. And this is kind of a two part question so sorry, but again prior to having lupus did you get a Brazilian blowout or any kind of hair trearmeant that made you see a doctor to find out what was causing your hair loss if that was the your case, you see for me that has been my case I got one Brazilian blowout and in 3 days after my hair started to fall out shedding bad and 7 months later still no change now here is were it gets weird for me now I've been to so many doctors here and there but finally said I need more help so I flew to Dallas to see a doctor and ive been there for a month and guess what he found yup lupus what I'm like all the testing I've done and money spent to come to Dallas to tell me I have lupus wow!!!!! I just cried and cried ok but the funny part I just had blood work like weeks before I had my Brazilian blowout and i was a healthy boy no lupus no of nothing all healthy and that's why my doctors here in Houston did not check that ok my point is I believe that the Brazilian blowout used on me and its chemicals like formaldehyde played a role on me having lupus which makers a lot of sense because one of the effects of formaldehyde is autoimmune disease and its so sad because there no warning label to the public its so sad but now I have lupus hair and I'm hoping that i can get in control of this disease before its to late im sorry this is so long I can really get in to this, im trying to understand and study the pattern that theses Brazilian blowouts have done to us and I blame myself so much and should have none better the name says exactly what it says it will do Brazilian blowout (out) the keyword. Well I hope to here from you Linda real soon about if you had any hair loss and to any body on here, I will give updates later on my new journey and findings to lupus hair.and all I have stated is my personal opion regarding my health and well being thanks all and god bless Sam from Houston tx.

Jan 16, 2017
Can this really still be from a treatment done 4.5 years ago???
by: C

My hair just gets shorter and shorter...finer and finer until it's worthless. my right more so than my left, but it the pattern continues, my left side and the back will eventually catch up... Has everyone noticed a decrease in length as well as fullness? It's growth capability is stunted?

Jan 10, 2017
Re: C
by: G-hair victim

I initially noticed my hair loss at the left temple. It has spread throughout. It appears to be the thickest in the back, but that might just be my perception.

I agree the products and salon should be disclosing that the BB may cause permanent hair loss just as tobacco companies and alcohol must disclose the potential consequences.

As for the prescription ointment that I mentioned previously, it does make my hair greasy, but without it I'd scratch my scalp or go crazy.

The greasiness doesn't bother me at this point. I'm no looking for my hair to have a lot of body. I'm just trying to keep my scalp covered.

I wear wide headbands now. My hair is always pulled back with a headband like something out of "Hair spray". In this style it looks like my hair is only thinning a bit at the hairline.

Jan 08, 2017
Two years
by: Anonymous

I had my keratin treatment done 2 years ago exactly. I had a lot of shedding and loss like the rest of you, but now my shedding is completely normal. It is back to pre-keratin levels, which I am very happy about. My only concern is my actual hair. Has anyone noticed any regrowth after their shedding stopped? A lot of you seemed to be complaining of bad shedding, so once that stopped did the hair grow back or is it gone forever?

Jan 08, 2017
Re: C
by: G-hair victim

I initially noticed my hair loss at the left temple. It has spread throughout. It appears to be the thickest in the back, but that might just be my perception.

I agree the products and salon should be disclosing that the BB may cause permanent hair loss just as tobacco companies and alcohol must disclose the potential consequences.

As for the prescription ointment that I mentioned previously, it does make my hair greasy, but without it I'd scratch my scalp or go crazy.

The greasiness doesn't bother me at this point. I'm no looking for my hair to have a lot of body. I'm just trying to keep my scalp covered.

I wear wide headbands now. My hair is always pulled back with a headband like something out of "Hair spray." In this style it looks like my hair is only thinning a bit at the hairline.

Jan 08, 2017
Trying to match patterns of loss
by: C aka If I could turn back time

Ok, just to start. I had no idea I would be posting so much on this site when I chose my name. It's too much work, so from now on it'll be C.
Did everyone's hair loss start at their temples? Did we all lose our baby hair framing our fac and sides and neck? Or did some of us get bald spots or patches of loss? Do all of us have miniaturization?

Jan 08, 2017
by: MG

I got a biopsy done and the MD took it from an area where I had most of the loss. The results came back as redness, inflammation consistent with dermatitis and androgenic alopecia as 30% of my follicles had signs of minituralization. I had the biopsy about 12 months after my BB so by then I had lost about 40% of my hair. Doctors go by was is clinical concensus and to them it is hard to conceive that women would put poison on their hair. Formaldehyde kills cells so it all depends on how much and how long we had the product in contact with our scalp. My loss started on right temple, then left one, then hairline with thinning patches all over. My part is where I have most of the hair left and helps me camouflage the loss. Bee honey mask makes my hair really dingy, shiny and take away the frizz. It also clears my scalp from the seborrehic build up. My scalp is so clean.

Jan 08, 2017
My experience
by: If I could Turn Back Time

I went to 5 diff dermatologists and 4 primary care docs...I've had every lab test done known to man...Most of them just thought it was effluvium or stress or "you just have thin hair".....Most didn't even know what a BB was. It's amazing to me the lack of knowledge. For me, the loss started at my right temple and then progressed from there. Some tried different things, stetiod injections to the area, topical steroids, antifungals, immunosuppressive drugs, different shampoos, oral antibiotics, vitamins, etc. I had a scalp biopsy that came back normal, but he took it from an area that he said was red, but the loss, was not occurring there at that time. I was really upset with him as the experience wasn't pleasant and you do lose some hair from that area and need stitches. Nothing worked! My loss continued to my right side, then my left temple, left side and nape of neck, then in front, and now my back....Has anyone else seen there loss in this manner? It seemed to go in stages and. It necessarily all over at once? Maybe some areas were thicker than others and that's where I noticed the loss more initially? Anywsys, the only doc I trust and said it was the chemical hair straighteners is Dr.Goh in Santa Monica, CA. She says she sees it a lot!! Her speciality is hair loss and she herself is bald. I think only time will tell what will become of I have already mentioned. I use rogain for women and oral spironolactone...I think it has helped a bit...that and time...Dr.Goh never wanted to do a scalp biopsy. I guess she is confident in what she feels it is.

Jan 08, 2017
by: Anonymous

I went to 5 diff dermatologists and 4 primary care docs...I've had every lab test done known to man...Most of them just thought it was effluvium or stress or "you just have thin hair".....Most didn't even know what a BB was. It's amazing to me the lack of knowledge. For me, the loss started at my right temple and then progressed from there. Some tried different things, stetiod injections to the area, topical steroids, antifungals, immunosuppressive drugs, different shampoos, oral antibiotics, vitamins, etc. I had a scalp biopsy that came back normal, but he took it from an area that he said was red, but the loss, was not occurring there at that time. I was really upset with him as the experience wasn't pleasant and you do lose some hair from that area and need stitches. Nothing worked! My loss continued to my right side, then my left temple, left side and nape of neck, then in front, and now my back....Has anyone else seen there loss in this manner? It seemed to go in stages and. It necessarily all over at once? Maybe some areas were thicker than others and that's where I noticed the loss more initially? Anywsys, the only doc I trust and said it was the chemical hair straighteners is Dr.Goh in Santa Monica, CA. She says she sees it a lot!! Her speciality is hair loss and she herself is bald. I think only time will tell what will become of us....

Jan 08, 2017
Re: Last writer
by: Anonymous

Do you ever think about getting a second opinion? It just seems to me that there are very few experts in scarring alopecia related to BB. So many people have complained about hair loss from BB only to hear their doctor say that keratin is good for their hair.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like most dermatologists would rather be catching and curing skin cancer than doing extensive research on hair loss related to BB. They see us as people who chose to have an elective hair treatment that may have caused severe/permanent damage to our scalp and hair. I just feel like there is less compassion and concern.

Furthermore, when you've had super thick hair all your life, lose a quarter of it, and you go to a dermatologist for treatment, some dermatologists don't see the problem. They see you still have plenty of hair so they don't treat it aggressively in the beginning. Again I don't think they care that much.

Jan 08, 2017
Anyone had a scalp biopsy?
by: Anonymous

Has anyone with this condition that started with the Brazilian blowout had a scalp biopsy? Just curious to know if it's useful to have and if they will be able to definitively tell if our hair is permanently gone. That's the only way to know for sure if we actually have a form of alopecia (and potentially the best way to slow it down). As I mentioned below, my doctors told me I didn't need one because I was diagnosed with telogen effluvium. They told me it was due to the chemical treatment and would eventually grow back. Over two years later I have very little regrowth and I'm still losing 150 to 200 hairs a day. My hair is extremely thin. I can see so much of my scalp. I used to have very thick hair. In fact stylist used to complain and always charged me extra because it took so long to dry. That's definitely not a problem anymore :(

Jan 07, 2017
Why is this so hard to believe?
by: Anonymous

I used to get my haircut every six weeks. Now I try to stretch it out as long as possible because I can't handle people pulling my hair and the amount of my hair that I see in their brushes when they are done. Today I went for a haircut (it's been about 3 months since my last one because my hair doesn't seem to grow like it used to) and I had a new stylist (the normal gal I see called in sick and since I'm leaving for a work trip I didn't want to push the appointment out). I asked her to please be gentle during the wash and explained I was having a problem with hair loss. She asked me what it was from and I told her I had a bad experience with a Brazilian Blowout. She immediately told me that that absolutely could not be what caused it because she has personally done over 50 of them and has never had an issue and she herself has one. She told me it's completely safe and all natural :(. It just frustrated me so much because I know exactly why my hair is falling out everyday.. It all started right after that horrible Brazilian blowout. Why don't people believe it? Why does it only happen to some of us and not others? What is it going to take for the FDA to pull this horrible product off the market?

Jan 05, 2017
G Hair Victim
by: If I could Turn Back Time

Our stories are all so similar....I tell myself the same. I should be thankful for so much. I have healthy children, a supportive boyfriend, Good career. I too am an RN. It's just difficult when something robs you of so much without any warning. Where was the disclaimer: This may make your hair a little less frizzy, but you will have a lot less of it. Oh, and when the treatment wears off in 3 months, your hair will be more unruly than ever before. Where was that disclaimer? I hope the ointment you are using works for you! Does it make your hair greasy at all?

Jan 05, 2017
Steroids over Rogaine
by: G-Hair Victim

I am slowly and reluctantly accepting that I may lose more hair, but I still stand by the Triamcinolone steroidal ointment. I apply this to my scalp twice per day or as needed for itching/irritation and here is why.

As a registered nurse, when I look at things like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD, I see the same type of reactive process. In COPD a person’s airway has suffered extensive damage and seems to always be reacting to this damage. The airway is irritated/inflamed and the swelling makes for a smaller passageway. White blood cells, which are usually helpful, make it worse by flooding the area and causing more congestion. The airway becomes tighter, and people are unable to breathe properly and get enough oxygen through.

To relax that irritation/inflammation/swelling in the airway, we give our patients steroids in the form of inhalers and pills. This gives them relief, but they are never truly cured. Still, they are able to breathe better, and air passes more easily.
Similar to a COPD airway, I feel like my hair follicles are constantly irritated, inflamed, and swelling to the point that a strand of hair has limited space to grow through, if it can grow at all. And I am hopeful that the steroid ointment that I am applying to my scalp will help in the same way that steroids help COPD patients.

Since the BB in August 2016 I have lost overall volume, and the individual strands have been thinner. Additionally, my scalp had been dry, itchy and irritated. So I decided to go back to my roots, and use the Triamcinolone Ointment just as my mom used to apply Blue Magic hair grease to my scalp as a child. I apply the ointment twice per day or as needed.

Now that I am consistently applying the ointment, I don’t itch, and I don’t have to scratch. I am hoping that the steroid ointment will calm the follicle and reduce the inflammation just enough to let hairs to continue to pass through.
It may be a longshot, but it definitely wasn’t doing me any good to be scratching all the time. I am cutting my hair today to make it easier to maintain and treat with the steroids.

I also considered Rogaine. I used it for five days. I realized that it did nothing for the irritation. The manufacturer states "DO NOT USE IF YOUR SCALP IS RED, INFLAMED, INFECTED, IRRITATED, OR PAINFUL." Check out some of the inactive ingredients: butane, butylated hydroxytoluene, cetyl alcohol, citric acid, glycerin, isobutane, lactic acid, polysorbate 60, propane, purified water, SD alcohol 40-B, stearyl alcohol. Maybe it works for some, but I’m going to pass on that. My scalp is too fragile play around with this stuff.

Rogaine may work for some, but I needed something that would lock in moisture while calming the irritation/inflammation, and the prescription steroid ointment is the only thing that I have found so far. I don’t think it is going to regrow my hair, but I am hoping that it will prevent anymore follicles from getting irritated, tightening up, or closing down completely.

Still, occasionally I break down and cry and ask why me. I was looking for frizz control not a BB. The product I bought was marketed as a smoothing treatment, but it was pure poison.
This may seem awful, but sometimes I have to tell myself "at least you can still walk; at least you don’t have AIDS; at least you are not starving; at least you can afford a wig when the time comes." I hate that I think that way, but sometimes those thoughts are the only thing that can comfort me.

Jan 05, 2017
Wigs and Hairloss
by: MG

There is tons of information in this website about hairloss and wigs. The site owner wears the most beautiful natural hair wigs and looks amazing. The featured article right now is on de-stigmatizing hair loss and wigs.

Jan 04, 2017
by: If I could turn back time

I wish I could be more positive, but I'm completely distraught. The rogaine I have been using has helped create some "fringe" around my hairline, but my hair fall is continuing...I was so hopeful. That said, I will not stop using it until I throw in the towel and buy a wig. I cannot believe the last completely took the words right out of my mouth. Just today I was thinking of just shaving my head. No more hair to fall, tickling my chest and arms. No more hair left to litter my sink and floor. No more hourly reminder of my hair loss. I've heard wigs are easier to use with short hair as well. I'm not sure what I am waiting for? My hair is completely awful. It's see through, the texture is "gummy" and it's all different lengths. I'm in my 30s and look like I'm in my 50s....
Is it the stigma associated with wigs? Maybe I'd be floored at how happy I am with one? Maybe I could find some peace? Maybe I get the most amazingly beautiful full scalp tatoo ever?
Not that I know how to do it, but I wish one of us could start a Facebook group that we could join, make private, share photos, etc.
I recontacted the lawyer I reached out to once before. He doesn't know if he can help, but he is looking into a class action lawsuit. He is supposed to get back with me if he feels there is something to pursue. I want the girl that did this to my hair to have her license stripped. Unfortunately, I'm sure that will never happen.
I needed to vent today. Thanks for listening

Jan 04, 2017
3 years plus
by: MH

Well, I just can't believe this is still a daily thing and sadly it probably will fall out. It's in terrible condition, top to bottom. Sandra, like your daughter my hair it totally unmanageable it is pure frizz and embarrassingly wispy. I keep thinking how much worse can it get?? But clearly it will all fall out.... I have tiny bits of regrowth that are withered and damaged. Everyday I think shaving of shaving my hair off. Still seems crazy to me that the majority of my family and friends notice little difference!!

Jan 03, 2017
by: Anonymous

That explains why a lot of us have experienced the complete lack of production of oil at the scalp. I had hoped this condition would eventually go away. 😢 Never in a million years did I think I'd ever have to wear a wig. Everyone in my family on both sides have extremely thick hair well into their old age. The Brazilian blowout ruined that for me.

Jan 03, 2017
Cicatricial alopecia
by: Anonymous

I can appreciate the anecdotal stories of hope and regrowing hair. Sadly the fact is that many of the people who suffered chemical burns from a BB will never regrow their hair. The chemical burn can destroy some/most/all of the hair follicles resulting in a condition called cicatricial alopecia.

Their is little research being done on this type of hair loss. The lack of research is largely due to the higher ratio of male physicians who may expect women to just join the balding club.

The other factor is the population that is affected by BB products. Minority women, black, brown, and other are a large percentage of consumers using BB products and are more likely to suffer harm. They are less likely to have access to the medical specialists, treatments, attorneys, etc. so they suffer and nothing happens.

While commenting on here may be helpful, activism is very necessary. Contact the agencies below. See what research studies are out there. Tell your story, because I doubt they are monitoring this website to guide their research.

Cicatricial Alopecia Research Foundation

North American Hair Research Society

Jan 02, 2017
by: If I could turn back time

I used a sulfur emollient on my scalp prescribed by my was $50 for a very small bottle and was more of a lotion than a was very strange. I can't say it helped me, but it's used to decrease inflammation/dermatitis

Jan 02, 2017
by: Anonymous

have any of you ever tried sulfur?

Dec 28, 2016
by: If I could turn back time

Has anyone else experienced hair not only getting finer and falling, but also getting shorter and shorter until it disappears? I have sections of hair that only grow to my chin...and my hair falls out in various inch, 4 inches, 8 inches long, etc...sometimes I have hair more than one hair attached to a single root bulb...the follicle has released more than one hair.....I'm just trying to get detailed to see if our loss follows the same pattern....thanks all 😘

Dec 28, 2016
@Lisa and Lois
by: If I could turn back time

Thanks Lisa. It's nice to have a place to share and get advice. I won't get rid of the "girls" just yet 😉 I wonder how many groups there are out there like this one? I contacted a lawyer a few months ago, but I never heard back, so I figured he must not feel there is a case??? I've thought about inquiring again, but I'm not sure I want that stress in my life... I do feel that we have all been very wronged. These products/improperly trained stylists stole many years of happiness and hair from our lives. And thousands of dollars from our wallets in search for a cure.
Lois- are you still on here? I saw an old post and you were using rogaine and spironolactone. I am hoping for an update.

Dec 28, 2016
Thank you all!!
by: Lisa

It's been a little over 2 years for me. Most of you are familiar with my story (because it's the same as yours). My hair used to be thick and healthy. I had the BB done to reduce the amount of frizz I had in the summer. The hair loss started soon after. I have about 30-40% of the hair I used to have. It is very thin on the top, in the front and on the sides. I have lost so much hair and I literally feel sick to my stomach every time I have to wash because of the amount I know I'm going to lose. Even when I brush my hair (without washing) a ton of hair comes out. It's unnatural. I tried rogaine about 6 months after the loss started. My head was still very inflamed and I had a lot of scalp pain. The rogaine did not help at the time, I think it's because my head was just too irritated and the rogaine just caused more irritation. Now that more time has passed and I have less scalp pain and itching, I think you guys have given me the courage to try it again. I'll report back and let you know how it turns out. "If I could turn back time" thank you so much for your posts... if I may say, I think that your hair loss is only from the keratin treatment. I also have implants, but I had them long before the keratin with no issues or hair loss. I am 40 (I estimate that's roughly the same age as you) I really hope this gets better for all of us. I am so sad that the FDA allows this product to remain on the market after all of the destruction it has caused. I hope that 2017 is a great year for all of us and that this is the year we are able to find something that helps :) Happy New Year Everyone!

Dec 27, 2016
by: If I could turn back time

It's too early to tell about my's only been two months....I have "fringe" along my hair hairs...I lost those and those are coming back....those are important to me too....I use Viviscal extra strength hair vitamin

Dec 27, 2016
@if i could turn back time
by: Anonymous

so when you say the rogaine worked for you, did the new hair grow out normal or is it thinner than the rest. Also are you taking any other supplements? My dermatologist told me to try taking biotin and using rogaine at the same time to jump start the hair growth and i'm not quite sure if that is a good idea or not.

Dec 27, 2016
by: If I could turn back time

I started seeing results in 6-8 weeks.... I wash my hair every other day, even though my doc says to wash everyday. I wash every other day for the health of my hair, not my scalp, as I do dry my hair after every washing. I highlight my hair, but very lightly now. It's not as blonde as I would like. My new hair is light brown, my natural color...I didn't really notice more fall as my fall was already excessive...I told my myself I would push through it even if I did. I don't have hair growing on my face or anywhere abnormal from the rogaine. I haven't noticed other body hair becoming thinner, as I feel that has already happened to me....I really think my loss is a combo of blow outs and breast implants possibly causing hormonal changes?? I don't know...unless formaldehyde exposure can cause permanent hormonal changes? Anyways, I hope that helps....BTW, I tried a minoxidil product called 82M and had massive shedding about 1.5 years into this journey. I don't know if my scalp was too irritated to handle it at the time or if it was because it was too strong, or just the preparation didn't agree with me, but that's part of the reason I resisted trying rogaine for so long. I use the rogaine foam 5% for women once a day, at night. They have videos on line that tell/show you how to apply it, but I just apply to the front of my scalp where most of my loss is. I part in the middle and directly apply a thin line of product halfway down my part. I massage it in with my fingers, and then create new parts moving down the side of my head on both sides and do the same. Then I wash my hands real good. Hope this helps 😘

Dec 27, 2016
Rogaine question
by: Deb

I am so tempted now to use rogaine - just some questions - did you hair shed more when you started using it? Do you have to wash your hair every single day? Do you ever blow dry or dye your hair? When did you start to see improvements so I know how long to wait ? What color are your new hairs growing? Do you notice anywhere else on your body that your hair may be thinning? Ok enough questions for now lol . Thank you so much for your input!

Dec 26, 2016
by: If I could turn back time

I got my first blow out 5 years ago and until I started using rogaine a couple of month ago, my loss sides are see through and my part widened in fringe to frame my face. It was never going to was getting worse daily. Rogaine worked for me. I have some fringe and my fall has stopped. I know not everyone will respond the same, but I'm pleasantly surprised. I just wish I would have tried sooner.

Dec 26, 2016
2 1/2 years and counting
by: Anonymous

Got my one and only BB over 2 1/2 years ago and hair still falls out all the time. It almost seems unbelievable. I try to wash my hair everyday only because if I skip a day the hair loss in shower is double the next day. I would estimate that I lose about 150/day - same as when this all started!! How could that be? How am I not bald? This whole ordeal has been completely exhausting - I have tried everything: prescription steroids, scalpicin, selsun blue, several organic shampoos (these seem to make things worse for me), coconut oil, tea tree oil, garlic shampoo, washing hair once/week, etc etc. Nothing changes. My hair used to be insanely thick - now it is much finer, about 1/2 as think and front/temples very thin ( I won't wear ponytails anymore). I've given up trying anything new - maybe within next couple YEARS it will return to normal?? Maybe not.... No one on this site seems to say when things go back to NORMAL. If you've never had a BB - don't!! We're not crazy.

Dec 21, 2016
by: If I could turn back time

Btw, I haven't been able to wear my hair long anymore because it is too thin and looks terrible. It still looks terrible and stringy, but I choose to wear it down, shoulder length, parted in the middle. sometimes I Bobby pin one or both sides back. 😘

Dec 21, 2016
by: If I could turn back time

We have the same story Deb....I'd give the rogaine a try. It has decreased my fall and I have some fringe in front which makes me so much happier. Good luck and keep us updated

Dec 21, 2016
Raw Honey Helping
by: MG

I am a veteran here and my story is just like everyone's. After four years, I feel the health of my scalp is improving and the hairloss is still abnormal (on the high side) but not massive. Overall lost about 60% of my hair with my sides super thin and the texture is not the same. I think my hair must have aged by 20 years. I part in the middle where my part is the thicker and this camouflages my thin sides. I think long straight hair is the easiest to manage and looks better on me given my new hair amount. I put my hair in low-loose pony tails to hide the sides. It is really really important not to expose your scalp to the sun. Even though the soreness is gone, if I expose my scalp to the sun the pain comes back for a day or so. I have had seborrheic dermatitis (with inflammation and tightness) since my BB and read that bee honey helps eliminate it or control and this reduces the hair loss from seborrheic dermatitis. when I wash my hair, I dilute a teaspoon of honey with a glass of filtered water and just saturate my scalp with it for about an hour. Then wash with a shampoo without fragance and condition keeping conditioner away from the scalp. Fragance irritates the scalp. Blow dry with medium temperature. My scalp is less inflamed and smooth, my hair (even at the scalp) softer and shinnier, I have less goey buildup from dermatitis and I believe I am losing less hair. Honey helps with skin healing too. If you decide to try this, use little honey at first because too much on anything is not good on our temperamental scalp (this is why I decide for one teaspoon per 8 ounces of water) My honey comes from a bee keeper and has the honey comb.

Dec 21, 2016
Hey deb
by: Sam

Hi deb don't no if you will read this but I wanted to share my answer to your question, everything you have describe I have down to my health it seems that I'm getting sick and now its harder for my body to fight especially my stomach I get very weird tummy pains it can sometime bring me down that i can't move i have never in my life of existence experienced such agony before I had the Brazilian blowout I was a pretty healthy guy you no and i did go bald on my left like a circle huge chunk of hair just vanished but my doctor thinks my stress levels are not helping my situation because I can't believe this is happening to me and me as well my eyebrows are very very thin I lost one side and my body hair just disappearing when I read your post I just wanted to tell you your not alone and I'm going to pray for us both eveynight that we get our hair back. Even though I gave up and cut all my hair off and in January im having my custom wig made to my standards with real human hair and it should be ready because its going to look like my hair at least that's the plan because ill send it back if it looks to fake , now about Rogaine my doctor said it might not help me right now because my scalp its still has a lot of inflammation and redness and dryness and non stop itchiness and i may not even be able to wear my guys wigs but well I just wanted to tell you that a guy from Houston Texas understand you. God bless you and take care Sam .and I wish I new how to stop this horrible nightmare for everyone and we all just wake up with our original hair back again players to all.

Dec 20, 2016
Turn back time ...
by: Deb

Wow we seem to have the same exact description. All my hair strands are very thin all over - I do t have any bald patches per se - however if I part my hair from anywhere on my head the part is wide. Hairs easily come out without any pressure of pulling. A few strands at a time can be pulled when I just run my hands through my hair. Also I have recession on hairline as well as the back of my hair seems to be recessing. My head is itchy from time to time and feels very sensitive when I wear it up - like it's pulling my hair out! The top seems to be my worst area - seems the thinnest and see through - I guess it's bc of the way the hair falls. My hair is also very dry . Strange through I don't see many split ends - possibly bc each hair seems to be so thin it looks as if it's split in hair. I just can't beleive how thin the strands are. When wet it freaks me out on top bc of the scalp I see. I wear hair powder but as it gets more and more thin on top as it's falling I feel like this won't work anymore and it will look like I painted my scalp. How do u wear your hair mostly ? I need some style tips- I noticed if I put my sunglasses on my head it hurts as well as if I put a little clip in bangs to the side. I'm wondering if I should just bite the bullet and try the rogaine

Dec 20, 2016
by: If I could turn back time

It has been working for me. My hair had thinned enough for me that I had nothing to lose, but more hair. I bit the bullet and used the Rogaine. I'm not saying it's the healthiest choice, but for me, any amount of new hair makes me very happy. Mental health is valuable too. Can you describe your loss for me? Mine has been an overall thinning, but more so in front/sides with ministration and hairline recession. I don't have bald patches. Hope this helps 😊

Dec 20, 2016
by: Deb

I bought it but never used it bc I heard horror stories of losing. More hair and I'm so afraid to lose anymore . If it does help I would love to know bc a few little extra hairs that I see growing would make me feel so happy right now

Dec 18, 2016
Anyone else have luck with Rogaine?
by: If I could turn back time

I hear all of your stories and they sound just like mine....but I find it hard to believe that something I did 5 years ago is still causing my hair to fall out. My part was widening in front, my sides see through, I've lost 50% of my hair....I saw multiple doctors as my hair was rapidly thinning and it was decided that my hair loss was from the chemical straighteners. That said, my doc put me spironolactone 200mg/day just in case my age was a contributing factor. I was 35 years old when this all started. I also caved and started using rogaine for women once nightly. I refused to use it for the first 4+ years of loss, because I knew my loss wasn't natural. That has turned out to be a mistake for me as my hair fall has decreased and I have a lot of new hair coming in. It has only been 2 months, but I'm happy with the progress. Has anyone else had results on here from Rogaine? I just for sure wish I knew the cause....stress? Breast implants? Hair straighteners?

Dec 18, 2016
Keratin disaster after 2years
by: Tsoline

Plz if u can send me your emails to see the pictures of your hair to see if we are the same

Dec 18, 2016
Health issues
by: Deb

Just wondering if anyone has had any health issues since losing their hair from keratin . Anything unusual bc of course this makes me worried . I had the best health and now I feel like if I get any kind of sickness it takes me longer to fight. Don't know if it's a coincidence . How are you guys doing otherwise ? I like to check in every now and then . I'm really seeing a lot more scalp. Using the hair powder but don't know how much Ionger I can mask this. Been still washing twice a week - days before I wash I put in a low bun. Hurts a bit but looks ok . Any suggestions on other hairstyles to mask the hair loss - I must have alopecia - probably scarring alopecia bc hair is just not growing back - I'm scared I will go bald and have to get a wig . I really hope not . It's only been a year but since I see nothing works to restore my hair I basically have not done anything. Unless I see something works that makes some sense to me I'll try it. I'm just seeing now that my eyebrows are getting thinner as well as body hair - somehow this messed up my whole system

Dec 12, 2016
finally getting some closure
by: Anonymous

after a keratin treatment my fine hair started falling out at a rapid rate, so much so I ended up buying a wig. I have recently found Rene Furterer Forticea shapoo and RH vials and must say the shedding has stopped on its tracks. worth a try, all natural ingredients and only 1 vial a week so quite affordable. My shedding has almost stopped altogether and my hair feels so much better.

Dec 12, 2016
J. Lo
by: Anonymous

Check out J. Lo's pictures. It looks all too familiar. She gets the super straight hair which becomes fragile and starts to thin. So she cuts it and tries to give it a little curl and volume, but the paparazzi caught her in the last photo with her thin flat hair. J. Lo should be on here telling her story. She should be telling her story to all of the young ladies who look up to her.

Dec 12, 2016
please comment on amazon
by: Inoar G-hair victim

It is disappointing that people like Jenifer Lopez and Jenifer Aniston have experienced breakage and hair loss and don't make a better effort to warn their fans. Of course they have the money to get by with extensions and other expensive services. It makes me angry that more people aren't acknowledging the dangers.

I looked on amazon, and I saw Inoar G-Hair is for sale from random distributers. Of course the fake reviews are up to no-good. All of their comments talk about the great results of using the product, but they have never used it. It is such a scam.

If anyone on this website lost their hair to Inoar G-hair or any other formaldehyde based hair product, please tell your story on amazon. You can simply cut/paste your comments from this website.

If a comment on the product will make a person think twice before buying it, it's a great thing. I just don't want another teen, 20, 30, or 40-something year old, who should be enjoying life, sink into a deep depression due to hair loss. I'm willing to bet that someone may have taken their own life over this Brazilian Blowout crap. Please warn others. Post a comment on amazon


Tell your story at the link above. So what if you didn't use the product. The fake reviewers didn't use the product either.

Note how the product description leaves out "Brazilian Blowout." I had to use a magnifying glass on the one that I bought just to see that it had formaldehyde in it. Of course by that time it was too late.

Dec 09, 2016
So sad :(
by: Sam

Its been a while since I update, what were pretty much going through that's why we post here to vent to see if theres any one out who has found a cure but this is me saying there is no cure I got suckered into paying 400.00 dollars to make me bald and now I must suffer my consequences. No lawyer can help me get my hair back I can't do anything to the untrained hair stylist who clogged my scalp with that Brazilian blowout product can't blame no one but myself and i hate hate hate myself right now the young man that was me died in may 2016 and I'm givING in to the new man that I am a bald man that has aged 30 years in 6 months I was 34 yr six months ago now im 64yr I say this because its how I feel my whole body has change I no longer produce natural oils I have to many skin problems brought on from the Brazilian Blowout and i guess ill be the first to report that I'm complete bald from my left side all the hair has vanished along with my front hair line this happen to me so suddenly im in a state of shock right now and giving it all to stay calm, some one posted about eyebrows thinning yes my right one is completely gone and the left with a few hairs and the hair on my knuckles disappeared and arm hair gone just gone and all my blood work is fine and doctors really don't no what in the hell is happing to me. I've aged !!!!!!!! That's what has happened to me my body hormones have been changed altered from the formaldehyde or another chemical that's in the Brazilian blowout why is no one listening to me doctors I mean it just keeps getting worse for me and this is just the beginning im only 6 months in can you imagine in 4yr ill probably be dead of old age at 38 that's how old ill be in 4yr but ill look 68 remember this Brazilian blowout has ruined my entire life ill be leaving very soon in 7 months or so as soon as I sell the family home that i lived in since the day I was born but I need the funds so my dad can stay in a good nursing home and to start my new life were no one new that i once had a full thick set of hair that's my so sad news. Sorry I no who ever reads this ain't helping much but I have to vent and let out how I feel to anyone to let all no that Brazilian blowout are no joke it's a very very serious harmful chemical that ruines lives. Or just takes a few years of your life. Good luck to everyone for I have lost the battle for saving my once upon a time very thick handsome long hair . I just have to say I went from looking like prince Eric from the little mermaid kind of hair to looking like a rooster half buffoon dried up mullet on one side just plain ridiculous fried Krispy Kreme donut kind of hair so sad . well thought I would make someone laugh you see when I vent on here I sometimes stop crying and feel ok thanks guys even if I don't no anyone on here reading this and I promise my intentions are not to get any one down but this is just my reality and what I'm going through take care all bye. Sam from Houston TX

Dec 08, 2016
by: Anonymous

Hi to everyone - I feel all your pain. I've read over and over again of people spending thousands of dollars on different "solutions" to no avail and I refuse to spend a dollar on all these snake oil remedies that are sold to people so desperate for anything that might help with their hair loss. One thing I have just started trying though, is using my electric back massager on my head for ten minutes when I wake up and ten minutes before I go to sleep. It doesn't cost anything and at the very least it really feels good. I would think that anything that could stimulate the scalp and get the blood flowing up there would help. At the very least, it couldn't hurt and it is very relaxing. I know this isn't a solution - I just started doing it a couple of days ago, but I really feel it might stimulate the damaged/dead hair follicles and speed up the recovery. Just a thought.

Dec 08, 2016
by: Inna

Led device Darsonval according to the scalp and not on hair. I don't know whether it is possible, if you have severe irritation on the skin. But if you just drop out, then Yes. He awakens the dormant hair follicles and stimulates blood circulation, hair follicles are strengthened. "Keratin" is the same as formic acid, is drugs based on it with which are struggling with the growth of unwanted hair. It kills the molecules and therefore the hair does not grow. You need to improve blood circulation in the scalp.

Dec 08, 2016
MY recipe!!
by: Inna

My dear american freinds, i am from Russia and I have Brazilian Blowaut 1 year ago.

this devaice help me. TRY IT !!!!

I already wrote here but no one replied to my comment!! Really helped me from falling out after keratin salt scrub (a tablespoon of salt, any balm, RUB 1-2 minutes into the scalp, rinse). And this electric massager. In our country know all about it, you probably not. Write down what you hear my review. 10 days for 10 minutes each day head-comb led hair. loss gradually reduced. To conduct courses. And worth a penny.

Dec 08, 2016
Anyone else have breast implants??
by: If I could turn back time

Lisa- you stole the words right out of my mouth....sometimes I wonder if it was the chemical hair straighteners or possibly my breast implants disrupting my hormonal pathway. When you describe exactly what I'm going through, it makes me feel that it is definitely the blow outs...It's hard to believe that something I did 4 years ago is still affecting me. I shed like crazy and continue to see more scalp. I was a pretty woman and now I feel it looks as though I have aged 20 years.

Dec 08, 2016
I like that idea Lisa
by: Deb

Sounds good to make a timeline and what can help
"Deal with this .. wish we could somehow share pictures too to see how it progresses. My whole thing that I fear most is I pray I don't go bald. I deal with this day by day . Some days it consumes me and then some days I try to focus on other things. I feel as I do research more it makes me itch and find hairs that I wouldn't if I just focused on something else. If I could stop it right now I could live with it -but what freaks me out is that it can get worse and worse . But I need to know - so please share all stories so we can be prepared for the worst .

Dec 07, 2016
Still Shedding too
by: Lisa

Hi Everyone, Still the same for me too. My Brazilian Blowout was in October 2014. I started shedding like crazy after that. Tons of hair would come out when I washed and every time I touched my hair. I am still shedding about 100/ day on non wash days and 200 on wash days. I wash twice a week. My hair is so thin and dry. My scalp doesn't produce oil like it used to and any little bit of regrowth I have is course and thin (like my hair has aged). I hate the way I look and try to avoid getting my picture taken at all cost (mostly because you can see my scalp shining though with the flash bouncing off my head). It is most thin at the front and on the top of my head (where I part my hair) I think. That's where I can see the most scalp. I use hair powder to try and hide it. I am thankful for the hair I still have, but I don't know how I haven't gone completely balled yet with all that I lose everyday. I still have hope that it will stop one day. I've tried everything under the sun (PRP, steroids, lasers vitamins, creams, hair growth shampoos,etc) with no success. I still take hair essentials vitamins even though it hasn't helped slow the shedding. It just makes me feel better that I'm doing something to try to help it. I will say though that the scalp pain and itching that I had at the beginning is not as bad. The itching flares up occasionally and when I wear my hair in a pony tail it hurts the top of my head. I'm sorry for going on and on. Somehow it makes me feel better to know there are others who I can vent to and who know what I'm going through. I keep hoping that a "cure" will be shared here. We should start a database/ diary for everyone so we can try to keep track of things that help.

Dec 07, 2016
Immediate follow up
by: Inoar G-Hair Victim

I just posted as anonymous, but I am now officially Inoar G-Hair Victim. I just wanted to follow up to my previous post about Triamcinolone Acetonide Ointment.

In addition to applying the ointment, I also sleep with a satin cap or satin scarf on my head. This prevents the ointment from transferring to my pillow, and it prevents my delicate hairs from getting tangled and yanked out by the fabric of pillow cases.

Like many others, my hair seems to grow out damaged or it just seems more fragile. I try to protect my hair and scalp from things that may be harmful. I also alternate washing my hair with shampoo/conditioner and just conditioner (co-wash).

I buy those single used deep conditioner packets, and I sit with the conditioner on my hair/scalp under a plastic cap for 30-60 minutes. It helps my hair look a bit healthier. I also avoid using heat.

I don't know if all the stuff that I am doing is going to bring my thickness back, but somehow it makes me feel good. When my scalp is not itching and irritated, I feel like it is happy or at least satisfied and calm. When my scalp is calm, I am less stressed.

Dec 06, 2016
MH - you sound like me
by: Deb

Sounds like we have the same symptoms ugh - I was hoping there was some hope - I got mine August last year and the falling out started after Thanksgiving last year - so it's been a full year of me losing hair. I also have no nape hair. I just haven't bared to chop any of my existing hair off - so it's really long down my back - but sooooo thin . I blow dry and straighten my hair once or twice a week. I noticed either way my hair would fall out anyway if I left it or styled it. I'm just really careful. I brush as gently as possible. My regrowth has some grayish hair too but it's not the same as I had before - it's a muted matte colored gray. Some of the hairs are not gray at all at my root which makes me think some hair may not even be growing. Another weird thing is my eyebrows seem itchy too -and I'm not sure but it looks like they are thinning . I used to dye my hair like every six weeks before this happened but now it did it like 4 times in the past year. I try to hold out as much as possible but it's so embarasssing. Does anyone wear their hair up? I try to leave it down as much as possible but it gets ratty looking so I put it in a low pony tail. Oh well just touching base . Haven't heard much lately from you guys - although I look every single day on here.

Dec 06, 2016
Treatment for itch/dryness
by: Anonymous

My doctor claims that she can see baby hairs around my hairline, but I don't see them. I see more scalp than I have ever seen in life.

On a better note, she prescribed Triamcinolone Acetonide Ointment 1%, and it resolves the itch. It's greasy, which as an african american, I don't mind to much. The main thing is that it works. My doctor also said that a cream was available, but she preferred the ointment for my scalp.

I am not promoting this drug. I am sure there are other medications out there, but this one worked for me. Before I started using it, I was scratching sores into my scalp. I scratched so much my shampoo would burn just as it would when you apply rubbing alcohol to a cut.

Now I wash my hair and after it is dry, I part it into sections, and apply the ointment. It has really calmed the inflammation.

I'm hoping that less scratching and scarring will allow my hair to grow. I sure the irritation wasn't doing me any good.

More importantly, the more I touched my scalp to scratch, the more I felt the thinness of my hair and the more I worried about it. Less itching and irritation has amounted to less stress. I certainly don't think all of the stress was helping my cause of getting hair to grow.

I hope this helps.

Dec 06, 2016
Still losing too
by: MH

Hi all

Sandra- Yes, my minimal growth is brittle; looks like someone has run it along scissors to make it look like its coiled, is super light.

My hair is STILL continuing to fall. I can't believe I'm on year 3. My biggest problem is hiding my dandruff through my thinning hair. My hair is 100% fluff now and looks frizzy, light and like an old lady. You can tell people are too polite to comment on it.

I lose 100 still every wash day. And use powder every day to cover my scalp.

My scalp has been really inflamed and itchy lately...the inflammation is still an issue. Re-growth is minimal and I'm so embarrassed by how thin it is.
I'm seriously considering a hair piece.

I rally think I will lose every hair i had keratin, but the regrowth is horribly slow.

Dec 06, 2016
Checking in ..
by: Deb

How is everyone ? I'm the same :( still losing . Still itchy . Still seeing more and more scalp . Wash twice a week with garnier fructis - I use scalp powder.

Nov 06, 2016
Hi every one
by: Parsley girl here

Hi Sandra, I'm going on my 3rd year, the hairs that grew from the bald spots is thinner or skinnyer than the rest of the hair like I said here in the past I cut my hair off multiple times with the number 2 machine the one the barber use and wash my hair every day and got moust of that quimicals off my head I wore hats wigs until my hair grew no more bald spots that is the good news, now the bad yes I still shed a lot I guess the longer the hair the more it comes out I'm guessing the hair follicle is weakens by the keratine and it can not hold the longer hair, another thing that I want to mention is that I buy that stuff on Amazon and did it at home to my self the kt. I understand the frustration sometimes we think we are doing something good that is going to save us time money or whatever and then we realize that we were wrong, I learn my lessen now I use home reamedies like Rosemary ,cinnamon ,parsley tea tree oil coconut oil etc. the natural stuff works but really slow not fast or like magic wen this first happend I bout viviscal I drink one pill and it gave me a headache and a bunch of pimples the sow I stop drinking it I try again with the same effect so I dint use it one thing that help me faster with the growth of the bald spots was Folicure do reaserch on it is not expensive is a liquid that you put on your head after you wash it and live it and that's it don't smell I did felt a lilt tingle on my scalp wen I put it on but it we away as soon as it dry well that is what work or me I wish every one here to find a solution for this big problem because is not just the hair that affects is mentally, physically is stressful painful and depressing but please don't give up cheer up we will find a solution God bless every one take care.....

Nov 06, 2016
by: Tsoline

The new hair that is growing from the bald patch is falling also i mean the baby hair i think i will buy a wig so soon😭😭😭

Nov 05, 2016
A question
by: Sandra

I have a question too .. Please answer if you can ! When you talk about the condition of hair not being the same as it was before the treatment , what do you mean exactly ? Did the treatment dry out your hair so that the regrowth is in good condition but the hair that is growing out , that was initially straightened, is in poor condition or do you mean that the new hair that grows in poor condition? In that case, what do you mean by that ? Finer hairs, more dry??

I have noticed, on my daughter's hair that the new hair that grows from the initial bald patch on top of her head is fluffier and lighter and sits on top of the existing hair..

Is there anyone here that is 5 years or more post Brazilian so they can tell us what happens when the new hair is on the second hair cycle ? Does it return even finer or not at all?

Thank you for your support and for continuing to post..

Nov 04, 2016
Approximately 2 years of brazillian blow out
by: Tsoline

I have a question for you have somebody become bald from keratin???????

Nov 04, 2016
Thank you!
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your post. It really gives us all hope. I have been counting down the days till I get to 4 years since the last poster and just hoping I have some hair left by then :). I hope that your hair begins to thicken back up now that the fall out has gone back to normal. Please let us know if it does so we have something else to look forward too :). To the previous poster, yes, I've tried Apple cider vinegar, jojoba oil, peppermint oil,castor oil..... and a million different other things that have all promised to stop hair loss. I even tried PRP that cost me $1700 and absolutely no results. Unfortunately none of them have worked for me. I think that (as was mentioned in the most recent post) time is the only thing that will heal this. That's very inspiring that you put your energy into taking care of yourself and going to the gym. I am going to follow your example. Thank you again!!

Nov 04, 2016
4 years also!
by: Anonymous

I remember day one sitting in the supermarket parking lot in my car crying over my hair pouring out of my head and then just heading home. I was beside myself. I sat non stop on the computer trying to figure out what was happening. I saw multiple doctors, yelled at dermatologists and spent thousands of dollars hoping the next product was the miracle stopper. This consumed my life and I missed out on a lot that I wish I could go back and re live. Fast forward to 4 YEARS later. My hair has finally stopped falling. Just like the previous poster. My hair is a lot thinner and damaged but the fall out is now normal. I feel the ONLY thing the scalp needs is to heal. Nothing else helped but time. One thing that did help me get through this was that I signed up for a gym 4 years ago right after this happened. I decided if I did not have a choice over what was happening to my hair, I did have a choice with my body. I am in the best shape of my life, dropped 20 lbs and now I feel great. I wish everyone the best... try to stay busy and even though its going to be hard do not let this stop you living life.

Nov 04, 2016
possible natural cures
by: Anonymous

Hello everyone,
I hear apple cider vinegar and cayenne pepper have some type of strong properties that cause hair growth. Anyone tried this yet? Also jojoba oil seems to be another possible remedy that works well.

Nov 01, 2016
by: Lilly

I have been using minoxidil 5% (generic rogaine) liquid. I purchase it on Amazon and it is a lot less money.
My doctor also recommended Biotin supplements. Nothing is a quick fix but with the two it seems to slowly be getting better.
Good luck

Oct 30, 2016
Gone natural and doing better
by: Stephanie

My ordeal started earlier this year after 3 successful keratin treatments and super straight hair, it started falling out, A LOT. I was freaked and started going through the usual - meds, shampoo, stress, trying anti inflammatory diet. Though it was my thyroid med so changed it to natural thyroid and no change. Then it was time to get another straightening treatment and my stylist had a hard time believing it was the keratin product. So we opted to do it AGAIN! Mistake. More problems with hair loss. I swore off commercial hair dyes (I'm 47 and have a lot of gray) for the rest of my life too but it wasn't getting better.
So now for my experience trying natural products. I have been using Cassia Obovata available from Henna stores online. I use but there are other reputable sources for pure plant based hair dyes and treatments. After using Cassia, my hair loss slowed for a couple of weeks quite dramatically. So I did it again, and have completed at least 4 treatments using cassia (over the last 3 months) and most recently a smidge of henna. My hair loss is 1/20th what it used to be and my scalp is growing little sprigs. Cassia does not dye hair per se. It has anti inflammatory properties and makes it shiny and strong. This is what helped me and I swore I would share if I ever found something that worked for me. All my best. -Stephanie

Oct 29, 2016
Thank you for the feedback
by: If I Could Turn Back Time

Thank you Lisa and Rick!!! Fingers crossed.

Oct 28, 2016
Try the Rogaine dropper!
by: rick

Just read your comment. I had my one and only Brazilian blowout back in JUNE and lost quite a bit of hair on top and in the front. I bought CVS generic version of Rogaine - the bottle - not the foam as I have had issues with the foam as well. The drops seem to be working. My front hairline is growing back in. Tiny small hair - also growing back in on top. Still early - I don't know if it's thin and frizzy yet but at least it's filling in the scalp! I'll take whatever I can get. Hope it works for you as well. Good luck!

Oct 28, 2016
I check everyday too
by: Lisa

I check the site everyday too... just looking for hope. My nightmare started just over 2 years ago. Hand fulls of hair coming out in the shower one morning and I still lose piles of hair everyday (with very little regrowth). In the beginning It was very bad - about 400 hairs a day. Now I think I am around 200- 250 on wash days and 100- 200 on non was days ( it fluctuates a little still not much regrowth) I have tried rogaine (and just about everything else under the sun) and I had some issues with it. I used it for a little over 3 months. I did not see any new hair growth, but I did have an inflamed scalp. It was extremely itchy and my scalp was red. I stopped using it because it was a hassle and I wasn't seeing any improvement. I was using the foam version (5% over the counter) and it left my hair feeling greasy and made my hair look even thinner (because it stuck to my head). I considered giving it another shot because my hair has gotten so thin and I am desperate. I have a job interview Monday and I'm so concerned about how I look. I don't have the confidence I used to have. The brazilian blowout has taken so much from me. The people who sell it are criminals. I know they know this is a possible side effect but they don't mention it and instead tell people it will make their hair healthy.

Oct 27, 2016
Has anyone tried Rogaine with any success?
by: If I could turn back time

It is getting so bad that I am desperate and want to hit it from all angles. I bought Rogaine today. Has anyone out there had any success with it? I feel that I really don't have anything to lose at this point, but not sure if it will help? Has anyone tried Rogaine here with negative results? More hair falling out? Feedback appreciated. Thank you! Hugs to all

Oct 27, 2016
You are right
by: Deb

You are right Sandra it is so painful . Everyday we have to relive the horror - every day - I haven't slept in a year since this has happened to me . I still have burning and pain in the back of my head - itchiness is still there - hairs still fall - it just gets worse and worse . I keep having tests done in the hopes that I have something wrong with me and a pill will help. But I know deep inside it won't bc it didn't start from within - it started from the treatment not being properly applied. I have done so much research and have come to the conclusion that something was left on my hair and for days I did not wash as i had been instructed not to. It seeped into my follicles and completely damaged them. Because hair is in different phases it is falling out at different stages and that is why we have not gone bald. The problem is that it is damaged and the hair is not growing back. Where will I end up? I don't know . Will I be bald? Will it ever stop falling ? My thick hair is now so thin . I'm embarrassed and so afraid of what the future holds.. I have 4 children and I feel like I can't even be a proper parent bc I'm so consumed with trying to find a cure. I just don't know what to do anymore . It still feels like crawling and itchy so I'm constantly reminded of what I did to my hair. I wish i didn't feel anything bc maybe I can forget about it for a bit. It's so depressing . I'm sorry your daughter has not wanted to share this with you. But I'm sure she feels like we all feel - maybe she just wants to forget what has happened and not think about it and harp over it bc it makes her feel bad - but I know you can't help but obsess over it bc you see how it is progressing and feel guilty. Please don't feel bad or guilty Sandra because you have done nothing wrong . None of us has . Unfortunately we were the victims of improper treatment that has left us like this. I also look at this site several times a day and look for the little NEW icon on the side praying someone has that fix for us. I just hope someday we do and I probably won't stop looking here bc I don't wanna miss it . From the bottom of my heart I wish you all a day where your hair will grow back to the way it once was . I will continue to pray and look and I promise if I find it I will let you know . God bless you all

Oct 27, 2016
Now I know ..
by: Sandra

Now I know why people stop posting on here .. After a while it just becomes too painful and you have nothing left to say.. I still check in every single day .. I wish I didn't but I live in hope of a positive message so I keep looking . I keep looking for the one day that someone says , " Guess what? I've just tried this... And my hair is growing again ... "

My pain is further exacerbated by the fact that this happened to my teenage daughter and she refuses to discuss it with me . I would have liked a dermatologist to monitor the loss, take photos, check the changes that are taking place. She went at the beginning and now she refuses. I have just bought her the 'Just Natural' spray for hair loss. She refuses to use it. She won't let me have a close look at her hair. I can't believe it doesn't bother her, it must do. It's just her way of dealing with what is happening ..

I have to rely on what I can see in order to know what is going on. Her hair is getting worse at the sides. She really shouldn't wear a ponytail as the hair line is moving backwards and the sides are getting balder. She continues as if there is nothing wrong.. When her hair is wet I see scalp shining through although she hides it when her hair is dry by using a coloured dry shampoo which gives it body. I am not allowed in her bedroom when she is blow drying her hair. I have to sit back and watch this happen with such pain in my heart ..

Unless I see any changes I don't think I will post for a while as I don't feel that I have anything positive to contribute or any questions that I would like answering. I do really hope that things are getting better for many of you and I will continue to read the posts. In particular , I always think it is interesting to read what dermatologists have to say as they are seeing hair issues on a daily basis. Wishing you all speedy recovery from this ...

Oct 27, 2016
Doctor update
by: Sam

Hi, again all another sleepless night for me, OK now I'm convinced this Brazilian blowout will be the falling of my kingdom, I'm really thinking I have had it, so I been noticing my eyebrows were getting thinner like when u see me on the sides of my profile, there gone !!!!!!!! So I went and had every test you can think of including thyroid hormone, everything good there so I called my hair loss doctor and I demanded to see him today, and of course they said no openings, what !!!!! Did you not here me I have a eyebrows loss emergency so OK I'll just go somewhere else I doubt since I pay cash they will refuse me, so put on hold oh and guess what they could see me wow !!!! What I have to go through because of this stupid Brazilian blowout , so had a very interesting talk he said that a damage scalp from example a chemical burn that cause T.E can also cause damage to the eyebrows and eyelids as its all connected, what !!!!!! But he also said only in chronic T.E , I was like OK your fired, I mean I was more sad than ever now there's a chance my thick eyebrows will never grow back, I don't no what to do from this point but just to see if anyone that reads this , had this happen to you as well eyebrow loss I mean , my doctor said be patient don't stress you need to Waite and see, Waite and see and in the mean time what am I suppose to do I have a job interview on Monday only the man above knows how much I need the money , people there are going to think I'm albino, I already have pale skin please no offense I meant it's just me and how I am I'm trying to stay positive here and makes jokes about my new makeover that cost me 400.00 I had to add that in lol , to help me over come this and with prayer, but really I'm tired of crying, I could have already filled the Nile in Egypt by 5 times , and to all who reads this thank you, like I've said before its just me and my dad but I can't talk to him he just wants to hear old reruns of small wounder, :( you no the one with that kid who is a robot oh he just loves that one and I really don't think he understands what's happening to me because he s blind my poor daddy he just hears me cry and I hate that I add that stress to him he tells me he loves me and it's going to get better this blowout was supposed to help me to spend less time on my hair so I can have more time with my dad in the mornings oh it's a process, now look , we're both paying the price well going to say have a nice morning, because it's 1:38am , Sam from Houston TX. Many blessings :) again I always say no more long message, Sam stop it, but if you think about it we all have out different versions of what the Brazilian blowout has done to our family's, spouse, and loves ones and us the ones who are suffering and I don't mind sharing my Brazilian blow hair loss story with any one because this is so real and still happening, Brazilian blowout no matter what brand there is it's all poison and a money hungry industry that we bought in to. we were never attended to have smooth straight perfect hair I've learned my lesson, and one I will remember for the rest of days on this planet!!!! Thanks again and please share if your having eyebrow loss as well which looks like I might be the only one but worth to ask. Oh shout out to Rick buddy I feel you on that front hair line Hang in there. Sam

Oct 25, 2016
by: C.

It's been three months since the keratin chemical burn which started my hair loss, and I've finally seen a dermatologist. Of course she never got to see the inflamed scalp and peeling skin, but she did a thorough exam at this appointment. She didn't see any permanent damage to my scalp that would prevent hair growth, and she pointed out that there were a lot of baby hairs sprouting. She says permanent damage would have left my scalp smooth and shiny.

I told her about what I'd read in this website, and I asked if the toxic chemicals could damage roots/follicles. She suspected it would have to penetrate pretty deep.

I think washing the hair and blow drying before applying the keratin probably makes it easier to penetrate into the tissues. This moisture and heat tends to open my pores. I've gotten chemical relaxers for years, and washing your hair prior to this treatment just makes your scalp more vulnerable.

When I applied the kit in late July, I remember being hot, sweating, and feeling like I couldn't breathe due to the fumes. For that reason, I never got to the flat iron phase. Not being able to breathe may have saved some of my hair.

My doctor also mentioned that some people can be allergic to formaldehyde. She wasn't sure if that was the case for me.

I asked her what I could do now. She prescribed a steroid ointment similar to hydrocortisone. She said the multi-B vitamins for hair and nails might help and won't hurt. They are water soluble so if you get too much it will come out in you urine. She also said a good diet high in protein and green veggies may help. I guess only time will tell.

I would advise you all to check out this website. Go to the tab for salons. They are gathering information from consumers and stylists who have used these products to encourage the FDA to take action.

Oct 24, 2016
by: Anonymous

It has been 4 years and 2 months with little improvement. I was an emotional wreck for a long time. The worst is the beginning when you think you can do something about the hair loss but you cant figure out what it is that you need to do. Once you realize that there is nothing you can do and only time can tell, is when you start accepting the situation and life goes back to almost normal. At the beginning I was losing about 400 hairs everyvtime I washed every 3 days; I would say now it is about 200. Also, my scalp pain stopped about 4 months ago. I am still very sensitive to hair products so I try to stay on the natural side as much as I can even though they do little to control my seborrheic dermatitis (another side effect from the brazilian blowout). I noticed that my condition improves if I wash more often. My hair is really thin, maybe down to 60% of what I used to have (lucky to have started with tons of hair). My hair line has receded and my sides are super thin specially the right side which looks almost bald. To preserve my happiness, I brush and wash my hair in the darkness and clean the hairs from the floor with a towel so I dont see the hair lost. My hair is still everywhere around the house which I vacuum without looking at the floor. I color every 4 months with foil; I notice that I lose a lot of hair but seeing my gray hair just makes me scared of my reflection in the mirror. I cant wear high pony tails because it exposes my receded hair line and the thin spots on my temples. I am just in denial because I am tired of the suffering. I really dont have hope at this point. I keep my hair in clips so the hair doesnt fall all over the place.

I had some improvement for about a month when I was using a shampoo from a hotel in mexico made from mayan bee honey which is a potent antifungal which made my seborrheic dermatitis go away and made my scalp feel normal. I believe that it cut my hair hair loss by a half. I cant get the shampoo here because the hotel is not allowed to ship liquids. I will have to wait for another trip to the Mayan Riviera to get it and give it a try. If I dont update if because I dont see progress and it is pointless because I dont want to contribute to you guys losing hope.

Oct 24, 2016
try not and worry
by: rick

I know that's easier said than done, but it is what is, and all the worrying and stress in the world isn't going to bring it back. Just reading everyone's stories that they posted has given me a lot of comfort. I had my blowout in June and the hair loss has abated - I hope for good. I'm lucky in that I had really thick hair to begin with so what hair I've lost - which is considerable - isn't as noticeable as lot of you who have posted on this site. And like Sam my front hair line is the most noticeable for some reason. I haven't done much to remedy this as most every "solution" I've read on these boards doesn't seem to work and I'm not going to throw good money after bad. I do however use Rogaine since I'm a guy. It's supposed to be just for the back of the head but I'm using it up front where I lost my hair as well, it couldn't hurt. Also a friend of mine who had breast cancer and lost her hair due to chemo gave me her shampoo and conditioner to use. She said her hair grew back thicker and more luxurious than ever before. I'm hoping it will help me as well. It makes sense. And lastly, I quit dying my hair. I figure my poor scalp needs a break from all chemicals so as much as I DON'T want gray hair I will now be going gray. So far it's looking pretty good actually. Then again, I'm a guy and I know gray hair on men looks good for some reason. Women aren't as lucky. So I don't know what to tell you women out there who are dying your hair. But bottom line...I'd rather have gray hair than none at all. That's all I have to offer. To everyone on this board, "I feel your pain". I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy...well maybe I would! LOL. I can't believe there hasn't been a class action lawsuit. It seems like a slam dunk. If anyone knows of one or how to jump on board let me know. Good luck to everyone and remember all the worrying in the world isn't going to bring your hair back. TRY to get on with you life, disguise it as best you can and move on. Easier said than done but what other choice do we have?

Oct 22, 2016
Just an update
by: If I Could Turn Back Time

Well, I don't have anything too exciting to report. My derm that specializes in hair loss, reconfirmed again that my hair loss is from the chemical hair straighteners. I always beg for a different answer, something I can change, but it just isn't so. She seems to think there is hope for the loss to stop and to have patience. I asked her if she has other patients like me and she says yes. I then ask for a timeline, but she can't provide one. I asked her to pretend that this was the first time seeing me and what would she recommend, she said Viviscal to help improve the hair that I have, the Hair Max laser comb to possibly stimulate new growth, Ketoconazole shampoo to help with the condition of my scalp, and spironolactone 200mg daily, just in case my age isn't helping the situation. I asked her about aloe and she said she didn't feel it would help. I asked her about Rogaine, but she doesn't feel it is female pattern loss, so she didn't feel that is appropriate. She also suggested washing my hair daily to help with my scalp condition and to not bleach my hair any longer. I will decrease the highlights, but not completely stop. It will be wig time before I do that.
As far as a lawsuit, I would love to hold those accountable that have affected my life in such a negative way, but as I mentioned before, it has been 3.5 years since my last treatment. Unless the stylist is willing to cough up some type of proof (not sure she would even still have that), I don't keep my receipts that long. How could I prove it? Everyone else though, that has had a more recent experience, definitely hold onto that receipt and look into a class action law suit or create one of your own!!!!

Oct 22, 2016
Name your product
by: California

I don't need to tell my story because it is nearly identical to so many who have posted, but I will tell you that I used "Inoar Ghair Smoothing Treatment." I bought it from Amazon. I suffered from the chemical burns, and I was ready to move on with my life, but then my hair started falling out and seems to have stopped growing. It has been a nightmare. I cry every time I talk about and as I am typing this message. So many of us have gone through this, and no one else should have to suffer. Furthermore, there should be some accountability. I've recommended that Amazon remove the product that I used, but it is constantly for sale under random companies. There seems to be no stopping the dealers and no way to get the word out to every consumer unless we start suing. Class action lawsuits, media coverage, and writing to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is the only thing that will protect others from suffering this devastating loss of hair. Just as these formaldehyde hair products have been banned in many European countries, they should be banned here.

So please, name you product so that we can organize and challenge each company. If you still have your receipt, store it in a safe place. See a dermatologist, take pictures, journal/log your losses. Search the Internet for current class action lawsuits and post them so others can join and tell their story.

A recent judgement awarded $10,000,000 to plaintiffs in a class action suit over a Suave keratin product. Those individuals who had receipts and proof of physical harm were given $25,000. If I had learned about the lawsuit 4 months ago, I would have never tried the product. Several other suits are pending, as some stylists have developed cancers that are believed to be related to formaldehyde products. The money is not enough when I see the bald patch on my head. It will never be enough if my hair doesn't return to the way it used to be. I was content to accept itching/irritation, as long as I had my hair. I can not accept losing my hair.

I will be sharing this page with my dermatologist and my attorney. If you have used Inoar, I would like to know. Thanks.

Oct 22, 2016
Front hair line gone
by: Sam

Hey, everyone Sam here and was just wondering if any body else here is losing their front hair line I mean mine is completely gone I'm so scared and now I can't even hide it I don't wear bangs I'm a guy and right now I look completely ridiculous what the hell is happening to my hair.

I hate hate the Brazilian blowout and what it represents and what it has done to a lot of us, it takes away who were as individuals I will not leave my house I'm so ugly with out my hair, I'm not going to lie. I don't lose the hair only in front and the top every where else is OK and it's even growing and kind of thick too. Its just that damn front hair line. I can live with everything else for now but my front hair line it really looks like I now have male pattern baldness, and if I do, I'm moving out of this country forever and disappear from public life.

I'm like how embarrassing , just because of one Brazilian blowout that I paid 400.00 I'm being punished it's so not fair I'm tired of putting oil in my head tired of not sleeping tired of all the stress. I'm just tired of being tired of all this nonsense. I want the Brazilian blowout and all the makers and all the stylist who do not know what there doing to be punished. I want to do a Brazilian blowout on the girl who did mine and see if she likes it all that burning pain that I went through, I'm just so mad I hate myself so much for doing this to my hair , and I'm sorry I just can't let it go I'm ruined like for ever and my hair growing back dry and dull no more pretty and silky and shiny, I know I leave long messages again sorry. I just want to let my angry out and to let all who reads this that I'm not going to give up and I'm going to keep fighting for my hair if it's the last thing I do on this world next. I really don't want to move I did use to have a happy life , and with out my handsome hair it's like I died and was sent to hell, because this nightmare has just begun only 5 months in , boy oh boy am I tired and running out of funds so I'll have to get a job soon , and risk everyone laughing at me because I'm bald at the front of my hair line, I wish I could send a pic because it's completely gone no hair just a huge forehead now this Brazilian blowout is a dangerous product.

I don't know how its rated the safes natural product out , because the united sates is the only one that hasn't banned it Canada did I think England to but not sure , but then again why would we banned were a nation obsessed with beauty and perfect hair and if paying 400.00 is the normal for perfect hair then why banned it and so what if it makes your hair fall out you could always buy a wig.

Well I'll leave with saying I'm not at all a horrible person I'm just a very sad sad guy who wants his hair back and I no we all do I pray for all of us to win our hair battle and I promise one day we will have our victory some wars takes years and that's how I look at this each hair that falls out is one of my many fighting men that have fallen to the evil queen named formaldehyde and I'm going to keep on fighting her til I claim all my lost fighting men and reclaim my crown back and all if it's original glory. My handsome hair will come back to me, to all of us many blessings again and please share if your front hairline is gone to or did it ever grow back . Sam from Houston TX, I would like to send a personal hi to parsley girl. :) god bless Everyone :) here and not just on here to all who may have a sick family member who's going through some thing or just having it rough. Just prayers to all :)

Oct 18, 2016
Devastating Hair Loss with Keratin Hair Treatment
by: If I Could Turn Back Time

I sure hope and pray that I am almost through and that the 4 year mark is that magical number. My concern though is that we damaged our scalp and hair follicles. I'm not sure if the hair cycle matters in that case?? My appointment with my dermatologist is this coming Friday, so I will give feedback after. My scalp has seemed to stop producing oils too and seems super thin. So my thoughts are to do whatever it takes to nourish our scalp and increase circulation to it......
Thanks again to all who have shared. The support and info is so nice to have. You all feel like friends.
It appears we have all tried the same/similar things without much success. I really want to try ingesting (Aloe2Go) and applying topical pure aloe, viviscal vitamins, pumpkin oil vitamins, and the hair comb. Big, big hugs to all.

Oct 18, 2016
Hi Sam and every one
by: Parley girl here

Yes I'm here since 2014 and believe me it gets better hang in there with natural treatments my hair still falls but not as much as before I use to have 9 bald spots and believe me that was not pretty I did shave my head off for several weeks and wash my hair every day to remove as much as thou se quimicals as possible from my scalp I apply apple cider vinegar and then wash my hair I have no bald spots my hair is past my ears is growing and healthyer don't give up guys and girls wi will overcome this take care 😘👍

Oct 17, 2016
28 months
by: Anonymous

I had my one and only Brazilian Blowout in June 2014. I still lose more hair than normal (probably 100/day) - although it has improved since the beginning. My scalp was very sensitive and tender at first - but has gotten better over past year. My hair is thinner - but nothing anyone else has noticed. My front hairline and part are what I notice most. I still hate going for haircuts and barely do - I hate the thought of anyone else manipulating my hair. Since it has been so long now - I am definately not as worried as I once was. I sort of feel like, for now anyway, the loss and thinning has plateaued. I do see new hairs growing - but because it continues to fall so much it doesn't thicken up, but will hopefully will stay about the same. The people who continue to sell this should be in jail - really!! I've had bad haircuts and even perms in my lifetime - but they always grew out. I still can't believe that I have been dealing with the after effects of this poison for over 2 years.

Oct 16, 2016
by: Anonymous

Yes, I'd too like updates - specifically from "If I Could turn Back Time". Did your doctor give you any new information?

Oct 15, 2016
Updates anyone ?
by: Deb

Can someone give some updates ? I'm just looking for statuses and how you are doing ?

Oct 12, 2016
Scalp Pain
by: Lisa

Yes. I experience scalp tenderness when I touch my hair and I have also had the burning sensation you mentioned. I get the scalp tenderness mostly on top of my head toward the front. That is also where I have experienced the most noticeable hair loss (although it is definitely a lot thinner all over).. My head also itches. I had some flakes when I first did the Brazilian blowout 2 years ago. I don't have any flakes anymore, but I still get the itching. I can't pull my hair into a ponytail anymore or back into a clip or bobby pin because of the pain. It just hangs there around my face looking paper thin and fried (for some reason, my head does not produce much oil anymore after the trauma of the BB). I have heard from a few people that the hair loss stops after 4 years.. people say that their hair never goes back to the full thickness they had, but it does thicken up a little and becomes bearable. I have two more years to go if that is true :(. Maybe it has something with the hair growth cycle. The average hair growth cycle is 4 years. So maybe the cycle resets after then...who knows. I can't figure this out. All I know is that I wish I had never done the Brazilian Blowout because this nightmare started about a week after I had it done. It sounds like you are almost there, so just hang in there a little longer. Please post though and let us know when that has happened so that we get some good news. It's strange.. some people it only affects for 6 months or so, but then there are some of us that the nightmare just seems to go on and on. I hate combing my hair in the mornings and I dread the days I have to wash because of the amount of hair that comes out (and I still after all this time get hairs with the white bulb at the end. ). I have tried everything (including lasers, PRP, Steroid injections, rogaine, vitamins, oils, pills, etc) and spent thousands of dollars to try to get this to stop. Nothing has worked for me. Maybe I am just an extreme case. I am extremely healthy though, I exercise and I'm the healthiest eater I know. I also don't stress about much (except this!). I've had blood work done and everything is fine... I too wish I could turn back time. I would have never gotten the keratin treatment. For the short time of frizz free hair, I have paid so much :(

Oct 12, 2016
Others with my symptoms??
by: If I Could Turn Back Time

Does anyone else experience scalp tenderness or a mild burning sensation? If I manipulate my hair at all, in example, pulling my bangs back and clipping them with a bobby pin, it feels like I pulled my hair back into a tight "Olympic gymnast style" bun. When I take out the bobby pin and let my bangs fall back into place, my scalp is crazy tender. Then the other day, I was working out and pulled my hair back into a ponytail and my scalp was tender to touch with a constant burning sensation for 24 hours. It's crazy to me that something I did over 3.5 years ago is still affecting me today. I'm thinking I might try pure aloe vera gel on my scalp. It is soothing and supposed to draw out toxins? It sounds good; I'm just not sure if that will equate to more loss? Also considering trying Hair Max Laser Comb...Anyone else try with any benefit?

Oct 06, 2016
Getting Worse...
by: Debi

Ok so got the Keratin treatment last August 2015, Its now October 2016 and Id say I have lost about 60 - 70 % of my hair. The nape hair is completely gone and just riding up to the top my head. My nape still burns and from time to time and the top of my head. I tried tea tree oil and that just made it worse. I had the worst shed with this. I am still keeping it as long as I can but now since the nape hair loss has gotten worse the middle of the back of my hair is so terribly thin and I think Im going to have to cut it even shorter. I have already cut it 3 inches but my hair was as long as my bra strap when I got it done. The worst part is this - MY HAIR IS NOT GROWING! Im talking that my roots are the same - before the Keratin I would get my roots colored every 4-6 weeks. There are some gray strands throughout which I am dying to dye but Im so afraid of putting any chemical on it. I can't understand why my hair growth has completely come to a halt and its literally day by day spitting hairs out. I have to wash my hair tomorrow and I am so so scared. I keep reading and I see there is just nothing that seems to work. Im glad everyone is sharing so much so we know we can avoid this and that. It helps so much. Please Please keep sharing your stories - good or bad. Its just so nice to have other people that are going through this - just for support. Im willing to try anything at all to get my hair back so anything you can recommend that has helped even a little bit please share. Parsley girl - I know you shaved your head and I'd really like to know how you are doing - how are your spots? I feel helpless at times and this just consumes me everyday - have not slept all night in a year - bc I fear that my hair is being pulled at night as I sleep- I can't even turn without thinking that there is pressure on my hair and its falling from the root. My hair is so so thin - the strands are so light - I just wish there was some way to thicken them up - maybe they wouldn't slide out of my head if I could get it thicker. I just don't know what to do- vitamins , oils, massages, tried all kinds of shampoos- just nothing is helping! I just need to know does anyone else have no growth like me ? - over a year still itchy? My nape is shiny and smooth and this such a bad sign - Im afraid it permanent - I have a constant lump in my throat and my stomach is just so sick about this. I'm afraid of being bald - or having to get a wig ..I'm sorry Im ranting but I just feel so helpless and sad. Thanks for reading

Oct 05, 2016
To "if I could turn back time"
by: Anonymous

Thank you for sharing your story. It is very similar to a lot of our stories on this site. I've been to numerous doctors and dermatologist as well. I also tried PRP (very expensive with no results- except more hair loss). My hair is so thin compared to what it used to be. It's been a little over 2 years since I have the Brazilian blowout and I keep searching for something that will stop the hair loss and regrow my hair. Please keep posting to let us know how you are doing and if you find something that works. I will do the same. Right now I'm trying some new Aryuvedic oils that I bought. I'll let you guys know how it works. Take care everyone. I'm so sorry this happened to all of us. I wish that the hairstylist had been honest that hair loss was a potential side effect of the keratin treatment. I never would have done it. I too was told that it would make my hair healthier. :(

Oct 05, 2016
Devastating Hair Loss with Keratin Hair Treatment
by: If I Could Turn Back Time

I can still remember the day when the hair stylist I saw for over 10 years talked me into doing my first Keratin hair treatment. I remember specifically asking her, "Is it safe?" and her reaction being, "It will make your hair stronger! It's not damaging". I had heard rumors about Formaldehyde and asked to make sure what she was using didn't contain any. She then proceeded to tell me that the company changed their formula to be Formaldehyde free, so not to worry. The first time was a none issue. I loved the results as my hair was smooth and my dry time was cut in half. The second time is when I feel my scalp was destroyed. The chemical smell was really intense when I got the treatment done. It was burning my eyes, nose, and throat, making it hard to breath. I actually had to get up from the chair to take a break for a while. I was then asked to not wash my hair for 4 days. I would wake up with my eyes and nose burning for the first two days. My hair stylist suffered respiratory symptoms and told me she was sick for a week after that treatment. She mentioned that she spoke with her rep and was given a replacement solution and was told to throw the one she used on me away. She was happy to get a replacement bottle and asked me to try it again for free. She explained that this new bottle didn't produce that harsh, irritating chemical reaction.
Over a 2 year period, I got 6 treatments. None were anything like that second treatment experience in which I feel I was the unlucky, unknowing recipient of a larger than normal formaldehyde dosing. Bottom of the bottle???
Looking back, it was only few weeks after that horrible experience that I developed enlarged, extremely tender lymph nodes and severe night sweats that lasted for several months. I had a mammogram, breast US, and a lymph node biopsy to rule out cancer. At the time, I didn't realize the cause; I had no idea that the Keratin hair treatment contained Formaldehyde or that it could cause life long damage. The doctors couldn't explain why that was happening to me.
I was in a new relationship and we traveled to the Caribbean and to the river a lot, so I wanted my hair to be low maintenance and frizz free. I had no idea the price I would pay. I started noticing that I had a lot of hair in my brush and that my scalp had a thick build up of dead skin, but honestly it didn't bother me too much. It never crossed my mind that I was losing my hair permanently. At first I didn't even notice that my hair was thinning; I just thought it was "flatter" than usual do to the treatment. It was only when I started developing a receding hair line that I began to panic. My hair loss started at my right temple. My hair on that side is now see through. Then it continued to my left temple and now directly in front. My hair has miniaturized and falls out at many different lengths. I was only 35 years old when this started. My scalp was red, tingled, and sore in the areas of loss. After 3.5 years since my last treatment, I continue to have scalp pain and loss. I had multiple, multiple lab tests and a scalp biopsy done over the last 3 years, all coming back normal. I tried a rogaine type solution only to have a massive shedding; I feel that my scalp was overwhelmed and the last thing it needed was another chemical on it. I tried PRP only to again have more loss. I tried steroid injections to the sites of loss and topical steroids, Nizoral shampoo, hair vitamins, doxycycline, etc. I had one doctor prescribe Keflex, an antibiotic used to treat skin infections, for 4 weeks. Honestly that stopped the pain and shedding, but I couldn't stay on that forever. When the antibiotic stopped, the scalp tenderness and shedding returned. I now see a dermatologist that specializes in hair loss. The first appointment we had, she explained that it is the Keratin treatments causing my loss and that I am not her first patient with the same complaints. She doesn't have an answer for recovery. I am not sure anyone does. She did however continue me on the less potent antibiotic Doxycycline for a while and slowly weaned me off. She prescribed me Spironolactone, which blocks testosterone, in case my age isn't helping the situation. However, my loss continues. I see her again next week and will ask if she has any new insight on how to help heal my scalp or if I am destined to become bald as my hair follicles have been mummified....I wanted to write in because I was so thankful to all of those who have shared their story. Our stories are all so similar. It was hard for me to accept for a while and I continued to search for something to fix- my diet, removing my breast implants, removing my cabinets or flooring that may contain formaldehyde, trying bioidentical hormones, etc. I now feel at peace knowing that I have the right answer. I can now focus on acceptance and trying to heal. Thank you

Sep 29, 2016
When will this end :(
by: Sam

Hello everyone, I'm Sam from Houston Texas, and I no exactly what everyone is going through or has been there and can't tell you I'm so happy to here of some success stories which gives me hope, and I will fight my hair loss until I win, I had to quit my job because for me and I no you as well,this hit me so hard that I went crazy and I mean crazy to the point that I wanted to hurt myself I no it's just hair like everyone was telling me, but everyone's hair wasn't falling out from the root mine is until you go though some thing like this, because this isn't our natural state like when we're in our elderly years and we go bald this is a man made Chemical product that causes hair loss, and shame on the makers for making this product, Brazilian blowout, oh just texting that name or saying it makes me so sick to my stomach, OK I'm calm lol I've herd alot of sayings that it doesn't cause hair loss, umm wrong it sure does play a role or a part in it because of its dangerous Chemical's and it's just like in medicine all effects are going to be different depending on each individual's immune system, maybe some of us suffer like stomach issues or had some off out patient surgery or had a removable organ like a gallbladder so we're all different, and that is why for me I hold my stylist responsible for my hair loss she neglected to tell me all risk and side-effect of this horrible formaldehyde and how very harmful it really is, but then she came back and told me that I'm sick and need blood work and it's my fault for not doing my own research, what my own research yes , maybe your right but you are a stylist you went to training for this you have a certified license stating that you will not put a client in or harm them in any way, you lied lady oh y'all should have seen me there I let her have it, because you see she did not rinse my hair out because she was money hungry and rushing to get her next client. And I sure did tell her she was money hungry, OK so the out come $400.00 to make me bald and I am a guy and I had the most handsome hair in town it was down to my shoulders black very thick I loved my hair just hated to flat iron it every 3 to 4 days and I really thought the bb would be my Savior to help with time in the morning because of work and I'm also caring for my blind father and doing so much I was always late to work, boy oh boy was I wrong :( now I'm jobless hairless about to be carless and maybe homeless to, because you no your savings only gets you so far, that's a whole different story, but yet that girl who ruined my life she's in her brand new Cadillac xts that I probably helped pay her a car note with that $400.00. Sorry for that it just makes me really upset that I'm in misery I don't even leave my house because I was forced to cut my handsome hair all off and I mean short it's like one inch from the scalp I no so sad, and thinning I mean real bad my hairline is gone I hAve a huge bald spot on the crown and my side get thinner everyday, so so sad I'm like what is happening to me no body recognizes me if they do see me I run I don't have a family and it's just me and my blind daddy so everything that has happened to me I still need to look after my dad, so the stress has been on, I try so hard to relax, now to the point sorry ladies and guys if I talk to much it just helps me I don't have no one to help me, OK at first I was losing like 100s to 200s of hair a day and this had been since this June so like only 3 months, OK and right now I'm just losing like around 20 to 50 hairs this is what I'm doing but keep in mind this is my hair routine and it may not help you, I can't take no responsibility for any one unlike my hair stylist, OK at first I washed my hair hair every day because the hair going to fall out no matter, I rinse it with warm water than I apply coconut oil for 3 hours just in case I have dermatitis and this helps for dandruff your supposed to do this for 30days but I get tired and skip a wash here and there, then when I'm ready to wash my hair I rinse the coconut oil off it's better to do this in the shower, then I apply baking soda to help get the coconut oil off I do the baking soda twice OK then after I do this I use caviar exfoliating scalp facial I get it at ulta, leave it in for about five minutes now it has a brush but my hair is no were strong enough for a brush so I use my fingers and get it close to the scalp, at first you will notice lots of hair coming out but it will get better in time OK then I use tea tree shampoo to get Everything out followed by a good coconut conditioner to help bring moist back in the hair air dry, and comb very softly, oh I forgot to mention I been doing this with my hair very short it seems to help if you can cut all that Brazilian blowout off I did now I see some growth but no new hairs :( but my shedding has really really went down and the hairs that fall out I can tell still have the Brazilian on it because of its texture and it's so stiff my poor hair, my hair died may 26 2016 may you rest in peace my hair and please forgive me for doing a Brazilian blowout on you this is your way of saying by America that we sometime let Society think that we're not good enough that's what leads many people to plastic surgery and permanent face damages or like a Brazilian blowout that may lead to permanent baldness. I should have expected the fact that I was once a very handsome young man with lots and lots of thick long hair that I took for granted with sayings like if only my hair was thin and straight, oh how I have eaten my own words I guess at the end of it all I'm left with thin balding hair. If only I could go back time. Wel thanks so much for reading this if you made it all the way god bless Sam.

Sep 28, 2016
The sad story of my beautiful lion hair
by: La Moni

Even as a little girl or teenager everybody have always complemented me on my thick curly voluminous hair. I was never patient enough to grow them pass BSL. In my late teens I never wanted accept my super thick curly hair that were perfect shade of ice chocolate brown (which now I would kill to have back). I used to iron my hair until it would scream and die my whole hair light to make it go blonder on a monthly basis. I would abuse my hair and despite being dry and lifeless I never had issues with them falling or braking.

In uni, I found myself with little time to do all the straightening and I didn't have money to keep up with the blond hair so I decided to go dark and let them breathe. I just one day, stooped putting heat, I would do deep conditioning and loads of leave in, washing every other day and letting my hair live it's life. I never felt so free in my life. My hair did not look great straight away, but everyday the curl patter was getting more bouncy and my hair super shiny and unbelievably thick. After 3 months I got a blow dry for Christmas and notices that my hair went from shoulder length to mid back, also they were so shiny, smooth, heavy and healthy. At this point I decided to put some layers in and the dumb hairdresser cut my hair into two layers, shorter one all around my head reaching mid ear and the longer one reaching my chin. I walked home and cried for hours, that all these months of my hard work were wasted. I was so envious of long hair that I got braided in extensions (I got thee done in Japan) and these helped me so much to grow my hair out. Also I was eating super healthy home cooked Japanese food, I completely stopped putting color into my hair and I would only style them 2-3 times a month. When they reached shoulder length I removed the extensions and had the best most bouncy curls back in my life. I was so happy, I did out few highlights though the hair but as they were in perfect condition. From that time I would never cut my hair more than armpit length and I would either go dark brown all over or have highlights put in every 6 months.
Until I moved to hot and humid Dubai where my curly hair would get super dry from the beach and frizz up form the humidity. With my hair at mid back length way pass the bra strap, big and wavy I decided to put some highlights in and got talked into a keratin treatment (ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!!). What the hairdresser did was he stripped my hair of the color and fried them with keratin and iron. When i got home I could not look at myself in the mirror, my hair had no volume and it looks like half of my hair was gone. My strands were glued together, horrible sticking to my scalp. I did this treatment in May 2014 and I never ever regretted anything this much in my life. For the last two years I have been using tape in extensions as all my hair has broken off to ear length. In December 2015 I made a big chop and decided to cut all the hair with keratin (which basically looked like relaxed hair compared to my curly root). My hair has been shedding like crazy and also it keeps braking off. Two weeks ago I have removed my tape in expansions as I am not able to properly condition and moisturize my hair with the tapes in. I have two layers in my hair, the top one is about 1cm above my shoulders and the longer one is to APL. My ends are very dry and brittle. If I wouldn't have done the treatment my hair would be now at my tail bone tick and gorgeous. I have sewer withdrawals from taking my extensions out, feeling like i have barely any hair left. Two weeks ago I have started taking hair burst pills, drinking pure collagen; doing scalp oil massages, deep conditioning treatments and complete heat restriction. My hair from the root is very soft, curly and shiny, so I am hoping that with this regiment of TLC and hair supplements I will be able to get my hair back.
The most sad part of this story is that I had to completely ruined my hair and loose them to start appreciating what God has blessed me with. I do have significant amount of grey hair (especially at my front hairline and sides) so I do color my roots, but at the same visit I do deep masque steam treatment. In December I will put highlights in my hair to make the gray blend better and I will continue the care routine and no heat until my hair are back to their best state.

I wish you all great hair growth, health and happiness and I hope you all love the hair your have as we do not know what we have until we lose it.

Sep 26, 2016
For Tsoline
by: Sandra

Oh Tsoline,I am so sorry that you are suffering with this. I don't know if it's the keratin that causes this. I know for a fact (backed by research) that formaldehyde in keratin products causes this so maybe you should have told the dermatologists about the formaldehyde rather than the keratin. They can research it for themselves and see that it is true. I do think that maybe you should get fully investigated for other things that case hair loss like low ferritin or thyroid issues. I'm sure your doctors have told you this. I'm not saying to you that it wasn't the hair product but for those of us that have been affected by the hair product it is very obvious that it is the Brazilian as it happens almost immediately. Please be reassured that hair that falls out for whatever reason does often grow back.. I have done so much research on this .. Please let us know how you get on and wishing you the best of luck ..

Sep 26, 2016
I will go crazy😭😭😭
by: Tsoline

Hi sandra thank u for your support but my hair is almost gone i have now only 10% of my hair its all patchy bald spots and the new baby hair is falling also I don't know what to do coz i went to dermatologists and asked them about keratin but their answer was the keratin doesn't affect the hair follicle but I'm sure that it killed my hair because after doing this treatment my hair began to fall now if i touch it it falls plzzzz help me

Sep 21, 2016
Offering support
by: Sandra


I'm responding to you straight away as I have an 18 year old daughter that has had hair loss due to Brazilian over the last two years so I really empathise and I wanted to offer you some support. So here is my advice to you:

I'm hoping that you have loving,supportive family or close trustworthy friend around you and the first thing you could do is to share your concerns with them. It's much better for you to share this with a kind person that can give you a hug and tell you it's going to be ok , than to suffer alone. I would suggest a family member that you trust.

I don't know which country you are in and if you have access to health care but I do think it's worth seeing a dermatologist that specialises in hair. Even if they can't offer solutions they will at least be able to explain to you what is happening (which areas are thinning and if there is regrowth ) and monitor your hair loss.

Keep chemical free (not everyone agrees on here) but my
opinion is that by using chemical free shampoos and conditioner at least you aren't adding to the problem.

Eat healthily - not always easy for you busy teenagers!

Read all the recovery stories on here and there are many. Tell yourself that you are going to be one of them.. The fact that you seem to have shorter hairs seems to be a good sign as it means that the hairs are regrowing or that it is simply breakage not loss from the follicle. Breakage is a pain but at least it grows back ..

If you want to ask questions on this forum I will try to answer you. As my own daughter refuses to discuss what has happened, in a way, the fact that I can help someone else is of comfort to me. If you could use a name (don't use your real one if you don't want to) or an initial it's always useful as sometimes I can't tell if it's someone new or the same Anonymous person posting on here..

I hope others will be able to offer you some positive stories of recovery , like Brittany's positive news in the post just before yours.

Sep 20, 2016
Sad.. & worried
by: Anonymous

I've Always had very thick voluminous hair.. It got frizzy easily and never looked like I had tried to do it. I researched online and they said he BB was safe and was the best solution to get frizz free healthy hair. I am 18.. & I got this done two months ago & now when I pass my fingers gently through my hair, a ton of hairs fall out, in the shower it is the worst, I understand falls out but I feel like it's way to much then it use to be.. I can't touch my hair with easily getting tons of strands out.. I do think my hair is a little thinner but not noticeable because of how much I originally had.. I have a ton of baby hairs and I think it's because of the breakage.. I really hope my hair stops falling so much.. I don't want to lose most of my hair.. Any recommendations on oils or remedies? It hasn't been super long since this started like 3 weeks .. I just don't want it to be permanent

Sep 17, 2016
Positive Update
by: Brittany

Hello All,

Just wanted to update you with my hair loss (had the BK treatment 1.5 year ago). I believe it is safe to say that the extreme hair loss has subsided! Woohoo! I am finding short hair in some of the thin area which is indicating to me that my hair is growing back.

Overall my hair is thinner than what I started with ,however, it is not noticeably thinner.

Some things that worked for me:

1) Protective Styling: I have African American 4c textured hair. I learned how to do my own box braids and did braided hair styles for ~6 months. I highly recommend getting braids or twists because your scalp is more exposed and it is easier to treat with oils, conditioners, Mindoxil, etc. Additionally, when you have braids you do not see your hair fall out. This is therapeutic because when you have braids extensions you can have long thick looking hair that is easy to completely forget that you had hair loss in the first place.

2) Hair Products:

(a) Rosemary Oil, Peppermint oil , caster oil, wild growth oil, MegaTek , and water....Mix solution in applicator bottle and apply once a week (or every other week)...there are a bunch of youtube videos on MegaTek for natural hair if you are curious

(b) For shampooing...Apple Cider vinegar, rosemary oil, water.....lather like you would regular shampoo and rinse with water afterwards

3) EXERCISE!!!!! I believe this helped me the most. I was so stressed when I was loosing my hair. Exercise helped me gain my confidence and happiness back.

4) NO STRESS!! Figure out what make you happy and do it. You may not be able to immediately change your hair falling out but what you can change is your attitude and how you view life. When I realized this my hair was the last thing on my mind. I was too focused on living a positive life instead.

5) Take a regular multivitamin. Don't waste your funds and time on all of these "Miracle Supplements". If necessary just take more Biotin (my derm. recommended 1000+ mg)

I wish you all the best of luck in your hair journey! Stay positive my friends.

Sep 15, 2016
Keratin disaster
by: Tsoline

Hello i did keratin before 2 years and i lost approximately 70% of my hair but its like bald spots like alopecia areata are you all the same like me bald spots????? So much stressed no one have pictures i want to become sure if its from keratin

Sep 02, 2016
thank you
by: Maria

Thank you for posting your recovery story.A real hope at last!
I have also update regarding my shedding picking up again.After being also itchy all over and my little boy having even scabs lookalike things on his scalp,I looked into water quality and most sites point out hard water causes that.With my scalp not 100% either,I am positive this is what is causing my shedding now,not a relapse of my hair condition.I will wash with bottled water for a while and update you.Cause if this is the reason,than my recovery was real until now and that is a good news.Even tho I have to sort shower filter or something like that now and hope for shedding to stop.iodineStay well!

Sep 02, 2016
Thank you
by: Sandra

Hi Anonymous
Thank you....from the bottom of my heart dear stranger I thank you . I will read your post, daily if I have to ! Firstly, to remind me that there is hope and secondly to remind me of the kindness of strangers. Not everyone takes the time to post a comment years later and I appreciate that you did ... X

Sep 01, 2016
Over 4 and a half year update
by: Anonymous

I always said I would come back to this site when I recovered. I never thought I would. But, I am so happy to report that I think I did! It has been over 4.5 years since my last keratin treatment. I lost about 60% of my hair, lost hundreds a day, terrible thinning and wide part. Anxiety, stress, sleepless nights, googling nonstop, reading this site over and over, dermatologists, hair specialist in NYC, topical steroids- you name it, I did it. Everyone said it would stop shedding and they all said it would grow back. I can honestly say I started to see a difference at the 4 year mark. Now, my hair is fuller. Is it the same thickness as it was before? No, but my hair was so thick before, it is almost a blessing that it is a little thinner now. I am telling you all from the bottom of my heart, this was the worst experience of my life, but it DOES and WILL get better. I would have never thought I would be saying this and I dreamt of the day I would. Please have faith, stop stressing, and live your life because you don't realize all the time you are wasting over this. I wasted 4 years of my life consuming my thoughts over my hair. It isn't worth it. IT WILL COME BACK. If mine did, yours will too. It will take long, very long, but just go on and before you know it, you will have your hair back.

I hope I gave you all hope. Trust me, you will be okay.

Sep 01, 2016
Thank you MH
by: Lisa

Hi MH, I read your story and it's almost exactly like mine. As I was reading it, I thought, "I could have written this." Thank you for sharing. Hang in there. I still have hope that there will be a turning point for us and our hair will grow back.

Aug 31, 2016
For MH
by: Sandra

As you're the only other Londoner on this forum (we can't be the only two surely !!?) I wanted to ask you if you know anything about the product that was used on you .. Was it from a reputable wholesaler? Did you tell the hairdresser what had happened ? What did they say? im just wondering if by some possibility we could have had the same product used. I think most hairdressers in Uk are using a safe product and only a few rogue hairdressers are still using the old fashioned high formaldehyde one which is illegal btw. I've always been intrigued to know ever since you started posting here..

Thank you for your comments and to everyone else too. Sending prayers and good wishes for a full recovery from this. Please keep posting if things start to get better! It gives me such joy and such hope to read ! Xx

Aug 30, 2016
Thanks everybody
by: Rick

Thanks for all the feedback. Thanks Lisa for the info on dying my hair. I would rather have grey roots and grey hair than none at all. I will skip with dying it for the time being. I'm a guy with relatively short hair so it wont look awful growing in for too long. I don't want to lose anymore hair so will go with better safe than sorry and forgo coloring my hair. If anyone else has comments as to color or not, I'd appreciate hearing. So far I don't have it as bad as the other horror stories I've read on this board. My sympathy to you all. I have had no burning or itching of the scalp - just my hair thinning. It seems to have stopped shedding for the moment so hoping the worst is over. Good luck to everybody here. Don't know why we were the ones to get this when thousands of people get it down with no side effects. Guess we jus got "lucky". Wish I had of known what can happen. Still don't know why this doesn't come with a warning.

Aug 30, 2016
Hi all!
by: Maria

It's heartbreaking every time a new story is posted here.But the truth is,we are not all the same and exchange stories of hopes and tips seem the only way one can survive this.
My product was formaldehyd free but as most post suggest,formaldehyd is produced by the chemical reaction once on so.... Please realize that once you cut your hair short,it's harder to mask the bald patches.I've been there,twice! But I cut it anyhow cause my hair looked fried and I couldn't look at it any longer. Another note,not all my regrowth is a same length.Some is already down to my shoulders,some chunks are just 4-5inches, some ere even very short like 1 inch.I think all those different lengths makes it look frizzy while in reality it's actually not.
Do not use colour on your hair unless you have to.Mine shedding picked up after applying henna only.You're not helping your hair with adding more chemicals.On the other hand,I understand when you are showing grey,you want to look as normal as possible...
Most people have enough biotin from food they eat.Your body won't absorb more than it needs so it's a waste of money but it won't hurt on the other hand.
Omega 3 &6 are useful to take and some ginko bilboa for circulation.
Rogaine=minoxidil works but it's not for everyone.Some people have bad side effects.Also if you stop applying it,you'll shed like old Christmas tree.I use minoxidil for past 20 years and luckily have no side effects besides more hair growing on my legs,arms,etc.Nothig what razor and epilator cream wouldn't fix.When my hair start to fall out again while in Singapore,someone here mentioned it could be from water wich I thought was unlikely.Now as posted here,my sheading picked up again 3 weeks ago when we moved and guess what? Ve have very hard water here.We are all itching,even my 4 year old start to have dry scalp issues.
And what else? You can try Aminexil it seemed to help a little.There are also products which claim to have aminexil and minoxidil combination but I found out that this wasn't registeted medication here,therefore cosmetic category.So I stick to minoxidil morning and night and after a full cure,only twice a week aminexil at lunch time.I don't want to make whole new molecule by mixing it! I am also trying black cumin oil.Little spoon to eat every morning with orange juice and massaged in my hair like twice a week for the night.Alternative sites suggest rubbing first lemon in,wash gently,then black cumin oil.Too exhausted to follow all that.
Will see if anything helps.I am definitely growing hair.It was a year in March for me but I am also losing a lot again now.Scalp pains are gone since spring so yey to that.I went first to very large bald patches and have been on slow recovery since so not gradually losing more and more.
Please don't post negative things like study shows it will never grow back.It's depressing to see and might be the reason people stop posting and reading stuff here.
I read once that Retex (what I've done) damage is always permanent.I had nearly nervous breakdown after that.Took time to realize that this will not be me because despite ups and downs,depression,feeling ugly,facing people not recognize me, I will fight this and try all alternatives I possibly can.Cause hope is all we have.Good luck to you all!

Aug 30, 2016
2 years, 24 months....too long!
by: MH

Hi all,

Deb, Sandra (there is nothing to forgive, it must be horrible to watch), Parsley Girl and everyone else - hello!

Well, it's now been 2 years since I had my BB. I can barely believe I am writing this - 2 years. 2 whole years and this misery still consumes my everyday life; admittedly not as much as it once did. It's become a fact of life and I'm grateful I still have some hair, although I have come close to shaving it off in frustration several times.

I don't want to scare those of you have just joined and realised the horror of the BB, but I hope this account can at least give you an honest depiction of my ongoing journey. I remember reading this thread and others saying I'm 2/3 years in and thinking "that's awful, but this will only effect me for 6 months surely?!?" Well, I'm sorry to say, they were spot on.

I had 1 BB - I immediately had hair fall but it was the damage to my scalp that scared me. What felt half my scalp flaked off and I huge disgusting scalp flakes. At the time my hair was still thick and could cover it. Today, I still have severe dandruff but my hair is so thin it is very hard to disguise. I also had burning and terrible pain for a year. The only thing that helped, which I got after reading a recommendation on here, is a steroid ointment called 'Clobetasol' - I still use occasionally and it's the only thing that my Derm thought may help. I have minimal pain today but still have burning on wash day.

I have lost 70% of my hair. It's is dry, extremely frizzy and brittle. To be blunt, it looks bloody awful. I have not blow-dried or straightened my hair in 2 years. Luckily, I did not lose my curls, so together the frizz and curls have made the loss of volume less noticeable. Albeit it looks terrible, it looks like a birds nest. I have a had a few moments from people about doing more to control my hair (I'm in a very corporate environment) but it's what I have to do. I have cut my hair shorter and shorter, what has surprised me is the sheer level of knots that form - my hair is matted - and then the knots fall out in clumps. It's horrible. I have my mum cut my hair - I can't bear to let a hairdresser touch it. Today we went shoulder length - I am overweight and have a very round face so was reluctant to do this, but it was needed. I use powder and have a receeding hairline.

Although this is a daily struggle and my Mum, friends, colleagues are sick to death of hearing about this, none of them say it is obvious that I al losing hair. Thinner - yes, but not that a stranger would notice. Regrowth is frustrating - it is minimal and does not replace the loss. It is wirey and thin, and clearly damaged, it usually falls out after a couple of months. I have no hair on the nape of my neck and my top hairline is the worst. I lose minimum 100 hairs everytime I wash - if not 200. However, I wash once a week and I know this is bad for my scalp as 1. my hair looks disgusting 2. dandruff builds up 3. my hair is matted by this stage but I find washing it more than one very traumatising. That said, I believe washing does not exacerbate hair fall - you just notice it more. It will fall out either way.

I'm sorry I don't have better news, it is hard and the longer it continues the more disheartening and bewildering it becomes. I am using Aphosyl Shampoo at the moment and that has really helped my dandruff and is far less drying that Nizoral.

Love to all - hopefully this post wasn't too long and boring!

MH x

Aug 30, 2016
Hair smell
by: Anonymous

So I'm wondering if anyone has any tips ? I can only wash once a week bc of the horror of hundreds of hairs falling but what do I do about the smell !

Aug 29, 2016
Hi lisa
by: Anonymous

I'm on the west coast . After reading this board I tossed my keratin care shampoo and conditioner and bought some Argan oil shampoo and conditioner. I also bought the deep conditioner. I have had an amazing result since stopping the keratin care products. In just 2 weeks I'm hardly seeing any hair in the sink or tub. I really think the sulfate free products with the shampoo they want you to buy with your blow out contribute to the hair loss. Now, back on track. Probably be a long time until I see regrow the if any this time.

Aug 29, 2016
Should I stop coloring my hair?
by: Anonymous

I forgot to ask...should I lay off the coloring of my hair? I'm a guy and get the roots touched up professionally every 6 weeks. I figure I should lay off the dye for the time being - even though I don't want my gray roots showing. I don't want to look like Donald Trump! Any suggestions?

Aug 29, 2016
Still in shock
by: Anonymous

Thank you Deb and Sandra for your help. I figure I'm pretty much screwed - I can't go back in time though I wish I could. I'm hoping since I only had the one treatment it will be less than some of the posts I've read here. I'm not seeing it in the sink or my pillow so I'm hoping the initial shock to my scalp has subsided and most of the damage is done. I'm using Rogaine type of product - don't know if it will work but I figure it can't hurt. I'm distressed to hear it killed my follicles and wont grow back for 3-5 years but I guess it's good to know. Still hoping that maybe my scalp is just in shock and like a plant that goes in shock and drops it's leaves, it's leaves and my hair will come back. I don't know. I just want the hair loss to stop. I'm a guy and can keep my hair short and disguise the hair loss somewhat. Right now I'd settle for fuzz as long as it covers my scalp and blends in with the hair that I still have. I can't believe this treatment doesn't come with a warning. Also I bought Biotin. Does anyone know if that helps? Thanks again for all your responses.

Aug 28, 2016
by: Sandra

I'm so sorry to know that you're all going through this too. Two years here ..No words of wisdom or answers here but I just wanted to say that I'm reading all the posts. When the initial bald patch at the top of my daughter's head began to fill in and the hair appeared to stop falling after nine months (from what I could see - certainly no hairs on the pillow in the morning) I thought that she had perhaps had a lucky escape. However, I knew that the research done in USA stated that if the formaldehyde had entered the follicles then new hair would not be growing back. So I knew that I had to wait for a hair cycle (3 - 5 years) to really know that that things would be ok. It always amazes me when people say after two years that their hair is thinner but going to be ok. The reality is that you don't know if your hair is going to grow back until each hair has been through its life cycle. It's the formaldehyde that does this, according to research and I would be very surprised if there was anyone on here that has used a formaldehyde free product. I guess there might be some people with an allergic reaction to keratin but hair that goes through its life cycle and isn't replaced - I feel sure that is the pattern of formaldehyde. It appears to mimic female hair baldness as it's often worse on the top. Maybe the gas seeps in at the top. I wish I knew and I'm amazed that the dermatologists are not interested in accessing this research. The regrowth that my daughter has had is very frizzy and fly away indicating that the follicles are indeed miniaturised. This is typical of female hair baldness but her regrowth is all exactly the same length. This shows it all fell out and then re grew again at exactly the same time. Female hair baldness does not do that.! I'm so angry not just at the hairdressers that use this but at the medical profession that aren't addressing it ..

Aug 28, 2016
Hasn't stopped yet for me
by: Deb

I'm sorry Rick to hear you are going through this. I am on 1 year right now and have lost about 60 % of my hair . Unfortunatly in my case it has not grown back yet, but I keep researching and won't stop until I find a way. Lisa, I was in in Disney with family and now I'm home but it seems we are experiencing the same thing - in regards to the amount falling out per day. What color is everyone's hair? I'm just wondering bc mine is blonde and I had gray roots that would come in but now they are very sparse . I guess my hair isn't growing ? Or he healthy hair that was growing has fallen out? I have no idea what to think . It's on my mind about 50 - 75% a day. My sinks get clogged , hairs all over I have to vacuum a lot. I'm just so embarrassed. I see people walking around that have strips of hair on their head and wonder if that will be me some day in the near future. I put the powder in but what kind do you recommend. Does anyone dye their hair? Does massaging help? I'm going to have to do the inevitable and have to cut it short soon . It's just very strangley but I do out it in a pony tail which I'm sure isn't helping but it looks tame this way and i can hide some of the spots of baldness. This is just super depressing. My son is going to kindergarten and I look like I'm so old. I'm guess now that the girl didn't wash something off she was supposed to and it killed my follicles. I just wish I could stimulate any that are trying to hang on bc why doesnt it all fall out at once? Well still feeling helpless and now I know why people stop messaging on here - no bc they got better but bc they don't want to keep typing about it - they just want to forget it or only look on for some hope of a cure .

Aug 26, 2016
Will this hair loss stop????
by: Rick

I had my one and only Brazilian Blowout done 8 weeks ago before I went home to Florida. I have ALWAYS had thick frizzy hair. Thank God I had a full head of thick hair. That said, I started noticing about 4 weeks ago that my once thick hair on the top of my head was now thinning out. I especially noticed it when wet until it got to the point that I realized something was causing me to lose my hair on top. I finally put two and two together and googled Brazilian Blowout and hair loss and was horrified to read the results. Now I know what is causing my hair to thin out. Will it stop thinning? I too notice it when I am under lights. I am scared shitless. Will it grow back? Is it going to continue to fall out? I don't notice a lot of hair in the sink, just that each week it seems to look more and more thin on top. I can't believe I finally figured out what's happening but on the same hand am terrified.

Aug 22, 2016
Hi Deb
by: Lisa

Hi Deb,
Where in Florida are you? I live in Florida. This is my second year of severe hair loss after the BKT. Every morning I cry as I count the hairs coming out of my head. I lose 100-150 on no shampoo days and well over 250 on days I have to wash (I only wash once a week) I've been told that it will eventually stop and that it will fill in again, but right now I'm terrified to stand under any overhead lighting because my scalp is so visible. I try to hide it with powder as well, but it just doesn't look right. If you'd like to meet for coffee while you are here and it's not too far away, we can swap stories about things we've tried to get this to stop. I had the scalp pain and itching for the first year really bad. Now I get itching (usually when I haven't washed for a few days) but it's not as bad as it was. The hairloss is still killing me though :(. I would do anything to have never done this terrible chemical treatment. Take care and hang in there.

Aug 20, 2016
Ugh keratin!!!
by: Deb

How terrible "Sandra"!! Your poor daughter !! I am so sorry this has happened to her ! I pray that she gets better !! I have a 20 yr old daughter and would feel terrible if that was done to her instead of me. But ... She is the only one that I confide in about this. She is the only one who I can turn to and I think she is sick of me asking her daily how is my hair.... Everyday... I know she notices but she tells me I'm fine -- I've lost like 60% at this point - hair has not stopped coming out-- I'm on vacation in Florida right now and I'm so scared of washing my hair in the water here . I live in NY. I see on the hotel floor I've lost about 50-100 hairs without washing in 3 days. It's 1 year from today that I had the keratin done . I'm so embarrassed with how I look. I use powder on my scalp and I'm so scared of the overhead lighting bc my scalp looks painted ! It's a mess - I don't know what to do - I try to put on nice makeup and dress nice but since I tried to go on so many vitamins I've gained 15 lbs or more . And the vitamins don't help but thought I'd try . My scalp is burning - nighttime is the worse - how horrible this is - I just pray I'm not bald in two years bc as this shedding is occurring -- I will be :(

Aug 17, 2016
by: Anonymous

I've had several Brazilian blow outs over the past 5 yrs. I had one over a year ago and noticed a lot of shedding and bald spots. I attributed it to the hair extensions I had. So I did rogaine 5% and high amounts of vitamins. My hair was looking good but in May I noticed it was frizzing a lot , I'm in the south so went again with the blowout. Since that time I've had more loss and shedding than ever before. I mean it's awful. So here I am again with the rogaine and super vitamins for hair. Very upset that hairdresser would agree to this knowing about my hair loss. I also switched off the keratin shampoo and condition and using a new one that is for damaged hair and has sulfates in it. We'll see. Last time it took me 6 months to notice a difference.

Aug 12, 2016
by: Sandra

Hello to everyone
I always said I wouldn't be one of those people that stopped posting when things got better and I would stay to support others. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while as I know what support it gives to read others comments. I still check in every day to see what updates there have been in hope that someone will say there has been a wonderful cure. The most distressing posts are ones like yours Maria, where there has been recovery and then things get worse again.
I have a confession to make: this didn't actually happen to me and you may be surprised to know that I wish a million times over that it had.. It happened to my daughter who was 16 at the time. I treated her to this hair straightening as she was going on her first holiday with friends to somewhere very humid and I have felt sick for the last two years as I watched this happen to her. The reason I pretended it was me and actually have used a false name is because when its first happened I was so worried that she would google and find out I was on this forum and get upset with me. We had the most perfect 'mother daughter' relationship and for the first time ever she saw me collapse over this. I felt such guilt and pain and this has continued. She is now 18 and our relationship is back to what it once was except for any discussion over hair. Other than the initial two trips to a dermatologist and trichologist she refuses to discuss it with me and refuses to see anyone. Believe me,I'd fly her to USA if I felt that there was someone there that could help. She says that she forgives me but I will never recover from allowing her to have this done without properly researching. Consequently, I can only tell you what I see. In the initial stages when her hair was falling out rapidly I knew because of hairs on her pillow in the morning and because I would follow her into the bathroom after she had washed her hair. She would put her hair into the plug hole so that I could not see how much she was losing and I would pull out maybe 2-300 hairs at a time with tweezers. I am so lucky to have a truly wonderful relationship with her yet I cannot discuss the one thing that I would like to talk with her as she will not talk to me about it . So I can only tell you what I see and that's only from a distance as she will not let me look at her hair closely (I've begged her) her hair is thinner,when it's wet I see scalp at the top, there has been regrowth but very little (my hairdresser trims her hair occasionally and confirms this to me). The new hair kind of sits on top fluffier than the rest of her hair and never kind of blends in with the rest even when she uses hair straighteners. Does anyone else have this?? Thank you for your support everyone. I truly would have found this so much harder without you all as I feel so alone.

Aug 12, 2016
by: Maria

Hi to all. Just a short update as I obviously "toot my horn" too soon :( I start to notice my hair on floors and sink for the past few days.I went to the bathroom in furniture shop on Tuesday,no overhead light and could see my scalp everywhere on the top.I felt sheer panic,sick to my stomach scared.I start to look around more carefully when we got home and there was hair everywhere :( I am shedding again...or I fooled myself into thinking I was getting better before... I don't know.This is obviously far from over.My scalp is little itchy,my hair has gone very frizzy.
I am due to finish whole aminexil cure so now I am panicking if to order another one and use as a prevention 2-3x a week.I am still on minoxidil and I am also putting in some scalp simulator from Alterna (but that is cosmetics,not medicine). Last night I read about black cumin oil and how it's very healing for many conditions,so I ordered that.I feel like all I do is massage something in my scalp whole day long :(
I don't understand why shedding picked up again.We moved and it's lot of stress.Also water here is much harder.Could that be it? I was being so grateful for every new hair and now to see them all over the floor :(((( I don't deserve this,none of us does.I hope things go better soon for all of you.With all we do to get better,something has to work.Take care of yourselves.M

Aug 06, 2016
checking in
by: Missy

H, Parsley Girl, Maria, Sandra and all the peeps. Glad to see good news for some of you. Great to hear. I completely identified with Alana's symptoms of the itching. So true. Get to day 3 of no shampoo, and it does itch and feels like something is crawling around. Never had that before. Ever. I'm still doing the Just Naturals dandruff shampoo and avoiding all coconut oil and protein based oils like shea, etc after having spent a fortune with them. For me, I think it's too much protein. I use more moisturizing products instead and castor oil and avocado oil and a tiny bit of rosemary oil mixed with jojoba. But not much. I was slathering too much on and the trichologist said it was likely blocking up follicles. I still have the thin, doll hair that comes out easily just touching it and definitely worse when wet. Every expert told me brush with wet brush when dry before shampoo. Never wet. I have gone back to coloring my hair on the scalp with organic color i think it's Goldwell Nectaya. I'm supposed to go next month to the hair doctor to have the allergy tests to see what ingredients mimic keratin to avoid them. I realized one of the conditioners I had used from the VItamin Shoppe that's called Biotene I think had keratin in it. No mas. I will consider the PRP. I hope Lisa & others get some good results. i know it is supposed to be sometimes it works and others not. The Acell I think makes it work, but again, I won't use that and can't use monoxidil, and on and on. So just doing what I'm doing. I should moisturize with hot oil before a shampoo. I have to take time to do that & I should massage the scalp. My hair in front is absolutely thinning, which I think is the alopecia worsened by the keratin. At this point, it is what it is. Just pray for stability or improvement is all. I'm grateful right now & pray time will improve it as all keratin comes out March was only a year. I cut off lots of hair trying to grow it longer again. wishing all good thoughts to all of you.

Aug 06, 2016
It will be ok
by: Princess v

Hi guys first i want to say thank you for helping me thru this hard time . It has been a year but my hair is back to it curl and thicknesses. I cut my hair all real short and then wore half wigs for about 4 months and yes im latin but i whore a wig and in florida in this heat. I only co washed my hair and deep con. Now my hair is is back to it curl and thicknesses i couldnt be happier. Now my hair is not falling out not going bald . It is back to what it was. And i dont but heat in it. But oil you scalp with coconut oil

I hope this helps you all as it helped me. Trust me i eas losing my hair and mind .

Aug 05, 2016
It's been six months since the last time I posted
by: Hi Parsley girl here

I want to say hello to Sandra,Missy, Maria,HM and every one here well my hair is doing much better were my bold spots were is full of hair you can't see any baldness my hair falls out not as much as before I did se some hairs growing thinner then the hair around weren't bald spots were they don't have the same texture as my hair was before de kt but is way better than having those bold spots like I said before go quimicals free as much as you can parsley cinnamon coconut oil drink horse tail tea and dandelion tea so you can clean your blood stream in your body and drink lots of water thank you all for the moral support and I wish everyone here the best of luck God bless each of you.....

Aug 05, 2016
keratin disaster
by: Anonymous

hello everyone,
I did the keratin treatment in December of 2014. Similar to all of you, I began experiencing hair loss 3 or 4 months after I did it. My hair fell out at alarming rates and thinned considerably. Eventually the shedding stopped but my hair did not return to its original thickness. Luckily I have very thick very curly hair so me losing 30 or 40 percent of it was not a huge tragedy but I was still very depressed by it. I have taken biotin, iron, and b complex supplements and used castor and pimento oil on my hair. I just want it to be thicker but I can see my hair growing back slowly so I'm confident that eventually it will all come back to normal. I saw a post down below about the inversion method so I am doing that. The biotin and castor oil helped my hair and I would recommend those for everyone trying to help this. I would also reccomend avocado treatments because those make your hair thicker and healthier. I hope all of you who were fooled into thinking this was safe eventually find peace again and are able to have the hair that you are trying to get.

Aug 05, 2016
by: Anonymous

hi everyone,
I'm new here and so glad I found this thread. I had the keratin treatment done December of 2014 and ever since I've noticed my hair has gotten noticeably thinner. The first 6 to 12 months it felt like more hair was falling off my head than was sticking to it and it felt awful. I have very thick curly hair so for me to lose the 30 or 40 percent that I lost wasn't the end of the world but it still hurts to see my hair being thin when it used to be thick and beautiful. There is nothing more I wish for than to be able to go back and tell my younger self not to do it. So far I have used biotin, castor oil, iron supplements, b complex supplements and pimento oil to attempt to get it back to normal. My hair has stopped shedding which I am very happy about but it still isn't as thick as it used to be so I am currently trying to do everything I can to make it all be back to normal. I read a post down below about someone doing the inversion method so I am on my 3rd day of doing that and hoping for good results. I am praying for all you ladies that have been affected by this and I think it just takes time and slowly but surely you will be back to normal.

Aug 01, 2016
To Alana
by: Anonymous

Hi Alana,
Thank you for sharing your story. It is very similar to many of us on the site. I check the page almost everyday to see if someone has found something that works. My hair used to be very thick like yours. I had a total of 3 keratin treatments over 2 years. My last keratin treatment was in May 2014. I have lost so much of my hair and the shedding has not stopped. My hair is extremely thin now. Please let us know what you find out at your visits. Many of us have tried everything under the sun. I think it's some kind of chronic inflammation that's occurring that is causing our immune cells to attack the hair follicles because they have taken in too much keratin or formaldehyde. If only someone could find a way to reverse this. Take care.

Jul 27, 2016
Finally seeing a Trichologist
by: Alana

Greetings friends,

So glad I found this thread. I have a similar story to you all, but it seems I am many more years removed from my last keratin treatment. I started having stylists do the keratin treatments on me in 2009 (Aug) and my last treatment was Nov 2012. Yes, I am devastated to admit that I used keratin for 3 years, about 2-3 times pr year. It wasn't until the end of my 2nd year that I saw a bald spot. When I asked my mum and my sister about it, it was so small that they told me I was making a big deal out of nothing. When I asked my stylist at my next Keratin appointment about it she said that sometimes our hair/scalp goes through phases and I shouldn't be to concerned. Boy, were they ever wrong. My hair LOOKED amazing, beautiful, shiny, healthy and LONG...(according to my cousin people had major hair envy) but little did I know that this terrible chemical was completely destroying my scalp. In the 3rd year I realized that my hair was falling out and when it finally began to fall out it was coming out the way I've heard cancer patients talk about hair loss. I was terrified of washing my hair - I would get an entire handful of hair with each and every wash. Like from a horror movie, large strips of my scalp started coming off - think terrible sunburn kind of peeling. Also the pain and itching...words can't describe how sometimes my scalp itched so badly that I was tempted to scratch it until I drew blood. But I knew that I couldn't, so would just lay in bed for hrs crying because of the intense, almost unbearable itching.
I stopped Keratin and started seeing dermatologists and dermatologists who supposedly specialize in hair loss.
One of the dermatologists that I saw told me he daily saw clients losing hair because of Keratin and that I was lucky that I was taking massive amounts of hair vitamins throughout the ordeal as I probably would have ended up completely bald. Because my hair by their standards was relatively thick still, they basically all told me that I was overreacting. The thing I said to them all "don't you get it, I KNOW my hair and I've lost half of it, are you going to wait until I'm truly half bald before you start taking me & what is happening to me seriously?"
Three years removed from my last Keratin treatment I have finally decided to really fight for myself to find out the truth. To truly find out what has happened and is continuing to happen to me.
Good News: My hair loss has stopped considerably - I am no longer afraid of washing my hair. The Keratin is completely grown out/gone, my hair no longer has that weird DEAD, burnt smell and my hair continues to grow. Today my hair actually LOOKS completely healthy. It is below my shoulders. I don't have the intense scalp pain often anymore.
Bad News: The intense itching still brings me to tears. It is very difficult to go more than 4 days without washing my hair because it feels like something is crawling below my scalp and the intense itching feels like it can drive me insane. Before Keratin that NEVER happened. I never even had dandruff or any other scalp issues.
Bad news: Those two tiny bald spots have turned into a general, overall hair thinning/balding areas on the crown and back of my head. What I notice - a spot on my scalp will itch intensely, turn a slight pink/red color and then the hair in that area will fall out. I dread localized itching because I know that could very well signal MORE hair falling out. Hair stylists are finally starting to comment on what has happened with my hair because it is so noticeable from the time you start manipulating my hair. Also, when my hair is blow dried straight (naturally it is super kinky/curly - like a slinky) you can see the bald area on the crown/back of my head.
Stylists used to comment on how thick my hair was - at least 2hrs oftentimes more for me under the hood dryer - and now the first words out of their mouth "OMG - what happened?"
Tomorrow I see the trichologist and then three weeks from now I'm seeing my primary care doctor to get a script for a scalp biopsy. I'm finally ready to do this and not give up/stop until ALL of my hair has grown back.
I'll let you guys know of the results. Thanks for letting me vent and I wish you all the best of luck on your journey.

Jul 21, 2016
One more thing
by: Lisa

I forgot to mention that I had cut all of my hair off when the hair loss was at it's worst (I thought it might help slow it down because I would have less to detangle) it is growing back extremely dry and brittle. I used to have to wash my hair everyday, but now it doesn't seem to produce oil so 2 X a week is more than enough. one thing that has helped me is not combing it when it's wet. After I wash, I add a leave in conditioner and wait till it's completely dry. Brushing when wet gives me the most hairloss. Anyone else experience this? I would love to share before and after pictures, at this point I'm so mad at myself for just not loving the hair I had. I got the keratin treatment to reduce frizziness in the summer and cut down on styling time. All the time and money I have spent trying to reverse the effects has really taught me a lesson :(

Jul 21, 2016
PRP Update
by: Lisa

Hi Everyone, As a reminder, I had a Brazilian keratin treatment in May 2014 so it's been just over 2 years of hair loss for me. I used to have very thick hair that was past my bra strap. Now my hair is paper thin (I estimate that I lost at least 70 % of it) the top of my head and hairline are the worst. I can see my scalp very easily and I am still losing 200 + on wash days and about 70 on non wash days (I wash my hair 2X a week). I did not want to leave the house for a long time, but I finally just gave up. A wonderful girl I met who is dealing with this nightmare too told me about some hair powder which I use daily to make my scalp less noticeable. I have tried everything!! All kinds of vitamins, oils, shampoos, steroid injections, scalp treatments, rogaine and non of them worked. I decided to try PRP. I did a lot of reading about it and some people had great success. I paid the $1400 in March 2016 for PRP and microneedling and I have to say that so far I'm very disappointed. My hair loss seemed to pick up after the treatment (I don't know if it was from the needles or just moving my hair around so much to do the treatment). I think that hair loss has gone back to what it was prior to PRP (which is still very heavy) but I am not seeing any new growth at all. It was a very expensive treatment for no results. I honestly think that the Brazilian keratin treatment has killed my hair follicles and once the hair falls out it's just not coming back. I am trying to stay positive and keep reminding myself that no one has reported complete baldness, but I have started looking at wigs just in case. I'm so sorry this is happening to all of us. I am very disappointed in the FDA for leaving this product on the market. It is horrible. It has destroyed my self confidence and it was advertised as being healthy for hair. I will update if the PRP kicks in. The lady who administered it did tell me it would take 4 months to notice any new growth.

Jul 21, 2016
by: Maria

Hi everyone,
This update is long overdue and I am sorry but I had decided to try to push all this out of my head for a while in order to stop loosing hair also to stress.
Things are improving.About a week ago was the first time in 15 month that I stood under overhead light and my scalp wasn't shining through. In fact there is a lot of new hair sticking right up on the top of my head. God, how I love them and cherish them. 2 years ago I would be trying to flat them somehow, now I am just happy they are there.
But to make this story shorter, here is what works for me now: 5% minoxidil every evening, 2% minoxidil every morning. I ditched all the natural shampoos and oils as it was really only clogging my scalp and it was itchy, I had dandruff, scalp pains kept coming and going...
I went back to what I used prior to my hair disaster and that is Alterna Caviar-Rx. It's without sulfates, parabens,etc. but there is a mild agent to give hair a thorough clean and god knows my hair and scalp needed this. I am now scalp pain free for a few month already. I cut my hair last Sept to about 4 cm, so very short. Now it's semi long, almost can make a ponytail and a lot of my new hair is about 6 cm long now. So a real mess on the top but I am loving it. For the first time I am starting to allow myself to think I may make full recovery from this nightmare.
I am still losing more then I should I think which is why I added to my routine Aminexil. I put that in in the afternoon. So far for 4 weeks now and I think it helped a little.
I keep my natural color, I don't straighten but I blow dry with Bio ionic hair dryer as it supposed to be gentle to the hair and drying faster.
I am going to stick with this routine as I think most change made coming back to shampoo which cleans thoroughly. I wash my hair every day, I always did. Maximum every second day.
I really hope you ladies will see some progress soon as well. It's heartbreaking. I hope this will give you some hope too. I don't get haircuts. Last one was about 5 month ago just a very little trim. It depressed me how my stylist commented on my thin hair and it was also very unpleasant to get my head massaged (I used to love it). I told them to be very gentle, etc. but the wash and also blow dry actually irritated my scalp for couple of days. And they use same products as I do so it was just pulling and pushing and all that.
I stopped using vitamins regularly as they didn't do much and oils made just all my pillows greasy but 0 help for re-growth. Really just minoxidil and good wash! Hang in there, it has to get better!

Jul 20, 2016
To Lisa
by: Anonymous

Hi Lisa,
How is PRP working for you?

Jul 20, 2016
Hair regrowth
by: Anonymous

Hi Deb,
I had a Brazilian blowout in late January and lost about 60% of my hair. I was very depressed and at times I couldn't get out of bed. Despite this, I was very aggressive in conducting research on hair loss and I have found some success. I saw a friend on Saturday who couldn't believe how much more hair I had and how fast it grew in the course of about 6 weeks. This is what I have been doing: I use Rogaine 5% twice daily. I take the following vitamins. Viviscal, hair omega DHT, saw palmetto, biotin, niacin and pumpkin seed oil. I mix vitamin e oil, castor oil, cocunut oil and tea tree oil massage in my scalp while doing the inversion method. I do this to get blood circulation to the scalp. I believe this is the reason my hair is growing at a rapid rate. I also use a DHT blocking shampoo. I also have an appointment next week for A Stem cell and PRP.
I don't know exactly what stopped my hair fallout but I believe it's a mixture of everything I have been doing. Miss Deb, please let me know if you have any questions or how I can be of support to you. I know how depressing this could be.

Jul 18, 2016
by: Deb

Well I'm still shedding . Keratin done last August and noticed severe shedding November. It is now July and next month will be 1 year since I got the treatment. I only wash my hair once or twice a week , I wish I could wash it every other day like I used to but that is impossible bc of the severe hair loss that occurs every time I wash it. My part is unbelievably noticeable now and I am using a filling powder. Very embarrassing. When I move my hair around it just shows scalp on sides. My hair is not growing that much . But I do see grays a bit. It's still long only bc it helps cover the scalp when I play around with it. I'm afraid to cut it short bc my hair on top that is shorter than the back hairs is falling out at the same rate so why bother cutting it if it's coming out anyway. I do blow dry my hair since I only wash twice a week just to get it into a style and I even straighten it once a week as well. My hair is still dry and itchy from time to time as well. Obviously this is permanent. I look on here everyday looking for some hope. But there is nothing. It's so terrible that the hairs that are falling out are not being replaced. If there was I could deal with it knowing it would grow back. But that is the most depressing part . Each hair that falls out never comes back and leaves my scalp showing. I guess I will just keep looking on here to see if someone someday has some sort of advice that can help me and others. Thank you to those who have shared this experience and continue to try and find a cure. If anyone can update id really like to hear from you .. Sandra , parsley girl, missy Maria .. Etc .. I just like to see how things are going . Also I'd like to know if you get a haircut how does that go since I have to delicately brush my hair and I would fear someone else brushing it but I really need a trim. Haven't gotten one since last November.

Jun 21, 2016
responding to horses mane
by: Anonymous

My hair is exactly the same as you describe. It's been 2 years since the keratin treatment nightmare and hairloss began. I've lost about 70% of my volume so now I have a thin mess with no oil and shine. I wash my hair once or twice a week and on wash days it feels super thin. I have it at my shoulders because I was trying to grow it to it's original length for my wedding. Before the keratin treatment it was below my bra strap. I cut it all off when the hair loss began. And now it's growing dry and unhealthy. I wish I had some words of wisdom. I tried PRP a few weeks ago but unfortunately, I am not seeing any improvement in oil production and the hair loss doesn't seem to be slowing too much. No new growth yet either :(

Jun 09, 2016
by: Lois

I've posted on this forum a few times in the past and would like to give an update on my situation.
It's been a year since my keratin treatment and I'm 26 years old. Soon after I had contact dermatitis and my scalp has not been the same since. I've had burning, itching and sore spots on my scalp and lost at least half of my hair. It feels strange every time I look in the mirror.
I have been diagnosed with androgenic alopicia which I'm really not sure I believe is true, as every health provisional has dismissed the keratin treatment (which was exactly when this nightmare started). I am using Nak shampoo and conditioner and I no longer have pain in my scalp (such a relief).
I am taking mimoxidil and spirolactone and I have a lot of new hair growth. In fact, the dermatologist has said my part is back to normal and now it will take two years before the bulk of my hair fills out.
I am feeling much better although still become very scared every time I wish my hair.
I wish everyone the best with what you're all going through. It's an awful situation to be in and I'm so sorry this is happening to everyone.

Jun 02, 2016
Fingers Crossed 4 U, Lisa
by: Missy

Thanks for replying. I love your love of animals! I won't use it for fear of an inflammatory reaction from the protein. I sure hope it works, and I am strongly considering you try it myself. I think it was one of those things where it works for some and not for others. It's just a chance you have to take. A speedy chance, but a chance. I hear you. All the worst thinning on me is right on top and in the front. Not great anywhere else. It was hard to really get a complete response from the doctor, but I think it kind of falls in line with what others have said. There are certainly hereditary issues that I have, but the allergic reaction to the Keratin I think creates problems with the follicles over time. Basically she was saying it's an allergy that you can develop overtime to the Keratin and similar products. If we could all rewind time.

Jun 02, 2016
Answer to Missy
by: Lisa

Hi Missy,

I did not try ACell, just the PRP and Microneedling. I chose not to the Acell for ethical reasons (I'm vegan). I will let you guys know how it turns out in a few months. They said it will take a while to notice any results. Have a great day everyone.

May 31, 2016
by: Missy

So great to hear from someone who did it. Did they use the Acell as well or did you do the just the plasma? They say it can totally work so I hope yours does. Please keep us posted, but I'd really like to know if they also used the Acell matristem, which is porcine protein as well as your blood. Thanks

May 31, 2016
by: Lisa

After two years of excessive hair loss from the Brazilian Keratin treatment I decided to try PRP. I have tried everything else under the sun (many recommendations from this site). I spent $1700 on PRP with Microneedling. I'm not going to lie, It hurt!! I was told that the hairloss should improve immediately. It hasn't yet, but I'm hopeful that it will (it's only been a week). They said it takes 4 months to start seeing any improvement/ hair growth. I will report back then and let you all know if it is helping. I couldn't take the hair loss and seeing my scalp anymore so I was willing to try it. I really hope it works.

May 23, 2016
Everyone- helpful info
by: Missy

It's so nice that we all have friends here despite not actually knowing each other in person. I wanted to report my latest for the benefit of others. I saw the main doctor in the department who is quite nationally renowned in her field down in south Florida. She specializes in hair. If you all recall, I had a total hysterectomy so I wasn't sure how much is hormones or chemicals. However, she said, as seems logical, the scalp tightening, flaking, sensitivity, continued sensitivity- all chemicals. She said you can develop an allergy to the Keratin and then you have all the symptoms we do. In addition, I have androgenic alopecia. Interestingly, it says on my info sheet of recommendations that for that condtiion, eat red meat 3x a week, try to make it organic, grass fed so it's healthier. I'm not much of a red meat eater. I think that's the female pattern hair loss that I inherited. In hindsight, my hair did thin some over the years on top, but i noticed it more so after the keratin. But basically, she's saying most of what's going on is the chemicals. Unfortunately, the hair that is growing in is miniaturized, which is why it feels like doll hair. Also, if I understood, she's saying that's from chemicals as well. She says you must do an allergy test to see what particular ingredients in shampoo, conditioner etc that MIMIC keratin and can keep you shedding. I haven't done that because it's a hassle to come back 3 days in a week but I'm going to. She says you must so you don't keep potentially using products that aggravate the condition we have, which is from the chemicals. She said only those hormone-type things can help grow hair, I guess like Propecia, which I won't use. Also, the only thing that does is monoxidil. She is one of those docs, however, who poo-poos that you can have side effects from the monoxidil. I know I had a racing heart any time I tried using that stuff to the point like I was jumping out of my skin. She says no, but I have high blood pressure and take meds for it, and I know it absolutely affected me. That makes me so mad how drs never want to say meds can affect you. She says it's not systemic, but I tried it months apart and got the same effects each time. Anyway, so I can't do and I can't take hormones because family history of breast cancer. So she said only thing left is the PRP, which may or may not work. Again, I researched it previously and found that in order for it to really work, they add that porcine protein with the blood, but it can have an inflammatory effect in the body. No way I'd do that either. I might try just my own blood plasma, although it's very expensive. At least that's natural. I still like my Just Naturals products, but I will have to see if that has any ingredients that could cause the shedding. She did say the shedding is bad because I'm not replacing it with regular hair so it'll keep thinning over time :( Oh, Lord. If we could turn back time. My mom didn't have thinner hair for like 15 years post-hysterectomy. This is from those damn chemicals. She also said she doubted my continued shedding has to do with the hair color. She says she finds it's mostly due to the mimic ingredients that exacerbate the allergy. There you have it. Good luck, girls. My hair texture has completely changed. Like hay. I think she said that's the chemicals. Unreal. did it to myself. But, it is what it is. I'll let you know how the allergy test goes when I do it in a while when she's back in town. Good luck and good thoughts for all.

May 17, 2016
PRP Hair Treatment
by: Lisa

It's been almost 2 years for me since I had the Brazilian Keratin treatment. I've lost about 75% of my hair. The shedding has slowed down, but like many others, I am not seeing new growth. I can see so much of my scalp on the top of my head especially in the front. When I look in the mirror with overhead lights my scalp shines through. It's so embarrassing. I used to have extremely thick hair before the keratin treatment. I wish I had never done it. I am considering PRP to try to stimulate some new hair growth. Has anyone else tried it? If so did it work and were there any negative side effects?

May 07, 2016
How u doing Guys?
by: AK22

14 months for me since the nightmare starts; the hairs falling right now is the normal amount; i'm starting to see new hairs growing like 1 cms long in my left temple; i hope these hairs are growing all over my head; my part is wide and my front have less hair than the rest of my head; i have new hairs growing; ill update soon!! Hope recover for all of you!

May 03, 2016
Hi Deb
by: Sandra

Hi Deb
It will be two years for me at the end of June. As I said earlier, my excessive hair loss ( pillow covered in hairs every morning,handfuls coming out in the shower .. just agony) was over after about nine months so hoping that this might be the same for you. My bald patch at the top of my head towards the back has filled in with new hairs (not like before but acceptable) but my hair is so much thinner. My scalp is now visible at the top of my head when my hair is wet, particularly at the front. I just generally have less hair all over but particularly on top. It's not because of excessive hair loss, it's because new hairs aren't coming in as the hairs fall out. There is no doubt in my mind that the formaldehyde caused this. There is research to back this up. You might want to mention the research to the dermatologists or doctors if you see any. Do you know how much formaldehyde was in your product ? I don't think there's an answer but there is some comfort in knowing that I'm not the only one .. Not that I would wish this torture on anyone !!! Thinking of you and I'll always try to respond to messages.. I wish I knew why this happens to some of us and not to others .. Why were we the unlucky ones? And why haven't hairdressers stopped using the product when we told them what had happened to us?

May 01, 2016
Checking In..How are you?
by: Deb

Just touching base with everyone to see how you are doing. I'm not doing good. I've lost alot more hair. I'm continuing to shed at a horrible rate and top of hair has scalp showing through and I'm having a difficult time hiding it because of all over hair loss. Very depressing. I will be going on 9 months after keratin and really feel helpless. I am still feeling itchy and tight dry scalp. I don't know what to do anymore. Nothing works for me right now because my scalp gets so irritated. Ugh this is just awful...

Mar 27, 2016
thyroid tests
by: Missy

Another thing. Lots on how folks can be told their thyroid is normal, but it isn't. I'd tell anyone here to see an endocrinologist and get every test with a t in front of it. There are all ranges of "normal" and if you have other symptoms along with hair loss that suggest thyroid issues, it might be despite being told your tsh was normal. And, of course, if you have hair loss in your lineage, that could be part of the equation as well. Good luck to all.

Mar 27, 2016
Coconut Oil and Seniority girl and the usual peeps
by: Missy

So I just read a blog post about coconut oil not being so great for everyone's hair. Really made me take notice. Basically, she said it's not the panacea for everyone's hair as touted. What really made me take notice was her saying there are those who suffer HAIR LOSS from it! And that hair becomes more dry and brittle! Holy shizzballs! That really made me take notice. She basically said how those with dry, brittle hair (me!) may not benefit from it, well may clog up hair follicles and not a good idea to place on scalp (just as my trichologist said), and maybe those with oily hair can benefit from it without overdoing it. Wow. I've been slathering myself in it for months and months and only stopped when I switched to the Just Natural products. And as I said, I backed off of putting a ton of any product on my scalp and mostly just put conditioner on my mid-ends rather than near scalp. The blogger likes castor oil. Today, I used some castor oil, 2 drops of rosemary, 1 drop of lavender, jojoba oil in my hair and scalp to sit for a bit before I shampoo. Of course, just touching my hair, tons of fine, thinner hair comes out. I always had thick strands. Oh well, thank you Seniority girl for some good news. And, after all for all of us, it is what it is. I try not to think about it. SG, you are lucky you can tolerate hair color on the scalp. I can't let anything near my scalp. I do foils which cost a fortune. I still like the Just Natural products, and now wonder if just staying clear of the coconut oil is improving my hair's moisture and condition!

Mar 27, 2016
Thank you from London - UK
by: Sandra

Seniority girl where have you been ?! We have needed you on here !! and thank you for your lovely message .. I often think to myself that if my hair ever regrows as it once was I will try and keep posting on here to support others. Thank you to everyone that posted on here after my message. I have at times felt so alone and then I post a message on here and get responses immediately from Missy,MH,Deb and Anonymous so thank you to all of you. It always makes me feel quite emotional to think that strangers (that I wouldn't even recognise if I passed them in the street ) from different parts of the world take time to support someone going through the same pain. As you all know, unless you are going through something yourself, it's not always easy to empathise and on here we all understand the frustration of coming across professionals that can't help us , of friends that are supportive but you know that you just can't keep going on about it or they will stop seeing you! , of the joy of thinking it's over and then seeing it get thinner and thinner,the anger of this awful formaldehyde laden product being available in hairdressers.. I could go on and on but i really just wanted to express my gratitude to all of you .. X

Mar 26, 2016
Seniority girl
by: Anonymous

It's been almost 4 years and I have to say things will get better. I disagree with Some of the posts. My hair is filling in, not much but it is. I used to use powder to cover the wide parts years ago but haven't in along time. I also had the throbbing scalp pain for the first year as well. I only wash once a week and my hair very rarely gets greasy because it's so dry. I only put conditioner on the ends. I color my hair every 5 weeks because of the gray hair and have since day one. I take probiotics and that's it. I lose about 60-80 hairs on my one wash day and lose about 5 + on non wash days that I notice. It does get better and it will. I use to check this site every day and now very rarely. It's scary when you are losing 300 plus but it will diminish over time. I too thought I was the exception and it would last forever. Hang in there and enjoy life. It will get better. Not one person has ever said they went bald.

Mar 25, 2016
Deb, Sandra UK etc
by: Missy

Sandra, exactly right. In hindsight, I realize that my hair was thinning over a long period of time of doing the keratin, for years and I never made the connection because I didn't have clumps of hair and tons of shedding like now. But when I think of when I would wash my hair right after I did the treatment, it felt markedly thinner, but I attributed to the fact that my hair was straight versus curly. That's why they say hindsight is 2020. If only we can turn back time, none of us would do this again. Here I am back with kinky hair, and now I can't even blow it dry! So I have less hair, absolutely thinning in front and I think of someone on this board had said how frustrated she was going to see doctors when they would tell her how much hair she had. Same with me. And then she said how three or four years later, she had thin hair. I know that will be me. It's only a year and I can already see scalp in the light in the front. But, all we can do is just do the best we can now and forget about it because nothing else is going to change it. If I was willing to do those plasma and pig protein injections, and if I could do Rogaine, I know I would grow hair. But I can't so it is what it is. On the just natural products, I still really like him. I got the pre-shampoo Shea butter which I put in my hair with a plastic cap Prior to shampoo. First I brush my hair out, since the doctor told me not to brush wet hair, Put on some of that product, and leave it on for however long and then shampoo. I got the dandruff shampoo. I do find it to be a little drying but I think it does help & doesn't have a strong scent or ingredients that bother my scalp so I just follow up with a good conditioner. I also started using the elucence conditioner again. I don't love all the ingredients, but, for the once in a while I blow dry, I think it makes my hair feel softer. It has parabens in it which I despise. I also got the just natural dry scalp Shea butter and put a little of that on my scalp maybe once a week. I'm concerned about clogging up my follicles so I don't condition my scalp as often as I used to. In hindsight, I think even with the coconut oil, I had more shedding using it on scalp every day. I also went back to taking fish oil and biotin, both of which I think are very important to Hair health. Again, I know that I am not doing what I should and not using any chemicals, but I refuse to walk around w gray hair. Whatever hair there is. I still have a lot of hair that comes out, and shedding throughout the day and night and between shampoo. Just like you all. Maybe the shedding is a little better now that I have conditioned my hair more and now that I don't brush it when it's wet. Good luck to everyone. I'm glad you guys keep posting so we all can see what is working or not for everyone.

Mar 24, 2016
Update at 18 months
by: MH

Today, is the 18 month mark for me and I'm sad to say nothing has changed. Possibly I have less pain but that's it.

I wash once a week because I can't handle showering and seeing all the hair fall. I never blow dry or stay my hair. My hair gets thinner everyday and I have large parts of my scalp that are noticeable and which I use powder to cover up. I am petrified of overhead uv lighting. I have permanent very bad dandruff. I have no regrow th, at all. I have lost 70 percent of my hair and even my friends describe my hair as thin now. I have a very long parting basically down the back of my entire head. My friends and family are sick to death discussing it. I'm now 25 and can't believe I think about this tortue everyday and have to look at others hair and regret a stupid decision, which to this day, no professional derm, doctor or hairdresser believes is the culprit. I'm sorry not to have much hope but my hairloss has slowed down but I think it is purely because rinhave so little hair, I read the comments going I won't be losing hair in 18 months, I'm sure I'll recover in 3 months. But no, I have severe hair loss and what makes it worse is the receding hairline with has moved back about an inch and which is hue mortifying at my age as you can't do anything to hide it.

Sandra - thinking of you. I was hopeful that your hair would grow back but appears, like me, that our hair may be like this forever.....

Mar 24, 2016
by: Anonymous

I feel exactly the same way. Three years later I still lose a couple of hundred from washing and styling plus constantly drip hair throughout the day. My hair is way thinner and hairline recessed. I see people with normal hair and I wish I could be like that. I miss washing my hair and not losing so much hair. The amount I lose In one wash wash is as much hair as it used to collect it my brush over a a couple of weeks prior to the Brazilian blowout. Formaldehyde kills cells and our follicles are hair producing cells there is no other answer.

Mar 24, 2016
Update from London - UK
by: Sandra

I've been adding comments to this forum for almost two years now and I'm reticent to give any advice as I'm not sure that anything really makes a difference. There certainly isn't any one treatment I've seen mentioned that has worked for everyone. My hair fell out rapidly over a period of nine months then it stopped and hair loss returned to normal amounts. You would think that would be the end of the story but no it wasn't. My hair just looks thinner and thinner as the months pass. I can see scalp when my hair is wet and I brush it back, I can see scalp at the sides when my hair is in a ponytail. The original bald patch I had on top of my head has filled in , not like before , but it has. My conclusion is that as each hair completes its growth cycle and falls out, it simply isn't replaced by a new hair as it should be. It isn't telogen effluvium as there isn't any excessive hair loss, it's just that new hairs aren't coming in. The formaldehyde killed off the new hair in my opinion. I feel sick and I just can't bear his torture. That's the only word I can think of to describe it. I've had no pain, just a little itching at the beginning and a little dandruff but it cleared up quickly. I wonder how many people out there had a Brazilian and saw their hair getting thinner and thinner over the years that followed but didn't make a connection... If you see your hair has become thinner why would you connect it to a hair treatment a year or two earlier .. What possessed me to have this hair straightening ? How could I possibly think that it was ok to cover my face with a towel to avoid inhaling the toxic fumes? What was I thinking ?! I'm so so angry ...

Mar 19, 2016
Keratin Treatment hair loss- what to do next?
by: Tay

I got the keratin treatment in a salon I visited frequently since 2011. I trusted the girl that gave me the treatment. About a month after I got the keratin treatment I noticed more hair was coming out than usual. I started to worry and contacted her. She told me it was normal and temporary. However, I don't think this is normal considering my hair was thicker and stronger a month prior. I am now 2 months in (almost 3 now) and this shedding is starting to worry me. I've done some research, but I haven't really gotten a solid answer as to what I should do next. I'm thinking of getting braids to give my hair a test or going back and have her wash this out, and go to the doctor. If any one has any good advice, PLEASE let me know!

Mar 07, 2016
by: Deb

I don't know if I should now try Rogaine . It had been 7 months since the keratin treatment I had. Shedding still , top more than anything is so thin and hairline getting wider :( I'm going to try the Just Natural brand now Missy but I'm thinking I may need to do Rogaine bc I see no regrowth at all. My hair strands are sooooo thin. It looks like the whole protective layer is just gone and strands are barely there . I can't just let my hair air dry bc it looks like birds nest so I need to style it by blowing it gently straight or just blow drying top and leaving rest curly. I'm just wondering what styles I can do with this. Any suggestions? I do put my hair in a pony tail on days when it was out of control but it really hurts when I do this. I literally think about this all day long and stare at everyone's hair that I see. I'm so jealous of thick hair and horrified when I see Balding woman bc I'm scared that will be me. I just wish there was some miracle we could use to just get it back to where it was or at least fill in these bare spots. I have four kids and come in contact with so many people everyday and I just want to hide. I feel like everyone is staring at me. There is no improvement and it's getting worse bc all that falls out never grows back. Just depressing ...

Mar 07, 2016
Maria, Deb, Iris and all
by: Missy

Maria, I feel so bad for what happened to you. I think maybe it was stress, etc, but my first thought was the water when you were out of town. Absolutely, assuming you got your hair wet, went swimming, etc out of town. But me, too. I was so much better then started shedding badly again. But I did start coloring it again during that time- NOT at the root, with foils only, but still. chemicals. The drs told me that the TE can be chronic. Think it might be for some of us unfortunately that's worse then better and back. :( Iris, OMG. Awful. I use all of those but sparingly like 1x a week. I was hoping Dr. Oz would show our problem but it didn't. Also, I'm really liking that Just Natural product line. I use their oil for damaged hair, use the pre-shampoo conditioner and leave in for a while with a plastic cap and then shampoo with their dandruff shampoo that's all natural. I alternate with the Shea Moisture shampoo for babies or the Biotene shampoo and conditioner. Scalp is still very sensitive. I also use a little bit of the dry scalp conditioner from Just Naturals and massage a little in a little before I shampoo. I'm going to let them know they make a great product. Very happy. I recommend their stuff to you ladies. My hair is like a bale of hay either way, but I think a little better. Also, my holistic trichologist said that I was using too much oil on scalp and not to. I think she was right. I use it very sparingly and only maybe 1 or 2x a week. I was coconut oil massaging scalp like every day. She said that was bad. I'm praying my shedding is a little better. I think because of all the shea butter in those Just Naturals products. And I avoid the scalp and put it on middle to ends.

Mar 07, 2016
Follow up
by: Anonymous

Hi everyone.
My name is Jamie and i was in this site years ago. I had the Keratin for the second time June it was either two or three years ago. Nothing has changed except the loss is slower now. I have hair on my head not like I used to but everything has changed. My sister had the same problem and she had the cortisone shots in her scalp and she hasn't had a problem since. Me - I have a spot on the back of my head doesn't seem to be getting better and shedding throughout the whole head. Cortisone shots have no worked on me- I tried 6. No more can be done. It's a horrible thing but everyone is different. U just gotta rip leith it take vitamins and see what works for u.

Mar 07, 2016
Hair breakage from Pravana Keratin treatment
by: Toneen

I got the Pravana Keratin treatment 2 months ago and exactly 3 days later my hair begin shedding at first I thought it would stop, it has not stopped and now My hair is even breaking off. I can't even wear a simple ponytail it don't look right Becouse my hair started breaking off at the roots so it's just frizz up there around the crown area... This is my worst night mare can someone please where to go from here on what to do on stopping the shedding and work on the breakage, what product do I need to get for this.. Still in shocked I payed 200.00 just for my hair to fall out.... Once again thank you so much for any advice given

Feb 29, 2016
To Missy
by: Iris

Thanks Missy for your response. This board was the closest I could find to anyone experiencing the same exact symptoms that I was having. You are correct, I was using Rosemary, as well as Clary Sage, Lavender, and Cedarwood. The website selling the oils gave a blend, and it seemed that you were supposed to use the blend with each shampoo. So I was really using 4x's the amount that I should have. : ( I think the oils may be a good thing, but they should be highly diluted and done in moderation. After research, I found that they are very toxic so I wanted to warn people to be careful in using them to treat hair loss (or any ailment), like I did. Again I wish you all well and hope and pray for everyone's recovery here!

Feb 26, 2016
Boo dr oz!
by: Deb

Ok so the show had nothing about our hair loss .. Grrrr! Still shedding here a lot :( on month 7. I'm praying this will eventually stop . There is no regrowth. Hair thinning especially at hairline. So sad. I tried carols daughter elixir thinking the oils will help my scalp but it really made my hair so soft and hair was shedding the worst ever. I just don't know what to do. Has anyone had any regrowth without using rogaine? I don't know if I should go this route now

Feb 26, 2016
Dr Oz Show
by: Deb

I think the Dr Oz show is on today , I'm nervous to watch !!

Feb 24, 2016
Thanks for post, Iris
by: Missy

Wow! What a story. I feel so bad for you. You did all the right things, including the scalp biopsy. What oils? I presume Rosemary is one of them, which I've been using. It's easy to go overboard with that. Read 3 drops per cup of jojoba so that's not strong. I can't believe oils caused neuropathy. Jeez. I do know natural stuff can aggravate my scalp easily as well. I can't use the Shea Moisture products. By the way, although I've just started, I found this site with natural products called Just natural I think. Ordered a bunch of products and so, I like them. As I think about it, the more I'm convinced that it really is a combination of factors. Absolutely, the yearly keratin damaged my hair, and possibly my follicle, and then I think when I had a hysterectomy and had no estrogen, in addition to having had IV antibiotics when I was sick, I think synergistically just created a confluence of disaster for my hair. The thing with me that I realize is that even the hair that is growing in is nothing like the hair I used to have. It's so dry, brittle, and basically like hay, even blowing it does nothing. I don't blow dry so I leave it, but my point is it's completely different. I do think this is a symptom of sudden estrogen loss in combination with the damage from the Keratin. It's pretty disastrous. In any case, I really like these products that I just got. There is a pre-shampoo moisturizer that I think is really going to be good for me. Lovely, natural ingredients, not much scent, and moisturizing. I put that on first and then used A dandruff shampoo because I can't stand using that Nizerol all with all of those horrible sulfates and terrible chemicals. We'll see how that works for me. And I really do avoid using the rosemary oil first, because I had previously explained The trichologist just warned me that I can block the follicles and create more problems by using too much oil even if you have dry scalp, and also because of the sensitivity of my scalp. But undoubtedly, the common thread we all share is that sensitive scalp after the keratin. I never had that before. I'm also pretty sure that I don't think that is a common symptom of loss of estrogen. That is because of the chemicals. Good luck to all. I'll give an update on those new products, but so far, I really like them. I highly recommend them so far.

Feb 24, 2016
Takes Time to Heal
by: Iris

Hi Maria,
I have been following this board for awhile now. I never received keratin treatment, but used essential oils for 5 months for postpartum hair loss that ended up causing the same exact symptoms that many here are experiencing-diffuse hair loss, dry flaking skin, and scalp pain. I was told that the oils were safe by representatives and was quite mislead by the website that explained how much to use for hair loss. It took some time and many doctor visits to find out the culprit. It has been a year since this symptoms started and since I stopped using the oils. The hair loss has slowed down to almost normal over the past 6-8 weeks, but still have the dry skin and scalp pain. The scalp pain (sharp, tingling) was felt all over my scalp and now it is mostly my crown where I have the most hair loss. I have had a little hair re-growth, but it is fine, sickly looking. I have had two scalp biopsies that came back TE, but now they think it progressed to female pattern baldness. I will return to the derm in a few weeks to get more info. I feel so incredibly bad for everyone here struggling, I know what a nightmare and how consuming this is! Hair loss may seem trivial, but to those who have struggled with it, know what toll it takes on your mental health! It is a big deal to us ladies. Anyways, I just wanted to share my story even though it is a bit different. I have seen tons of doctors-derm and neurologists, have had rounds of blood tests, an MRI and they only thing confirmed so far was the TE. However, the neurologist does believe that the chemicals/oils caused nerve damage, which is what causes the pain. I am not saying this to scare people, but just to take that in consideration. Nerves do heal, but it can take a few years. I have seen improvement over the past year, but it has been slow. Please stay strong, know that it will take time to heal, and take care of yourself while you are healing and don't lose hope. Also I am using biosil, collagen powder, B12, iron, magnesium, zinc, and OXG niacin and caffeine shampoo and root simulator. Am also taking 150 mg of spirolactone in case it is female pattern. It did cause increased shedding for the first two months, but helped the shedding slow down so it was worth it. The caffeine really helped it slow down for me, as well. Sorry this is so long!

Feb 22, 2016
Scalp pain is back
by: Maria

Hi, my scalp pain is back again and with it itchy,dry feeling on the top of my head all over.I could cry.Shedding has picked up as well.
I didn't change anything,same shampoo,same conditioner. The only thing,I was in Asia for a week so humid and warm weather.Also lots of stress from work...I don't know.It started 3-4days ago.It's painful to the touch. Will this nightmare ever end? Btw I also could see my head by the over head lighting and I could see my scalp so much.It's so thin on the top. In two weeks it will be a year since this nightmare.It occupies my mind 24/7.
I bought today hemp oil mixed with jojoba and olive oil.Tried to massage it in but it's sore to the touch.I just want to go back on steroids to stop the pain :(
I just wish to turn back time.
I want to know why this scalp pain keeps coming and going. What is with my scalp? What is the real damage here? So many questions and dermatologist is just clueless.

Feb 08, 2016
by: Brittany

Hey ladies! Thought I'd share some good news. I think my shedding has finally significantly decreased. I had my hair in braids for about 3 months and noticed a lot of growth while I had them in. The initial shedding once I took them out was expected since my hair has been in braids for 3 months. However, when I washed my hair again the shedding was very minimal (still have a tad bit shedding in the front of my hair).

For me the braids helped with treating my hair. The braids made it easier for me to get access to my scalp. What worked for me was to wash with shampoo once a month and Braggs apple cider vinegar (with rosemary and sage oil) every week. Also, I did black/green tea rinses every other week. The game changer for me was using a rosemary and sage oil on my scalp every other day during the morning time. The oil mix really helped to stimulate my scalp.

I also took multi hair vitamins, omega 300, vitamin d, iron, and collagen supplements.

As for regrowth, I am noticing small hairs on my scalp. Not much....but it's a start!

I think the most important thing you can do to minimize the shedding is to find a low maintenance hair style and stop stressing. When I had my hair out I was constantly pulling and messing with it and seeing it fall out was just really discouraging. For a while I wrapped my hair in scarfs (found a lot of neat tutorials on YouTube) and in November I decided to put my hair in braids. I think the braids helped me restore my confidence because I couldn't see any shedding/thinning while I had them in.

No need to do a drastic haircut. The half-life of formaldehyde is very short so I am confident is out of my hair (I'm a chemistry major/nerd). I will, however, at the end of the year get a big hair cut to get rid of the damaged hair and to even it out.

Feb 07, 2016
by: Maria

Hi everyone.Since everyone seems to be updating nowdays,so will I.My hair is still growing but shedding has picked up as well.It's not enormous but it's definitely more than what it was few weeks ago.Quality of my hair is very baby soft.Remember I cut all the burned hair off so this is only new hair and therefore very healthy.But they are very fine,thin.No bald spots any more but still thin patches.Density on affected areas is poor.Judging by my hair line where new growth can be seen,I am hoping I am growing new hair.Time will tell.Shape is horrible as I am trying to let it grow long and right now it's in that awkward way,sticking out everywhere.
But the main thing what I want to share is that scalp pain comes and goes.Sometimes it lasts for 2-3 days,sometimes 2 weeks.I switch shampoo,conditioner,oil... It seems to be always improving with change for a while and than it happens again.For now I use Alpecin or Khadi (sensitive scalp).Urkram no parfume conditioner.I am considering hemp oil.Has anyone tried that? I keep reading about its healing powers and whatever it is with our scalps,evidently needs different approach than steroids cause those work but it will come back.At least for me it did.Pain is not all over my scalp but patches or spots.You cannot see any irritation on the scalp.It hurts more like a bruise.Sometimes it's on the left,other time on the right,several small spots or one large...every time different.There is no pattern in it.So I am guessing it keeps flairing up...whatever it is. Now that I shed more,I try to wash every second day but my hair is disgusting that second day.I just cannot bare to see my hair in the shower going down the drain just like most of you. Please keep posting.It helps to see what everyone is trying.I can say Khadi shampoo seems very mild and good.I keep coming back to it.I'll give you an update on hemp oil once tried out.Oh and I am still on minoxidil twice a day which I think is the only reason my hair grows.It might be all in my head but too scared to even lower the dosage or skip one aplication.Stay positive and speedy recovery to you all.M

Feb 06, 2016
After keratin treatment
by: Ce

I received a keratin treatment on 2/5/2016 & ended up at the DR 2016. I had been growing back out my hair for over two years and now I have to start over. I had an allergic reaction and lost a lot of hair. Its not coming out in my hands or nothing. I noticed the hair loss when I was preparing for bed, I instantly had a mini heart attack. After speaking to a friend she stated that it will come back, and in a few days I should she some hair covering it. It calmed me down. At 9:30 on 2/6, I woke up to throbbing pain in my head. The spots are red with a damp feeling where there is no hair. I instantly went panic mood. I called my mom she referred me to her stylist, who stated that I have had an reaction to the Keratin Treatment. At the same time I was talking to my stylist whom is well educated and is an instructor, she stated I need to come in to the salon. At 11:15, I went got my hair washed to get the treatment off my scalp. That was the best step but the burning didn't stop it decreased. She felt like I had an allergic reaction and stated also go to the dr bc there was nothing else she could do and the sooner I got to the dr the more likely I can save my hair, meaning I can grow it back. Dr appt, at 3:30 Dr stated that I had a contact dermatitis and my blood pressure was 154/97 but if I hadn't went to the salon today I might got burns if the solution was still on my scalp. He asked about anything I experienced, I said about three hours after I got my hair treated I experienced a bad headache that I assumed was a migraine because I get them frequently and he stated that was my body showing the reaction because my migraine meds made it worse and I couldn't shake it and I take very strong meds for my headaches. I asked him would my hair come back, he stated in most cases yes, but only time will tell. He said that because I am being super proactive and responded fast that the likelihood is high. He gave me a Steroid shot and three prescriptions. I picked them up at 5:30 and ate a light snack because I haven't ate all day. As of 9:45 my head is still burning, no hair has came out but it has decreased in pain. I am added fish oil and vitamin e to my daily routine to increase blood to the area. After the 10 days of meds I am going to pick up some hair stimulating oil from Ulta beauty or Sally's beauty supply.I will be putting an update up in the next two weeks. I won't whomever reads this and is experiencing anything similar go to an urgent care or minute clinic, or etc and got your scalp looked it. Do not allow you head to continue to burn and hair to fall out. I am one of the few Black Americans that has enough hair I can hide the lost but do not wait it's not worth it. And also, WASH YOU SCALP, yes you paid alot of money but what did you gain when it's on the floor. I hope I helped someone tonight.

Feb 05, 2016
by: Deb

So my head was extremely itchy as everyone else here , still losing lots of hair from scalp and so I went to dermatologist. She, like most dermatologists, completely didn't wanna hear about the problem being from the Keratin treatment. She was talking about blood tests and telling me how in the winter hair sheds and feels thinner, blah blah blah...I said it must be from this because I never had the problem before and she looked at my scalp and said it was just a mess. Now mind you I was washing once a week so this must have contributed to it. But I couldn't bear the sight of the hair I'd lose in the shower. She told me I must wash my hair more often because that is not good for the scalp. She said it was seborrheic dermatitis and gave me RX for diprosone lotion and clodan shampoo which I am going to get filled and I'll see what happens. Hopefully this will calm the itch but I saw one of the side effects can be hair loss ;/ Im nervous to use this but I'll try anything since I'm still losing so much hair. The front being the worst right now. I desperately need a dye job too. My grays are gross but I wanted to try this special shampoo first. Has everyone had problems with their scalp being itchy accompanied with the hair loss? And when you are no longer itching does the shedding lessen? I really hope Dr. Oz can help bc I think these treatments need to tested to see what is the wrong ingredient that is triggering this is some of its users. Could it be the ingredients alone or an allergic reaction to this treatment? Could it have been wrongly applicated to our scalps? Could the not washing for 3 days trapped the solution into our follicles to kill them ? It definitely stripped my hair strands making the actual hair strands thin as well as the shedding. Also my hair had been highlighted and it has an all over orange tint now. My hair was thick and frizzy and now its limp, thin and frizzy. But a different type of frizz. Its also very light. I'll update after I use the products. Keeping fingers crossed.

Feb 05, 2016
Thank you Sandra
by: Parsley girl

For your wishes everything went well on the wedding my wig stood in place, well I'm planing on letting my hair grow now is 2 inches long because I was cutting it every 2 weeks is been like 2 months since I last cut it is growing wierd half stair half curly let's hope I can mange my crazy hair I still shed no a lot at least my bald spots grow the hair I notice that after cutting it sow many times the hair is thicker than wen it first started growing so now looks even with all the hair around were my bald spots use to be well that's my update oh I'm no using vitamins just lime or lemon juice castor oil and olive mixing it up putting it on my hair with a plastic bag or cap whatever I find firs the liver for 30 minutes or overnight and then washing it off for growth and dandruff well take care every one God bless us all,. Amen.....

Feb 05, 2016
Keeping Fingers Crossed for others
by: Missy

Maria, so glad to hear you have improvement! I'm pretty discouraged because my shedding is REALLY up there the last couple months. As bad as ever. Convinced if I sat there with the brush and kept brushing, every hair would come out. Went to the holistic hair lady and got a big haircut. But, as I pointed out, the hair that's coming in seems pretty darn dry and lifeless as well. My bangs have been cut so I think all the Keratin is gone, but they're still a hot mess. I, too, remain very sensitive to certain products, even good stuff like Shea Moisture. My scalp goes crazy from most of their stuff. I have to use the Nizoral, which is drying and has horrible ingredients I hate using, and then the rest holistic products. BTW, my lady said brush the hair when dry, it's worse to brush it wet, more vulnerable. Regardless, I still have clumps from everywhere. It's unsustainable. But I continue to foil color, the organic one, but still. I can't deal with gray and I'm considering going darker. Holistic lady said sticking closer to natural hair color is lower volume of color and less damage. My hair has completely changed. I'm very happy to see that Dr. Oz is going to be doing a show on this. Saw the one where he had the folks doing the plasma injections, but again, that has the porcine protein base in order to work with your own blood to spur growth, and I'm leery of getting an inflammatory reaction. I won't do it. Also, sadly, though even the specialists don't have a straight answer, I'm told the TE can be chronic. :( I was greatly improved to almost no loss and then it's really up again. I had little loss when I wasn't coloring and used the steroid, but I will not walk around nearly 70% gray. Looking into darkening up my base to get closer to my dark natural color (with lots of gray). It is what is it is. But my brush is loaded with hair every day. loaded. I have to wash at least every couple days to keep the scalp clear, as holistic lady said it's bad to clog up the follicles with oil, etc. So that's a tip to you all as well. Good luck to all for a much better 2016!

Feb 05, 2016
by: MG

I am a veteran on this hairloss and I haven't posted in a while as I have been really busy but seeing that finally someone is willing to expose the hairloss from keratin treatments, I would like to recap my case.

Had a Brazilian blowout on 8/2012. Two weeks later my scalp peeled off in 1cm pieces. At this time, burning, tingling and pain started. I would wash about 200 hairs during showers plus non-stop all day long. If I would stand in one spot for 5 minutes, I would drop 5 hairs. I have lost about 60% of my hair and my temples are now see thru. I used to have tons of hair. My hairline has receded up to about 1/2" in some areas. 3 1/2 years later I still lose over 150 hair from washing and drying every 3 day plus another 50 a day in between. I try not wash at home because I don't want to see my hair all over my house. In my case, the stylist applied the solution to my scalp which caused me to develop seborrheic dermatitis and my scalp became very sensitive and can only wash with non fragrance baby shampoo. I think that this treatment weakens your follicles as formadelhyde is supposed to kill cells (our irreplaceable hair cells) plus the corrosiveness of the treatment caused me to develop seborrheic dermatitis (which is even listed in the MSDS of yhe product). What they hide completely that it causes hairloss. Why??? Because they wouldn't sell a single bottle of this poison. I would not like to be part of any shows but I hope you can share this.

Feb 05, 2016
Response to Carinda and Dani
by: Sandra

Hi Carinda and Dani
I really hope that there are some people on this forum that are willing to share their stories for the TV show. And thank you so much for making an effort to publicise the dreadful side effects of this horrible product. It's so important that others are warned! I'm sorry that I can't help you as I'm in London-UK. Believe me, if I could help you, I would, as I'm keen that nobody else should ever suffer in the way that I have. Good luck with the show and please could I ask you to publicise on here, when the show will be aired so that I can at least try and watch it? And if you have any evidence that can explain why so many of us have suffered hair loss it would be so appreciated. If you scroll down you will see that I mention several times that there is some research about BB associated hair loss that has been done at The University of Berkeley .. many thanks !

Feb 05, 2016
The Dr. Oz Show - PLEASE READ
by: Carinda


I work with Dani at The Dr. Oz Show and I'm reading the comments below from people who had a bad experience with a Brazilian blowout.

I'm a producer for the show and I'm looking for ladies who can share their terrible experience with this so that we can informs other about this chemical procedure.

Did your scalp burn from it, hair loss, or hair thinning?

Our show is in NYC and is taping next Wednesday.

If you have questions about this show please call me at 212-259-1529 or email me at
Thank you!

Feb 03, 2016
by: Danni

Hey everyone! I'm doing some research for my internship at the Dr. Oz Show and I'd love to talk to some of you who have had a bad reaction to an at home brazilian hair straightening treatment. Please email me at if you're in the tri-state area and want to tell me about your experience. I could really use the help and you can be featured on the show!

Jan 27, 2016
It will stop eventually
by: Lisa

My hair loss from the BKT lasted over a year. The shedding has slowed down a lot, but I'm not noticing much new growth yet. My hair is still very thin on top and on the sides where I lost the most. My hair also doesn't feel very healthy right now. I'm taking a bunch of supplements and babying my scalp/ hair. I don't know if it will ever be back to it's full glory again, but at least there is some relief from watching all my hair go down the drain. Good luck everyone. I really hope they remove that product from the market. It's horrible.

Jan 26, 2016
A Question!!! 9 months post Keratin
by: ALF

My hairloss was diffuse thinning after three shittiest keratin process. My question is tje next; in rcovery proccess the hair pass for diferents cycles and throw this cycles the hair sheds to grow more thicker and dark? or from the same strand the hair change his texture? because my hair has been shedding throw cycles to grow more thick and dark; i am better than 9 months ago; but i think this gonna take a little more time to comeback to my original thickness. what do you thinl about my point? sorry for my english and good luck to all!!

Jan 22, 2016
Thank you Sandra
by: Deb

Thank you so much for letting me have some hope that this can grow back. Or at least some of it. Washing is the worst. Very very scary. I just can't believe how much comes out I thought I saw some regrowth in back but now I'm not too sure. The top is just awful. So thin on top and scalp is showing at my side part. Did u ever use rogaine or anything for the hair growth? I was trying to just pretend nothing is wrong and go back to my regular shampoos and conditioners before this stupid keratin. My scalp tho is getting dry now that it is exposed and itchy at times. So weird bc I can go hours with no itch and then suddenly it itches out of nowhere. I will keep u posted. I guess I'm am going through the most shedding right now
.. Or so I hope!!

Jan 21, 2016
Please don't worry Deb
by: Sandra

I know that some people on here have their hair loss for years but my extreme hair loss lasted for nine months. So you might have a little way to go yet but if you follow the same pattern as me, the end may well be in sight! Hang on in there, accept that the scalp is shedding the hair as a reaction to the chemicals/keratin/formaldehyde and that's what it needs to do. Share your joy with us when it does stop shedding.. !

Jan 12, 2016
by: Deb

So happy to be reading some positive comments. Makes me definitely sleep so much better at night. I couldn't sleep thinking i would wake up bald! I am washing 1 x a week and just using regular shampoo right now with a leave in conditioner on my ends only. So much still coming out in shower so that's why I'm washing less. Scalp still itchy but notice if I don't scratch it doesn't fall out as much. I am trying not to touch hair, but I need to play around with top to cover up thinning hairline. I use tiny claw clips so it doesn't pull in front a few times a week. I haven't had the nerve to cut it yet bc I don't want to go to salon bc I'm afraid too much hair will fall out bc they are rough and I try to be as gentle as possible. It's been almost 5 months now and I think I'm seeing some fine baby hairs growing in back of neck where it started to mostly fall out, but top still thinning as days go on. I'm also taking Biotin. Will update with profess...

Jan 11, 2016
by: Maria

Hi all, I wanna wish you all the best for 2016 and may your hair grow back to the way it was!
I am growing new hair,no doubt about that.My hair is now about 7-8cm long and bald patches are filling in.But they are not what they used to be and I did have few bald patches which I couldn't mask.Especially the large one where my hair parts.So I guess this is something different for everyone.I waited it out in hats for 6 month. I am also glad I cut the damaged part off as I couldn't look at it,dry,orange and had kind of ridges when you looked closely.
Anyhow,so still using Alpecin shampoo with coffin and it's doing it's job.However,I run out of Vatica cwctus conditioner I was using and start using Bio ionic and Alterna.Big mistake.I have sore amd itchy scalp again! Especially from Alterna.If I scratch the itch,I can feel a little dandruff coming off my scalp.I start to loose more hair again but for a while I was loosing nothing so this might be normal.Just don't want to panic.I blow dry every day but my hair it's short so it's just a quick blast.It's all very strange.Sulfate shampoo doesn't hurt me yet mild,repairing hair mask does.Well,I'll go back to what worked before and I'll let you know.I can find new growth at my hairline so I presume there will be more all over...I hope.
Regarding hair dye,Missy I think it's only henna with indigo which cannot be bleached after because it goes green.I think blonde henna can be done over with normal dye.I think that might be the root of your problem.Chemical hair dyes are very harsh.I think hair dye which isn't penetrating the hair but coating it is the way for you.I read some info on it on Khadi website.So I guess I cannot give more info or advise,just be aware that if your hair doesn't get proper wash,you are slowing it's growth.On the other hand sulfate is harsh chemical... so you choose.Ironic,isn't it?
I agree that worrying just makes things worse.Go and get yourselves busy,with time passing you will see improvement.I still get a lot of shocked looks but luckily now they are from seeing me with short dark hair as opposed to long,blonde before. So I always say to people: yes,my hair was ruined and now it's growing back.People accept that and I feel relief that I no longer hide.Much love to you all and keep posting!

Jan 10, 2016
Positive news
by: Anonymous

I am so annoyed with the people who have posted of their keratin nightmares and not had the consideration to post an update as things improve. It is really unhelpful. I promise you all - in the vast majority of cases, your hair will, indeed, grow back. And it won't take years to do so. The first thing you need to do is go see a dermatologist and get them to take a look at your scalp. In the vast majority of cases, no damage is done to the scalp - it is just the shock of the harsh chemicals that are causing the hair fall. Most likely, what is happening to you is called Telogen Effluvium caused by the chemicals in the keratin treatment.

Once reassured that there is no damage to your scalp, now you need to focus on recovery. First, throw out your sulphate-free shampoos and get a regular shampoo - I use Aveda's Shampure. Using it a couple of times removed the treatment from my hair. I should add that after an initial couple of shampoos to remove the treatment, you should only wash and comb your hair once a week. You want to be touching / moving your hair as little as possible. That means no plaits, no buns - leave it loose, or at least make sure you aren't in any way pulling on your scalp.

You will lose around 50-70% of your hair's thickness but please be reassured that you will ALWAYS have enough hair on your head at any one time to hide the thinning patches. Most people, believe it or not, will not notice you are losing hair if you're clever about it.

You cannot repair the damaged hair although I found using Shea Moisture Restorative Conditioner as a leave-in, helped to hide the damage. The thing to focus on is getting new growth. I managed to get 3 inches of growth in 3.5 months by putting a few drops of peppermint essential oil in my conditioner and leaving it on my head for 30 mins each week. The scalp will tingle and stimulate blood circulation which is great for growth. Obviously you can stimulate growth by massaging your scalp but since this is not suitable for people with hair falling out, peppermint essential oil (which you MUST dilute with conditioner) is a great alternative and actually seems to work a lot better than massage.

I now have loads of new growth, which obviously looks ridiculous - very bouffant - as the rest of my hair is bra strap length and the new hair is 3 inches - but hey, it's progress! All I wanted to say is please do not stress about it, as that will increase hair fall. I promise you will not go bald and the hair will grow back. Just relax, treat yourself nicely - and focus on growing new hair. I noticed new growth around four months after my keratin treatment. Note: hair will grow back first in the first place you noticed losing it. It doesn't grow back all at the same time because you didn't lose it all at the same time. Best of luck.

Jan 03, 2016
For MH
by: Sandra

I really am so sorry to hear that you're suffering MH and thank you for posting a comment when I'm sure the last thing you want to do is be reminded of what happened. Please keep commenting as I'm waiting for the day that you say: It's stopped ! And beginning to grow back! It sounds like you're managing to stay positive and I just want to remind you that some people on here have said that they suddenly begin to see regrowth after 3 years. Can I just ask you if your product had lots of formaldehyde (you'd know if it did - fumes - strong smell) as I'm trying to work out if it's the keratin or formaldehyde that causes this. It really bothers me. Mine had loads. The whole hair salon was filled with fumes. The EU regulations prohibiting excess use of formaldehyde work very well for honest hairdressers that don't illegally import the high formaldehyde product from Brazil but there are always those that will disregard the law and clients' health in favour of making money. Good luck MH and let us share in your joy the minute this starts to get better ! Please let me know about the formaldehyde too ...

Jan 03, 2016
Update after 15 months
by: MH

Hi all

I thought I'd give you all an update. Hello in particular to the regulars Sandra, Missy and Parsley Girl.

It has now been 15 months since I had my BB in London. I'm sorry to say I have seen very little improvement...and it is an ongoing daily struggle but I am really trying to not let to get me down too much.

I still have dreadful and noticeable dandruff due to my hair being so thin. I use Clobetasol on a regular basis (my GP has put me on repeat prescription for it). I wash all the time with Nizoral -it is drying, yes - but the only thing that works.

The pain is gone but my scalp is still very itchy and for example over xmas I stayed at my Mum's and forgot my chemical-free conditioner and used her cheap store bought stuff and I am in a world of scalp pain again - I know now that my scalp is forever scarred and may never handle the shampoos/conditioners I used to use.

I lose hair daily and still shed every time I shower - it is maybe marginally less - but I still pull hundreds out of my brush. It is noticeably thinner (I believe I have lost 60-70%), and see-through from mid-way to the tips. It is very, very dry and frizzy. I have not blow-dried in 13 months!! I let it dry naturally - I have very little hair left, use powder on a daily basis and have huge gaps, although I don't believe I have obvious bald spots - I have stopped taking photos as they make me too upset. I have very little regrowth - I have asked friends/family/derms and none see any. I think this is the most frustrating thing - my scalp seems totally stilted and I can't improve it.

I really wish I had better news but sadly I am one of the cases where I think it will be years before I see improvement, I used to read this board and think - that won't be me, but it is! Though, at least I am not at wig stage yet.

One other thing, I know people on this board have speculated whether it ages our scalps and I think it might! The tiny regrowth I have had, I have notice a couple of grey hairs - I never had greys before. I have now just turned 25 and I checked with my mum she didn't turn grey until she was 30 so I think it has had a negative effect.

Sorry not to have better news but I promise I will keep you updated.

To those in pain or with really bad dermatitis get CLOBETASOL - it does not slow down the shedding but does noticeably help your scalp.


Jan 03, 2016
Update after 15 months
by: MH

Hi all

I thought I'd give you all an update. Hello in particular to the regulars Sandra, Missy and Parsley Girl.

It has now been 15 months since I had my BB in London. I'm sorry to say I have seen very little improvement...and it is an ongoing daily struggle but I am really trying to not let to get me down too much.

I still have dreadful and noticeable dandruff due to my hair being so thin. I use Clobetasol on a regular basis (my GP has put me on repeat prescription for it). I wash all the time with Nizoral -it is drying, yes - but the only thing that works.

The pain is gone but my scalp is still very itchy and for example over xmas I stayed at my Mum's and forgot my chemical-free conditioner and used her cheap store bought stuff and I am in a world of scalp pain again - I know now that my scalp is forever scarred and may never handle the shampoos/conditioners I used to use.

I lose hair daily and still shed every time I shower - it is maybe marginally less - but I still pull hundreds out of my brush. It is noticeably thinner (I believe I have lost 60-70%), and see-through from mid-way to the tips. It is very, very dry and frizzy. I have not blow-dried in 13 months!! I let it dry naturally - I have very little hair left, use powder on a daily basis and have huge gaps, although I don't believe I have obvious bald spots - I have stopped taking photos as they make me too upset. I have very little regrowth - I have asked friends/family/derms and none see any. I think this is the most frustrating thing - my scalp seems totally stilted and I can't improve it.

I really wish I had better news but sadly I am one of the cases where I think it will be years before I see improvement, I used to read this board and think - that won't be me, but it is! Though, at least I am not at wig stage yet.

One other thing, I know people on this board have speculated whether it ages our scalps and I think it might! The tiny regrowth I have had, I have notice a couple of grey hairs - I never had greys before. I have now just turned 25 and I checked with my mum she didn't turn grey until she was 30 so I think it has had a negative effect.

Sorry not to have better news but I promise I will keep you updated.

To those in pain or with really bad dermatitis get CLOBETASOL - it does not slow down the shedding but does noticeably help your scalp.


Dec 31, 2015
Coping methods
by: Anonymous

I feel so much comfort reading this article. I've been fiercely trying to diagnose my own hair loss. I experimented with the Nuvaring birth control in June and opted against it. In August, I got my first Keratin treatment. I couldn't figure out if hair loss was due to getting off of hormones or due to Keratin. I've had all sorts of blood tests run and all vitamin levels are fine. Yesterday, I tested for Lupus. My hair loss started calming down, but I colored my hair in October and OMG it became so much more extreme!! It seems to have calmed down again. Here is what I'm doing while I wait this out:

- no more color. I'm using Oscar Blandi hair shadow to cover up gray hair.
- I use Redken One United and body full volume amplifier sprays along with Oscar Blandi hair lift thickening serum.
- because my hair loss also started at the hair line, I blow dry my hair differently. Starting from the back of my hair, I blow dry towards the front. I only wash my hair every 6 days. I also don't fully dry @ the roots to leverage some of my frizzy roots to cover some of the bald. Also I only use sulfate shampoo and conditioner.

I don't know what happens when this doesn't work anymore, but I'm prepared to be gray for the sake of getting my hair back.

Dec 31, 2015
Which Shampoo
by: Deb

which shampoo do you find best? Can I just use regular ? like herbal essence?

Dec 31, 2015
19 month update
by: Anonymous

It has been just about 19 months since my one and only Brazilian Blowout - huge mistake! 2 weeks after the treatment my hair began to fall and hasn't stopped since. It has fluctuated at times - but has always returned. I will say though that it seems to be slowly improving. I would say on average I was losing about 150 hairs per day( I used to lose probably 10 or 20 and always had insanely thick hair). Over the past month or so it seems to have decreased to about 75-80 per day. Still way too much, but better. My scalp also seems to be calmer and returning to normal. My biggest issue at this point is my thinner hairline. The front of my hair just seems so thin and not growing in. I'm hoping once hair loss totally returns to normal - it will thicken up. But I'm being realistic, I figure it's taken 1 1/2 years to decrease about half the hairloss, so it will likely be about another year before it decreases to normal levels. I think I will likely get bangs cut soon to hide my hairline. For anyone just starting to go thru this I will assure you that in my case no one has ever noticed my hairloss. My husband thinks I'm nuts. He thinks my hair looks the same. I have used clobetasol, which definitely helped - I'm considering trying another 2 weeks with that. Don't think it could hurt. I just have to be patient. I do color my hair which I believe has delayed my recovery a lot. I would be curious to know if everyone going thru this for more than 1 year colors their hair - it seems to be a common issue with those of us still suffering. Hang in there everyone - I do think it very very slowly goes away.

Dec 30, 2015
by: Missy

Thanks, girl! Will check that out. I'd love to find something without the chemicals, but I'm gray and lighten my hair to almost blond so it's hard. I have dark hair and gray.

Dec 30, 2015
Try water works hair coloring
by: Parsley girl to Missy

Is another one nemed madison reed hai coloring I rush you girls the best of luck and please take care ....

Dec 30, 2015
Parsley Girl & Deb
by: Missy

I agree PG I'd like to go as natural as possible & thank you. Are you referring to henna? No can do on that plus there are folks that have reactions to that. I was told once you use henna, you can never again use regular color. I'm using the ammonia free version of Goldwell at the salon. The supposedly organic they used on me at a salon I went to made no difference. I don't blow my hair at all except for the heat they put me under at the salon while color is processing, for about 5 minutes only. I realized I was pulling bangs to straighten them blowing only those out and that is where my loss is the worst so I stopped. What natural color do you mean? I'd certainly try it. Otherwise, I don't blow dry it and bought a new showerhead that takes out most of the chlorine so it won't dry my hair out. Deb, you do need to get bloodwork done to be sure it's only related to the chemicals. Absolutely. You need to rule out iron, ferritin, Vit D, hormones, thyroid as culprits. Those can all cause hair loss so be sure (assuming you haven't had recent surgery, as anesthesia will cause it). If those are all negative, as they were with me, you know it's the chemicals. You don't want to be losing time you could fix this with supplements, etc if it's that. In the meantime, take care of your hair regardless. Coconut oil, cut some of the damage off, and use natural products, use your fingers to detangle if possible, etc. Good luck.

Dec 30, 2015
Girl you are using to many quimicals on your head
by: Parsley girl to Missy

Try vigen hair coloring but is one dimension do it at home and don't blow dry your hair vigen is a hair color that you mix with water or try to make your own hair color just for your greys go online and do diy on how to make natural hair color remember all those quimicals that you are putting on your head are going to be absorb by your body thru your pores and blood stream please go as natural as you can and don't waste your money on the salon and for Deb read all the old comment here your not sick is nothing wrong with your blood is that stupid kk I recommend cut your hair off because the quimicals on your head are going to leave you with no hair if you don't cut it is sad but true it happen to all of us the longer the hair the more you are going to shed and is going to take time don't be scared and don't think about it to much take care every one be strong and go natural make your own stuff remedies at least you will know what's in it with those products they call natural you really don't know what else they put on it take care

Dec 30, 2015
Salons reaction
by: Deb

I called salon and they suggested I go for blood work bc something is wrong with me internally!! Imagine! Of course that makes me want to panic bc they couldn't give me any advice on what to do so there really must be no treatment for this. I can't believe this is happening right now. I'm scared to wash hair. I've been taking women's vitamins and using a loreal sulfate free shampoo .. Should I not be doing this? I don't know where to start .. Should I go to a doctor? My scalp is itchy and burns but only really at night or when I'm completely still . It must be in the beginning stages since it started a few weeks ago so maybe I can somehow stop it before it gets worse. What has worked for you if anything has? Has anyone had any health problems since this treatment ? That's very important for me to know since my health has been perfectly fine . So glad you have responded to me. Thank you so much for your help.

Dec 30, 2015
by: Missy

Well, things have been pretty bad. The shedding is still bad. At this point, although it started happening after I started using a different mousse and more importantly, foiling color with some heat lamp at the salon, I'm now thinking the Clobestol is the culprit, maybe in combo. Despite it helping me before, maybe I'm not sticking with it long enough, but man, in 2 days even, my hair starts coming out in hand fulls. I realize that I had used it a couple days prior to my last hair color when I had the hair coming out & now I just tried it again for aggressive shedding & it's really coming out again. After 1x of use. So, I'm too scared to keep using it. When my hair is wet, it comes out like crazy. I think every hair would come out if I kept touching it to the point I'm too scared to brush it because it keeps coming out. I think it's worse than it was. I don't remember it just coming out like this after the initial damage. So March 11th will be a year since I did the Keratin, & this is still going on. I refuse to leave my hair gray. I will go back to the foiling as I tried it just trying to avoid the scalp under the lamp no foil last time. As far as I can tell, it sounds like the plasma injections work. The issue is they are used in combo with I think this stuff Acell that comes from pigs. A protein. I'm scared of kicking off an inflammatory reaction in my system because of a scare I had 20 years ago so I won't do it. But I think it does work . So has anyone else had mass shedding with the Clobestol? Maybe it's the alcohol in it or whatever. So I can't use monoxodil, or now the clobestol, or the injections, and I'
m paranoid about putting lights next to my head. It's horrible. I'm doing coconut oil on the scalp again, and I need to find an alternative to the Nizoral, because as I said, it has lots of lousy chemicals in it I don't want all over me. Any suggestions? Very scary and sad. I went back to the organic store and spent a fortune on stuff and also will try this organic version of monoxidil to see how that goes. I finally got serious about being healthy and taking off weight, 20 lbs almost, so I said, I'll be thin again, but now I'll be bald! It's sad but it is what it is. For me, estrogen could be the issue as well since my hysterectomy, but that only accounts for some loss, not like this. And I can't take estrogen- family history of breast cancer and cardiovascular disease. I won't risk it. This is totally damage to the follicle and sensitivity that's permanent now to any chemical or heat, etc. I don't have hope it's going to go away. I thought i was out of the woods because it was so much better, but using the color, etc, it's back. And as I say, I refuse to walk around with old lady hair, little of it as it is. Well, I wish everyone a great New Year and hope we all have some better results for the New Year. Maria, a big hug to you :)

Dec 30, 2015
Thank you for your wishes
by: Parsley girl to Sandra

I was thinking of letting it grow my hair is really curly but after the kk some pets of my hair grows stray and other part curly is hard to style it because the strait part won't take gel or nothing to get curly and if I try to make it strait it looks like if I got electrocuted it just don't look or feel like it use to maybe because I wash my hair to much but if I don't wash it often I get to much biuldup from dandruff my scalp change so much after the kk that I just feel like I don't want to deal with it that's one of the reason why im keeping it very short I will try ones more times to Se how it grows and how much falls because wen is long that's a different story well thanks again Sandra you been a support for me :)

Dec 29, 2015
To Parsley Girl
by: Sandra

Hi Parsley girl! Thank you for the update - it's always appreciated! I remember you mentioning your wedding on this forum when your hair loss first started. I'm pleased that it doesn't fall out as much. It's such a relief when that initial extreme hair loss stops and it begins to slow down, even if it does still fall out more than it used to. Will you start letting it grow soon? Maybe after the wedding ? I would be interested to see how it grows back - if it comes back thick or it becomes finer. My regrowth does seem to be more flyway and finer than before.. Anyway, I wish you happy new year and I hope that the wedding is everything you dreamed it would be and that the wig stays firmly put !

Dec 29, 2015
Hi Sandra and Deb
by: Parsley girl

Well let me start by saying that I keep cutting my hair every 3 to 4 weeks with the machine until my hair is even I stil have a nickel size bald spot on the back of my head hairs still fall out not as much as before I have dandruff which I never had before that stupid kk I'm not usin quimical stuff on my hair everything home make remedies for hair loss parsley blended with water and mixin with shampoo before washing hair or just putting that parsley water in my hair and just leaving it on my scalp and hair since it don't smell bad for dandruff I'm using apple cider vinegar 5% and baking soda before washing hair that seems to control it and I try no to think to much about it don't want to get stress out by the way wedding is on the 9 super nerves hope my wig doesn't fall of hahahaha we'll take care every one happy new year and hope we find a solution that works for everyone since the same product made our hair fall out... God bless...

Dec 29, 2015
by: Sandra

Deb, I hope you've been ok over the holiday period and not too scared. Just to give you hope - my story - the hair did keep falling and morning pillow hair was horrible but it eased up after about 9 months. Not all has come back sadly: when in a ponytail you can see some scalp at the side of my head (that was never the case previously ) but the bald patch on top has filled in although not like before. I was also scared but calmer now. I've used natural shampoos and dimethicone free conditioners. That is all. Was your hairdresser any help?

Is there anyone out there that can give us an update on their hair loss? It would be nice to start the new year with some news and hopefully some of it might be reassuring for Deb.. Happy New Year to all of you .. I often wonder how everyone is doing, especially regular contributors that somehow you feel you get to know after months of sharing our pain and hopefully recovery !

Dec 21, 2015
Scared with hair loss :(
by: Deb

I'm so scared after reading this. In August I had a global keratin treatment done for the first time. It felt funny from the start but looked good after I blowdried and straightened it. It always felt rough and dry and very knotty. Now it's been 4 months and I have noticed so much hair falling out from root! My pony tail is so thin and it feels like at night the hairs are literally popping out of my head! I'm so scared reading all these stories and don't know what to do first. My hair was very thick and now it is so terribly thin. I have a bald spot in the back underneath section of my hair ! I had such thick curly hair here . Now it's just so thin and fine and .... Gone! If there is anything you can do to help me please let me know .. I'm going to go to salon tomorrow and see what they suggest :(

Dec 16, 2015
Low thyroid checking in
by: Anonymous

Hi All.

I think my hair loss has finally slowed down.

I have been putting steroid topical on my scalp, getting scalp injections, taking DHT inhibitor herbs, and using Damage Remedy by Aveda. (They tried to sell me on the Invati but it's way too pricey.)

I have also been using women's Rogaine.

The derm said he sees new growth but I still see bald spots and a part that travels into the back of my head.

It was in May that I allowed a hair stylist to apply a supposedly formaldehyde free PURE BRAZILIAN to my hair.

The Aveda color gloss that I have been getting helped tremendously with the appearance of my hair which got very orangey and dry.

I cut about five inches off my hair of totally dead and destroyed ends from that damned treatment.

Dec 12, 2015
by: Sandra

It was 18 months ago that I first had my Brazilian hair straightening at a hairdresser in London in England and I can't believe that I'm still contributing to this forum. It has been the most horrendous time of my life with all over hair loss, especially around the hairline at the sides and large patches of hair loss at the top of my head that looked as though it was the start of female hair baldness. It happened quickly and within a couple of weeks of that ghastly product touching my hair. It continued for almost a year. My eyes still well with tears when I remember waking up in the morning and removing hair after hair from my pillow. My wish for everyone is that nobody should ever be tempted to touch this product thinking that they won't be the one to suffer because it could well be anyone that has this reaction to the strong chemicals. I have pretty much recovered (I have less hair than before but it certainly has grown back) and I don't know how or why other than I use shampoo and conditioner that is as natural as possible. Interestingly, the Green people shampoo that I use has salicylic acid.. For those of you that are still suffering hair loss I pray that you will recover soon. Thank you to all you kind people that contribute to this forum and have helped me get through this. I will continue to post for the benefit of others when I can .. And if there are any hairdressers reading this, that in their ignorance and arrogance continue to use this product in their salons I have no words that are strong enough to express my disgust at putting the pursuit of money over the health and well being of their clients. The evidence here in front of you ...

Dec 11, 2015
by: Maria

Hi,my hairline receded about 1cm but that was from overall hairloss.Once my hair start to regrow,it regrew at hairline as well. I think if your hairloss would be from keratin,it would be everywhere,not just your hairline.I am sorry,cannot give you any advice.M

Dec 10, 2015
Receding hair line and keratin treatment
by: Anonymous

Hey guys I was wondering if any pros here can help me I can't really find any information online. I'm a guy about 22 hair is receding a bit its a given. I've done a keratin treatment before I was wondering if it has any negative side effects to the receding hair line or increases the rate at which it goes.

Dec 07, 2015
by: Maria

Hi Missy.I am sorry to hear your troubles but you are brave to keep positive.You just have to.I am sure hair dye isn't doing your hair good but I understand your need to look pretty.I blow dry now every day but my hair is still very short.I think I loose reasonable ammount.Missy all that stuff you mentioned sounds expensive and experimental.I think it still comes down to calming your scalp.As I already mentioned,I found shampoo with salycilic acid great relief for my itch and pain.I recently saw my dermatologist for different thing and I mentioned to her it is helping a lot.She was really surprised and said she would never believe that but prescribed to me salycilic acid liquid to dab on my scalp.I haven't start using it yet but I will just to give you a feedback.My scalp feels just little dry but no other issues.That was the turning point for me I think when I start using that shampoo with salyciluc acid and cofein.Everything else till then just irritated it no matter how natural it was.My hair feels dry too but all the patches are filling in.Aren't you experiencing shedding now because you came off rogaine? Because that causes massive hair loss but some of it will come back I promiss.I have no problem with minoxidil,still using it twice a day.So I guess I am lucky but it doesn't mean it won't have side effects which will show later on.I wish you lots of strength and please keep updating us.Have lovely holidays.M

Dec 06, 2015
4 years?
by: Anonymous

Anyone almost at 4 years with any luck?

Dec 06, 2015
Plasma shots
by: Missy

Has anyone tried these? The hair loss specialist so I saw offer them, but I did not discuss them. Did any of you see Dr. Oz? He showed that. Also, I wanted to see if any of you had tried, not just the blood plasma injections but the laser light caps, combs, etc.? I don't know what I think about any of them. The laser lights have me very worried. You know how they say something is safe and OK now and then three or four years from now they tell you it gives you cancer. That's my fear. I would use it and try it but I am not thrilled with the concept of laser lights right up against my scalp and brain. Please let me know if any of you all have tried any of these things and if they have worked.

Dec 05, 2015
To Parsley Girl, Maria, Anonymous et al
by: Missy

Thanks so much for the BP info, PG. points taken but I'm saying my BP was under control until I used the Rogaine. It made me feel anxious and BP went up each time I tried it :( Maria, hope the Rogainr is working for you and doing well. I'm really freaking lately because the hair is coming out again A LOT. I hardly blow dry, but did realize I had bangs that I blew straight and my hair thinning is most in the front. Think it's stressing the hair so stopped. I'm frizzy/ curly. My hair has dried out big time not being able to use all the heavy duty conditioners I always did for frizzy hair with silicone. I'm sticking, rightly or wrongly, with theory silicone is bad and suffocates hair and scalp. Even the Biotene shampoo and conditioner from Vitamin Shoppe is irritating my scalp again. The big difference is I am using Goldwell organic color that she foils in. I left my hair alone for months but also used organic hair stuff that I haven't used much. Maybe that's it but I think it's the color. Also, in watching a YT video, she raised issue of chlorine in water. Lightbulb went off. I'm trying to get healthy again after surgery and meds and working out a lot. I rinse my hair with water nearly every day and shampoo every 2nd or 3rd day. I think the chlorine is drying out my hair as is the Nizaol shampoo. But it's the color I bet but I,m not walking around with grey. But my hair is really coming out again and I was advised it's also female pattern loss so you need to keep what you have because it won't grow back on top. It's devastating. I had gorgeous hair my whole life. I just brought out the clobestolliquid again. Anonymous, you need to watch that. Cortisone shot should be used a very short time. They thin the scalp and cause systemic issues. This liquid I think is for 2-3 weeks at most 1 x a Nite and rinse in morning. I'm disgusted. Bought desert essence shampoo & c fragrance free today so will see since my scalp is so sensitive. I'm getting a shower head filter. Should've years ago. Chlorine kills hair and skin. Anyway, I'm trying not to freak too much with the ball of hair I get daily. Read to try jojoba oil with a little rosemary and lavender oil for hair loss and dandruff. Tried it last night but now that I'm using the steroid, will only put a little coconut oil on again to moisturize. I'll try not to think about it because I've reached a dead end with Ina Iliad for Rogaine use. The shedding is unreal. Keratin get was in March! They did say TE could last a year. It was down to almost no loss before I colored, but I'm choosing hair loss over grey. Anyway, bigger fish to fry. I wear pretty makeup, I'm working on getting off 25 lbs to look better and that's that. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and holiday season. :) thank God there are weaves and wigs as a last resort.

Dec 03, 2015
To Missy
by: Parsley girl

Hi Missy for your blood pressure use beets if you have a juicer you can drink that and also wild garlick tea it don't taste like nothing and an herb call llanten in Spanish make tea of that and it will lower your blood pressure my husband suffers from high blood pressure to and with thous tea and juice it comes down also try to cut your salt intake you probably now that some other things that I keep away from my husband is ginger root and cinnamon because it naturally bring your blood pressure up well I just wanted to let you know what I do to help my husband with that hope you are doing well take care...

Dec 03, 2015
Dear pure Brazilian
by: Parsley girl here

Your hair stylist is crazy to tell you that,it don't matter what brand is it if he or she used the same proses to apply the bb then yes your hair is going to fall, wen I had it done not even one hair fell off but time went by an girl it started raining hair off my head until the point of 9 bald spots and they were big not little I look like a Dalmatian but with skin color spots now it's better my bald spots are grew the hair but the hair is not the same texture it was before and I still lose hairs but believe me if I can turn back time and not do that bb I would in a hart beat take care all Sandra, Maria, Missy and all the girls here reading your comments and advise had help me a lot thanks to all God bless and have a merry Christmas and a wonderful new year...

Nov 23, 2015
Yes I had the pure brazilian
by: Anonymous

Yes I had a pure Brazilian. Yes it made my hair fall out.
Please take the time to read these comments below.

Nov 23, 2015
Pure brazilian
by: Anonymous

Hi:) its a bit much to read through all the comments, but I just had a PURE Brazilian blowout, my stylist said that kids and pregnant women can use this.
I have not lost any hair. But after reading a bit here I'm afraid I will... Did any of you loose your hair after an PURE Brazilian blowout?

Nov 23, 2015
Janette E. Ramirez
by: Janette E. Ramirez


Nov 21, 2015
hair loss
by: Inna

I also faced the problem of hair loss after the Brazilian straightening. I'm from Russia. Hair falls out with the bulbs become dry and greasy roots. But I see that the loss has decreased. Recipes:
1) Salt peeling scalp. 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon of balm for hair, mix, apply to wet hair, massage for 1 minute, rinse, then wash with shampoo.
2) Massage the scalp with the help of micro electric current, we have such devices, for example Darsonval. It stimulates dormant follicles and strengthens the follicles.
3) Oil Bay. Araganovoe oil - a few drops of arms and smear wet hair
4) Hair mask with pepper

Of course, the massage device to dry hair. The sequence is as follows: cleaning heads salt scrub, shampoo, mask, oil device.

Sorry for my English

Nov 20, 2015
Hair loss treatment
by: Anonymous

I've been losing my hair since I had a Keratin treatment earlier this year. I have a sore and itchy scalp and a dermatologist has put me on strong steroids. I haven't noticed any improvement from the steroids - maybe the itching has gone down a little but my scalp is even more sore and so tender. I'm not sure if I should continue the steroids? Also I say a hair loss specialist today who has me using a coal tar shampoo. Does anyone have any experience with coal tar shampoos? I'm so scared everything seems to irritate my scalp and I've lost almost 50% of my hair and I'm 25 years old.

Nov 18, 2015
to Missy and all fellow sufferers
by: Maria

Hi,here is what is new with me.Painful scalp reacured mid August. Eucerin shampoo seemed to agrivate it even more.Went to all herbal Khadi shampoo. Pain lessened but didn't go a way. Occasionally was really hurting a lot.I concluded I will have to go for more steroids even though I hated that thought. Since a lot of people here wrote scalpicin helped,I wanted to order it but could only get it shipped from US. So I searched what is main ingredient and foud out it's salycilic acid. I found shampoo with same ingredient Alpecin and ordered one with coffeine. It's a full sulfate shampoo but it worked for me! I start using it on October 30th,washing my hair every day (short hair look so yuckie unwashed).After exactly 5 washes scalp pain went away and my hair is growing bit faster.Had hair cut second week in October and it's really out of shape by now, a lot! So keep fingers crossed for me,this seemed to have work so far.Maybe there are more shampoos with same ingredients but sulfate free. I wasn't searching any more as I wouldn't want to risk changing what works for me anyhow. I still feel my scalp little dry but it's improving. I use any conditioner with it.My hair has filled in on the top so I no longer look sick.I am still using minoxidil but now I use 5% solution in the morning and 2% in the evening trying to gradually over few month swap to 2% only. I haven't died my hair and I don't intend to for at least a year.All the oils for scalp I was using was just very temporary (few hours) relief. Good luck guys and don't give up.

Nov 18, 2015
by: Missy

Oh autotype! That was SHEDDING has picked up again. Only reason I think maybe coloring my hair. In foils, no scalp. Still shedding. And problems with the shampoos itching scalp with any fragrance, even all natural. That keratin kicked off an allergy or follicular damage that hasn't stopped 8 months later. Yes, to others, after seeing 4 specialists, vitamin d, thyroid, iron, all vital to hair health. But none of those were an issue for me.

Nov 18, 2015
Not Good
by: Missy

I didn't have burning from the Rogaine foam, but I got a fast heartbeat and I got very anxious from it. I didn't realize are connected until three days later and then realize that was the only thing that changed. I am only talking about using the recommended dosage on the top part of my scalp and I absolutely could not use it. That is beyond depressing meaning that I will never be able to grow back here because I'm not going to be able to use that product. I have high blood pressure and it was more the anxious feeling I had using Rogaine that was the dealbreaker. Also, my shutting his continued. My scalp seem sensitive still but the shouting has picked up again. The only thing is I am using the color and for oils rather than on my scalp. But I cannot walk around with all gray hair. Whatever hair I have left. It's just really depressing because I'm losing it in the top on the front, and as the hair specialist said, my hair is curly, but it will show. I do OK with the Biotene shampoo and conditioner, but even that has too much fragrance in it for my sensitive scalp. The free and clear made my scalp itch and Leslie. I do not know what a good shampoo is and I have very dry hair and I need a very rich conditioner and shampoo that doesn't dry out here. Any recommendations would really be appreciated. The shame oyster has too much fragrance to it and irritated my scout despite it being a great product for me to use before the Keratin incident

Nov 18, 2015
Hair Loss
by: Hayley

Hi all,
I too have experienced extreme hair loss after having keratin nano treatment in June this year. About 10 days after the treatment I had severe contact dermatitis. Then things seemed to get better but after 2 months I started noticing excessive hair loss and my scalp itches all the time. I've been to 2 doctors and seen a dermatologist. They all say that my scalp is inflamed but they are not sure why. I am on my second week of used topical steroids but I haven't really noticed any improvement. I feel very sad about my hair but I am learning that I must accept this is happening and try to get on my life although I am finding this extremely hard! Reading this site is good to know I'm not alone but it feels so sad that this has happened and that it is not being acknowledged or recognized by any medical professional. I feel so powerless.

Nov 07, 2015
One more thought
by: Sandra

It might be worth getting Vitamin D levels checked. Apparently, that can contribute to hair loss and many of us are deficient in this part of the world as we don't get enough sun..

Nov 07, 2015
Hair loss
by: Sandra

Hi Roxy. As a fellow U.K. resident (London) I thought I had better answer you straight away as most people on this forum are in USA and will be asleep right now! This is scary, I know. I remember how it felt when I first noticed it happening to me. Roxy, you will just have to grit your teeth to get through this as there is nobody on this forum that has mentioned any one thing that has seemed to definitely work,straight away to stop the hair loss. Furthermore, not everyone's reaction has been the same. Some people have lost hair in patches, others all over. For some people they've had an obvious allergic reaction and had dermatitis, itching and pain, others less so. So you can see with different symptoms (other than significant hair loss that unites us all) different things have worked. I just want to reassure you that my hair loss did stop and return to normal levels after about nine months. Much of it has grown back but sadly it's nowhere near the same thickness as it was. I'm also slightly anxious watching as each hair falls, that there is new hair to replace it. I'm sure you've scrolled back and seen me mention that Daily Mail article. I have mentioned this before but I'm going to tell you what I've used , for what it's worth. I'm not saying it worked as I don't know. I started with Aveda products for hair loss (Invati) I think. Then I moved on to Jason's tea tree shampoo as I had a bit of dandruff, then John Masters organic shampoo and now Green People unscented shampoo and Liz Earle conditioner. The reason behind choosing all of these is that I wanted to be as chemical free as possible and also dimethicone free, I just picked up bits of information from what others had said on this forum. I know that low iron can cause hair loss but I do believe you that the Brazilian has accelerated this. So do get your iron levels up and do stay positive. By all means, visit a dermatologist but don't build your hopes up. They just don't seem to know about the chemicals used in this product and their effect. Good luck Roxy. I know this is so upsetting but use this forum to help you as I've found others to be so kind and supportive on here and I always try and respond if I read someone else's pain on here as I've been there myself .. . I'll keep posting on how things progress

Nov 06, 2015
Rapid hair loss
by: Roxy

My hair was shedding anyway but since having the Brazilian blow dry in Manchester UK 18 weeks ago my hair is falling out at a rate that is scary and I am willing to do anything to make it stop. I have low iron so I am taking iron tablets now as well as vitamins. Any advice please. I'm very scared xxx

Nov 05, 2015
More shedding
by: Missy

So my scalp had improved then I used color with ammonia that she foiled on my hair and seems like the shedding has picked up. Seems that it was since the monoxidil that burned. My scalp is sensitive again. Saw the hair dr down at UM again and she said use Rogaine foam 5% for men since the propylene glycol in a liquid aggravates people. I'll give it a try again. More shedding though for me now for about a month and a half or more. I was doing great until the monoxidil. I also felt a fast heart beat when I used the monoxidil. I'll have to see. I have high blood pressure. It's so depressing. But hopefully, the shedding will diminish again. I hate the idea of Rogaine because it's forever. I hate medicine. But as the dr said, you've gotta hang on to the hair you have while you have it so you have to start it. Also, they all said by the time someone sees a hair specialist, they've usually lost half their hair. But thank God there are weaves and extensions, etc. I didn't want to use the clobestol again because its alcohol is strong for the scalp. I do coconut oil still whenever I think about it. This damn keratin kills your scalp. I think that's what's happened. Ruins the follicles and damages the scalp like others have said. My friend takes meds for her thyroid, which is now normal, but her hair comes out all the time. Anyone with shedding has to get bloodwork to make sure it's not from something else. Just have to deal with it and focus on other stuff and hope for the best. Good luck to all.

Nov 05, 2015
Low thyroid
by: Low thy

Thanks sandra.

I looked back on Instagram to get a sense of when I had the keratin treatments and I noticed something interesting.

85 weeks ago I got my first keratin treatment. I know this because I took a photo on Instagram which dates the weeks.

My hair was thick - still fine because my hair has always been fine but I had a lot of hair. At 85 weeks and prior to it my hair was thick and pretty gorgeous.

My hair was my thin.

As I scrolled through the photos I noticed how my hair thinned which at the time I thought was from stress.

A few months later my thyroid was a little low so I thought that's why I was losing hair.

And then not knowing the culprit,

6 months ago I got another keratin which left my hair bent and like straw.

Then the hair loss accelerated.

Looking back at the photos it's so clear to me that the keratin destroyed my hair.

It's paper thin now- bald spots every where.

I want to sue the FDA!!!

Nov 04, 2015
Stay positive
by: Sandra

Please don't lose hope 'low thyroid'.. It has only been a few months since your excessive hair loss started and as Lucy (thanks for your lovely post!) said, it was three years before hers stopped falling excessively. Obviously, daily hair loss is normal but I think we all know on here what excessive hair loss looks like. I know what you mean about the parting getting wider towards the back and looking like a bald spot. That is exactly what I had.. That and overall hair loss. My hair has grown back ( had mine 16 months ago) although much thinner and I went natural and 'chemical free' pretty much as soon as this happened to me. I don't know if it helped or not, I don't know if it was an allergic reaction to keratin/chemicals on the scalp as some people have suggested or whether it was a reaction to formaldehyde as the research suggests. I'm actually hoping it was just an allergic reaction to keratin and not the 'formaldehyde scenario' as that is much more scary. If the formaldehyde has created this, then I'm playing a waiting game to see if new hair grows as each hair goes through its natural life cycle of several years and falls out. If the dermatologists don't know then how can I possibly work out what has happened. It's just comforting to know that I'm not alone although I would rather that none of us were having to face this. Scroll back and look at the stories of recovery , there are some there .. And good luck ..

Nov 03, 2015
low thyroid checking in
by: Anonymous

My thyroid has been normal for so long now. I am convinced that the two Keratin treatments that I had about a year apart have caused the bald spots on my head.

Yes, when I put my hair up I have bald spots and my part gets so thick towards the back of my head that it is a bald spot as well. I can't put my hair up without knowing that my scalp is showing in several places.

My friends and family are shocked. No one says, "It doesn't look that bad," anymore.

I am mortified.

I have been taking biotin for months. Nothing.
I have been taking NuHair DHT blocker for two weeks. Nothing.
I have been putting women's Rogaine on my head for four months. Nothing.
I have putting steroid ointment on my head that a dermatologist gave me for two weeks. Nothing.

Hair hair everything. In the car, on my bathroom floor, on my food, on my clothing...

I guess I am sad because I KNEW that with as much hair as I was seeing come out in the shower and every where else- I KNEW that I was bound to have bald spots in no time.

And I do.

It's been six months since my last Keratin treatment.

I hate hats, I refuse to get a wig, and I don't think scarves are cute.

I am so angry.

I want to sue the FDA, the makers of Pure Brazilian, and the makers of whoever made my first Keratin treatment too! What started as an idea to make my hair healthier turned into something that makes me look soooooo disgustingly unhealthy.

I suppose I'll be single for a few more years.

I've spent so much money trying to make my hair grow. It will likely be years before it is ever back to normal. This feels like a nightmare.

Oct 21, 2015
Clobetasol !!!
by: Anonymous

I had a Brazilian Blowout in June 2014 (almost 17 months ago!). About 2 weeks after the procedure I noticed huge hair loss in the shower - shocking really. I tried everything - Nioxin shampoo, coconut oil treatments, different sulfate free shampoos, selsun blue, scalpicin (actually did help a little), etc etc etc. I finally made an appt to go see a dermatologist a week ago (took 6 weeks to get appt). I told her that my hair was falling out, but also that my scalp was not the same. Irritated at the back, hurt when I put my hair up for any extended period of time, itching etc. She said it was from the treatment - allergic dermatitis. She said it is not Telogen Effluvium (which I agree) - this was caused by STRONG chemicals coming in contact with scalp. It has nothing to do with your hair - hair is not alive, it is dead. It is falling out due to condition of scalp. She told me there was nothing you could do to directly help the hair grow but wait it out - but need to get scalp better. This is the same type of thing that can happen to some people as result of different hair dyes ,etc - not unique to keratin treatments. She prescribed me clobetasol (potent topical steroid) scalp treatment. It is a liquid in small squeeze bottle - to be applied twice a day. It is challenging to apply between hair but I just dab it over all areas of scalp and rub in. After only 2 days huge improvement! I am just starting 2nd week - and plan to use for 3 weeks total. I will update after I have stopped using it to let you know how scalp reacts when treatment has ended. My dermatologist was wonderful. Made me feel much better - If you are having this problem I recommend you see a dermatologist - tell them your hair is falling - but make a bigger deal about your scalp. They will treat that and hopefully you will get better.

Oct 20, 2015
Message to Anonymous in UK
by: Sandra

I'm so sorry that this is happening to you too.. It really is a scary experience. I wouldn't waste a penny of your money on seeing a private dermatologist or trichologist. I have spent hundreds of pounds on both! I live in London and I didn't waste any time in going to top trichologist and a top London dermatologist. Neither of them acknowledged that it could be caused by the Brazilian. I just wanted to scream at them - You don't get dramatic hair loss a week or so after a treatment for it to be unrelated ! After I had seen them I came across the Daily Mail article that refers to the research that I've mentioned. I wish I had taken it to show them! When you get your NHS appointment take the article with you so that they believe you.. Google Daily Mail, Brazilian blow dry , hair loss and you'll find it.. The dermatologist actually told me it was female hair baldness and it wouldn't grow back . Well it has... If your Brazilian was only done a few weeks ago please don't lose hope. My hair regrowth wasn't noticeable until several months after the hair straightening. I don't believe it was the keratin that caused this , as the product didn't really touch my scalp although I suppose it was on my hair for several days before washing. I believe it was the formaldehyde gas that penetrated the follicles in my case. My product was laden with it and my hair still doesn't have its original curl over a year later, that's how strong it was. EU regulations are supposed to protect us from these high formaldehyde treatments . My hair loss has lessened and there is regrowth although I can't pretend to you that my hair is like it used to be.. No more bald patch on top but very much thinner all over . At the moment I use Green People fragrance free shampoo and Liz Earle conditioner (contains no dimethicone).. I hope that I've been of some help to you and I wish you lots of luck. Please keep posting.. Especially after you've seen the NHS dermatologist ..

Oct 20, 2015
Sandra - can you recommend a UK dermatologist?
by: Anonymous

Sandra, I can't access the research but I notice you're based in the UK, like me, and hope you can help. My hair is falling out since having a Brazilian Blowout. I have a couple of small bald spots and extended partings. I have lost over 50% of my hair. My doctor says there is no scarring, which is good, but also no new growth. It has been falling out for several weeks. And it will take several weeks before I can see a dermatologist on the NHS. Is there a reasonably priced private dermatologist you can recommend? They seem to cost £250 plus just for a consultation!

Oct 12, 2015
Research on hair loss
by: Sandra

There is research about the effects of the Brazilian hair treatment ! And the research mentions hair loss in relation to this hair treatment!! I have tried so many times to access it but I can't get past the first page. If there is anybody out there that can manage to access this research I would be so, so grateful to know what it says. I have mentioned it on this forum before.. The research was carried out at The University of California, Berkeley's school of public health. It is written about in The Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene ((August 2013). I did manage to get the journal to load on my iPad but I think you need to pay something or be a subscriber maybe in order to open all the pages. Or maybe I'm just not computer literate enough .. Also, I'm in the UK , so maybe that made a difference . Maybe if you have a dermatologist in USA you could ask them if they can access it - at least then they would believe you and have an understanding of what happened !! The research is referred to in a UK newspaper which is how I know about it and the newspaper article refers to hair loss. please please someone please try to find this and let us know how you get on.. There has to be an explanation if nothing else .. At least if you can take the journal with you when you visit the dermatologist they might be able to understand what has happened ... Thank you all for your messages

Oct 12, 2015
to Missy and all fellow sufferers
by: Maria

Hi,here is my little update. After scalp pain came back at 5 month post treatment, I was sure it's from minoxidil use.It was by coincidence I found out it was my shampoo which was causing this. I washed my kid's hair with it and they both start to scratch like crazy. I've been using this shampoo right after the treatment ruined my hair so I had no way of noticing that was the problem. I switched to garlic shampoo-normal sulfate brand.Once finished,I went back to this s..t Eucerin,dermo capilaire,sulfate free,paraben free,etc.Man,how could I not notice this caused the pain,even got dandruff from it. Once I realized (a month later) I switched to Khadi natural shampoo for irritated scalp with tea tree to treat infection and lots of oils to pamper scalp.Pain went away after 2-3 washes.What a relief.So I am back on minoxidil 5% twice a day (I lowered previously to 2% because of the scalp pain).My hair is growing,still thin where bald patches were but getting better.I look ugly because my hair is still very short but it was important for me mentally not to have any burnt hair on my head.Part of getting better,start clean. Lots of strength to you all.Dermatologists are clueless about this problem,stop wasting your time. Oh and before I forget,when my hair was done falling out,it stopped completely.Nothing fell out for a month. Then normal shedding restarted and it's been like that already for almost 2 month.Good luck and keep getting better.

Oct 12, 2015
Thyroid anonymous
by: Anonymous

My hair loss started a year ago after my first keratin treatment but it wasn't bad and since my thyroid became hypo at the same time, I thought that was the cause.

But my last keratin treatment was in April and my hair starting coming out in amounts I never thought possible by May. By June I had bald spots and I still have excessive hair loss today.

Can someone start a blog or a page where we can post photos?

I would like to start a class action law suit as well.

I am also having a very difficult time in my life right now and the hair loss makes me feel like I'm living in a bad dream.

Of all the things are going wrong right now I have to add that I'm mortified about my hair falling out like crazy all over the place.

So let's see since my last Keratin treatment it has been 6 months and there are no signs that the hair loss is slowing down.

My hair is paper thin and doesn't even feel like MY hair. You can see my scalp. I show people and they don't say "oh it doesn't look so bad!"
People are saying, "Oh my god you're going bald!"

So I know it's bad.

Oct 12, 2015
Wish I'd never had the Brazilian Blowout
by: Anonymous

Anonymous, How long have you been experiencing hair loss? I'm at a year and I am still losing well over 100 and can totally relate to showers being a nightmare :(. I wash every other day but think I need to slow down. My scalp no longer seems to produce oil and my hair is so dry because of that.. I have cut off everything from the keratin treatment (9 inches in one lop was so sad, but I wanted it out of my hair and that was the only way I could be sure). I have been to 5 different dermatologist, taken every blood and health test imaginable -I am really healthy...except my hair loss..from the Brazilian blowout..None of them can figure out what the BB did to me that is causing it. I take a pile of vitamins everyday (all related to growing hair and preventing hair loss). I use purador shampoo for hair loss and I have been using rogaine for the last 3 months. I started at 2%, but the last dermatologist told me to go to 5%.. I really didn't want to start using it because of the side effects and the need to use it forever, but it was really a last resort.. my hair is so thin and I have bald patches that i can no longer camouflage with hairstyles. The 2% rogaine did nothing at all for me. I'm hoping the 5% might work better. Good luck to all of you. Please keep posting... I'm hopeful someone will post positive stories to give us all hope

Oct 12, 2015
by: Anonymous

I can't believe that people are posting that they have bald spots after YEARS.

My hair is in better condition thanks to biotin and expensive conditioners but I am still losing well over 100 a day and taking a shower is a nightmare.

Please people- is there anyone who didn't have this problem for years!!???

My bald spots are crazy!!! It's a nightmare!

Rogaine doesn't seem to be working.

Oct 03, 2015
Be careful with Drs.
by: Parsley girl

Doctors most of the time they don't know, don't care and since no one is doing research about that they're just guessing what could probably is wrong so don't believe that doctor when they tell you that is not the keratin because is no coincidence that so many of us from different parts of the world and different countries have the same problem with the same product. Thanks God my hair is growing and I have my bald spots filled with hair so quickly I use folicure look it up, it really work for me unlike rogain that when you stop using it the hair that grew falls of and is expensive to girls just keep searching use your instincts and try to use as many natural or organic stuff as possible and most of all be patient with your hair remember that keratin penetrated the scalp. Hair can't breathe we have a very dangerous chemical on the scalp and is making our hair to fall off from the root so please take care of yourself and your head in anyway way you feel is best for you. Take care all you girls we are in this together be strong...

Oct 03, 2015
Dermatologist is no help.
by: Anonymous

I cut five inches off my hair and had a gloss added.

It looks better but I am still losing so much.

I saw a second dermatologist and he said it's TE probably from stress and thyroid. He dismissed my concern over the Keratin treatment and gave me some scalp oil that burned my eyes and was like putting peanut oil on my scalp so I won't be using it. It's normally prescribed for Psoriasis which I don't have so I have no idea why he gave it to me. He said the steroid in it might stimulate hair growth.

I am still using Rogaine and taking biotin.

I don't see any improvement and my Keratin treatment was in April.

I'm just glad the color gloss make my hair look better and not worse because the color got so orangey after the Keratin it was pretty nasty.

Oct 02, 2015
by: Anonymous

Amazing post!!!

Sep 29, 2015
Same as below
by: Anonymous

Almost 4 years and still a nightmare. My hair is still very thin and barely grows back. The only thing I hold onto is that the shedding has decreased, I barely shed during the day but feel like normal hair loss is not being replaced. I'll never forget that horrible day I let someone pour that horrible Brazilian blowout onto my head. Still very depressed over it. I loved my hair

Sep 28, 2015
Almost 4 Years
by: Anonymous

Its been almost 4 years and my hair still falls out. I lost about 60% and it never returned. It grows but thinner and much slower than before. I still cringe when I have to wash it b/c I still lose so much. Blow drying is still a nightmare. I went into a deep depression for the first 2 years but have now learned to live with it. I still think about it every single day and how it has ruined my life. I am treating it as if I have a disease and have no choice but to accept it and move on. Thankfully, I never went bald. Thankfully, I had enough hair that losing 60% of it wasn't noticeable to anyone. My hair is baby fine now. It used to be thick and coarse. It is as light as a feather and used to be heavy as can be. These changes are only noticeable to me. I wore scalp powder for 3 years but thankfully, my part has filled in slightly. Still sparse but I guess I am just used to it. This is permanent and I am 1000% sure my hair will never be the same. Good luck to everyone.

Sep 24, 2015
Two years plus for me
by: Anonymous

It has been two years and the hair is still falling. I am happy that the scalp pain stopped awhile ago.
My hair is dry, damaged, brittle and thin. My hair is so light. Its really a mess so I always wear it up in a clip. I tried pony's but the thinness and wrapping the elastic around 4x to the size of a dime bothered me too much. I wash 2x a week and the hair loss is about 60-80 plus hairs that I recover from the floor. I would love to buzz it off but just cant. Since I wear it up constantly then washing 2x a week for a total of max 160 is not bad since they say that you can lose that in two days however its the paper thin unruly mess that I can not take. My hair is growing but not as the same texture. My hair is now baby fine and it was NEVER like that. Also the shine is gone. I tried Aphogee 2 step from the recommendation from a lady at Sallys for people who had problems with relaxers, she said it should work on Keratin disasters too and really liked it.. It has tamed my hair however you can only use it every 6 weeks. I have only used it once but I wish I knew about that BEFORE keratin treatments. Bottom line-my hair is still a mess and who knows how long this will be. The keratin has been cut out along time ago and I am still "not my hair". Good luck all!

Sep 23, 2015
Hairloss stop n new growth
by: Suraya

Hi everyone! I'm very happy to share to you all about my success in stopping my hairloss and regrowth new hair. I get my relaxer n hairdye done in march 2014 and it continue to shed like crazy and i lost about 40% of my already thin hair. I tried many things to stop hairloss like minoxidil, hair treatment vitamins and many more but nothing could slow down my shedding until last may I decided to get buzzed haircut. Its very short and almost bald. I started to massage my scalp with castor oil and tea tree oil alternate with vitamin E oil like 3-4 times a week without fail and i can say that it immediately stop my hairloss. Now its already 4 months and I continue to cut my hair short for now because its easy for me to treat my scalp and hair with that thick castor oil. And i am so happy that now i can see so many tiny hair growth all over my head its very thin but i can see that it's slowly filling in. I hope that this may help you guys.

Sep 22, 2015
Almost a year and my hair still falls out
by: Lisa

I had a Brazilian Blowout on October 5 , 2014 . It looked great at first and I did notice more hair loss almost immediately, but I had such thick healthy hair (although frizzy) that I didn't think much of it. About 3 weeks later is when the nightmare started. I was in the shower washing my hair and I looked at my hand and it was completely full of long hair that had come out from the root. This hasn't stopped since then so I am left with very little hair now. It's so thin and I am seeing more and more of my scalp. I am worried it's not going to stop :(. I have a visible patch of bare scalp right above my forehead and it's very hard to hide. I still lose a lot everyday when I comb it very gently or run my fingers through it. I have had every blood and health test available and I am in perfect health. It's just that I had this terrible treatment. I started using rogaine about 2 months ago but haven't noticed much regrowth yet. Since it started happening, I have been taking tons of vitamins (biotin, etc) using all the hairloss prevention products (Nexium) but nothing seems to help. This is really sad and I have been very depressed and can barely look at myself in the mirror anymore. The creator of this product should be locked up. It has been a nightmare for me and it looks like many others have experienced the same thing. I am just wondering what happened to all the people who posted in 2011. Did their hair ever come back. How did they get this to stop?

Sep 19, 2015
My hair story with the Keratin Brazillian Treatment
by: Nika

Okay to Start, I am mixed race so my hair is curly, its between 3b and 3a. I have struggled with managing my curls my whole life and when i heard of the Brazilian treatment I had to try so in December of 2012 I did. Then I did it again in October of 2013. Then not again until September 2015. The last time i did it January 2015, I did it with a new hair dresser. I believe that it was the last treatment that I got that messed up my hair. I found that my drain was full of hair, so was my carpet and my bathroom floor. I couldn't brush my hair unless it was over the sink because of how much hair loss there was. Now my hair looks 50% thinner, especially at the front. My hair is a mess I have cut it, tried millions or treatments and it only seems to be getting thinner and more dry. Please help me find the solution I just need it to grow back. Its been 8 months since the last treatment. Please help!

Sep 17, 2015
Hair treatment
by: Anonymous

Ladies it have been almost a year since I keratin treatment, now I have cut my hair all up to my ears because all it was looking looking like straw. I am taking biotin and use home-products like and egg protein to shampoo my hair all all natural coconut oil my hair is growing and thickening up and have stop shedding. Sorry ladies but you are going to have to cut all the damage hair out and condition the balance with coconut oil to make it better.
I wish we could sue the FDA for what they have done to us. I use to have pretty curls and only did the proceeds because I want to wear my straight in the heat for work and now my hair is short and regrowing but it will never be the same thickness and curl.

Sep 17, 2015
Yes Anonymous it will grow like I said
by: Parsley Girl here

Before not at the same pace and it will grow thinner than what it use to be...patience and a lot of care with your hair

Sep 17, 2015
Maria and others
by: Missy

Maria, so sorry to hear about your scalp. Oh, mine for sure is aggravated again after the monoxidil. I used a shampoo that totally bothered me because my scalp was sensitive because just a few weeks prior it didn't bother me. I heard 5% produces more issues than the 2%. I have to look but I think mine had 2%. But it's the other ingredients- which lead to my thought- if monoxodil doesn't work, does anything else grow hair? If you can't use monoxodil, are you screwed? I'm feeling really discouraged about that. I just don't know that's it worth it for me to spend a day driving down to the hair dr again if there's nothing else that's going to grow hair. He's not going to be able to do anything else for me, assuming it's not the brand, etc. Maria, I do the coconut oil on scalp, I use the shampoo from Vitamin Shoppe which is the one that's collagen, aloe, Biotin H24. Calms my scalp. Nothing fragrance for sensitivity. I spend a fortune for color with foil so it's not not on my scalp. I think I see more shedding since that aggravation of the scalp. Good luck, hun.

Sep 17, 2015
Bald spots
by: Anonymous

CAN someone please tell me if my hair will grow back!!??

Sep 14, 2015
Yes Low tyroid I feel your pain.
by: Parsley girl here

And wait it will keep falling,but it will grow back but not the way it was before my advice is take all the hair off is contaminated. Some girls here don't like that suggestion but I'm telling you it work wen I first cut all my hair with the machine like they do in the army I had 9 big bald spots all over my head it was not pretty before the kkt I didn't had dandruff images that a bald head full of dandruff well I started using Folicure but not the shampoo or the conditioner is a liquid that you put on your scalp after you wash your hair and you live it in and now I only have one little bald spot on the back of my head, yes I cut my hair again this time with number 4 because I look like a crazy sheep it was 4 inches long but I wanted to see how my scalp was doing, and it's doing better I wash my head every 2 days with a detox shampoo its call herbal essences naturals wild detoxifying shampoo deeply clean with Thai lemons basil it works for me not everyone is the same so this is going to be a proses of learning what works for you and everyone reading this.

My wedding is in December I already have my wig that I had to costumise to my head and to my liking that was a lot of work hahaha well I wish everyone here the best. Don't forget to drink vitamins for the hair specially biotin is really good for people with thyroid problems oh by the way my hair was shedding when it was 4 inches long. I think this is going to be the never ending story wen my hair gets longer thanks to the stupid kkt. God bless each and everyone and give us strength to get pass this problem that we all have in common take care everyone.

Sep 14, 2015
Low thyroid
by: Anonymous

Sorry I should clarify it was a keratin treatment.
It looked straight but stringy when she was done and she kept telling me that the treatment would make my hair like "spun silk"
But after I slept on it it was bent at right angles and linked and awful.
She blamed my thyroid.
Then it got really dry like straw.

Now it it is falling out by the root - at the follicle.
I have bald spots.
Showering is the worst part of my day.
Hair everywhere.

Sep 14, 2015
FF Blowout or Thyroid?
by: Anonymous

I don't know if it's my low thyroid or the supposedly Formaldehyde free Brazilian blowout that I had a few months ago (for the first and last time) but I lost a tremendous amount of hair. My part is thicker and I have bald spots.
It's awful.

After the BB treatment my hair was all bent and pointy and it ended up like straw. Now it is just falling out.

Sep 11, 2015
to Missy
by: Maria

Missy,do you have any update on your scalp? I have recently so much scalp pain,I could cry.I don't know what happened,it was all calm for couple of month but now... :( At least I am not shedding again.Hair keeps growing but I am so scared it will start falling out again.Since you mentioned that minoxidil irritated your scalp,I start to wonder if my scalp could hurt from that as well even though I cannot imagine why it wouldn't do that before.I use this one for 6 month now.I am thinking of switching to my old 2%minoxidil which I used for years but again,too scared that I will start shedding from lower potency minoxidil.I can't think of anything else.I cut my hair really short,about 4cm.I've never looked this ugly in my life.No bald just ugly :((

Sep 05, 2015
In answer to your questions
by: DB to mh

I started wearing wigs probably 2 or 3 months after my second treatment my hair did grow back very slowly but kept breaking and falling out it use to just come right out of my scalp with little touching it's still very sparse and I use organic and very mild products to style it. I am 61 and blow dry my hair on low setting every other day I still notice people looking at my only saving grace is that when I wear it curly it's not as noticeable. .

Sep 05, 2015
by: MH


God 5 years that is just horrific. Can I ask you some further questions if you don't mind?

1. How many months/years after the second treatment did you have to shave your head/start wearing wigs?
2. So you currently blow dry your hair?
3. How much re growth would you say you've had?
4. What is your age range?
5. How kind do you keep your hair now?
6. Do other people still notice your hair loss/parting?

Thanks vet much. I'm coming up to a year in a couple of weeks and have lost so much hair and have severe dermatitis over my entire scalp which no steroid has been able to help. Luckily I do not have grey hair yet so don't have to deal with the nightmare of colouring it. But I cannot blow dry it now it is so thin.

Sep 04, 2015
to Brittany
by: Anonymous

I used HLCC products for about a year or so. I posted on here a long time ago about the vitamins. I ordered the products after reading the same post on the long hair care website. I do believe that the vitamins slowed down the shedding. I still lost a lot of hair but I think the DHT blockers helped compared to when I didn't take them. They are quite pricey. I think they are 99.00 per bottle plus shipping. I even drove two hours to a tricologist (spelling?) who swore by the entire HLCC line of hair care. So I used the shampoo and conditioner along with the scalp cleanser and maximum hair growth serum. I think it helped. I got pregnant and I'm nursing so I've stopped taking the vitamins for now. I use a hair tonic made from sea buckthorn..stinging nettle...burdock root and fenugreek. Once I wean my son I'm going to start taking the vitamins again. I also believed they worked becuz I got lazy and stopped using all the products. Now thinking back...I got lazy because my hair shedding had slowed down and I got comfortable.
My hair thickened up during pregnancy but around the 5th or 6th month post partum it started coming out in handfuls. It's been about 3 and half years since my one time keratin treatment. I used the Global system and I think it was an extra strong formula for hard to manage hair. And like a fool I let a hairdresser apply this on top of having a relaxer. I was told it was a conditioning treatment. I didn't do any research and I regret it!
I've lost about 40 percent of my hair. I am thankful that I started out with a lot of hair. My strands are still straw like. My hair is def not the same texture. It feels like plastic. My roots feel softer but my hair texture is weird. It feels rough and it tangles easily. I've cut about 4 inches off and that has helped the appearance.

Sep 04, 2015
Still losing
by: Db

It has been at least 5 years since I had my 2nd keratin treatment the first using Coppola the 2nd using pravana after the 2nd treatment almost immediately after my scalp was on fire tight then numb I followed the same routine most of you I went to derma. I even had MRI people thought I had a tumor with the way my hair was falling out.I tried everything creams,special shampoo vitamins nothing helped I eventually cut whatever. Wadley on my head and purchased 2 cheap wigs then 2 professional ones I woreally them for about 1 yr as my hair started to grow I used organic hair dye to cover the gray everything I used irritated my scalp I cried for a good 2yrs now my hair still falls out very easily breaks off easily and it's so frizzy no matter what I use sorry to say ladies my hair has never gone back to the way it was scalp is still very noticeable as is my wide part I regret my decision to have keratin

Sep 04, 2015
Forum/HLCC Hair Recovery/ Questions
by: Brittany

I found a forum online with a woman who had regrowth from a bad keratin treatment. She mentioned that she used the HLCC's DHT inhabiting products. I am considering purchasing some of their products since I am also having excessive hair loss from a global keratin treatment done in May 2015.

Has anyone had any success or failures from using their products?

Here is the link to the recovery story.

Sep 03, 2015
Some comments and questions
by: Sandra

Losing hair after my Brazilian hair straightening was horrendous! It has been painful and scary and shocking! My hope is that this forum will alert others to this fact and protect them from the pain that I have been through. To minimise this in any way is hurtful. You cannot say the hair will grow back as some people on this forum say that there's hasn't, you cannot say that you will not go bald as some people on this forum are almost at that stage. We have a responsibility to others to share our stories, without giving false promises or inaccurate information. I am so sorry for all of you that are going through this (as am I) and I don't have any answers but I so, so appreciate all of you that share the things that they have tried and that offer support on this forum. Anonymous, that has had so much hair loss after three years.. Did the product used on you have lots of formaldehyde or do you think it was the keratin that caused this? In my case, there was lots of formaldehyde. After a year my curl has returned but is still not what it used to be. I have read that the more formaldehyde used, the longer the hair stays straight. I really hope that you get some re growth. I have read that, for some people on this forum it suddenly just starts re growing so I hope that will happen to you. MH, you're in England like me and I wondered if you knew what product was used on you or where it came from. Was it a high formaldehyde product as I have been researching and I think they are illegal in England. Did you contact Trading standards or Environmental Health? And finally, MG , I know you've been contributing to this forum for a long time... I am so pleased that your hair loss seems to have reduced and I so, so hope that this has continued for you. Please do update us.

Jan 18, 2012
Recovery Steps PART 1
by: Maurice

I am a 21 year old man that was growing my hair 2 years ago. My mother convinced me to do the Keratin Process while my hair was growing....

Full story: keratin process hair loss recovery steps

Apr 18, 2011
Comments Continue
by: Admin

More Comments on Page 2

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