Snap in hair extensions for thinning hair and bold spots

This is a snap in extension with strand by hair strand hand-knotted base which comes in 13 natural colors. It's made of special synthetic material that can handle water, heat and hot styling tools up to 320 F and promised by "Secret Cover" to work like human hair to some degree. For example, you can't color it but it can be cut, style (with Non-alcohol water soluble products) and blend with existing hair to cover thin or bold area on crown or be worn as bangs to add a unique twist to existing style.

The texture of hairpiece is fine and mostly designed to cover and blend into straight European hair types. There is no front or back for this special hairpiece. It is 5 inches in length to 6-1/2 length measured from the top of the head and the base area which is made of fine mesh is 2 inches in width and 4 inches across.

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